leader assess impacts on end user and help them
during change phases. The main argument in favour
of managing change is the resistance to change
phenomenon: this reaction can be an obstacle in
organisations’ evolutions if not properly addressed.
In order to do so, we suggest using a structured
change management approach. Indeed, these
approaches are flexible enough to take into account
the uniqueness of change, and provide a structure
and a set of tool to build a human-oriented change
management solution.
Further researches will be done on correlation
between organizational agent responses and received
change management actions; indeed, we think
impact perception could be influenced by received
training, communication and accompaniment.
Three main fields of investigation will complete
this study in our future works. The first one is the
readiness for change assessment, which importance
in the first phases of a change project has been
underlined by Zephir (Zephir et Al., 2007; Zephir,
2009). We think that this capacity evaluation should
be considered as a very important parameter in CM
process, as it helps to anticipate the potential impacts
of the change. The second field of investigation we
identified is the co-construction as presented by
Jaujard (Jaujard, 2007). This CM practise consists in
dealing with change at three levels: individuals,
groups and organisation. For each level, Jaujard
suggest to focus and work on a different part of the
occurring change. The third point we’ll need to
analyze is the possibility and the pertinence for the
company to implement action toward individuals;
the question is relevant because dealing with
individuals is more time consuming and more
complex than focusing on groups. The benefits of
building a customized change management solution
have to be assessed in regard with its costs.
Our main focus through this paper was to show
the importance of taking into account end users of a
standard in the deployment process, as this process
is in our opinion a change process for both
organizations and individuals. Our main concern is
to make easier standard deployment process for
organizations by increasing the comfort of their
employees during change phases.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems