for both linear and computation tree logic with quantitative time (see [3,6] for a sur-
vey). The underlying models of these logics are represented as state transition graphs
annotated with time constraints, using either event-based or state based approach. In
the former approach, events record the changes of states at particular points of time,
whereas in the latter approach, the changes of states are recorded at each point of time.
The key difference between both approaches depends on the choice of time domain. In
particular, choosing the domain of time to be the set of natural numbers, gives what is
so called Discrete time model. In this model a transition between states, represented by
events, which happen only at the integer time values. The behavior of a discrete time
model is described by the timed trace over a set of events that occur during the evolu-
tion of the model. Examples of related works those logics, which follow the event based
model, are Timed Propositional Temporal Logic (TPTL) [4], and Explicit Clock Tem-
poral Logic [10,19,17] for linar time logics, and Real-Time Computation Tree Logic
(RTCTL) [9] for computation tree time logic. The main advantage of event based log-
ics together with their underlying discrete time model, is their simplicity to express the
quantitative properties, as they abstract lots of details of models. These logics, however,
can not specify quantitative properties, which may occur within an interval of time. For
example, it might be desirable to state that within some interval of time, say 10 ≤ t ≤ 20,
a certain property holds. This can not be expressed with events unless the boundaries of
the interval coincides with occurrence some events.
On the other hand, choosing the time domain to be the set of non-negative real
numbers gives what is so called continuous/dense model, in which states have to be
recorded at each time point. Therefore, the change of states is represented by letting the
time to pass between one state to another. Examples of related works of dense logics are
Metric Temporal logic (MTL) [13] and Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL)[2] for
linear time with dense semantics, and Timed Computation Tree Logic (TCTL) [1], and
Integrator Computation Tree Logic (ICTL) [5] for computation tree time with dense
semantics. These logics are powerful and expressive to specify quantitative properties,
as they record the state ofthe model at each point of time. They cope with the limitations
of event based logics mentioned previously. They, however, lack to express properties
that entirely depend on events in models directly, despite the fact that events are used
to communicate and synchronize concurrent parts of a model –i.e. are used to construct
the parallel composition of a model. To specify and hence verify a property based on the
occurrence of events, an extra work has to be done on the specification of this property
by converting its event based specification into a suitable state based representation like
what Uppaal [8] and Hytech [12] are doing. For example, to specify and check that it
is always the case in a model M that event
is followed by event
within t time unit–
this property is called a bounded response property–, a traditional solution to this is to
translate this specification to a testing transition model A, and then checking whether
the parallel composition of A and M can reach a designated state of A.
To this end, this paper proposes Region Computation Tree Logic (RCTL) that ex-
tends CTL by incorporating notation of time on states and events. Hybrid automata will
be used as the underlying model of RCTL. In particular, formulas of RCTL are inter-
preted on tree of regions – i.e. the set of all possible runs – generated from the transition
system of hybrid automata [15]. To plug the specification of properties into our model