Table 3. The nine most important errors sorted by category.
Number Type Concept Percentage
266 DEL refLink-coRef 26.18 of 1016 DEL
160 DEL object 15.74 of 1016 DEL
123 INS connectProp 20.74 of 593 INS
97 INS refLink-coRef 16.35 of 593 INS
91 SUB hotel-name 6.98 of 1326 SUB
81 SUB object 6.21 of 1326 SUB
70 INS response 11.80 of 593 INS
64 SUB refLink-coRef 4.94 of 1326 SUB
58 DEL connectProp 5.70 of 1016 DEL
The results exposed in this article only concern the analyzer. The evaluation is based
on the MEDIA corpus which is the French reference dialog corpus with evaluation
tools. The linguistic model that we implement, which is a kind of context-free grammar,
is pretty simple. Since the scores we obtain are equivalent to those of other systems, this
proves that this approach is good enough in our dialog context.
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