approaches. According to this proposed approach, for a cluster, the node elected by the
base station is the node having the maximum chance to become the cluster-head, which
is based on three fuzzy descriptors: energy level in each sensor node, sensor node con-
centration and node centrality with respect to the entire cluster. The operation of this
fuzzy logic cluster-head election scheme is divided into two rounds with each consisting
of a setup and steady state phase similar to LEACH algorithm. During the setup phase,
fuzzy knowledge processing is used for determining the CHs, and then the cluster is
organized. In the steady state phase, the aggregated data is collected by CHs. After that,
CHs perform signal processing functions to compress the data into a single signal. This
composite signal is then sent to the base station. Fuzzy logic control model is core part
of this proposed approach; it includes a fuzzifier, fuzzy rules, fuzzy inference engine,
and a defuzzifier. To be specific, fuzzifier is used to take the crisp inputs from each
of variables of energy, concentration and centrality and determine the degree to which
these inputs belong to each of the appropriate fuzzy sets. Then, these fuzzified inputs
are applied to the antecedents of the fuzzy rules. As for the defuzzification, the input
for this process is the aggregate output fuzzy set chance and the output is a single crisp
number. For fuzzy inference engine, Mamdani Method [13] is commonly used. In [12],
similar cluster heads selections based on fuzzy logic algorithm are also presented.
To our knowledge, several attempts have also been used by some researchers to re-
duce energy consumption based on mobile agents [2][3][4][5]. Due to the constraints
of bandwidth in wireless sensor network, the network’s capacity may not satisfy the
transmission of sensory data. In order to handle the problem of overwhelming data traf-
fic, Qi, et al. [6] proposed Mobile Agent-based Distributed Sensor Network (MADSN)
for multi-sensor data fusion. For this proposed approach, it not only achieves data fu-
sion, but also reduces energy expenditure. However, the application of this approach
can only be applied on cluster-based topologies. MADD approach in [7] is introduced
to deal with this problem. Currently, most energy-efficient proposed approaches are fo-
cused on data-centric model, such as the directed diffusion. By selecting good path to
drain quality data from source nodes, directed diffusion approach can achieve substan-
tial energy gain. However, it still allows redundant sensory traffic to flow back to the
Base station. The main advantage of MADD is to reduce the redundant sensory data.
Through using mobile agent, data is aggregated at each source node and is brought back
to sink. This allows substantial energy gain toward the network lifetime.
To explain the process of MADD approach, it starts when the mobile agent is dis-
patched from the BS with the interest and ends when it returns to the sink with the
aggregated data. The processes involved in MADD are divided into three phases. First,
the mobile agent is dispatched from BS to the first source node. Second, the mobile
agent shifts from the first source node to the last source node, visiting selected source
nodes in between. The drawback for this approach is that it doesn’t always guarantee
the best sequence of nodes to be visited.
To deal with the aforementioned limitations, Shakshuki et al. in [8] proposed a
mobile agent for efficient routing approach (MAER) by using both Dijkstra’s algorithm
and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). As we know, the order of source nodes to be visited by
the mobile agent greatly affects the energy consumption. Although MADD, the work
presented in [7], allows the agent to autonomously select visit sequence of source nodes