5 Conclusions
The two-level (or meta-level) approach to machine learning has been studied for
many years. This research paper continues in our larger project whose purpose is to
design, implement, and empirically compare the meta-learner Meta-CN4 with other
algorithms for processing of missing attribute values. Namely, this paper exhibits a
portion of the above project that considers the importance of the ‘foldness’ S of such a
meta-combiner as its crucial parameter. The only, but widely used criterion in our
experiments was the classification accuracy acquired from testing sets.
By analyzing the results of our experiments we came to the following:
Although there were carried out the experiments only for a few values of the
parameter S, we can observe that there is the ‘optimal’ value S that maximizes the
classification accuracy. One can easily observe it namely along the series for S=32
that exhibits always worse performance than that for other values.
To be more precise, the statistical results of the t-test (with the confidence level
0.05) depict that the performance of the meta-combiner for S=4, S=8, and S=16 are
statistically equivalent, but they are significantly better than that for S=2 and S=32.
Because of time limitations, we did not perform more experiments. We did not use
the stack generalizer (fold S=K) because it is much more time consuming; the paper
[9] indicates that the timing cost for the stack generalizer is much more larger than
that for the meta-combiner for relatively small parameters S.
For the future research, we plan to perform more experiments and to study how the
optimal value of the parameter S depends on a processed database. It is just our
impression that even for this issue (to find an optimal value of S), we would need to
introduce another ‘meta-level’.
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