KAOS-β: A Goal-oriented Process Model for EIS
Malihe Tabatabaie, Fiona A. C. Polack and Richard F. Paige
Department of Computer Science, University of York, YO10 5DD, York, U.K.
Abstract. There is increasing demand for approaches to develop more effective
enterprise information systems (EIS). A possible solution is to focus on eliciting
and elaborating goals prior to capturing EIS requirements. Focusing on EIS goals
could help the developer team and other stakeholders (particularly decision mak-
ers) achieve a shared and structured understanding of the goals of the EIS and the
overall enterprise. We present an investigation of the use of the KAOS approach
to goal modelling in the domain of EIS. As a result, we propose a tailoring of
KAOS for this domain; the tailoring has been developed through empirical stud-
ies. Our tailoring, called KAOS-β, is described, and an empirical evaluation is
presented, investigating its applicability for defining and structuring the goals of
groups of EIS.
1 Introduction
This paper describes an approach to the analysis of Enterprise Information Systems
(EIS) based on the well-known KAOS goal-based approach. The approach uses struc-
turing and modelling of the goals of EIS to address some of the common challenges of
EIS [7]:
lack of clear links between EIS and the organisation’s key priorities; lack of agreed
measures of success;
lack of effective engagement with stakeholders;
lack of understanding of and contact with the supply industry at senior levels in the
lack of ability to visualise complex software systems.
Elsewhere, we review current EIS structure and development[21, 20]. An enterprise
is a collection of small or medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and partners that operates
as a single organisation. Most EIS are designed and developed for the whole enterprise,
rather than for a single business unit or departmentof the enterprise. They can deal with
the problems of a large organisation (which includes different SMEs or partners), and
they can deal with the problems of an organisation that includes different departments
[21]. This leads to a definition of EIS as a software system that integrates the business
processes of organisation(s) to improve their functioning [20, P. 24].
The challenges of EIS vary across enterprises, with many challenges related to scale
and complexity. Some factors that create complexity in EIS are [21]:
size and growth of information technology (IT), information systems (IS) and the
organisation itself;
Tabatabaie M., A. C. Polack F. and F. Paige R.
KAOS-B: A Goal-oriented Process Model for EIS.
DOI: 10.5220/0003016000400049
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-12-6
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the interactions between different IT and IS;
the involvement of many different parties in the constructions and use of IT and IS;
the ever-increasing rate of organisational and social change.
It is these factors that give rise to the failures of communication and understanding
identified as challenges [7], above.
We identify the systems architecture as the key part of an EIS, and propose a goal-
oriented approach to facilitate communication and understanding in the development
of EIS. Through a structured process of analysis and modelling, EIS developers are
led towards an understanding of the priorities of the enterprise and its organisational
goals. Analysis requires identification of a sufficiently complete sets of goals, by en-
gagement with different groups of stakeholders. Engagement with senior staff helps to
create understanding between developers and senior managers who make the decisions.
Structuring the goals of EIS leads towards a vision of the EIS-to-be and systems-as-is,
and can address the challenge of EIS structural visualisation.
The need to identifyenterprise-levelgoals led us toreviewwell-knowngoal-oriented
approaches. The KAOS approach is identified as the best match to EIS needs, and sec-
tion 3 shows how the approach is used to analyse EIS goals. Like most goal-oriented
approaches, KAOS provides heuristic rules for analysis and presentation. Whilst [13]
describes how heuristic rules build on each other, and presents a case study in which
KAOS is applied in steps, there is no general systematic guide to application of KAOS
or validation of its results. Based on the example of a stroke-care EIS, a structured,
flexible process, KAOS-β (KAOS-beta), is devised to guide goal development. KAOS-
β exploits KAOS heuristics and addresses its limitations for enterprise-level analysis.
The evaluation (section 4) addresses some of the challenges of evaluating such a pro-
cess, and presents some results of evaluating KAOS-β. Finally section 5 summarises
the challenges, results and future directions of this work.
2 Goal-oriented Approaches
There are at least 15 distinct goal-oriented approaches (GOAs) [11], from many ar-
eas of computer science
. Existing GOAs address system-level goals, so need adapta-
tion for EIS-level goal analysis. Approaches generally lack goal evaluation guidance.
However, four approaches were identified as possible candidates for EIS goal analysis:
GSN [12], KAOS [13], GBRAM [2], and i
[3]. i
is a well-known approach that has
been applied to health care [1]; it claims to encourage the involvement of stakeholders
in requirement analysis, and to help the developers to achieve deep understanding of
the domain; however, it proved difficult to adapt i
to the level of EIS goal analysis.
GSN is a goal-structuring notation used for presenting the structure of arguments, for
example in safety certification, and has been applied in research contexts to require-
ments analysis [9]. GSN structures an argument using goals, for presentation to stake-
holders; in this way it can be a bridge between developers and stakeholders, but has
A separate paper on the analysis of GOAs that was undertaken here is in preparation, and will
be available on the lead author’s website
little guidance on goal identification and validation [19]. KAOS and GBRAM address
system-level requirements engineering, and have approaches for defining and refining
system goals; KAOS is the better-documented approach. The Objectiver tool guides
and supports the construction and documentation of KAOS models. Although KAOS
gives little guidance on goal evaluation, it does validate system models using heuris-
tics, for instance applying a “why” question, both bottom-up and top-down, to the goal
model [13]. KAOS is thus the most appropriate basis for an EIS goal-analysis approach,
but it needs some adaptation.
3 KAOS Adaptation for EIS
This section presents a brief summary of KAOS and introduces an example EIS whose
goals are to be analysed (Section 3.1). The EIS is then analysed using KAOS, leading
to the derivation of KAOS-β.
KAOS is a goal-driven methodology, designed to elicit and validate requirements
and to prove their consistency [6]. The developers of the Objectiver tool
state that
KAOS extends the traditional “what question” approach to requirements with “why”,
“who” and “when” questions; the approach comprises:
1. identifying and refining goals progressively until constraints that are assignable to
individual agents are obtained;
2. identifying objects and actions progressively from goals;
3. deriving requirements on the objects and actions to meet the constraints; and
4. assigning the constraints, objects and actions to the agents composing the system.
KAOS develops a goal model, from which other models can be derived, covering
the various views and aspects of the requirements engineering for a system: the obsta-
cle model, the agent model, the operation model, the object model and the behaviour
model. Lamsweerde [13] provides heuristic rules and patterns for the creation of the
goal model. Preliminary goals are elicited by analysis of the current system, require-
ments and documentation, and through consideration of the KAOS taxonomy of goal
categories. For each goal, sub-goals are identified by a process described as “identifying
goals along refinement branches” [13]: a process of systematic challenge using struc-
tured “how” and “what” questions. During refinement, mappings between goals and
agents are established and refined until there is one agent per goal. Obstacles, threats
and conflicts related to the goals are identified. Lamsweerde’s guidelines are accompa-
nied by advice on common pitfalls, reuse of refinements etc [13].
To develop a variant of KAOS for EIS goal analysis, KAOS was applied to a well-
documented stroke-care EIS. The following section describes the example domain; in
section 3.2 we outline the findings of the KAOS analysis. Section 3.3 summarises the
KAOS-β process.
3.1 The Stroke-care EIS
Stroke care is the management of medical procedures within a health service here
the UK’s NHS. The health service enterprise is made up of many business processes,
and related organisations include hospitals and government bodies. NHS stroke care
is an EIS within the wider health service enterprise: the organisational and medical
systems depend on different business processes and partners and coherent EIS support.
Stakeholders in the stroke-care enterprise include patients, their relatives, politicians,
health specialists, IT specialists and health-service managers.
The strategic importance of stroke care (stroke is the third-greatest cause of death
in the UK) has generated various EIS proposals and documents, representing the views
of society and organisations who are interested in achieving the goals of stroke care.
The UK Department of Health’s National Stroke Strategy (NSS) identifies the lasting
and profound impact of strokes; it proposes a strategy for stroke care and stroke pre-
vention [22], and is the main source in this study, because of its coverage of goals,
non-functional requirements and soft goals. The NSS is backed up with: public doc-
uments on Danish electronic patient records [10] and US stroke care systems [17]; a
regional health trust report covering IT for stroke care [14]; and some limited interview
3.2 Applying KAOS and Deriving the KAOS-β Process
The KAOS analysis follows the sequence of heuristic goal applications described for a
case study by Lamsweerde [13]. The Objectiver tool was used to develop a KAOS goal
model. This identified limitations of the KAOS, particularly in relation to modularity
and traceability. Taking inspiration from other GOAs, KAOS was then adapted to give
the KAOS-β process. Here, we highlight how KAOS has been adapted for EIS, and, in
this way, outline how KAOS-β process differs from KAOS.
Preliminary goal identification [13] discovered a number of top-level goals of the
stroke-care EIS, capturing the strategic-level aspirations of the enterprise. As in KAOS
[13], the documentation of each goal includes a name (a unique identifier) and a defini-
tion, describing the goal in natural language. The definition also identifies phenomena
related to the goal that could be monitored and controlled in the system. In EIS goal
analysis, traceability of the goals and requirements to their source is crucial, both in
analysis and in the presentation of results to the enterprise. The outcome of goal anal-
ysis is a set of integrated plans (an architecture) for EIS; it is the starting point for
system-level analysis and design activities, and these must be able to trace back to the
sources used in devising the EIS architecture. To support traceability, the KAOS-β pro-
cess adds a mandatorysource feature to the documentation of every goal. This identifies
the document pages/paragraphs that are the origin of each goal.
In KAOS, optional features of each goal are Type, Category, Source, Priority, Sta-
bility, FitCriterion, FormalSpec, and Issue [13]. Because the level at which KAOS-β
is used (EIS architecture development rather than system-level requirements engineer-
ing), features such as FitCriterion, which relate to measurability of goals, are of limited
value.However, contextualinformationis often needed: for example, it is useful to iden-
tify which specific stakeholders have an interest in a goal, and goals may include terms
or assumptions that need elaborating or disambiguating. Earlier application of GSN to
the stroke-care example [21] had made significant use of the GSN context concept [12],
and has thus been incorporated in to the KAOS-β goal documentation. KAOS-β also
adds a notes feature, to record goal information that does not fit in any other field,
perhaps regarding future consequence or the need to further information. With these
modifications, KAOS-β uses the same notations for forms and models as KAOS [13],
we use a tabular format for recording goal features.
The documentation of goals leads to further goals, as well as the modification or
removal of some goals. Whilst iteration may be implicit in the KAOS guidelines, in
KAOS-β, we make the possibility of iteration explicit, to help analysts in applying the
In KAOS, consideration of goal categories contributes to goal identification [13].
The KAOS categories (behavioural vs Soft goals, and their sub-categories) refer to
system-level requirements, and are less helpful at the strategic enterprise level. Instead,
we use a modular structuring concept, and we apply it during the refinement of top-level
goals to derive sub-goals. In the stroke-care example, goal refinement led to goal-bloat
the graph of goals and sub-goals becomes unmanageable. This is exacerbated by
KAOS’ reliance on a single goal model, with no modularity. KAOS-β modularity is
inspired by GSN modularity. In the stroke-care goal analysis, modules are identified
via participant or stakeholder groups: health care specialists (doctors, nurses, ambu-
lance staff etc.); community members (patients, family of patients etc.); stakeholders
who deal with systems development (IT specialists, domain specialists, decision mak-
ers etc.). This leads to modules of relevance to the enterprise as well as to the EIS design
activities, such as an IT module and a social module.
The goal model records the refinement links between goals. In KAOS, a link is
documented with details of the refinement that has been made: Name, SysRef, Status
and Tactic [13]. In KAOS, the name feature is used to remove any ambiguity. System
reference (SysRef) refers to system-to-be or system-as-is. Status records whether the
goal is still under refinement. Tactic records the refinement tactic used to derive the
sub-goal [13]. In KAOS-β, the tactic feature is used (additionally) to provide source
information that is, which documents or other sources were used in arriving at the
refinement. This supports traceability, and also helps in evaluating the goal model.
In KAOS, the heuristics of goal refinement result in detection of agents, consid-
eration of the wishes of agents, and the allocation of goals to agents. In the KAOS-β
process, these heuristic rules are consolidated into two steps, to identify agents and to
link them to goals. The identification of agents is closely related to the identification
of personnel and stakeholder groups that form the basis of KAOS-β modules. Whilst
KAOS-β uses the KAOS heuristic of asking “who” questions to identify agents, it does
not use any system modelling (KAOS proposes sequence diagrams etc to relate goals
and agents) because this is inappropriate to the EIS level. KAOS-β uses KAOS agent
categories: in the stroke-care case, non-human agents are related to the operational
context of the EIS, whilst the human agents are different groups of users and stake-
holders: Patients; Health specialists (doctors, nurses, etc.); System developer; System
maintainer; Decision makers (Hospital Managers, Government, Domain experts, etc.);
Health Staff (system operators, data entry personnel etc.).
The KAOS heuristics advise refining goals until there is one agent per goal. In
enterprise goal analysis, it is important to record responsibilities, but it is unnecessary
(and inappropriate) to break down goals in such detail, since these are not (yet) the basis
for system-level transactions. In the enterprise design level, there may be many agents
to each goal.
In KAOS, the heuristics and patterns related to analysing obstacles, threats and
conflicts are part of goal refinement. This interesting step allows the designers to detect
and address (through additional goals) interactions among goals and requirements [13].
In KAOS-β, the analysis of goal interaction and the resultant iteration is raised to the
status of a step in the process. For example, the stroke-care strategy documents yield
conflicting goals relating to the ease of access to patient data (eg. by patients and for
emergency stroke treatments) and data security (eg. the need to limit who can access
personal data). As in KAOS, conflicts are identified in the goal diagram.
3.3 The Structure of KAOS-β
The KAOS method is, in principle, applicable to EIS goal analysis. Most of the changes
proposed are either the need for more detail to support traceability, or the need to pro-
vide clearer guidance on the path or paths that can be taken to develop the goal analysis.
Omissions in KAOS-β are related to level: KAOS-β is applied at the level of enterprise
strategy, to derive an EIS architecture, rather than at the system level to engineer re-
Figure 1 summarises the steps and most likely iterations of the KAOS-β process. As
in KAOS, step 1 concerns identification of the top-level goals. For an EIS, this involves
searching for strategic objectives, business goals, domain-specific objectives, and goals
that could be refined by analysing requirements and problems.
In step 2 the designers use modularity to structure the goal model. The heuristicused
in the example to derive modules is to consider participant groups, many of whom are
later designated as agents. Modularity is a critical step: from this point, each KAOS-β
step is applied to each module.
Within each module, step 3 is akin to KAOS goal refinement. In step 4 the de-
signers document the goals, which leads to identification of missing, redundant, or mis-
specified goals: the documentation process is thus part of the validation of the identified
goals. Iteration of steps 3 and 4 is usually required.
In steps 5 and 6 the designers refine goals and document the refinement links, cre-
ating traceability within the goal structure. Iteration occurs as new goals are identified.
Step 7 detects agents in the same way as KAOS. In step 8 the designers associate
the agents to goals. In step 9 the designers search for obstacles, threats, and conflicts,
with the appropriate iteration to step 3 to check for any changes in the goal set or the
links. All these iterations are part of evaluating and improving the goal structure.
4 Evaluation of KAOS-β
The KAOS-β process model is a straightforwardextension and modification of KAOS’s
heuristic rules, adapted to the level of EIS goals. Evaluation is a non-trivial problem,
Step 1: Identify top goals
Step 2: Identify modules
Step 4: Document goals
Step 5: Refine goal links
Step 6: Document links
Step 7: Identify agents
Step 8: Link goals and agents
threats and conflicts
Step 9: Identify obstacles,
Step 3: Identify goals in each
Fig.1. Structure of the KAOS-Beta Process.
particularly in the context of a small project that does not have the capacity to apply the
process in many realistic situations. There is little guidance on process evaluation, and
that which exists is often inapplicable. For example, Gruhn [8] proposes an approach
that evaluates application of a process in a specific context; the approach also focuses
on temporal and dynamic aspects of process application: neither is appropriate here.
We are evaluating KAOS-β in several directions. This paper focuses on three: gen-
eral process characteristics; internal validity (or soundness) and external validity (based
on [4]).
Internal validity addresses the detail of the process: the structure, applicability and
heuristics, as well as how the outputs are validated. The KAOS-β process model is
represented as a series of steps. Clearly identifying a process, its steps and links makes
it possible to address its internal validity. It can be seen that the process and the steps
themselves conform to most of the process characteristics listed above; KAOS-β also
offers the potential for evolvability and adaptability.
In terms of detail, KAOS is a widely-used approach to requirements engineering,
and we can assume that it is internally valid. We can thus infer at least some internal va-
lidity for the KAOS-β process model through its derivation from KAOS, as summarised
in section 3.3. The internal differences between KAOS-β and KAOS are derived by ap-
plication of the process to an EIS. Here, internal validity can be shown by appeal to
best practices: we add modularity to manage the scope of EIS goal analysis, and we add
traceability so that goal models can be maintained, and can be used to initiate specific
systems projects in the enterprise.
The KAOS-β process includes explicit iteration, to support the exploratory nature
of goal analysis. The validity of the output of the process (the goal model) is improved
through iterative development and oversight of the process and results by the enterprise
In terms of goal evaluation, KAOS-β Step 9, identifying obstacles and threats, re-
quires the analyst to consider interaction and negative aspects of goals in evaluating
the goals. KAOS goes further, for example looking at the converse of goals; KAOS-β
evolution should consider adding further goal evaluation heuristics as optional steps, or
adaptation options for use in other EIS situations.
KAOS heuristics advise continuing goal identification “to the system boundary”
as a stopping condition, and also advise that refinement should continue until each
goal maps to one agent. For KAOS-β, we propose a validation check that defines the
boundaries of each module and of the EIS (i.e. the scope of the goal analysis), and
determines that the identified goals reach the boundaries: this is a coverage condition.
The second validation check is that all goals should be mapped to agents – though we
allow goals to map to many agents, as above: when the enterprise wishes to proceed
to system development, the goal model would form the starting point for requirements
External validity looks at the general requirements for a valid process. Here, we use
Ramsin’s criteria [16] for evaluating software engineering processes. However, first we
consider the general requirements for a (software engineering) process. We draw on
evaluations of process presentation techniques for UML [5] and Petri-nets [4, 15], and a
general definition of process as a set of activities, associated results and a product [18],
and add to the requirements of a process the need for defined inputs, defined outputs,
and linkage between steps. The type and domain of input and output of the process shall
be defined for the users of the process. The KAOS-β process outlined above conforms
to these general process characteristics: it is a process to create an enterprise-level goal
structure and EIS architecture; it comprises a set of well-defined activities, represented
as steps, with associated results that link the activities. As a result a goal structure which
is part of the software product design is created.
Good engineeringpractice also proposes that aprocess shouldbe customisable,both
in its ability to evolve, and in relation to adaptation to different situations. This cannot
be assessed directly at this stage.
The criteria-based evaluation applied all Ramsin’s criteria [16], though space does
not permit a complete presentation here. Three criteria require comment: (a) considera-
tion of the clarity, rationality and consistency of the process definition which cannot be
assessed until KAOS-β is fully reported; (b) coverage of generic lifecycle development
activities is addressed in so far as is possible, but KAOS-β preceeds most conventional
lifecycle development activities; (c) support for umbrella activities (risk management,
project management and quality assurance) have not yet been addressed. The other cri-
teria are summarised in table 1.
This qualitative analysis illustrates that KAOS-β could be applied for some cases
of EIS. We could get confidence about it by testing it in different cases. We believe that
there is no one good process that could be applied to all types of EIS, hence instead we
should focus on the best practices.
Table 1. Evaluation of KAOS-β against Ramsin’s criteria [16].
Seamlessness and smoothness of
transition between phases, stages
and activities
KAOS-β retains and improves the flow between ac-
tivities (steps), facilitating iteration or omission of
optional steps
Basis in the requirements
KAOS-β address the needs of the example EIS goal
analysis and is aligned with general definitions of
process and of EIS
Testability and Tangibility of arte-
facts, and traceability to require-
Artefacts are tangible: goals, agents, refinement
(goal-model); testability is heuristic; KAOS-β trace-
ability is explicit
Encouragement of active user in-
Intended and facilitated in KAOS-β, as in KAOS
Practicability and practicality (
) KAOS-β is applicable EIS; it is a practical modifica-
tion of KAOS. Full practicality needs umberella ac-
tivities (further work)
Manageability of complexity
KAOS-β’s clear activities and links minimize com-
Extensibility / Configurability /
Flexibility / Scalability
Addressed by iterative process, modularity; process
potentially customisable
Application scope (Information
Scope is EIS goals/architecture
5 Conclusions and Future Work
KAOS-β is a modification of KAOS for EIS goal analysis. It has been developed
through experimental application of KAOS to the stroke-care enterprise, a non-trivial
example of EIS that includes different business processes, stakeholders and viewpoints.
Some of the work being undertaken to evaluate KAOS-β and to validate the output of
the process is outlined.
Work is continuing on the development and documentation of KAOS-β. Support
for traceability needs evaluating and testing. More work is needed in identifying and
applying appropriate evaluation techniques. KAOS-β can be applied further within the
identified modules of the stroke-care goal model, and should be applied to other EIS, to
determine shortcomings and to improve the quality of the process model.
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