We have presented an MDE solution to functional se-
curity management in service-oriented IS. Security
policies can be comprehensively described in a sin-
gle specification language called EB
SEC, which in-
tegrates traditional RBAC-like access control poli-
cies, using its security data model, and stateful con-
trol rules using a process algebra or ASTDs. EB
can be automatically implemented using symbolic
computation, thereby streamlining policy evolution.
SEC is amenable to automated analysis using
model-checking techniques. We are currently experi-
menting several model checkers to determine the most
appropriate one. We are also investigating the trans-
lation of EB
SEC policies into BPEL policies, to pro-
vide a more standard implementation.
SEC subsumes RBAC organizational control
principles like separation of duties, delegation of
rights and hierarchical structuring of concepts. These
can all be express as elements of a security class
diagram and their semantics defined using a first-
order predicate. EB
SEC goes beyond access con-
trol rules typically expressed in RBAC-like policies
and XACML, by taking into account stateful rules,
i.e. rules that can deal with the history of service re-
quests to determine the authorization of the next re-
quests. These stateful rules are abstractly described
using a process algebra or ASTDs. In an RBAC or
XACML approach, stateful business rules are sepa-
rately described in a conventional programming lan-
guage, hence are hard to modify and analyse. Ap-
proaches based on workflows can also be expressed in
SEC. Our process algebra and ASTDs offer more
powerful modeling mechanisms than BPEL, which
streamlines the specification of workflow constraints.
For instance, synchronisation, quantification, and ac-
cess to state variables in guards can be used to model
complex ordering constraints. Timing constraints can
also be represented through the use of action time-
stamps, guards and time attributes in the security class
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