Siti Hajar Othman and Ghassan Beydoun
School of Information Systems and Technology, Faculty of Informatics
University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia
Keywords: Modelling Language, Metamodel, Decision Support System, Disaster Management, Model.
Abstract: Generally software model developers use a general purpose language such as Unified Modelling Language
(UML) in modelling their domain application models. But when they come to the situation in which the
models they create do not perfectly fit the modelling needs as they desire, a more specific domain modelling
language offers a better alternative approach. In this paper, we create a Disaster Management (DM)
metamodel that can be used to create a disaster management language. It will serve as a representational
layer of DM expertise leading to a DM decision support system based on combining and matching different
DM activities according to the disaster on hand. A creation process of the metamodel is presented leading to
the synthesis of initial metamodel, as a main component to create a decision support system to unify,
facilitate and expedite access to DM expertise.
Various kinds of modeling languages have been
applied in different disciplines including systems
engineering (Weilkiens, 2008), software
engineering, information management, computer
science and business process modelling. In this
research we study disaster management (DM) as a
specific domain, where its own language will be
modelled. Through this paper, we develop a DM
metamodel as a precise definition of the constructs
and rules needed for creating the semantic models of
this domain. Generally, who the users are of a
metamodel depend on the type of created
metamodel. Traditionally users will be among CASE
tool vendors, modelling tool vendors, method
engineers, repository vendors, system integrators,
researchers and end users. In this context, end users
would include emergency managers, disaster
management coordinators or safety managers for
various public and private organizations seeking to
create a DM model to manage anticipated disasters.
The increasing number of disasters recently, such
as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, bushfires, air
crashes, epidemic, have posed a huge challenge not
only to population at large, but also to public
services and agencies tasked with activities relating
to preventing and managing disaster responses.
Recent failures can be easily identified in the
management of the Swine-Flu (H1N1) pandemic
hitting Australian shores in large numbers through
cruise ships or in the devastating communication
failures in the recent bushfires in Victoria
(Australia). Many such failures are due to expertise
not being available in a timely manner. This is partly
due to inability to recognize and identify correct
expertise, as it is often perceived as too tied to kinds
of events (floods, bushfires, tsunamis, pandemic or
earthquake). Potential for reusing expertise is often
overlooked leading to catastrophic consequences. In
this paper, we present an approach to unify DM
knowledge to create a DM Decision Support System
(DSS) that combines and matches different DM
activities to suit the disaster on hand by using the
DM metamodel.
The approach proposed in this paper is inspired
by a software engineering knowledge management
practice known as method engineering
(Brinkkemper, 1996) which involves storing various
software methodologies as a collection of reusable
process fragments for later reuse to create hybrid
methodologies as new software development
projects arise. In DM, the first step and the focus of
this paper are to appropriately represent DM
knowledge and to warehouse DM knowledge in an
Hajar Othman S. and Beydoun G. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 403-412
DOI: 10.5220/0003006504030412
appropriate form to later allow mixing and matching
DM experiences. The appropriate representation of
DM knowledge will enable the creation of a
repository of DM experiences. Interfacing this to a
DSS that takes as input new disaster parameters, will
assist in deciding the best DM approach by
combining various actions from previous DM
Failures in preventing disasters or failures in their
subsequent management are rarely caused by a
single factor. They are often due to an accumulation
of complex chain of events and often accompanied
by changes in external environment factors (Aini,
Fakhrul-Razi et al., 2005). Hence, it is common
wisdom that no two disasters are exactly the same,
and that every disaster requires its own management
process. However, the way disasters impact human
lives and business processes may well be similar and
responses are often transferrable between disasters.
Evacuation of personnel for example is a DM action
that is applicable in many disaster situations. This
paper aims to use a generic representational layer (a
metamodel) to give a unified view of common
concepts and actions that apply in various disasters.
We use existing DM and security models (Asghar,
Alahakoon et al., 2006; Russo, Raposo et al., 2006;
Benaben, Hanachi et al., 2008; Beydoun, Low et al.,
2008; Kruchten, Monu et al., 2008; Beydoun, Low
et al., 2009) and DM literature produced by World
Health Organisation and Emergency Management
Australia, as a starting point towards creating a
repository of past DM experiences to be stored as
reusable components and expressed using concepts
identified in a generic DM metamodel. This will be
the first to create a DSS to enable formulating DM
approaches as new situations arise.
Our work also draws on research from method
engineering (Brinkkemper, 1996) and
metamodelling (Nordstrom, Sztipanovits et al.,
1999). Method engineering is an application of
knowledge based technology underpinned by
software engineering results for completion of
knowledge representation and acquisition.
Metamodelling, a central activity promoted by the
efforts of the Object Management Group (OMG)
(Object Management Group (OMG), 2003), has also
been promoted in method engineering. It aims to
create interoperable, reusable, portable software
activities and components. In this context, a
metamodel is a fundamental building block that
makes statements about the possible structure of
models (Stahl, Voelter et al., 2005). It is usually
defined as a set of constructs of a modelling
language and their relationships, as well as
constraints and modelling rules without necessarily
the concrete syntax of the language (Beydoun, Low
et al., 2009). We use metamodelling in our work to
develop existing tentative attempts to represent DM
knowledge in a reusable form to give a unified point
of access supported by an intelligent DSS. In
particular, we illustrate our unification approach by
presenting an initial metamodel that we believe
could generalize most of the concepts used in
existing DM models.
DM is defined as a management of all aspects of
planning and responding to all phases in disaster as
illustrated in Table 1. These phases include
mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery
activities (W3C Incubator Group, 2008). This
definition includes the management of risks and
consequences of a disaster. Large disasters cut
across many boundaries including organizational,
political, geographical, topical and sociological. This
presents serious challenges in interoperability
between various teams and creates difficulties in
collaboration and cooperation across authorities,
countries and systems. Moreover, data collection
and integration problems arise as various
technologies and tools are typically involved in data
gathering and monitoring e.g. Global Positioning
Systems (GPS), Geographical Information Systems
(GIS), data collection platforms and early warning
systems. A solid, general and global framework for
coordinating people involved and interoperates with
data, during and after disaster through is still
In metamodelling DM knowledge, we uncover and
make explicit key aspects of activities, cooperation
and components in DM. Surveying a number of
existing DM models (shown in Table 1), we observe
that some concepts represent a similar DM activities
which are expressed differently. For example, in a
Circular Model for Disaster (Kelly, 1998), the
terminology ‘Emergency Response’ is being used to
represent the response and rescue activity of disaster
victims. But, the same activity however is
represented by using ‘Emergency State’ in Ibrahim-
Razi Model in (Shaluf, 2008).
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 1: DM concepts used to represent various DM activities in existing disaster models.
Author Model
DM Phase
Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery
In (Kelly, 1998)
Circular Model for
Disaster mitigation Disaster prevention,
Disaster preparedness
Emergency response
In (Tierney, Lindell
et al., 2001)
Disaster Phases and
Time Period Model
Hazard mitigation
Emergency response Disaster recovery
In (Manitoba Health
Management, 2002)
Integrated Disaster
Management Model
Hazard assessment,
Strategic plan,
Risk management,
Response Monitoring and
In (Doherty, 2004)
An Emergency
Management Model for
Home Health Care
Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery
In (Ahmed, 2008)
Expand-Contract Model
Prevention and
mitigation strand
Preparedness Strand Relief and Response
Recovery and
Rehabilitation Strand
In (Asghar,
Alahakoon et al.,
A Comprehensive
Conceptual Model For
Disaster Management
Hazard assessment,
Strategic planning,
Risk management,
Recovery, Monitoring
and evaluation
In (Shaluf, 2008)
Ibrahim-Razi Model
Inception of errors,
Accumulation of
Warnings, Disaster
impending stage,
triggering event
Emergency state,
Normal state
In (Ahmed, 2008)
Traditional DM Cycle
Mitigation Preparedness Disaster Impact Reconstruction,
Managing and sharing knowledge of this
complex domain is hard. A unified metamodel can
ensure that key concepts are easily presented to
newcomers and can increase portability of various
models across supportive modelling tools. It can also
create better communication amongst practitioners
and research could then focus on improving and/or
realizing a unified body of knowledge (Beydoun,
Low et al., 2009). Advantages of metamodel
developed in this paper are as follows:
Facilitating global communication among
different disaster emergency users as the
metamodel has generalized all the concepts that
must exist in this domain.
Simplifying teaching new created model of this
domain among the model users through a set of
syntax and semantic rules provided.
Providing guidelines for creating a
comprehensive disaster management model
which can cover the whole phases of DM (e.g:
Earthquake Emergency Response Model -
Response phase and Bushfire Risk Reduction
Model - Mitigation phase).
Enabling users to create new customised DM
model based on choosing and combining sets of
concept component based on their own model
Highlighting scope for improvement in a DM
practice through validation against other DM
3.1 A Metamodel-based DM Decision
Support System
Developing a DM metamodel is our first step
towards creating a DSS to unify, facilitate and
expedite access to DM expertise. This metamodel
will describe the various DM activities and desired
outcomes and serve as a representational layer of
DM expertise, enabling an appropriate DM DSS
based to guide combining and matching different
DM activities according to the disaster scenario on
hand. The DM metamodel will be complemented
with a Disaster Retrieval Model that will be used to
choose appropriate procedures and suit with
different kinds of disaster (natural or man-made) on
hand. The computational architecture of our system
and the integration of a DSS platform will be context
independent. For instance, different countries have
their own organization in coordinating and act as an
advisory board for handling disaster activities.
Most countries have a government agency to
manage major disasters. For example, in Australia
there is EMA (Emergency Management Australia),
in the USA there is FEMA (Federal Emergency
Management Agency) in Canada there is the PSC
(Public Safety Canada). Hence for the purpose of
developing our DM metamodel, models of different
DM activities as applied by different countries are to
be combined and stored into one database namely
DM Activities Repository. This will be a collection
of organizational, operational, planning, logistics
and administration procedures and policies executed
by these countries through their DM processes.
These will be identified and organized according to
the DM metamodel consisting of common concepts
used in all four disaster phases.
The generic DM metamodel based on identified
common concepts is the destination point of
scattered concepts used in many DM activities
worldwide. A process towards concept
generalization is applied to make our DM
metamodel more applicable (described in the next
section). Activities from different sources (and
countries) will be stored as Procedure Fragments in
the DM Activities Repository. The DSS will assist in
deriving the best disaster procedure fragment
solution according to the disaster on hand. It will use
a set of rules that will specifically determine what is
the best solution based on disaster description input
entered by a user of the system (e.g: local disaster
manager, emergency coordinator and researcher)
and the repository.
We adapt a Case-Based Reasoning and a Model-
Based Reasoning technique in the way we determine
the best decision solution for our DSS system. In
this system architecture, we integrate an exception
tolerant technique (Gao and Xu, 2010) to handle any
exception problems which may occurred during the
enactment of this DM workflow. Some of the
situations in disaster context which require the
exception handling include:
Hospital emergency department fails to get clear
information concerning the location in which the
actual disaster had happened;
Commands receive from high authorities for
coordination of emergency operations is vague;
Emergency equipment and resource failures;
Emergency Call Centre receives unclear disaster
call information;
GIS fails to acquire a real data from the disaster
real location;
Missing of DM policies and procedures in
handling certain emergency operation or;
Aid distributions fail to deliver.
To produce the DSS system and a populated DM
knowledge repository, the first step is we construct
the DM metamodel. Besides the metamodel, we
classify and formulate all DM activities procedures
into a unified repository. A knowledge based
interfaced to the repository is developed in order to
support a retrieval and integration of the procedure
fragments. In the next section, we overview existing
relevant metamodels and describe the process of
formulating our DM metamodel, before the
metamodel is presented in Section 4.
In this section, we present details of our model
creation process and all components which support
its development. To create our DM metamodel, we
adapt a metamodelling approach from the work
used to develop a Framework for Agent Modelling
Language (FAML) in (Beydoun, Low et al., 2008)
and (Beydoun, Low et al., 2009). The approach of
our metamodelling creation process consists of 7
main steps:
Step 1: Identifying models by using Model Importance
Factor (MIF) to find the best collection of DM
Step 2: Extraction of general concepts relevant to all
identified DM model which have been derived in
Step 1 (Asghar, Alahakoon et al., 2006; Russo,
Raposo et al., 2006; Benaben, Hanachi et al.,
2008; Beydoun, Low et al., 2008; Kruchten, Monu
et al., 2008; Beydoun, Low et al., 2009) will be
reviewed in this section;
Step 3: Candidate concepts are short-listed;
Step 4: Differences between concepts are reconciled;
Step 5: Chosen concepts are designated into relevant sets
Step 6: Relationships among concepts are identified
leading to the initial DM metamodel (Figure 1);
Step 7: Validating the metamodel.
4.1 Step 1: Identifying Models by using
Models Selection Criteria (Model
Importance Factor)
Existing models used to describe disasters provide a
starting point to identify commonly used concepts in
DM. Many disaster models have been developed by
many researchers and organizations globally. To
select a subset of 10 models for our metamodelling
process, we formulate a criterion named as Model
Importance Factor which its derived formula is as
shown in (1). It calculates the weight to categorize
which model is the most relevant to be chosen as
required for Step 1 (model for relevant set) and Step
7 (model for validation) models. In developing the
MIF, we adapt the idea of Journal Impact Factor
measuring the frequency of which the average article
in a journal has been cited in a particular year. Our
MIF compare the impact of the models in the same
domain. It is defined as follows:
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The total number of Times the model or
metamodel is cited (Paper & Journal);
For a model appear in a publication
without citation, default weight is set to:
Thesis - 10; Report - 15;
The current Year calculation is made;
The Year model is published;
Elevel :
Weight of Effort is calculated based on
level of model developer by using weight:
0.1 - Individual; 0.2 - National
Organization, 0.3 – International
Rcoverage :
The weight of
elevancy represents how
pertinent and applicable the model to the
DM metamodel development
Participant (P)
The number of Participants involved in
developing a model.
MIF = (T
* (E
* P) * Rcoverage)
+ 1) - Y
In this formula, we set 6 criteria in categorizing
which models contain the highest priority to be
chosen as a set of best DM models. The first
criterion is T
which indicates the total number of
times the model is cited, specifically model comes
from journal or conference paper. Except for a
publication which cannot be determined its citation
number, we set a default weight according to the
types of the publication (e.g: Thesis is set 10 and
Report produced by a government and other
organization is set 15). Then this followed by
determining the current year when the calculation is
made through Y
and the year when the model is
published by Y
. Another criterion we set is
that will evaluates the weight of effort in which
the level of model developer is calculated by using
index of 0.1 for individual (e.g: university
researcher), 0.2 for national organization (e.g: EMA)
and 0.3 for international organization (e.g: WHO).
A weight of a total number of people involved in
developing the model is also considered. To support
this condition, P is constructed to represent the
number of participants involved in developing the
model. The last criterion we set is R
calculate the weight of how relevant, pertinent and
applicable is the model to the DM metamodel
development requirement. For example, a ‘Manitoba
Health Disaster Management Model’ (Manitoba
Health Disaster Management, 2002) was set 0.3
weight contribution as it could cover most of the
whole DM aspect in his model, whereas an
Evacuation Model’ gets less weight compared to
Manitoba model as it cover only a small portion
from the whole DM domain concepts. Below is two
sample of MIF calculation for Manitoba model
(1.00), Russo model (MIF: 0.24) and Kructhen
model (MIF: 0.12).
15 2010 2002 0.2 10 0.3
10 2010 2006 0.1 4 0.3
3 2010 2008 0.1 4 0.3
Even though we have set up the MIF criteria, we
still consider a contribution from variety of sources
in selecting a subset of DM models to be used in
Step 1 process. For instance from thesis, government
(state, country) or private organization reports,
papers and journals. This to ensure that the
metamodel we develop will not only consider an
academic impact point of view (e.g: number of how
many paper of model is cited) but it also includes
organization and government impact such as from a
government, private or any emergency organization
4.2 Step 2: Selecting Concepts from
We implement manual extraction in deriving the
concepts from each model we identify in step 1.
Here we present some of the samples. The first
metamodel we observe is Benaben’s metamodel
(Benaben, Hanachi et al., 2008) expressed using
Web Ontology Language (OWL) and focuses on
crises management. This metamodel elaborates a
common and sharable reference model built to
characterize crisis situations in three interrelated
views namely System, Treatment System and Crisis
Description. Benaben’s metamodel covers the whole
crisis characterization and collaborative processes
that deal with it, aiming to integrate partners through
information system interoperability. We derive 21
concepts from Benaben model. Some of them are
Collaborative Process, Procedure, Task of Actor,
Actor on site, Event, Trigger, Crisis, Danger, Risk,
Effect, Indicator, Gravity Factor, Civilian Society,
People, Service of Actor and Resource.
The second metamodel we use is Kruchten’s
(Kruchten, Monu et al., 2008) which conceptualises
disasters as encompassing multiple stakeholder
domains depicted in four main views: Disaster
Visualization, Physical View, Communication and
Coordination Simulator and Disaster Scenario. The
metamodel aims to create a common language to
communicate, analyze and simulate
interdependencies about disaster scenario without
having to disclose all critical and confidential data
between parties involved. This metamodel attempts
to unify the terminology sharpening the definition of
terms and their semantic relationships.
The third metamodel we consider is Asghar’s
(Asghar, Alahakoon et al., 2006) which focuses on
the arrangement of disaster activities in a logical
sequence. This metamodel is built by linking
disaster management actions with hazard and risk
assessment activities. The model also incorporates
environmental conditions, making it possible to
analyse and separate the environmental issues from a
disaster. And from this metamodel we derive 12
concepts including Strategic planning, Risk
Management, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response,
Recovery, Early warning, Resource management,
Environmental affects, Damage assessment,
Coordination and Hazard assessment. Another
metamodel we use is Russo’s (Russo, Raposo et al.,
2006) which focuses on configuring collaborative
virtual workspaces specifically in DM of oil and gas
offshore structures. It investigates how a distributed
workspace environment can support DM involving
distributed collaborative technical teams to work as
a collaborative virtual team. This metamodel is
focused on one-specific-disaster approach.
Targeting a generic metamodel in our work is
inspired by (Beydoun, Low et al., 2008) and
(Beydoun, Low et al., 2009), where a generic
metamodel was developed for representing and
securing Multi Agent System (MAS). In fact, several
generic security concepts identified in (Beydoun,
Low et al., 2008) have their equivalent in DM. For
example, recovering from an intrusion attack in a
MAS requires restoring data logs. Analogies to this
exist in restoring many lost community services in
disaster scenarios, requiring maintaining back up
organizational structures. Our work takes DM
modelling a step further aiming to generalize various
types of DM activities concepts into one generic
encompassing metamodel.
4.3 Step 3: Short-listed Candidate
The collection of existing DM models that we have
revised, assist us towards deriving the common
concepts used in all these models. It gives a total of
55 common concepts from 5 models we identified
and will be reconciled in the step 4.
4.4 Step 4: Reconcile Difference
between Concepts
In step 4, we reconcile differences between
definitions where possible. In choosing the common
concept definition to be used, study to all definition
of concepts that we have derived is crucial. If there
is a contradictory use of concept definition between
two or more sources occurs, then a process to
harmonize and fit the definition in the metamodel is
required. As for an example, a concept of People is
defined differently in a few models. Benaben
defined it as ‘All the group of persons which can be
threatened by the crisis situation’, but in Kructhen
model, the concept is defined as ‘Cell that contains
people’. Thus we will choose the definition used by
Benaben model as it fits our metamodel. Below are a
few examples of concept and its definition:
i) Event - An incident or situation, which occurs in
a particular place during a particular interval of
ii) Effect -
An event that can produce other effects
or a noticeable consequence of a disaster.
iii) Risk - The potential disaster losses, in lives,
health status, livelihoods, assets and services,
which could occur to a particular community or a
society over some specified future time period.
iv) Disaster - A situation where serious disruption of
the functioning of a community or a society
involving widespread human, material, economic
or environmental losses and impacts, which
exceeds the ability of the affected community or
society to cope using its own resources.
4.5 Step 5: Designate Chosen Concept
into Relevant Sets
In Step 5, a process of designating all derived and
reconciled concepts is performed according to theirs
respective set. In DM metamodel, we choose to
present them in one layer which encompassing all
DM concepts that we have processed. Figure 1
illustrates each of these concepts.
4.6 Step 6: Define Relationships among
After combining all DM concepts to its designated
diagram, the relationships exist among the concepts
are then created. For instance, between Disaster and
ElementsAtRisk concept, we set the Association
relationship by using (
) symbol with
AffectWellness’ to indicate that a disaster could
affect all elements which are at risk by a disaster. A
Specialization relationship (
) is used to signify
that Civilian societies, Infrastructures, Natural sites
and People are components which is categorized as
is a kind’ of the elements.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: DM Metamodel proposed.
4.7 Step 7: Validation
Validity threats to the resultant metamodel are
internal and external. The creation process ensures
that internal threats are resolved and that the
metamodel is consistent and coherent. However, to
deal with external threats, it is important to ensure
that the metamodel is capable of generating a wide
range of DM models. This threat is currently being
dealt with by ensuring that the metmaodel can
generate 10 models which were not used in its
construction. This validation is not part of this paper.
In this section we represent our initial DM
metamodel as the output in which Steps 1 to Step 6
processes as (described in Section 4) are iteratively
applied into it and also the refinement of this
metamodel. Our resultant metamodel contains the
relationships among concepts which can represent
the semantic of the domain as shown in Figure 1.
The core class in this DM Metamodel is the
Organisation which represents the loose
‘organisation’ where DM concepts are
operationalised. All key concepts in DM are grouped
in the Organisation concept. Other key DM
concepts are aggregated within this class and they
include: DMProcedure, DMRequirement,
DMPolicy, Actor, DMTeam, DomainKnowledge,
Resource, ActorRole and MessageCommunication.
DMProcedure can represent the collections of
implemented procedures of DM activities including
for example Mitigation, Preparedness, Rescue,
Response and Evacuation. DMTeam defines a
collection of ActorRole class which typically
describes human roles that work towards a DMGoal.
ActorTask class in our metamodel is derived from a
DMGoal class. Here we also model a
DisasterPreventionGoal as a class that can be
achieved by DisasterPreventionTask.
Some of the classes from the crisis metamodel
developed by Benaben in (Benaben, Hanachi et al.,
2008) is taken into consideration while we develop
the model of the actual disaster event (left hand side
of Figure 1). To model this, we grouped all
components consisting of People, Infrastructure,
NaturalSite and CivilianSociety into ElementsAtRisk.
We introduced the ‘is a kind of (specialization)
relationships which tied up these four components
with ElementsAtRisk class. Thus,
DisasterActionService, a class of collaboration
among several actors will provide support and help
to this affected group of elements through the
ElementsAtRisk class. Disaster, a tragedy that affects
this ElementsAtRisk typically occurs due to
accumulation factors represented by a Trigger and
have consequences that are described by Effect and
vary in intensity represented by ComplexityFactor
and GravityFactor.
The metamodel is generic and generalizes
various kinds of disaster concepts that can be refined
according to the context on hand. It explicitly covers
the management of disaster in all four different
phases including mitigation, preparedness, response
and recovery. We anticipate that various concepts in
DM, their relationships and attributes, different
types of data models can be generated using
refinement of concepts in this metamodel.
5.1 Refinement of DM Metamodel:
Bushfire Disaster Case Study
To illustrate and validate the semantics of our
metamodel concepts, we refine concepts described
into the scenario of the recent bushfire disaster in
Marysville (Victoria, Australia) (shown in Table 2).
It illustrates the refinement of concepts we proposed
in our DM metamodel in a specific disaster domain.
As a result, Figure 2 shows the corresponding
refinement in a diagram, illustrating the
independence of our metamodel from any specific
disaster metamodel. It can be used to derive one of
many possible disaster models. Figure 2 is one of
many models that could be derived by using the DM
metamodel. For this bushfire model, it shows us
various factors caused this tragedy in Marysville
come from a combination of a hot weather
temperature (47 Celsius), low humidity level
calculated by using Fire Danger Index (less than
6%), strong north-westerly wind (with average 100
km/h) and an extremely dry of fuel moisture in
Marysville bushland area. All these combination are
identified as an example for the GravityFactor
concepts we introduced in our DM metamodel.
Whereas, a GlobalClimateChange is an instance of
ComplexityFactor in this case. Hence, a combination
of GravityFactor and ComplexityFactor concepts
will contribute to a result of bushfire factors. In this
model, the tragedy is made from a combination of a
factors comes from BushfireFactor concept.
Table 2: A refinement of DM metamodel concepts to a
specific-domain disaster (Bushfire in Marysville,
DM Metamodel
Bushfire Disaster Concept
BushfireProcedure (e.g:
EvacuationProcedure and
BushfirePolicy (ex: Bushfire-
RecoverPolicy, RescuePolicy,
RescueTask (eg: FireServiceTask,
The BushfireDisaster concept then affects the
MarysvilleAffectedElement including its
infrastructure (e.g: schools, shops, roads), natural
site (e.g: river, tree), civilian society (e.g: local
communities) and also people in Marysville. The
specific model (shown in Figure 2) suggests that to
create such a comprehensive DM organization a few
elements are required to this main concept. Those
elements are such DM policy (through
BushfirePolicy), various DM resources (e.g:
BushfireRescueResource and MarysvilleWater
Resource), emergency rescue team (as
MarysvilleBushfireTeam), role of emergency actor
(as BushfireRescuerRole), DM procedure (as
BushfireProcedure – with the example of fire attack
procedure and evacuation procedure in bushfire
case), and DM requirement (BushfireManagement
This organization ideally can make use of an
ontology of bushfire disaster (BushfireDomain
Knowledge) to support the DM team.
BushfireManagementGoal is a concept represents
our DMGoal. It is a specification of the state where
DM tries to achieve. This concept can be derived
from an action task conducts by emergency rescue
team. Thus, this situation is represented through
RescueTask concept which contains
IsDerivedFrom’ relationship to Bushfire
ManagementGoal concept. The model (of Figure 2)
also shows that bushfire risk can be reduced by
performing a rescue task action. Then,
BushfireActionService is a concept which
representing the service provided by a rescue actor.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: Metamodel refinement, a model of bushfire disaster in Marysville, Victoria, Australia.
With the aims to drive the disaster situation to a
more stable and handled state, they provide (through
Serves’ relationship) their rescue service
(BushfireActionService) to the components which
exposed to a disaster (MarysvilleAffectedElement).
During refinement of the metamodel, if there is
any difference occur to the original components of
the metamodel such as any process of adding new,
changing or even deleting any current class in new
model created by the user, all these cases will be
stored in system repositories (Heicke, 2009). As
discussed by Heicke, who studied the difference,
changes in metamodel, suggesting that to represent
difference in metamodel, every modelling element
of the original metamodel need to have options of
insertion, deletion or modification. It could be done
by constructing new constrains and rules in
managing the situation. Therefore, by implementing
this process the evolution of the metamodel could be
recorded accurately and precisely. We also adapt
this process to manage all dynamic issues occur in
our metamodel.
In this paper, we have illustrated a novel approach in
modeling a disaster management language through
DM Metamodel. We observed that many existing
disaster models are not based on any standard
metamodel but rather constitute proprietary solutions
mainly focused on frameworks and other model
example aspects. An important task of these works is
the construction of navigation metamodel from the
conceptual data of DM model. In order to simplify
this activity, we have proposed DM metamodel that
can describes all contained DM model concepts and
the way they are arranged, related and constrained.
We presented the Metamodel-based DM DSS
architecture where the DM metamodel will be used
to represent, store and later retrieve DM knowledge.
As a proof of concept, we presented our first
version of this metamodel and showed refinement of
its concepts in the domain of bushfires in particular
the recent tragic bushfires in Victoria. Also, we have
discussed several application scenarios in which our
metamodel provides a valid support. We are
currently working on a more comprehensive
validation which will involve taking 20 existing DM
models and ensure that our metamodel can be
refined to generate all of them. There are some
issues that need to be investigated to fully realize the
potentiality of this approach. These include: (i) a
complete set of rules, processes and methodologies
for instantiation of user domain models; (ii) the
limitations of the metamodel; (iii) tools exist to
facilitate the development and use of the domain
model and (iv) methodology exist in validating the
user domain models.
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