Integrating RFID and Security Devices for an Innovative
System to Manage Classified Documents
Elena Stringa, Claudio Bergonzi and Graziano Azzalin
European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Via Fermi 2749, 21027 Ispra, Italy
Abstract. This paper presents an innovative RFID solution to manage sensitive
document archives. The system aims at: i) automatically tracing all document
accesses at level of each page (who read the document and when); ii) knowing
at any time where a document is; iii) providing periodical archive inventory;
and iv) automatically signaling anomalies detected in the archive. The system
represents an important tool for national/international security, as it allows a
quick document recovery in case of emergencies. Moreover, with the proposed
system the institution in charge of sensitive document archives can demonstrate
the secure management of the entrusted material. This paper describes how the
system has been implemented and reports tests performed in laboratory by
simulating different scenarios, showing that the solution allows a reliable
management of sensitive documents.
1 Introduction and State of the Art
According to European Commission decision 2001/844, classified documents are
depending on the impact that their content diffusion may have on the security of the
European Union or of its Member States. Sensitive documents should be treated
according to the following requirements:
the original document and all its authorized copies should be authenticated,
all the documents should be archived in a restricted and controlled access area,
only authorized persons can consult the documents and the document access
should be registered,
the inventory of the archive should be performed periodically.
Currently, all the operations to manage classified documentation are carried out by
operators with the only support of database technology for document archive
organization. Database updating, archive inventory, document authentication and
integrity verification are carried out manually; therefore, there is the need to develop a
system to support the security archive responsible in the document management tasks.
On the market, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based systems for library
management can be found [1], [2], [3]. They are based on high frequency (HF) low
cost tags, allowing theft prevention and more efficient tracking and inventory of
Stringa E., Bergonzi C. and Azzalin G.
Integrating RFID and Security Devices for an Innovative System to Manage Classified Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0003007300890096
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-11-9
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
items [4]. Unfortunately, available systems do not verify document authentication and
integrity, e.g. the replacement of a document page with another one. On the market it
is possible also to find high frequency (HF) RFID tags (Magellan PJM Stack tags ®)
that can be overlapped without generating mutual interference problems. These tags
would allow document tracing at level of single pages, but so far such application
does not exist. Moreover, a solution similar to the one we are presenting in this paper,
integrating security features to document management, satisfying the previously
mentioned requirements is not yet present in the state of the art.
2 The Implemented System
Fig. 1 shows the scheme of the setup document archive. The archive mock-up consists
of three bookshelves, each of them composed of four cells. The shelf doors are
equipped with magnetic contacts, controlled by an input/output device (Adam 6060W
from Advantech) to detect door opening.
Fig. 1. System architecture.
Behind each cell, a HF RFID antenna has been placed. The antennas are powered
whenever the doors of the related shelf are opened and are managed by Magellan
MARS 24 RFID readers allowing:
real time detection of document (or part of document) removal/replacement and
related positioning in the archive,
performing the archive inventory periodically, indicating if documents (or parts of
documents) are present, missing and if they are in the correct cell.
User identification is performed through a fingerprint scanner (EFIS321 from ABS
Applied Biometric Systems GmbH) allowing to authorized personnel to enter the
archive room. As no more than one person can stay at a time in the archive room, the
user identification device identifies who accessed confidential documents and when.
One IP camera, whose image acquisition is triggered by motion detection, is used to
monitor the archive. When anomalies are detected, i.e. a document is being replaced
in the wrong position or a document for which an authorization has not been granted
is being removed, visual and audio alarms are activated.
Fig. 2. Software architecture.
The software modules developed to manage the system components are shown in
Fig. 2. The software modules synchronize their activities through socket
communication exchanges and are the following:
Document Database Population. The document database population application is a
useful tool to insert tagged document information in the document database. The
application connects to the Document Tray Reader (a tray reader equipped with RFID
antenna) and to the document database. The user inserts document information
(document title, authors and date, number of pages, EU classification, position in the
archive, etc.) through a form; then, for each document page, the user is prompted to
place the tagged document sheet on the tray, the related tag is read and the database is
updated accordingly.
Authorization Request and Supervisor Applications. Two form based applications
have been developed to respectively ask authorization to consult a document
(Authorization Request) and to approve/reject requests (Supervisor Application).
These applications update the database containing the authorization requests after
having checked through the information contained in the user database that the person
asking to consult a document has the appropriate credentials.
Fingerprint Manager. This module manages the fingerprint scanner. It allows to
enter new users in the user database and it verifies user identity when a person tries to
enter the archive room.
Document Management Application. This module manages the RFID archive,
indeed it controls the Magellan Mars24 RFID readers connected to the antennas
placed behind the bookshelves. The application receives from the RFID readers
information on any tag that is found by the antennas or that goes out of the range of
the antennas (expired). The application is configured to perform a logical mapping
between the antennas and the shelf cells, allowing to know which documents are
present/missing in the archive and in which position they are/should be.
The application is also aware of which tags belong to a document through the
information stored in the document database. In this way the program updates
continuously the state of the documents that are stored in the shelves. When a
document is taken out, tags expire in groups. When one document is introduced, tags
are discovered in groups. The program is able to detect when all the tags of a
document are present, or when all the tags are out of range. In both condition a
message is sent to the system monitor application through a TCP/IP connection,
indicating which document entered or left the cabinet. To detect incomplete
documents, the application uses a timer: all the tags that belongs to the same
document should enter or leave the cupboard in a specific time lapse. If the
application detects an incomplete document, it sends a special message to the system
monitor application, specifying which pages are missing. The use of timers allows
also solving the problem of “instable tags”. Indeed, when the quality of the tag is not
very good, the signal is continuously detected and lost. Without a filter this instability
would lead to a continuous “false alarm” messaging with the system monitoring
application, as each time the message from a tag is lost it is considered that the related
page has been removed from the shelf.
The software performs also a complete inventory of the document archive upon
request (local request or from remote application). This feature can be also
programmed in such a way that an inventory is performed periodically. The inventory
result, organized by document, is sent to the system monitor application that
compares the received information to the expected ones to detect any document
missing or displacement.
System Monitor Application (SMA). This application is the core of the system.
Through the user interface (Fig. 3) it provides a picture of what is happening in the
restricted access area, performs all the checks needed to detect in real time anomalies
in the document management and records all the accesses and operations performed
on the documents. A pane in the left part indicates the room status; in particular, it
indicates the presence of a user in the room and her/his name, the status of the archive
doors (locked/open) and the shelves that the user is authorized to open. To visualize
these data, when a person enter the archive room, SMA needs to retrieve user data
from the user database and document data from the document information database;
then, with the retrieved data, SMA performs a cross check with the list of approved
authorizations. On the right side of the screen there is a tabbed interface that shows all
the available bookshelves cells and their content. The background becomes red if a
document is missing or incomplete. On the bottom part of the screen there is a real
time log of every event in the room. The same information is saved in a log file and
verified in case of need.
Fig. 3. System monitor application interface. A pane on the left shows the room status. A pane
on the right shows the bookshelf cell status: archive position B2 is selected (see upper tabs) and
the related content is visualized. As a document is missing the panel has a red frame.
3 Tests and Results
Two kinds of tests have been performed: document detection tests and functionality
tests. Tags on document sheets were placed in such a way that they were perfectly
overlapped and are programmed in such a way that they continuously answer when
are in the range of field of the antennas (worst case scenario for tag mutual
For document detection tests we considered three documents with different number
of pages (8, 18 and 106 respectively) and we measured the range distances of the
RFID tags from the antenna (i.e. the back of the shelf) in which a document is
correctly detected (100% COMPLETE), partly detected (INCOMPLETE) and not
detected (100% MISSING). The results are reported in Table 1.
Table 1. Document detection performance.
Number of tagged
Document detection Distance from the
antenna [cm]
100% COMPLETE <11.0
INCOMPLETE 11.0-14.0
100% MISSING >14.0
100% COMPLETE <7.0
100% MISSING >10.0
100% COMPLETE <1.5
100% MISSING >6.0
For the functionality tests, a document database has been setup by tagging 8
documents for a total of 106 tagged sheets as shown in Table 2. The considered
scenarios and the related expected system reaction are listed in Table 3.
Table 2. Document database for system functionality tests.
Doc ID Number of pages EU classification Position in the
Doc2 14 SECRET B3
Doc5 8 SECRET B2
Doc8 10 SECRET B2
The standard procedure (Scenario 0) is the following:
1. The user asks the authorization to access a document for a given period of time
2. The supervisor validates the request
3. The user, in the right time window, enters the room after identification
4. The user opens the door of the shelf containing the document of interest
5. The user takes the document and read it
6. The user replaces the document in the original position in the shelf
7. The user identifies her/himself to leave the secure area
8. The system unlocks the door and the user leaves the room.
Each scenario has been tested at least 30 times by four different users: three users
have been inserted in the user database, and the fourth was unknown to the system.
The only error occurred during tests was due to the fact that a known user has not
been recognized by the fingerprint scanner.
Table 3. Tests scenarios and related system reaction.
Scenario Description System reaction
0 Standard procedure (see text) Logging of all the operations
1 An unknown user tries to access the
document room
Alarm generation
2 A known user tries to access the room
without an authorization
Alarm generation. User ID is logged.
3 Authorized user tries to enter the
document room in the wrong time
Alarm generation. User ID is logged.
4 The authorized user opens the wrong
Alarm generation. User ID and shelf
door coordinates are logged.
5 The authorized user takes the wrong
Warning generation. User and
document IDs are logged.
6 The authorized user replaces a
document in the wrong shelf.
Warning generation and indication
of the correct document position.
User and document IDs, and
document position are logged.
7 The authorized user replace an
incomplete document.
Alarm generation and indication of
the missing pages. User, document
and missing pages IDs are logged.
8 The authorized tries to leave the
archive when the archive is not
complete (missing pages or
Alarm generation and indication of
the problem. User and involved
document IDs are logged.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we have shown the feasibility of integrating RFID technologies and
security devices for the reliable management of sensitive document archives. There
are still some open issues that need to be further investigated.
The first issue is related to the setup optimization, in particular for what concern
the tag answering time. As mentioned in Section3, currently we have used the default
setup (worst case scenario), with the tags answering continuously whenever
illuminated. The used tags can be programmed in such a way to reduce the answering
rate. For example, it would be possible to reduce by 4 the answering time of the
illuminated tags; this is equivalent to reduce, theoretically, the active tag population to
¼ of the total amount making possible to have four times more tagged items placed
inside a cell of the bookshelf without affecting detection performances. Regarding
setup optimization, we expect that detection performances improve if tags of adjacent
document pages are not overlapped. Next activity will therefore investigate the
detection performance by varying the tag answering time and by changing position of
tags in adjacent document pages.
Another issue regards the management of electronic document copies. In
particular, there is the need to trace also document copies by logging who made the
copy and especially to give only to authorized personnel the possibility to physically
copy the document for which (s)he has the authorization. To solve this question, we
are going to add to our prototype a commercial document scanner that will operate
only if the person using it has the authorization to copy documents. We will equip the
scanner with an RFID antenna in order to verify that the copied document is exactly
the one for which a copy authorization has been requested. The same adaptation will
be done in the future for a copy machine working with tagged paper.
Authors wish to thank the colleagues from DG TREN, end users of the system, for the
fruitful discussions on the procedures and rules in force for managing classified
document archives.
Moreover, authors are particularly grateful to the colleagues of the SILab (Seals
and Identification techniques Laboratory) for the provided support in implementing
and testing the system; in particular, authors wish to thank François Littmann, leader
of the SILab team, Michel Chiaramello and Graziano Renaldi.
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