inherits several of UML's weaknesses. For example,
Actions and Behaviours become separated, with
neither being a subclass of the other, and they are
also distinct from BehaviouredClassifiers. In
consequence, the relationships between paths and
path elements in UCM/MUCM, misuse cases in
MUC, primitive attacks in AT/AP etc. often become
indirect even when the represented phenomena
appear similar.
Our work on HARM so far has focussed on
capturing technical intrusions. In the future we also
plan to investigate other types of intrusion, such as
physical ones and social engineering attacks.
Generally we will explore further how the HARM
techniques with vulnerability taxonomies can be
used for attack and test generation. Further work is
needed to add detail, e.g., about how previous
attacks are selected and system boundaries defined,
how multiple misuse case maps are distilled into
misuse case diagrams, how requirements can be
derived from attack patterns etc. As a consequence,
it is possible that the detailed five-step method will
be elaborated and reorganised, although the broad
progress of HARM will most likely remain.
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by the Norwegian Research Council.
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