Ahmad Kamran Malik and Schahram Dustdar
Distributed Systems Group, Institute of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Role-based access control, Context-aware systems, Context sharing, User-defined roles, Inter-enterprise col-
In enterprise-based collaborations, humans working in dynamic overlapping teams controlled by their respec-
tive enterprises, share personal context and team related context for accomplishment of their activities. Privacy
of personal context becomes vital in this scenario. Personal context contains information that user may not
want to share, for example, her current location and current activity. We propose a role-based dynamic sharing
control model which is owner centric and extends role-based access control model. We provide privacy of
owner’s personal context by separating it from team related context through the use of owner defined roles.
Owner has full control of her personal data and is able to dynamically change her own access rules facing any
new situation. We describe a role-based dynamic sharing control architecture which makes use of enterprise-
defined roles as well as owner-defined roles for separating user context from team context. We evaluate our
approach by providing a real world scenario, its running example, and implementation as sharing control
messenger using Web services in Java.
With the advancement of computing and distributed
systems technologies, new opportunities and chal-
lenges arise in the area of Collaborative Working En-
vironment (CWE), for example, (EU-Project, COIN).
Collaborative systems are used to handle collabora-
tive work of users as a team to support their activi-
ties. Members of dynamic overlapping teams can join
and leave team at any time and can be a member of
more than one team at a time. Requirements of these
systems are not only related to individual work of a
team member but also their collaborative team activi-
ties and working environment. Privacy of user context
and collaborations information in such team environ-
ments is an important concern.
Context plays an important role in dynamic collabo-
rative systems. Using dynamic nature of context, ac-
cess rule adaptation can be performed at runtime (Bal-
dauf et al., 2007). It is possible to dynamically adapt
behavior of a system by capturing current context of
context requester, provider, resources, and, environ-
ment. In dynamic collaborative systems fine-grained
This work is partially supported by the European Union
through the FP7-216256 project COIN.
level of sharing control is required in presence of dy-
namic entities in the system. Systems based on Role-
Based Access Control (RBAC) model (Sandhu et al.,
1996) have been used for controlling user’s access to
Owner should have control of her data and be able
to dynamically change her sharing rules facing any
new situation. In enterprise-based team environments
(Dustdar, 2004), enterprises create roles for their
users which define their access control policy. We use
owner-defined roles in addition to enterprise-defined
roles so that owner is able to share her personal con-
text with other collaborating users according to her
personal requirements. Owner-defined roles are used
for temporary collaborations and are revoked after the
sharing requirement is complete. Role revocation is
based on static rules such as time duration and dy-
namic rules such as an external event, agreement, or
collaboration history.
We propose a role-based dynamic sharing control
model for our collaborative team based scenario. Our
system is owner centric and extends RBAC by using
various types of context and owner-defined roles. We
present a hybrid role-based system using enterprise-
defined roles E-Role and owner-defined roles O-Role,
their life cycle including role assignment, usage, and
Kamran Malik A. and Dustdar S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 42-48
DOI: 10.5220/0003013600420048
revocation rules. We describe a role-based dynamic
sharing control model, its architecture, and imple-
mentation using Java based Web services environ-
ment. We evaluate our system using an example and
scenario related to sharing control in multiple over-
lapping teams and enterprises. A role-based dynamic
sharing control messenger is presented as a real world
application with a running example. These examples
show the importance of our scenario and model in real
world to preserve user privacy in complex collabora-
tive environments.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes background and related work.
section 3 shows motivating scenario and role-based
dynamic sharing control model. Section 4 explains
role-based dynamic sharing control. Section 5 de-
scribes role-based dynamic sharing control architec-
ture. Section 6 provides implementation and discus-
sion. Section 7 concludes the paper and introduces
future work.
In dynamic collaborative environments, context-
based sharing control and fine-grained level of sharing
control are fundamental requirements. RBAC model
has been extended using context, for example, sys-
tem presented in (Covington et al., 2001) uses con-
text to dynamically change access rights. Context is
modeled as context roles in (Park et al., 2006). Our
system DySCon (Malik et al., 2009) extends RBAC
using context of requester, owner, and environment
and presents context-based dynamic sharing control
model. It tries to provide sharing control for owner
context where owner-defined policy rules override
role-based policy of enterprise. In this paper, we ex-
tend DySCon to provide owner-defined roles to re-
questers. Owner-defined roles can be revoked using
predefined context conditions. In (Groba et al., 2007),
owner sends one or more owner-defined roles to re-
quester who can select one of them according to her
requirements. Difficulties with this system are role
selection, role creation without knowing the capabili-
ties of user in enterprise. Our system uses two types
of roles; conventional enterprise-based roles called E-
Role, and owner-defined roles called O-Role. We de-
fine link between two types of roles which is used for
selecting owner-defined role for a user based on her
enterprise-defined role. We also describe role usage
and revocation strategies which help in preserving pri-
vacy of owner’s context information.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model
(Sandhu et al., 1996) has been widely used in collab-
orative systems due to its scalable nature and ease of
maintenance (Tolone et al., 2005). It reduces cost and
complexity of access control administration. Access
control systems (Shen and Dewan, 1992), (Ahn et al.,
2003), and (Thomas, 1997) describe different access
control models for collaborative environments with
different roles of users and their collaborative rights.
It is difficult for RBAC to provide fine-grained level
of access control because it is based on role (group
of users) and not on individual user. In addition,
RBAC alone can not handle dynamic environments
whose changes can be easily captured by making use
of context information. Some of the current systems
(Shen and Hong, 2005), (Kapsalis et al., 2006), and
(Coetzee and Eloff, 2007) make use of Web services
to share context information. A survey on context-
aware Web service systems can be found in (Truong
and Dustdar, 2009). Our system makes use of Web
services and context information in addition to owner-
defined roles. We use a p2p based system to handle
dynamic nature of teams and relations between peers.
In this section we describe our role-based dynamic
sharing control scenario and present role-based dy-
namic sharing control model.
3.1 Role-based Dynamic Sharing
Control Scenario
Role-based dynamic sharing control scenario is
shown in Figure 1. Enterprises E1 and E2 collaborate
and create two software development teams T1 and
T2. Users from enterprises participate in both teams.
Some users can be member of both teams at a time,
for example, user U2. Enterprise-defined roles are al-
ready assigned to users, for example, users with de-
veloper role are assigned E-Developer role, and team
leaders are assigned E-Leader role. A collaborative
activity A is created by both teams, users U1 and U2
are performing this activity. We describe a scenario
where user U1 is requested by other three users for
some services. Each of the three requesters is hav-
ing different activity and team relationship with user
U1. For example, user U2 is involved in the same ac-
tivity with user U1. User U1 feels no hesitation in
assigning her personal context to user U2 whom she
already knows and is collaborating with her. As per-
sonal context can only be assigned by owner-defined
roles, so user U1 assigns role O-Developer to user U2
Sharing request
Response (O-Role assignment or denial)
Team T1
Team T2
Enterprise E2Enterprise E1
Activity A
Sharing Denied
Figure 1: Role-based Dynamic Sharing Control Scenario.
because she is already having E-Developer role by en-
terprise. A revocation rule based on their mutual ac-
tivity is set automatically by the system which revokes
O-Developer role from user U2 as soon as activity A is
finished. User U3, for example, is a trusted colleague
of user U1 in team T1 so she gets O-Colleague role
and can share personal context of user U1 to a level of
detail defined for colleagues by user U1 in her sharing
rules for O-Colleague role. For colleagues, revoca-
tion rule can be set by owner of context U1 herself,
otherwise an event can revoke it, for example, any
change in role, team, enterprise, collaboration history
of any one of the requester or owner. User U4 hav-
ing a powerful role as leader of team T2 is not able
to access personal service of user U1 because user
U1s system does not recognize her as a colleague,
friend etc. Her request is logged into the system and
if user U1 herself wants to assign her some role, she
can manually assign it.
3.2 Role-based Dynamic Sharing
Control Model
Our role-based dynamic sharing control system is
based on a dynamic collaborative environment where
number of entities are involved, for example, enter-
prise, team, activity, role, user, and services. These
entities described in our scenario are modeled with
their interactions, collaborations, and relationships as
shown in Figure 2. We explain each these entities be-
Enterprise. Enterprise is the largest entity that cre-
ates team, assigns users to teams, and creates roles
for users. Enterprise monitors teams and their activ-
ities. Two or more enterprises collaborate and create
dynamic collaborative environment.
Team. One or more enterprises can create a team and
manage it for a joint project. A team is headed by
a team leader. A user can be part of more than one
teams at a time.
Activity. Activities can be created by enterprise or
team. Team leader selects appropriate users for per-
forming activities and monitors their progress. A
team can be considered as collection of sub-teams
based on groups of users performing activities.
Role. Roles encapsulates rights that are assigned to
users based on their job, qualification, and experience.
One or more users can have same role and many roles
can be assigned to one user.
User. A user works for an enterprise in different
teams and activities having one or more roles. User
can share her context with other collaborating users
and defines her own sharing control rules.
Service. Services in our system are a way to share
context and information among users. Personal ser-
vices are used to share private information of user and
shared services are used for sharing activity and team
In this section, we describe our hybrid role manage-
ment scheme and life cycle of an owner-defined role
including role assignment and revocation scenarios.
Types of roles and evaluation of context sharing re-
quest are also described in this section.
4.1 Hybrid Role Management
Two types of roles are used in this system for privacy
of owner context and desired level of sharing control.
4.1.1 Enterprise-defined Roles
Enterprises define sharing policies for their employ-
ees using enterprise-defined roles E-Role which con-
tain rules for sharing control. These rules describe
who can share certain services under which condi-
tions. These roles are based on RBAC model. We
enhance these roles using context constraints which
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
User-id Role
Profile Services
Role-id Type
Permission Constraints
Type Response
Activity-id Services
Start date Team
End date Enterprise
Service-id Owner
Type Context
Ent-id Departments
Goals Collaborations
Team-id Users
Resources Location
Type Response
Duration Context
Type Result
Duration Context
Type Response
* ****
* *
createscreates assigned tobelongs to
works for
assigned to
Figure 2: Simplified data model of entities and collaborations.
can also be used for dynamic activation and deactiva-
tion of roles.
4.1.2 Owner-defined Roles
Owner-defined roles O-Role are used for sharing per-
sonal context of owner. These roles are assigned when
enterprise-defined role is not able to share context.
Assignment of these roles depends on collaboration
of owner and requester. There are two types of owner-
defined roles which are described below.
A. Owner-defined Enterprise-based Roles
These roles are linked with enterprise-defined roles.
If users are participating in a mutual activity, team,
or enterprise, system can detect relationships and
provide roles related to requester’s enterprise-based
roles, for example, user having E-Developer role will
get O-Developer role. It provides advantage of per-
sonal context sharing at different levels, for example,
users having more powerful roles in enterprise will
get detailed personal context.
B. Owner-defined Personal Roles
Detailed level of personal context sharing is only
available to users like personal friends or family of
the owner. Some colleagues from enterprise can also
be assigned these roles whom the owner trusts or are
her friends. Examples of these roles are O-Friend, O-
Colleague, O-Family etc.
4.2 Dynamic Revocation of Owner
Owner-defined roles are provided to friends or few
collaborating users to access personal context. These
roles must be revoked as soon as they have been
used for the said purpose or defined time limit. Their
excessive and uncontrolled use can be a threat for
user’s privacy. Role revocation can be based on static
information or dynamic events. Role revocation types
are described below.
Role Revocation Scenarios
Following types of static and dynamic rules are used
for role revocation.
Time dependent revocation
Revoke owner role after a fixed duration of time.
Event-based revocation
Revoke role based on some event, for example,
activity finished or a change in any one of the
user’s enterprise, team, activity, or role.
Context-based revocation
Revoke role when user context changes, for ex-
ample, location, online status etc.
Agreement-based revocation
Revoke role after some agreement finish or vio-
lated. Example of agreement is ”i will share my
context if you share same context with me”.
History-based revocation
Revoke role after tracking history, for example, no
email received from user in last 3 days.
4.3 Handling Context Sharing Request
A high level view of context sharing request using
enterprise-defined roles E-Role and its response based
on owner-define roles O-Role including major com-
ponents of our system is shown in Figure 3.
It describes that E-Role based request is sent to
sharing controller component of owner system which
O-Role granted
Rules and
Sharing Levels)
E-Role based
Context request
Figure 3: Request for sharing context.
uses other components for request handling. Privacy
controller, Context manager, and role manager are
used to evaluate request based on sharing rules, cur-
rent context, and collaboration. To grant a personal
context of owner, owner-defined roles O-Role are re-
quired. Privacy controller controls the grant of O-
Role by defining role revocation rules, and controls
context sharing up to certain level of granularity de-
pending on role and context of requester.
Our role-based dynamic sharing control architecture
is shown in Figure 4. It is a Web service based peer
to peer system where context is shared using Web ser-
vices. Our architecture consists of sharing controller,
privacy controller, context provider, and role man-
ager. Other components include sharing rules, col-
laboration and contact history, assigned roles, and
revocation rules. Interaction and working of these
components is described below.
tact History
Read data Read & store data
Store data
Sharing Controller
Privacy Controller
Owner Peer
Requesting Peer
Service call
Figure 4: Role-based Dynamic Sharing Control Architec-
5.1 Sharing Controller
Sharing controller accepts requests from users and
provide requested context and roles to user. It uses
sharing rules to check for validity of user request,
for example, requester’s role and current context con-
ditions. Sharing control rules are defined by enter-
prise based on enterprise roles. Context manager pro-
vides requested context for validating context condi-
tions and for granting requested context. If request
is not valid according to sharing control rules, col-
laboration and contact history database is accessed
through privacy controller to find any collaboration
of requester with owner.
5.2 Privacy Controller
Privacy controller uses collaboration and contact his-
tory database to find requester’s collaboration with
owner of context. A collaborator is allowed to get
owner-defined role O-Role to access owner’s personal
context information. Role manager is used for assign-
ing owner-defined roles O-Role to requesting users. It
also uses static and dynamic revocation rules to re-
voke a role from user. It can also contact with context
manager for the user’s current context required by re-
vocation rules.
5.3 Context Provider
Context provider provides requested context to re-
quest handling components. It arranges context in-
formation in hierarchical levels, so that only required
level of context is shared with a requester. Our
system uses context of various types including re-
quester, owner, and all other entities involved in the
system. Context is used for context sharing in our
system. This means that we use context at two lev-
els, firstly for sharing personal and shared context of
users, and secondly for validating sharing rules, re-
vocation rules, and level of sharing based on context
5.4 Role Manager
Role manager assigns owner-defined roles to request-
ing users when decided by the privacy controller. It
provides two types of roles; roles which are defined
based on enterprise roles E-Role, and roles that are not
based on enterprise roles and are used for sharing with
friends, family, or trusted colleagues in enterprise.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Role-based dynamic sharing control system is imple-
mented using Java Web services and is designed as
a peer to peer system. Each user, team, and enter-
prise is a peer. Collaborating users can request con-
text services from other users using Web service calls.
We describe the importance of our work in real world
scenario presented in Section 3.1 using role-based dy-
namic sharing control messenger shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Role-based Dynamic Sharing Control Messenger.
As described in our scenario in Section 3.1, users
U1, U2, U3 and U4 are collaborating in overlapping
teams T1 and T2, created by enterprises E1 and E2.
Figure 5 describes one of the user peers owned by
user U2. The user U2 can watch her online collab-
orators who are user U1 and U3. Personal services
of each user U1 and U3 are available under their
names which can be accessed by U2. As user U1 and
U2 are performing same activity A which is actually
the software design activity for developers having E-
Developer role. When user U2 requests user U1 by
selecting her activity service, the sharing controller
of user U1 finds that having role E-Developer user U2
is not allowed the activity service. It hands over re-
quest to privacy controller which validates user U2 as
a collaborator in a recent ongoing design activity and
so finds her a candidate for assigning an owner-based
role O-Developer. It also sets revocation rules for this
role to user U2 assignment and sets level of sharing
for this role under given context conditions. In this
case revocation rule is based on design activity dura-
tion. Finally, user U2 is assigned role O-Developer
and also gets reply from sharing controller of U1s
peer containing the requested activity context at cer-
tain level of detail allowed to this role as shown in
Figure 5. Similarly other users U3 and U4 can share
context from user U1 using her provided services. Ac-
cording to our scenario in Section 3.1, user U3 gets
O-Colleague role being recognized just as a colleague
of user U1, so she gets the context being shared at a
higher level of granularity. The user U4 gets a shar-
ing denied message having no collaboration with user
Sharing control scenario and application de-
scribed above show the importance of privacy of
owner context being shared in complex real world
scenarios involving multiple entities and their collab-
orations. Our system allows sharing of context based
on owner-defined roles and context conditions up to
a certain level of granularity and for certain time to
preserve the privacy of owner context.
Context-based and hybrid role techniques are used to
provide sharing control and privacy to owner’s con-
text information. RBAC is extended to include con-
text constraints and owner-defined roles. Role revoca-
tion for O-Roles is provided based on different types
of rules like static rules, for example, fixed time limit,
or dynamic rules, for example, event-based rules. A
Web services based architecture of the system is pro-
vided which describes working of all components to
provide required level of sharing control. Future work
includes the use of autonomic techniques for auto-
matic assignment and revocation of owner-defined
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies