1. “Sharpening” stage: δ = δ
/2 and η = 1.
2. “Shaping” stage: δ = δ
and η = 1.
3. “Heating” stage: δ = δ
and η = 0.1/δ
4. “Cooling” stage: δ = δ
and η = 5/δ
In the first stage, we use a small δ to sharpen blurred boundaries. During this stage,
the interactions between two nodes where |V | > δ
/2 will be cut off and blurred bound-
aries will be sharpened by the smoothing in a small range.
In the second stage, we set δ = δ
and η = 1 to calculate the rough results which
obviously include the local minimum and small regions.
In the third stage, we use a small η, i.e. high temperature to smooth small regions
and to lead to global minimum.
In the final stage, we use a large η, i.e. low temperature to “cool” the pixel states
down for coarse edge detection. Note that η is a little smaller than unity in the final
stage. This is because that the binary resistive-fuse characteristic is known as lack of
robustness [11]. Therefore, we use η = 5/δ
in the final stage, whose characteristic is
close to that when η = 1, but more convex around where |V | = δ. Therefore, it may
lead to less local minimum in the interactions with neighboring eight nodes.
In summary, we propose a heating-and-cooling annealing sequence, and employ
“sharpening” and “shaping” processes to improve the robustness of the model. Ideal an-
nealing sequences have to smooth noise and small regions at the same time, while keep-
ing the boundaries of large regions. However, simple cooling-down annealing cannot
achieve these functions due to the uncertainty of the input image, and may cause over-
smoothing. In contrast, the proposed annealing sequence can sharpen blurred bound-
aries and reduce noise in the input image before the “heating” stage for smoothing the
small regions. Therefore, the proposed annealing sequence can achieve more robust
detection than simple cooling-down sequences.
5 Simulation Results and Discussion
Figure 4 (a) shows processing results obtained by applying the self-adjusting function
of λ to the original RFN model. It is verified that these results are less sensitive to the
initial value of λ/σ compared with Fig. 2 (a). Figure 4 (b) shows the scaling of the
shape of conductance function, by keeping ηδ
We also evaluated the similarity between the results where (initial value of ) λ/ σ
is two and is four as shown in Table 2. The similarity is defined as the ratio of the
count of identical edge pixels to that of all the edge pixels. In the simulation, 15 images
are selected from 4.1.01 to 4.2.07 in the USC-SIPI Image Database [12]. By comparing
3rd-column with 4th-column in Table 2, it is verified that our self-adjusting function can
significantly weaken the dependence of the model on λ/σ, so that it can increase the
similarities of edge detection results when changing λ/σ. Furthermore, the similarities
of edge detection results come to more than 90% by additionally using our new anneal-
ing sequence as shown in the 5th-column in Table 2. Therefore, the manual control of
λ and σ is unnecessary any more.
Figure 5 shows processing results for images with gradation. The rectangular region
in the input image has a gradation of 10 levels per pixel in 256-level grayscale. These