We outlined different architecture configurations, gave details about timing results
and characterized the optimal setup for our prototype. Using action setting II with
communication protocol UDP enables us to contact each involved participant in the
product’s lifecycle in avg. 15ms which is 60 % faster than action setting I with com-
munication protocol TCP. We observed that our simulated RFID events consume in
avg. 18 bytes when stored by SAP TREX compressed in memory. For the European
pharmaceutical supply chain, we assume 1 producer, 4 wholesalers, 1 retailer, and 1
end consumer. With approx. 15billion prescriptions per year and 9 read events – 2 per
wholesaler and 1 per retailer – an annual amount of approx. 2.3 TB of compressed event
data needs to be stored by all decentralized SAP TREX instances.
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