and have the possibility to tailor it to the require-
ments of the product under development.
• Development processes are enacted, i. e. can be
executed in a distributed system development and
modeling through an agent-based realisation.
• Distributed system development is supported
through agents’ proven suitability in such sys-
• The pro-active support of the developers is
achieved through pro-active agents.
• The aspect of monitoring and evaluation for op-
timizing development processes was not outlined
in detail in this paper, but can be performed anal-
ogous to business processes.
• Comprehensible development processes and steps
for safety critical applications are given, as pro-
cess activities are clearly defined and documented
as well as the agent-based implementation can
document these aspects.
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with the usage of the Eclipse Process Framework
(EPF) (Eclipse Foundation, 2010a) on CIM level and
reached a transformation into a Java Workflow Tool-
ing (JWT) (Eclipse Foundation, 2010b) model on
PIM level by configuring the EPF model with fea-
tures and domain specific information. The next steps
are the transformation of the PIM model into the
agent system Jadex (University of Hamburg, 2010) to
achieve the method enactment.
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