Self Organization within a SOA
Hakima Mellah
Research Center in Scientific and Technical Information, Cerist, Ben Aknoun, Algiers, Algeria
Salima Hassas
Liesp, Lyon 1 Univeristy, Lyon, France
Habiba Drias
USTHB Univeristy, Algiers, Algeria
SOA, Self Organization, MAS, Agility.
The main point of this work is to show how to contribute to information system (IS) agility by enabling
self-organization of distributed IS that represent the nodes of information network relating these IS. The con-
tribution is focused on presenting some factors that lead and trigger for self organization in a Service oriented
Architecture (SOA) and propose how to integrate Self Organizing(SO) mechanism as this latter has already
been proposed(in another work) for a Multi Agent System(MAS).
Nowadays Companies are faced with an increasingly
complex environment where requirements of speed
and effectiveness determine their competitiveness.
An agile enterprise is a company with an information
system synchronized with its business (MIBS, 2006;
Syntec, 2007; McCoy and Plummer, 2006). The re-
sources in terms of services offered by its informa-
tion system (IS) may extend beyond the borders of
the business using transit interfaces such as Internet.
These interfaces can be used to interact with a vari-
ety of companies (other organizations) to request their
services. Inversely an organization providing any ser-
vice is often called upon to interact with a group of
services seekers (Benatallah et al., 2002; Mellah et al.,
2006). However a service can be changed and may
evolve over time (Macella and Pernici, 2006); a new
version of a service can be used in place of the old
one. During organizations interaction process, new
ones may integrate into this latter and offer new ser-
vices with advanced features. The main purpose of
computing services is to create the foundation tech-
nology and management required to support the en-
terprise agility (Zhao et al., 2007). To ensure this
agility and allow use of services, in order to meet
the business process and the user, it is important to
have a service-oriented software architecture (SOA)
(Zhao et al., 2007; Syntec, 2007). During the inter-
action, the meaning carried by information is related
to the information itself, to the manner it is used and
its relationship to other information in the same con-
text or the same information network. This is even
more important when a range of distributed and inter-
connected information sources is considered. The
complexity theory provides a conceptual working en-
vironment, a way of thinking and a way of seeing the
world (Cachon et al., 1999; McKelvey, ; Mitleton-
Kelly, 2003) or just the information. This new ap-
proach requires new connections and is to see a new
function (Cachon et al., 1999)for a portion of an en-
tity spatially located. We look at the organization as a
complex evolving system, co-evolving (Cachon et al.,
1999)with a social ecosystem. Complex systems are
multidimensional systems and all dimensions interact
and influence each other. Self-Organization (SO) is
a key feature of these systems. In an organizational
context it can be described by the spontaneous ar-
rival of a group for executing a task or reaching a
goal. The group decides by itself what to do, how and
when, without any external entity decision (Mitleton-
Mellah H., Hassas S. and Drias H. (2010).
WHAT, WHY AND HOW TO INTEGRATE - Self Organization within a SOA.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 163-167
DOI: 10.5220/0003018901630167
Kelly, 2003). Emerging properties, patterns or struc-
tures appear from individual elements interactions. In
(Mellah et al., 2008) a representation model of dis-
tributed information sources is proposed and the in-
formation is structured in a three dimensional system
taking into account content, use and structure. The
contents that characterize an information source are
also used for one or more uses, themselves in rela-
tion with other uses and other contents that are re-
lated with a structure or an informational network.
Despite the potential of SOA to align business and
enterprise information technology, SOA still exhibits
a set of characteristics that make it complicated to
apply self-organization to an SOA-based system(Lei
et al., 2008). In (Lei et al., 2008) a reference architec-
ture is proposed to enable controlled self-organization
in a service-oriented environment. The distributed
and heterogeneous characteristics of service-oriented
computing demand for comprehensive management
approaches. In the mentioned architecture, self-
organization of SOA elements is achieved by a sep-
arate management overlay observing and controlling
the underlying SOA layer. It is also expected that the
architecture should be controlled by external policies
supplied by human system participants. This kind of
self organization is criticized by Gasser as it is men-
tioned in (Mellah et al., 2006).
Service orientation promotes a new way to design and
implement large scale distributed applications across
organizational and technical boundaries. However, it
does not provide sufficient means to cope with the in-
creasing complexity in service-oriented applications.
A promising way out of this dilemma is to enable self-
organization in service oriented computing (Lei et al.,
2008). Using service orientation in the architectural
design facilitates reusability, flexibility, interoperabil-
ity, and agility of this kind of systems. Generally, ser-
vice autonomy raises the question of how to establish
proper operation status on the system level(Lei et al.,
2008), especially in presence of possible failures in
some service elements. Self-organization means the
process of generation, adaptation and change of orga-
nizational structure. The latter is the result of indi-
vidual choices of a whole of entities to begin in inter-
action in certain organizational diagrams. We should
not determine the behaviour of a complex system but
rather, one has to expect new possibilities. Thus, we
will be able to adapt when the unforeseen ones ar-
rive, because we will be ready to expect unforeseen
(Mellah et al., 2006). This definition applies also
to the many facets of self organization called self-x
properties (Schmeck, 2005). For example, a system
is self-healing, if it can eliminate the effects of mal-
functioning units without needing for this corrective
action any external assistance. Obviously, this re-
quires the capability to detect deviations from the cor-
rect functionality of the system on a global or local
level(Schmeck, 2005). Nevertheless, in nature many
examples exist related with robust systems, are ob-
served as being able to provide certain functionality in
a completely self organized way. Therefore, there is
some hope that methods observed in natural systems
might be transferable to technical systems. Among
them we quote ant colonies and bacteria colonies. The
latter has been adopted to propose a self organizing
protocol based on multi agents system (Heylighen,
2.1 Choreography versus Web Services
The W3C (W3C Glossary) define orchestrations as
”the model of interaction that must comply a Web
service agent to achieve its goal”. However, even
if orchestrations are a support for incremental pro-
gramming in response to the introduction of a new
event or the coordination with a new service, they
do not support their own composition(Peltz, 2003)
. While orchestration describes, in terms of service,
interactions it may have with other services, and in-
ternal stages of data processing or invocations of in-
ternal modules(Peltz, 2003), choreography describes
the collaboration between services collection, whose
aim is achieving a given objective. The achieve-
ment of this objective is done by exchanging mes-
sages (Austin, 2004). Therefore, in choreography it
is possible to have multiple orchestrations and in each
one, one service will act as an orchestra chef. In
(Mellah et al., 2006) organization functioning influ-
ences much it’s structuring; its key factors are the ele-
ments which form part of it: tasks and activities, com-
petences and responsibilities, interactions network as
well as the bonds, which connect these elements. In-
stead of considering information sources connection,
we consider the whole of WS that are choreographed
to respond to a user request. These WS translate exis-
tence of a discovery structure. As in an organization,
an SOA basic elements (WS), constituting a discovery
structure, are connected by varied and complex flows
which are all significant. They explain how the dis-
covery process has been achieved, or which services
are implied and composed relatively to the user query.
The complex flows represent the organizational struc-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ture and choreographed services are mapped to this
organizational structure’s elements. The interactions
networks connect the organizational positions (geo-
graphical positions on which services are located).
The information network must be self organized in
this context.
In services discovery process, information retrieval
includes two orthogonal components (Mellah et al.,
2006) which must be complementary and that are:
- The construction of the network: is a self-organizing
process which requires an adaptive behaviour while
respecting the network consumption;
- Research: is ensured by a distributed algorithm
which will exploit the structure of the emergent
In (Mellah et al., 2006; Heylighen, 2003) a trigger
factor for self organizing distributed information
sources is IS response time, which can avoid a failure
production in the whole system. IS may encapsulate
services interact for responding to a user query. The
encapsulation will be based on a service discovery
structure that needs to maintain its connectivity
(between services). While interacting, and in order to
avoid resources bottleneck or single points of failures,
services components or resources should maintain
connectivity with each others. This connectivity
can be assured by the recourse to self organizing
resources or services components. Services fault
causalities are varied and three main categories are
distinguished (Erradi, 2006): (i)Functional faults that
are caused by a non completion of task execution
or some incorrect results delivered by service (for
example: price limits or delivery deadline),
(ii)Environmental faults that refer to communication
infrastructure exceptions and middleware failures of
the hosting servers and database servers (for example:
service response time, service availability).
(iii)Contractual fault that are linked to the violation
of service level agreement (SLAs) and collaboration
policies; in this case the service execution might be
completed without the conformity of results to the
negotiated SLAs.
In this paper, we emphasize more on the second
category, and delayed service response time or non
service availability when:
-machines or network connections of a particular ser-
vice provider are currently overloaded. The infor-
mation may influence an agent to choose a different
provider offers the same or a similar service.
-a transaction was involved by a user, such as the
provider identity and network locations of specific
services within a composed service, we should avoid
situation like resource bottlenecks or single point of
failure within the network.
The quoted points are few factors to explore about the
discovery of the required service(s). These can be
triggered elements, dealing exactly with service dis-
covery self organization within a SOA.
To be able to integrate self organization within an
SOA, we first consider the mapping between chore-
ographed services and the organizational structure’s
elements, and then we will try to adapt self organi-
zation within services itself. In (Chan et al., 2006),
a general approach in system fault tolerance that can
be applicable to WS is proposed, based on a repli-
cation driven WS system and on a replication man-
ager. The replication manager keeps check the WS
availability by the polling method. All the check-
ing process is centralized on the replication manager
and its abstract process. If the latter does not re-
spond any more what will happen to the whole sys-
tem? In (Ardissono et al., 2007) a WS monitor is
charged of checking the choreographed services by
receiving their status messages during choreography.
The problem is also posed when the WS monitor it-
self does not respond in time. Several other proposals
are supporting the development of reliable composite
web services, in centralized WS orchestration (Ardis-
sono et al., 2006). In decentralized orchestration, the
state of the composite WS depends on its distribution
across nodes. Human based approaches, to discover
and utilize services, is not only time consuming, but
also requires continuous user interaction. Software
agents have been subject to research in many inter-
related fields. They are long-lived, having persistent
computations that can perceive reason, act, and com-
municate. They have the ability to make decisions in-
dependently, without human intervention and without
influence from other agents, notably when they are
some failures during the service discovery process.
Chafle (Ardissono et al., 2006)proposes a framework
based on local monitoring agents for checking the
WHAT, WHY AND HOW TO INTEGRATE - Self Organization within a SOA
state of the orchestrated WS, and interact with a Sta-
tus Monitor. Palathingal and his colleagues (Palan-
thingal and Chandra, 2004) developed a multi agents
approach for service discovery and utilization. In this
approach there is no indication on the adopted inter-
action protocol, while agents interact, or on failure
production within the system. The most concrete ex-
ample of a self organization is the way in which the
ants produce pheromone like traces between the food
sources. Thus, the food sources are organized in ef-
fective network of provisioning ways. Marco Dorigo
(Gershenson and Heylighen, 2003) is a pioneer in the
field of ant algorithms. The Bacteria colonies also re-
organize by forming patterns in order to fight against
the adverse life conditions, of the environment. They
develop a sophisticated co-operative behaviour and
complex possibilities of communication, in order to
be able to change their pattern and thus to reorganize,
like the direct cell-cell physical interactions by the in-
termediary of additional membrane polymers, which
is useful for the model formation in ”without-life
systems. Based on these models, we have elaborated
a communication model (Mellah et al., 2006) and a
self organizing protocol (Mellah et al., 2007) based
principally on communication primitives that show
how, through interactions (communication), interact-
ing information sources are self organized. Moreover,
the latter is regarded as an interaction cellular pro-
gram and complexity is ensured by the composition
of blocks (primitives). In (Mellah et al., 2008) despite
the model, a layered architecture is proposed for dis-
covering contents of distributed IS, and the first layer
that interacts with users, is based on agents. For this,
we suggest the recourse to a Multi Agent Systems
(MAS) self organizing protocol for service discovery
process. The self organizing protocol is inspired by
bacteria colony life.
In Palathingal’s (Palanthingal and Chandra, 2004) ap-
proach, the proposed MAS is within the UDDI. When
a service provider expresses the need to publish ser-
vices, an agent is created. Each software agent is
specialized in a category of services. In the pro-
posed approach solicited in this paper, the proposed
MAS for services discovery is based principally on
data duplication, which is inspired from (Palanthingal
and Chandra, 2004; Erradi, 2006), within the services
provider. Therefore, instead to affect a provider of
services to a single machine,services are duplicated
on several machines and at each one, a software agent
is associated. At each provider will correspond sev-
eral machines. When a service does not respond any
more or there is a resource bottleneck, another ma-
chine will be ready to provide the same or similar ser-
vice. Based on these postulates, services will be con-
sidered as the tasks transferred between agents ma-
chines. The latter’s interaction will be based on the
self organizing protocol proposed in (Mellah et al.,
2007), and failures are detected by the checking prim-
itive that keeps alive interactions between agents ma-
chines (figure1). The positioning primitive states the
distance between agent machines that do not responds
to a service request and on which data are duplicated;
the routing primitive elaborates the way to follow for
reaching the required service from other machines.
After finding the addresses, the new service will be
updated within the WSDL document. It will be also
interesting to extend the MAS approach, for contexts
providers, and resolve the same failures problems en-
countered, additionally with contexts.
Figure 1: Emergence of a new services communication
structure by the mean of the MAS AO protocol.
services are duplicated on several machines and
at each one, a software agent is associated. At each
provider will correspond several machines. When a
service does not respond any more or there is a re-
source bottleneck, another machine will be ready to
provide the same or similar service. Based on these
postulates, services will be considered as the tasks
transferred between agents machines. The latter’s in-
teraction will be based on the self organizing protocol
proposed in (Mellah et al., 2007), and failures are de-
tected by the checking primitive that keeps alive inter-
actions between agents machines (figure1). The po-
sitioning primitive states the distance between agent
machines that do not responds to a service request
and on which data are duplicated; the routing prim-
itive elaborates the way to follow for reaching the re-
quired service from other machines. After finding the
addresses, the new service will be updated within the
WSDL document. It will be also interesting to ex-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tend the MAS approach, for contexts providers, and
resolve the same failures problems encountered, ad-
ditionally with contexts.
In this paper we have presented some challenging sit-
uations showing how and where to combine self or-
ganizing solutions with a SOA based systems, and
what a MAS self organizing protocol can bring to a
SOA. The proposed MAS self organizing protocol is
inspired form bacteria colony. As perspective we are
trying to assure services discovery process based on a
self organizing MAS. The MAS will be integrated in
a layered architecture combining agents and services
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WHAT, WHY AND HOW TO INTEGRATE - Self Organization within a SOA