Protocol Modifications in IEEE 802.11
Shirantha Wijesekera, Xu Huang and Dharmendra Sharma
Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering, University of Canberra, ACT 2601, Canberra, Australia
Keywords: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.11, Wireless Security.
Abstract: Demand for wireless communications around the world is growing. IEEE 802.11 wireless networks, also
known as Wi-Fi, are one of the popular wireless networks with over millions of users across the globe.
Hence, providing secure communication for wireless networks has become one of the prime concerns. We
have proposed a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) based novel protocol to exchange the encryption key in
Wi-Fi networks. In this paper, we present the protocol modifications done in the existing IEEE 802.11
standard to implement the proposed QKD based key exchange.
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) brings
great benefit to people due to their enhanced
mobility, low cost and capabilities of rapid
development etc. IEEE 802.11, is the wireless local
area network standard (IEEE 802.11, 2003)
developed by the IEEE LAN/MAN Standards
Committee. It specifies an over-the-air interface
between a wireless client and a base station or
between two wireless clients. Wi-Fi (Wireless
Fidelity) is a term for certain types of WLAN that
use specifications of the 802.11 family.
The security of 802.11 is defined by Wired
Equivalent Privacy (WEP). WEP was identified by
cryptanalysts to have severe security weaknesses in
the way it handles authentication and privacy. As a
result, an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard
called IEEE 802.11i (IEEE 802.11i, 2004) was
approved in 2004.
Due to its popularity and the nature of the
communication being wireless, Wi-Fi networks are
vulnerable to security attacks than its wired
counterparts. Therefore it is possible for an attacker
to snoop on confidential communications or modify
them to gain access to the wireless networks more
In our previous research work (Xu Huang, et al,
2009), (Shirantha W. et al, 2009), (Xu Huang, et al,
2008), we have described a novel protocol based on
Quantum Cryptography for the exchange of key that
used to encrypt data in IEEE 802.11i networks. The
key exchange of IEEE 802.11i is done by the
process called 4-way handshake. In this new
protocol, we have replaced this 4-way handshake
with QKD to exchange the key and obtain the key
hierarchy that used for subsequent secure data
In order to accomplish this, we have proposed
some modifications to the existing IEEE 802.11i
protocol. In doing so, a special attention has been
paid to minimise the impact on the existing protocol.
Thus, in our changes, we reuse some of the existing
fields of frames to represent new values for QKD.
This paper describes the implementation of QKD
based key exchange process by using the same
frame formats of existing IEEE 802.11i protocol.
This paper comprises of 6 sections. This section
gives an overview of the project. Sections 2 discuss
the advantages of using QKD in Wi-Fi networks.
Proposed QKD based protocol is described in
section 3. Section 4 describes the required protocol
changes and new fields, their parameters etc.
Experimental results are given in section 5, while we
conclude the paper in section 6. Acknowledgements
and references follows.
Wijesekera S., Huang X. and Sharma D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 146-151
DOI: 10.5220/0003008901460151
As mentioned earlier, wireless networks are
vulnerable to various types of security attacks. Some
of the common types of attacks against wireless
networks are; Denial of Service (DoS) attack,
Identity theft (MAC spoofing), Man-in-the-middle
attack, ARP poisoning, Network injection, Caffe
Latte attack etc.
Based on the laws of physics, quantum
cryptography allows exchange of cryptographic key
between two remote parties with unconditional
security. The foundation of quantum cryptography
lies in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which
states that certain pairs of physical properties are
related in such a way that measuring one property
prevents the observer from simultaneously knowing
the value of the other. The process of using quantum
cryptography to distribute the key is known as
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Several QKD
protocols such as BB84 (Bennett, C. H., et al, 1984),
B92 (C.H. Bennett, 1992), SARG04 (Valerio
Scarani, et al., 2004) and six-state (Dagmar B.,
1998) etc exists as of now. There is lots of research
work in progress in QKD area and even commercial
fibre optic QKD networks exits as of now (HP -
Quantum Cryptography, 2009), (Computer World,
2004), (SECOQC, 2008).
Since QKD offer unconditional secure key
distribution, it is worthwhile investigating the
possibility of using QKD in wireless networks. In
IEEE 802.11i networks, 4-way handshake process is
used to exchange the secrete key and obtain the key
hierarchy to establish secure communication. It was
found that 4-way handshake process is subject to
security attacks (Floriano De Rango, et al, 2006),
(Changhua He, et al, 2005). The exact place to get
QKD involved in the key exchange of Wi-Fi
networks is the 4-way handshake process.
In QKD, the transmitter (Alice) sends the key as
a series of polarized photons via quantum channel
towards the receiver (Bob). Bob measures these
photons using randomly selected bases to generate
his version of the key. Once the photon transmission
is over, the rest of the communication takes place in
public channel (eg: internet, wireless). This process
has been split into 4 main stages: Sifting, error
estimation, reconciliation and privacy amplification.
These 4 stages help Alice and Bob to recover
identical “unconditionally” secure key to be used for
the subsequent data encryption. This process is
shown in Figure 1. Full explanation of the key
recovery process of QKD is not in scope of this
Figure 1: Quantum Key Distribution in Wi-Fi.
In this approach, our aim is to introduce quantum
key transmission soon after the 802.1X
authentication is completed. The proposed protocol
is shown in figure 2.
At the end of the IEEE 802.1X authentication in
IEEE 802.11i, both supplicant and authenticator
hold a key known as Pairwise Master Key (PMK).
Our aim is to obtain the IEEE 802.11i key hierarchy
as shown in Figure 3. In the existing IEEE 802.11i, a
Pseudo Random Function (PRF) is applied by the 4-
way hand shake process to obtain Pairwise Transient
Key (PTK). The PTK is then divided into three keys.
The first key is the EAPOL-key confirmation key
(KCK). The KCK is used by the EAPOL-key
exchanges to provide data origin authenticity. KCK
is also used to calculate Message Integrity Code
(MIC). The second key is the EAPOL-key
encryption key (KEK), which is used to provide data
confidentiality. KEK is also used to encrypt the
Group Temporal Key (GTK). The third key is the
Temporal Key (TK), which is used by the data-
confidentiality protocols to encrypt unicast data
The last message of IEEE 802.11X authentication is
the EAPOL message giving the EAP Key from
Authenticator to Supplicant. Since the two parties
are mutually authenticated at this stage, we know
that this message is genuine.
We use this message as the starting point of
quantum transmission. By this way we can safely
start the quantum key exchange. As soon as the
Supplicant receives the EAP Key message, the
IEEE 802.11
communication switches to quantum channel.
Figure 2: The QKD Based Wi-Fi Proposed Protocol.
Supplicant starts QKD by sending series of photons
towards the Authenticator. Once the photon
transmission finishes, the communication switches
back to classical wireless channel. Afterwards they
complete the rest of the QKD process as shown in
flows 3 to 6 in Figure 2. At the end of the QKD
process, both Supplicant and Authenticator hold a
unique common key (Bennett, C. H., et al, 1984),
which we call as Quantum Key (Q-Key).
In QKD, the length of the final key cannot be
known before the quantum transmission. Therefore
the final key derived will be of varying length. Our
aim is to set the length of Q-Key equal to the length
of PTK. The IEEE 802.11i standard uses two
encryption protocols known as Counter-mode/CBC-
MAC Protocol (CCMP) and Temporal Key Integrity
Protocol (TKIP). For CCMP, PTK is 256 bits, while
TKIP occupies 384 bits for PTK. Therefore, we have
to make sure the derived Q-Key will contain bits
greater than or equal to the number of bits of PTK.
Thus, at this stage we strip the extra bits of Q-Key
so that it will have same length as PTK. We get this
stripped Q-Key as the PTK. Once PTK is known, the
IEEE 802.11i key hierarchy, as in figure 3, can be
Figure 3: Key Hierarchy of IEEE 802.11i.
We use the derived MIC in our subsequent protocol
messages to implement data integrity. At this stage,
Supplicant performs XOR operation with the MIC
and PMK. We call this resulted MIC as Quantum
The Supplicant then sends the Q-MIC to
Authenticator as shown in flow 7 of Figure 2.Since
the Authenticator is in possession of all the keys, it
can calculate its own Q-MIC and compares with the
one came from the Supplicant. If they match, the
Supplicant is authenticated.
The Authenticator then sends Success message
along with Q-MIC to the Supplicant as shown in
flow 8 of Figure 2. Supplicant verifies the Q-MIC to
authenticate the Authenticator, thus achieving the
mutual authentication. From now on both parties use
TK to encrypt the data and start secure
communication and also the GTK for multicast
IEEE 802.11 standard specifies changes in physical
and MAC layers of OSI protocol stack. Hence our
proposed modifications to implement QKD too are
applied to the same two layers. Special attention has
been made to minimise impact to the existing IEEE
802.11i protocol. Careful analysis of the existing
IEEE 802.11i protocol shows that the
communication flows of 4-way handshake process
can be altered to implement the QKD based key
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
exchange. Some of the fields used by 4 way
handshake in EAPOL frames are altered to occupy
QKD information. The changes are made to the
IEEE 802.11i standard without interrupting the
existing frame formats.
IEEE 802.11 uses EAPOL-Key frames to
exchange information between Supplicants and
Authenticators. Hence the proposed modifications to
implement QKD too are done through EAPOL-Key
frames. Since we are not using 4-way handshake
process, the fields used for the same have been
modified to carry QKD specific information. In
addition some of the unused fields too have been
used. Figure 4 shows the modified EAPOL packet
Figure 4: EAPOL-Key Frame with QKD changes.
The “Key Nonce” field used in IEEE 802.11 has
been renamed as “QKD Phase”. It is used to indicate
4 phases of QKD processes in progress at a given
Below are the values that this “QKD Phase” field
can have.
0000 0001: Sifting
0000 0011: Error estimation
0000 0101: Reconciliation
0000 0111: Privacy Amplification
Bulk of the processing happens during reconciliation
phase. In this phase, the raw key is divided into
several blocks to perform parity checks. The QKD
Phase field is set to 0000 0101 and the Key Data
field carries the parity check information.
The format of Data field:
<Block Number | Sub-Block Level |
Parity Check Results>
Block Number. Number of the main block.
Sub-block Level: If the parity check of main block
failed, it will be bisected and perform parity check
on each sub-block. The “Sub-block Level” field
specifies the level of bisection of each main block. If
the main block is bisected once, Sub-block Level =2
and so on.
Sub-block Partition Number. Whenever a mismatch
in parity of block/Sub-block is observed, that
particular block/Sub-block is bisected. This Sub-
block Partition Number field holds the partition
number of each sub-block.
Parity Check Result. This field holds the result of
parity check.
0: parity result (odd parity).
1: parity result (even parity).
Figure 5 shows the allocation of bytes within the
Key Data field.
Figure 5: Key Data field values of EAPOL frame during
reconciliation phase of QKD.
IEEE 802.11 standard defines Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications for Wireless LANs (IEEE Std 802.11,
2007). Since the changes we made under the new
QKD protocol are directly on the Physical and MAC
layers, it is really difficult to rewrite those layers
from scratch to reflect the changes within the
research time frame. Therefore, the best possible
way of implementing the new protocol is by
simulation. The QKD processing has been coded
using C++ language. For simulation, we have
chosen Simulink as it provides S-Functions to
incorporate C++ programs to provide simulations.
5.1 The Simulink Model
As mentioned, the QKD implementation in our
IEEE 802.11
model has been done in C++. We use Simulink S-
-Functions to implement and simulate the results.
The main functionalities of each of the four
phases of QKD have been identified in programming
point of view as below:
Sifting: Construct a buffer containing the bit stream
once the photon transmission is finished, Supplicant
to inform the bases it used, Authenticator to
reconstruct its buffer contents that matches the bases
received from Supplicant.
Error Estimation: Supplicant to send a set of sample
bits from its key, Authenticator to compare those
bits and calculate the error rate, Authenticator to
decide if the error rate is acceptable or not (based on
the threshold level), Inform Supplicant about the
decision, Proceed to next phase if the error rate is
acceptable, reattempt photon transmission otherwise.
Reconciliation (Assuming “parity check” is used as
the reconciliation method): Split the key into blocks,
compare parity of each block, Split those blocks
whose parity is mismatched, Perform parity check
on those sub blocks until the error is found,
Continue till all the errors are located and
Privacy Amplification: Apply pre-defined hash
function to the remaining key to eliminate possible
leak of bits to outsiders.
For each phase, these functionalities have been
implemented using C++ as several subsystems.
During each phase, the communication is carried out
between respective peer sessions of Authenticator
and Supplicant.
During Sifting, Error Estimation and Privacy
Amplification phases of QKD, the new protocol
consumes fewer resources as it only needs few
comparisons to be done. Bulk of the processing
happens during Reconciliation phase. It needs few
additional communication flows to obtain the final
secured key. The number of additional steps depends
on the type of reconciliation method such as
CASCADE (Gilles B et al, 1994), WINNOW
(Buttler W.T., 2003) etc, used.
In addition, we shall save several key refresh
cycles that happens during existing IEEE 802.11
communication. In this new protocol, key refreshing
is not required as the key obtained via QKD is
proven to be unconditionally secure.
5.2 Analysis of QKD Solution for Key
In addition to the unconditional security achieved,
the simulation analysis of QKD approach shows
several other advantages. Main area of modifications
applied to the existing protocol is the 4-way hand
shake process. The first stage of QKD (sifting) only
requires single EAPOL communication flow
involving STA informing AP about the bases it used.
Results show that there is no significant amount of
processing needed as opposed to the nonce value
calculations involved in the existing protocol.
The second stage of QKD process (error
estimation) is implemented by two EAPOL
communication flows. The first flow is to transmit
bit sample while the second to inform the result. In
this step too results shows that both STA and AP
consume only small amount of processing power. At
AP side it only performs simple bit comparison on a
bit stream of small length.
The third stage (Reconciliation) is the stage
where majority of processing takes place. The
number of communication flows happen in this stage
is depending on the reconciliation protocol used. We
have implemented the parity check method. Parity
check method involves more computations when
compared to other existing reconciliation protocols
such as Cascade or Winnow. Our choice of parity
check method is to see the results in the worst case
The final stage of QKD (privacy amplification)
involves just a single EAPOL frame, which does not
requires much processing power at either end.
When compared to the existing protocol, it could
be seen that only the reconciliation process is taking
few additional EAOPL flows. However, the key
exchanged in the existing protocol needs to be
refreshed at regular intervals to maintain security of
data encryption. But in the QKD based protocol,
such key refresh cycles are not needed as the key
exchanged provide unconditional security. Hence
with this new protocol significant amount of
processing time could be saved. Overall, this can
compensate to the extra cycles of flows taken during
the reconciliation process.
In this work, the changes to accommodate QKD
have been done with extreme care so that it will
have minimum impact to the existing IEEE 802.11
protocol. The main advantage of this protocol
modification is that no major frame level changes
are needed. QKD modifications use fields of the
existing frames. Both Supplicant and Authenticator
are able to identify if they can implement QKD for
key exchange at the early stages (by listening to
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Beacon). In case, any of the participants are not
supporting QKD, they can still move on with the
existing protocol.
Further, since the key obtained via this new
protocol offer unconditional security, there is no
need to refresh keys time to time during
communication session. This improves the
efficiency of the overall management and control
communication significantly.
We regret that we are unable to provide readers
with more description on quantum cryptography,
QKD process, Wi-Fi network protocols etc due to
the page limitations enforced by the conference
We would like to take this opportunity to appreciate
University of Canberra, Australia for the URG
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Networks,” IEEE the 10th International Conference
on Advanced Communication Technology, Korea.
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135-6, Vol. II, p865.
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