Issues and Best Practices
Rodica Potolea and Camelia Lemnaru
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Imbalanced data, Sampling, Classification.
Abstract: An imbalanced problem is one in which, in the available data, one class is represented by a smaller number
of instances compared to the other classes. The drawbacks induced by the imbalance are analyzed and
possible solutions for overcoming these issues are presented. In dealing with imbalanced problems, one
should consider a wider context, taking into account the imbalance rate, together with other data-related
particularities and the classification algorithms with their associated parameters.
Data mining has emerged from the practical need of
extracting useful information from large volumes of
raw data. Even if initially triggered by concrete
demands, it was quickly established as a theoretical
science, with numerous and valuable achievements.
At present, the focus is starting to shift back to the
particularities of real world problems, as data mining
moves from the status of theoretical to that of a truly
applied science. One such issue is mining
imbalanced problems, like medical diagnosis, the
detection of oil spills from satellite data or that of
fraudulent phone calls.
When dealing with imbalance problems the
traditional methods fail to achieve a satisfactory
performance, due to insufficient representation of
the minority class and because most methods focus
on maximizing the overall accuracy, to which the
minority class contributes very little (Visa, 2005).
In this paper we focus on two-class problems. The
positive class is the interest (minority) class,
containing much fewer instances than the negative
class. Initially, the difficulty of dealing with
imbalance problems was thought of coming from its
imbalance rate (IR), i.e. the ratio between the
number of negative and positive instances in the data
More recent studies suggest that the nature of the
imbalance problems is actually manifold. In (Weiss,
2004), for example, two issues are considered as
being crucial: (1) between-class rarity (rare class):
insufficient data to build a model, in case the
minority class has only a few examples (similar
circumstances as in the case of small samples/small
data sets), (2) within-class rarity (rare case): too
many “special cases” in the minority class, so that in
the class itself, some kind of sub-clustering occurs,
which might lead again to insufficient examples for
correctly identifying such a sub-cluster.
For the within class imbalance, a special case is
represented by the small disjuncts problem (Holte,
1989) – the existence of “isolated” subsets of only a
few instances in the minority class, surrounded by
instances from the other class(es) (Weiss, 2004).
Another study which suggests that the origin of
the imbalance problem does not reside solely in the
rate of the data imbalance is (Japkowicz, 2002),
showing that the difficulties encountered by decision
tree learners when handling imbalanced problems
are also associated with other data characteristics,
such as data set size, or the complexity of the
Another data characteristic correlated with the
imbalance problem which affects performance is IA,
the ratio between the data set size and the number of
features. In (Potolea, 2010) we observed that a
smaller IA improves the performance of several
traditional classifiers.
Potolea R. and Lemnaru C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0003019604430446
Out of the existing methods, some have been shown
to be affected more by the imbalance problem:
decision trees perform the worst when the data is
imbalanced ((Visa, 2005), (Weiss, 2004)), support
vector machines (SVMs) are strongly affected by the
imbalance problem, while the artificial neural
networks (ANN) are not (Potolea, 2010). Our
experimental results are in disagreement with
(Japkowicz, 2000) with respect to the behavior of
SVMs in imbalanced problems. These observations
entail an evident requirement of either adapting
algorithms to specific situations or design new ones.
The alternative solution is to alter the data
distribution such as to provide a more appropriate
distribution in the training set.
One natural solution for dealing with an
imbalance problem is to rebalance it via sampling.
Sampling techniques are grouped into two major
categories: oversampling and undersampling.
Oversampling attempts to tackle IDS by reducing
the imbalance rate in favor of the minority class, by
adding examples but this may lead to overfitting,
increase the time required to build the classifier, or
harm the learning process ((Chawla, 2004),
(Japkowicz, 2002)). Undersampling performs
rebalancing by removing examples from the
majority class which helps narrowing the search
space but may result in loss of information (García,
2009). A comprehensive study of sampling
techniques can be found in (Batista, 2004). Several
efficiently guided oversampling and undersampling
techniques are compared but none of them
dominates all the other on all data sets.
A very important issue regarding sampling
techniques refers to the appropriate volume of
over/under sampling required (Hall, 2005). A natural
question arises: is there an optimal distribution?
(Hall, 2005) suggests performing a guided search for
the correct percentage of undersampling the majority
class or synthetic oversampling the minority class.
(Weiss, 2003) proves that if there is a best
distribution for the training set, it needs more
positive examples as the dimension of the training
set decreases. (Chan, 1998) suggests we should use a
sampling technique which generates a 50-50%
distribution on several folds of the training set, in
which the minority class contains the same examples
in every fold.
Feature selection is one of the most effective pre-
processing method in enhancing the data mining
process. It not only reduces the data dimensionality,
by discarding attributes, thus reducing the search
space, but it also improves the knowledge extraction
task most of the time (Vidrighin, 2008). Moreover, it
proves to be valuable when dealing with IDS as
well, since a large number of features is most
usually accompanied by skew in the class
distribution. Feature selection could be beneficial in
such cases, by selecting the features which “can
capture the high skew in the class distribution”
(Chawla, 2004). The benefits of feature selections
have been also acknowledged in (Visa, 2005), where
it is concluded that feature selection in imbalanced
domains “is even more important than the choice of
the learning method”. Also, we have performed a
series of experiments which have shown that data
sets with a large number of instances per number of
attributes ratio (IA) behave better when faced with
the imbalanced problem (Potolea, 2010).
A step in adapting the existing algorithms to the
new conditions is to choose the most appropriate
metric for attaining the novel objective. This could
be done by analyzing the particularities of the data
and the specific problem requirements. Some
problems could require a large TP (true positives),
while others, most often require a higher
penalization for the errors which fail to identify a
positive example (i.e. false negatives). Changing the
algorithm so that examples at the boundary of the
domain are classified as belonging to the positive
class (Weiss, 2004) fosters the identification of the
positive class.
One-class learning is beneficial for imbalanced
data sets as it avoids overfitting on the majority class
(Chawla, 2004). A good method could be to
generate a model for each single class, rather than
generating a complete model with a unique strategy.
Taking this proposal further, different inducers could
be employed for learning different classes.
We have performed evaluation of the imbalance
effect on various classifiers. The performance
degradation has been traced on 9 benchmark data
sets from UCI (UCI, 2010) with 6 classifiers (k
Nearest Neighbor - kNN, decision trees – C4.5,
support vector machines – SVM, artificial neural
networks – MLP, Bayesian learning – NB and
AdaBoost ensemble learning – AB) from Weka
(Hall, 2009) with their default settings. We
performed the evaluations in a 10 fold cross
validation, by starting with the original data set and
altering the IR up to 100 by undersampling the
positive class. We measured 9 different metrics to
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
assess their suitability in the imbalance context. The
representative results are shown in Figures 1–3,
where for the x axis (IR) we chose the logarithmic
scale to better differentiate between the curves at
small IRs. Accuracy is not a good performance
indicator in case of IDS, as the degradation of
performance is much more severe than revealed by
the Accuracy. What truly interests us (Chawla,
2006) is keeping recall (TPrate) as large as possible
without degrading too much precision. Figure 1
shows a fast drop on TPrate with a recognition rate
between 0.1 and 0.3, depending on learner. This
shows that the minority class tends to become
unrecognizable. On the other hand, almost all
learners perfectly identify the majority class in case
of large imbalance (TNrates=1). This is in
accordance with (Grzymala-Busse, 2005) that
specificity doesn't work as a good indicator for IDS.
Figure 1: TPrate relative to IR.
Figure 2: Precision relative to IR.
Precision is less affected by the imbalance; however,
it degrades decision tree learners’ performance. A
good metric in case of IDS is geometric mean (GM),
capturing important aspects within a single value.
Figure 3 shows the evolution of GM while IR
increases. Similar evaluation could be done via F-
value, while in case more emphasis is put on recall,
F2-value is a better indicator. The metric we
proposed keeps the GM as main estimator,
penalizing a large difference between its
components. Our BGM metric (BGM=GM*(1-
abs(TPR-TNR)), where TPR and TNR are the true
positive and true negative rates) is important when
both classes are of interest. For all metrics evaluated
we noticed a more severe performance degradation
on C4.5 and AB, which makes them the least robust
learners when dealing with the imbalance problem.
In the same trend, yet with a smoother descend are
KNN, SVM and NB, while MLP seem to be quite
robust when dealing with imbalance.
Figure 3: GM relative to IR.
In the attempt to identify factors which affect the
most different learners, we started with the
evaluation of the decision trees. While the positive
class decreases in dimension, the number of
instances dramatically drops. In these situations,
some branches of the decision tree are characterized
by only a few instances; in such a case, the pruning
mechanism (which tends to find the most general
hypothesis) might hurt, the model generated this
way being unable to identify small subclusters
within the minority class (dealing this way with
small sample rather than the imbalance issue).
Therefore, for imbalanced problems, using the
decision tree learner without pruning could be
beneficial. We have evaluated such a possibility, by
comparing the results obtained by the C4.5 classifier
with and without pruning. According to Figure 4 the
pruning mechanism is not a beneficial one at large
IR. As C4.5 is the most affected learner when
precision is the chosen metric (Figure 2), a
specialized pruning mechanism, in accordance with
the IR is expected to generate important
Figure 4: Precision descent on C4.5.
We propose intelligent pruning, which prunes
branches differently according to the number of
instances they cover. At the data level, our main
focus is on generating a combined strategy for
acquiring the best knowledge we can from the
available data: for a given data set, identify the
optimal distribution in a similar manner as (Weiss,
2003). The second step of the strategy generates
several folds out of all available data, with the
optimal distribution for each. In each fold, all the
instances from the minority class are the same (all
minority instances from the entire data set), while
for the majority class(es), we generate partitions to
reach the optimal distribution and assign one
partition per fold, so that each majority instance
occurs in a single fold. Then a model is generated
from each fold and a voting criterion is applied in
order to classify a new instance. Another point of
interest at the data level is the identification of the
appropriate IA which ensures the best performance
for a given classifier and apply a feature selection
strategy, as preprocessing step, in order to reach the
suggested IA.
To properly analyze the imbalance problem, the
relation between the imbalance and other features of
the problem, like its size and complexity
(Japkowicz, 2000), or size and IA (Potolea, 2010)
should be investigated. Secondly, since the
performance is not expected to improve significantly
with a more sophisticated sampling strategy, more
focus should be allocated to algorithm related
improvements, rather than to data improvements.
Finally, starting from the observation that there is no
winner (neither in terms of sampling, nor algorithm)
for all data sets, special attention should be paid to
the particularities of the data at hand. That is, to
apply various tuning strategies for finding the
appropriate combination of learning technique and
sampling strategy, while in a following step, finding
the best settings for them: parameter values, function
selection, threshold, distribution, and many others,
specific to the technique.
This work was supported by the IBM Faculty Award
received in 2009 by Rodica Potolea from the CS
Department of TUCN Romania.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems