M. Dobson, G. Unel
University of California at Irvine, Irvine, U.S.A.
C. Caramarcu
National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania
I. Dumitru, L. Valsan, G. L. Darlea, F. Bujor
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
A. Bogdanchikov, A. Korol, A. Zaytsev
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia
S. Ballestrero
University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
Keywords: HEP, LHC, ATLAS, DAQ, Online Computing, Computing Farms, Parallel Processing, Access
Management, IT Security, Accounting Systems, System Administration, Linux.
Abstract: This paper gives a thorough overview of the ATLAS TDAQ SysAdmin group activities which deals with
administration of the TDAQ computing environment supporting Front End detector hardware, Data Flow,
Event Filter and other subsystems of the ATLAS detector operating on the LHC accelerator at CERN. The
current installation consists of approximately 1500 netbooted nodes managed by more than 60 dedicated
servers, a high performance centralized storage system, about 50 multi-screen user interface systems
installed in the control rooms and various hardware and critical service monitoring machines. In the final
configuration, the online computer farm will be capable of hosting tens of thousands applications running
simultaneously. The ATLAS TDAQ computing environment is now serving more than 3000 users
subdivided into approximately 300 categories in correspondence with their roles in the system. The access
and role management system is custom built on top of an LDAP schema. The engineering infrastructure of
the ATLAS experiment provides 340 racks for hardware components and 4 MW of cooling capacity. The
estimated data flow rate exported by the ATLAS TDAQ system for future long term analysis is about 2.5
PB/year. The number of CPU cores installed in the system will exceed 10000 during 2010.
The Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) System
(Padilla, 2009; Zhang, 2010) of the ATLAS
experiment (Aad, 2008) exploits a large online
computing farm for the readout of the detector front-
end data, the trigger decision farms (second and
third level of trigger) and all the ancillary functions
(monitoring, control, etc.). These systems are
deployed underground (USA15 service cavern) and
on the surface (SDX1 hall, ATLAS main and
satellite control rooms, etc.) at the experimental site.
Two of these areas hold the majority of TDAQ
USA15, provided with 220 racks (deployed on 3
floors) which are 70% occupied by TDAQ and
ATLAS sub-detectors equipment. The equipment
in this area uses 1 MW of power at the present
moment while 2.5 MW of cooling capacity is
available for future upgrades.
SDX1, provided with 120 racks (deployed on 2
floors) which are 50% occupied by TDAQ
Dobson M., Unel G., Caramarcu C., Dumitru I., Valsan L., L. Darlea G., Bujor F., Bogdanchikov A., Korol A., Zaytsev A. and Ballestrero S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 206-209
DOI: 10.5220/0003013502060209
equipment. The power consumption of this area
is 0.5 MW at the moment and up to 1.5 MW of
cooling capacity is available for the upgrades.
At the moment, the ATLAS TDAQ system exploits
roughly 1200 computers and tens of thousands
instances of various applications. These machines
need to be administrated in a coherent and optimal
way in order to maintain the computing farms at the
highest level of availability in order for ATLAS to
make the best use of available luminosity provided
by the LHC collider.
A dedicated group of system administrators (the
ATLAS TDAQ SysAdmin Group) is dealing with
these tasks and, in addition, with the support of
shifters and users of the ATLAS online computing
system, on a 24x7 basis.
The group maintains multiple ATLAS TDAQ
related computing areas across the CERN sites:
ATLAS Point1: SDX1, USA15, ACR & SCR
(Main & Satellite Control Room),
3 laboratories across the CERN Meyrin site.
Everyday activities include:
Dealing with ATLAS Point 1 user requests,
Handling IT security issues,
24x7 service (shift or on-call, from mid-2008),
Hardware and software monitoring and
maintenance of the computing infrastructure,
Commissioning of new hardware items.
All these tasks are handled in close cooperation with
other relevant groups (ATLAS Networking Team,
ATLAS Technical Coordination, CERN IT
Department) dealing with other aspects of
maintenance and operation of ATLAS experiment.
In addition the group carries out the development
and validation of tools and solutions for automated
user, software and hardware management,
monitoring and control.
A variety of tools were developed within the
group in order to automate the most frequently
executed operations, for instance:
ATLAS Point 1 user and role management
scripts and web UI,
Boot With Me (BWM) project components
(control of netbooted nodes),
Storage area synchronization scripts,
Tools for registering new entities in the CERN
network database (LanDB),
Configuration and command execution tool for
clients and servers (ConfdbUI),
Tools for bulk firmware upgrade for the High
Level Trigger Processor Unit (HLT PU) and
Local File Server (LFS) nodes.
These tools are being intensively used and
continuously improved.
3.1 Generic Design Overview
A major concern in any high availability computing
farm is the mean time between failures. This is
highly correlated to the mean time between failures
of only a few of the components in the computers,
such as disks. For this reason, TDAQ decided
minimize the use of disks in the data acquisition
system, by using diskless nodes, which are booted
into Linux over the network. This approach has
other advantages, such as ease of maintenance,
reproducibility on a large scale, and the like. The
BWM project was developed in order to respond to
the need for a flexible system to build boot images
and configure the booting of the diskless nodes.
Another major cornerstone of the system is
therefore the boot servers. These are designed to
serve the DHCP requests and boot images, and to
provide network mounted disks for the main part of
the OS and for the applications. In this kind of
system, the servers are single points of failure. To
overcome this limitation, the responsibility of
booting and providing network drives is shared
across two or more servers. This redundancy ensures
the high availability of the clients independently of
that of individual servers.
Another requirement for the system is the ability
to run the experiment and take data for up to 24
hours while having lost the connection to the IT
department and Tier0 centre (responsible for long
term storage of the data, distribution of it to Tier1
centres, and also analysis of some of the data). The
implications are that the system should replicate any
services in IT which are vital such as DNS, NTP,
user authentication; and should be able to buffer the
event data. The latter is done using a few servers
with large disk caches (12 TB each), able to handle
the incoming rate of selected events to the disks, 300
MB/s, and to simultaneously sustain twice the output
rate from the disks to the permanent storage in IT (in
order to catch up any connectivity loss).
3.2 Current Configuration
Currently the SDX1 and USA15 areas together host
more than 200 fully occupied racks of equipment
from ATLAS TDAQ and detector sub-systems,
which can be subdivided into the following groups:
Core services, comprising a NAS, 2 gateways, 2
DNS, 2 CFS (Central File Server), web servers,
LDAP and MySQL clusters,
More than 1500 netbooted nodes served by 60
LFS (Local File Server), including 154 ROS
(Read-Out System), 841 HLT PU (6728 CPU
cores combined), 77 EB (Event Building nodes),
6 SFO (Sub-Farm Output buffer node to
permanent storage), 64 online and monitoring
nodes, 161 SBC (Single Board Computer), more
than 110 nodes of the preproduction system,
Many special purpose, locally installed systems:
24 ACR (standard Control Room machines, 4-
screen each), 45 SCR machines, Detector
Control System (DCS) nodes, sub-detector PCs,
public nodes.
The number of HLT Processor Units (PU) deployed
in SDX1 up to now represent only 50% of total
SDX1 capacity. This is assumed to be sufficient for
the initial phase of the accelerator programme and
will be increased to meet demand.
3.3 Increasing System Availability
Given the complexity and interdependency of the IT
infrastructure components, it takes a significant
amount of time to bring it to the production state
after a complete shutdown. Measures were therefore
taken to protect the TDAQ infrastructure from the
power cuts of various origins. The whole facility is
provided with two centralized UPS lines with diesel
generators backup, plus the independent UPS lines
that are available in SDX1 for mission critical
equipment. Nowadays about 5% of equipment
deployed in SDX1 is on UPS lines, some on dual
power (both UPS and mains power), and just a few
machines like CFS nodes are dual powered from
both a dedicated locally installed UPS and general
UPS power.
3.4 Hardware and Service Monitoring
Host monitoring is currently being done using the
NAGIOS platform. NAGIOS allows the monitoring
of various services for the machines. For all
machines, basic OS, network, and hardware state is
monitored. On certain hosts, such as LFS or
Application Gateways, also specific services are
monitored, such as NTP, NFS, DHCP, etc.
The NAGIOS graphs collected by the monitoring
system are stored on disks in the form of more than
29400 RRD files of total size approximately 5.5 GB.
Status information of all the nodes and NAGIOS
graphs for various parameters are published
automatically in the monitoring section of the
private ATLAS Operations web server. For selected
indicators which are of crucial importance to the
proper functioning of the ATLAS TDAQ
infrastructure E-mail/SMS alerts are provided.
3.5 Node Management Tools
Due to the large number of netbooted nodes being
managed, nontrivial automation is required to reduce
the amount of time consumed by performing various
routine operations, like rebooting a group of nodes,
assigning clients to the LFS servers, etc. A dedicated
set of tools based on a MySQL database and the
GUI front end to them called ConfdbUI, were
developed to cover these requirements. With few
exceptions, all the nodes are currently running
Scientific Linux CERN (SLC5).
The standard solution for the remote hardware
management in ATLAS Point 1 is based exclusively
on IPMI. Locally installed nodes, such as LFS,
Control Room, central servers are installed and
configured centrally, using a Quattor (Leiva, 2005)
based configuration management system.
3.6 Remote Access Subsystems
The access to the ATLAS Technical and Control
Network (ATCN) from outside of Point 1 is highly
restricted and only allowed via one of the following
gateway systems:
Point 1 Linux gateways, allowing expert users to
access a particular set of machines within Point 1
via the SSH protocol,
Remote Monitoring System, providing the
graphical terminal services for remote
monitoring of ATLAS sub-detector systems,
Windows Terminal Servers, allowing experts to
access the DCS SCADA system.
All the gateways and remote monitoring nodes are
provided with both host based and network based
accounting, security monitoring and intrusion
prevention systems. The gateways are implemented
on a XEN based virtualization solution which
ensures high availability and manageability for this
vital subsystem.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.7 Centralized Storage System
The storage solution used in the ATLAS TDAQ
environment is based on a high performance storage
solution fulfilling the following requirements:
3.2 TB of online high speed storage capacity,
with scalability up to 10 TB,
NFSv3, NFSv4, CIFS, and iSCSI support,
Serving up to 2500 clients simultaneously
without degradation of performance,
Multiple levels of hardware and software
redundancy (2N redundancy schemas).
The storage solution ensures the scalability of the
centralized storage system with the increase of
computing power in the TDAQ environment
foreseen over the coming years.
3.8 User and Role Management
Following the requirement to be independent from
CERN IT, and to allow more flexibility, the
experimental area has its own user directory stored
on an LDAP cluster based on OpenLDAP software.
The system is standalone but for consistency it is
synchronized with IT for the usernames.
For authentication, the consistency is maintained
by having a local slave replica of the central CERN
Windows Domain Controller against which user
credentials are validated. The only exceptions are
the locally defined service accounts, for which the
authentication information is stored in the LDAP.
Contrary to the way some of the previous
experiments have been run, it has been decided to
have user based authentication and not group based
authentication, in order to have accountability and
traceability of actions, as well as increased security.
The reasons for wanting to use group accounts in
past experiments comes from the natural splitting of
users into categories of people and tasks which they
are allowed to do, for example some users are
shifters, detector experts, TDAQ experts.
In order to address this categorization and still
have the user authentication for accountability and
traceability, it has been decided in TDAQ to
implement a Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
authorization system. Currently ATLAS Point1 is
provided with the dedicated role based access
control and authorization system currently holding
more than 300 unique roles in a hierarchical
structure. The total number of users registered is
more than 3000, but only a small fraction of them
would be allowed to access Point1 remotely during
the data taking period (experts which are on shift or
on call).
3.9 Future Activities
The list of major milestones which are to be
encountered in 2010 contains the following items:
Installing 80 new high density HLT PU
machines (64 logical CPU cores/2U) thus
increasing the amount of computing power
installed in SDX1 beyond 10000 CPU cores,
Deployment of the new web servers provided
with sophisticated load balancing solution,
Upgrade and increase of redundancy for the
Active Directory service,
Expansion of the storage capacity on the central
Test and deployment of NFSv4 + Kerberos5 to
overcome user/group limits of NFSv3.
The ATLAS TDAQ system is fully operational and
now is re-entering an extended period of data taking
for the ATLAS detector. The design of the system
and the supporting computer infrastructure has been
validated and the IT environment of ATLAS online
systems has been running steadily since 2009Q3.
However the activities devoted to increasing the
usability of the system and the amount of computing
power available for the experiment are still ongoing.
This would allow the ATLAS collaboration to take
full advantage of the increased luminosity of the
accelerator over the next 20 months of data taking.
Padilla, C., et al., 2009. The ATLAS Trigger System.
16th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference 2009, Beijing,
China, 10-15 May 2009.
Zhang, J., et al., 2010. ATLAS Data Acquisition. 16th
IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference 2009, Beijing,
China, 10-15 May 2009.
Aad, G., et al., 2008. The ATLAS Experiment at the
CERN Large Hadron Collider. JINST 3 (2008)
Leiva, R., et. al., 2005. Quattor: Tools and Techniques for
the Configuration, Installation and Management of
Large-Scale Grid Computing Fabrics. Journal of Grid
Computing (2004) 2: 313–322. Springer.