A Comparative Case Study of Saudi and U.K. Universities
Mohammed Altayar, N. Ben Fairweather and Neil McBride
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, U.K.
Keywords: Campus Portals, Adoption Barriers, University, Saudi Arabia, UK, Comparative Studies, Higher Education.
Abstract: Enterprise Information Portals have become crucial components in contemporary organisations, and
universities and other higher education institutions are not exempt. While there are many studies concerning
the adoption, implementation and utilisation of EIPs in organisations, there are few studies that touch this
issue in the academic environment. The aim of this paper is to report findings on the challenges associated
with the adoption of campus portals. This study adopts a comparative qualitative research approach based
on multiple case studies in Saudi and UK universities. A research methodology was designed to conduct the
research and to collect data through semi-structured interviews and documentation, and then analysed using
various qualitative data analysis techniques such as coding and categorising, cross-interview analysis and
document analysis. The findings show that there are many barriers and challenges that may arise as a result
of campus portals adoption including: organisational, technical, users, innovation, and financial related
challenges. To overcome such challenges, we argue that a strong business case must be established from the
outset of the project to drive the portal agendas and to address all aspects related to the project. Finally, the
paper concludes with the main findings and provides some recommendations.
The use of information and communication
technology (ICT) in universities has become
imperative to support business and organisational
activities. With the massive advance of web
technology, and especially the emergence of Internet
technologies, a recent phenomenon that has spread
throughout universities is what are called Enterprise
Information Portals (EIPs) or Campus Portals. In a
growing number of countries, academics, students
and other staff are using the web to find information
they need to support their daily needs and activities
including teaching, research and administration.
Campus Portals (CPs) have been adopted by many
universities in the past few years. These
technologies have revolutionised campus computing
by facilitating communication and collaboration,
improving access to services and resources and
integrating different systems and applications.
Although some studies have identified several key
factors that may contribute to a successful CP
adoption in universities, most of this research has
been conducted from a quantitative perspective in
the form of questionnaires and experiments. This
study extends this line of research and contributes to
literature by reporting a qualitative investigation
based on multiple-case studies of the adoption of
campus portals in some Saudi and UK universities.
In particular, it seeks to identify the barriers and
challenges associated with campus portal adoption.
There is a lack of research that focuses specifically
on this issue. Determining the challenges and
barriers associated with campus portal adoption
could provide solutions for overcoming such
challenges and barriers. The rest of this paper is
organised as follows. First, it provides some
definitions of ‘portals’ and related terms. After that,
a literature review is presented covering portal
technology in the academic environment. Then, the
paper describes the research methodology used.
Finally, the results and findings are presented and
discussed in the light of the literature, and then the
paper finishes with some conclusions and
The concept "portal" is considered to be associated
with internet, intranet and other web technologies. It
Altayar M., Ben Fairweather N. and McBride N. (2010).
Universities .
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 195-205
DOI: 10.5220/0003021801950205
shares common characteristics with these
technologies either technically or functionally. To
clarify what is meant by portals, some definitions are
needed. Since the development of internet, intranet
and web technologies, new terms and concepts have
emerged in the market and in the literature as well.
This has made it quite difficult to identify the
boundaries of each term. Thus, each term is defined
from a different perspective. Shilakes and Tylman
(1998) coined the term ‘Enterprise Information
Portals’ and define EIPs as "applications that enable
companies to unlock internally and externally stored
information, and provide users a single gateway to
personalised information needed to make business
decisions". Smith (2004) defines a portal as “an
infrastructure providing secure, customisable,
personalisable, integrated access to dynamic content
from a variety of sources, in a variety of source
formats, wherever it is needed". In addition, Detlor
(2000) uses the term "corporate portal" as an
alternative to enterprise portal and defines it as
"single-point Web browser interfaces used within
organisations to promote the gathering, sharing and
dissemination of information throughout the
enterprise". Finally, the term ‘campus portal’ has
been defined by Fuangvut (2005) as “a user-centric
campus-wide Web-based Information System that
incorporates all types of enterprise and third party
information, activities, and services for providing its
stakeholders with a secured personalised and
customised single point of access regardless of the
original resources by using a standard Web
browser”. Having reviewed some definitions of
portals, it can be said that up to now there is no
consensus about the definition of portal, thus, the
term is defined from different perspectives. We
define a campus portal as: “an intelligent and
interactive web-based information system that
provides personalised and customised view and
access to academic and business information,
services and resources for different stakeholders
based on their role at the university through secure
single sign on for different systems and applications.
In order to have successful adoption and
implementation of ICTs in organisations and to
overcome the main barriers and challenges
associated with adoption and implementation
processes, several factors need to be taken into
consideration. According to Bouwman et al (2005)
such factors can be related to the organisational
perspective, the technological perspective, the
economic perspective and the user perspective.
These factors could have positive or negative effects
on ICT adoption and implementation. Previous
research and studies on campus portal adoption and
implementation showed that universities are likely to
encounter several challenges and barriers that are
related to the organisational, technological,
environmental and users perspectives.
Organisational factors are primarily concerned with
the people involved in the adoption in organisations
such as management support, the availability of
resources and change management (Rahim 2007;
Remus 2007). Concerning the technological factors,
Eisler (2003) and Franklin (2004) emphasise the
importance of developing supporting institutional
information technology infrastructure and
architecture. A study by Li and Wood (2005) has
identified several challenges associated with portal
development and implementation. These include: the
integration of the portal with other applications,
implementation of a single-sign-on and security
issues. Thomas (2003) reported that the largest
technical challenge associated with portal
development was systems integration. Jafari and
Sheehan (2003) stress the role of cooperation and
coordination between campus units and departments,
because campus portals bring together campus
constituents who seldom interact and whose interests
are often different. Other writers acknowledge the
dominant role of establishing policies and strategies
when developing a campus portal, for example
(Eilser, 2003; Thomas, 2003; Bunt and Pennock,
2006). In addition, other research and studies
emphasise the importance of understanding users
needs and requirements including training and
education (Zazelenchuk and Boling, 2003; Pearce,
2003; Pearce, Carpenter and Martin, 2003; Frazee,
Frazee and Sharpe, 2003). Rahim (2007)
investigated the barriers to using business-to-
employee portals in a university setting. The study
found that there were two key factors that
contributed to the low usage of the campus portal:
perceived limited usefulness of the portal's
functionalities and low awareness of both the portal's
capabilities and its role. In addition, these factors
were influenced by two organisational factors: weak
management support and a distributed model of
responsibility for the portal. Finally, a study by
Bolton (2008) showed that the major challenges
faced by UK universities when rolling out campus
portals were time, resources and business
This study adopts a comparative qualitative research
approach based on multiple-case studies of the
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
adoption of campus portals in some Saudi and UK
universities. The rationale behind choosing this
approach can be justified as follows. First, this study
aims to compare the adoption of campus portals in
two countries and cultures: Saudi Arabia and the
UK. According to Hantrais (1996) cross-cultural
studies aim to identify, analyse and explain
similarities and differences across societies. In
addition, one of the benefits to be gained from cross-
national work includes a deeper understanding of
other cultures and of their research processes.
Second, the overall aim of this research is to study
the adoption of campus portals in particular
organisations. According to Hunter (2004) the main
focus of qualitative researchers is the personnel
involved in organisations. Thus, qualitative
researchers try to understand, interpret and explain
research problems in terms of the words that people
assign to them. This notion suggests that people and
their institutions in society represent a crucial aspect
of qualitative research. In addition, Bryman (2008)
mentions that in order to understand the outside
world, researchers have to interact directly with its
subject matter. This can be seen as an advantage in
qualitative research as it allows researchers to probe
more information and clarify any ambiguity to
participants that may exist. What is more, qualitative
research helps researchers to address and answer
"how" and "what" questions, which in turn will help
the researcher to understand the nature and
complexity of the process taking place (Creswell,
2007). This study seeks to answer such questions,
for instance: 1) What are the barriers and challenges
associated with campus portal adoption in Saudi and
UK universities? What are the similarities and
differences in the different contexts?
Before embarking on data collection, a pilot study
was conducted as a part of this research in Saudi
Arabia and the UK between October and November
2008. The aim of the pilot study was to make sure
that the relevant data can be obtained from the
respondents and the interview’ questions can be
understood easily. The feedback of the pilot study
was used to modify and enhance the clarity of the
instruments and to develop some aspects of the
interview questions and techniques. The substantive
fieldwork was conducted between January and June
2009. Data were collected through semi-structured
interviews and analysis of some documents. Sixteen
interviews were conducted with employees who
were involved with portal adoption and
implementation at five universities, three in Saudi
Arabia and two in the UK. These include: IT
managers, systems developers, IS designers and
webmasters. To respect the promise of anonymity,
the researchers cannot name the universities studied,
instead, they are referred here as A, B, C, D and E.
The average interview lasted for about 50 minutes.
The interviews were recorded, transcribed and
analysed individually. The raw data were analysed
using various qualitative data analysis techniques
such as coding and categorising, cross-interview
analysis and document analysis. This has resulted in
identifying a number of themes that were mentioned
by the participants. Table 1 illustrates the data
sources in this study.
Table 1: Data sources.
1. Semi-structured interviews
Uni Country No Role
A Saudi
Portal manager, IT
B Saudi
Project manager,
system developers
C Saudi
Project manager,
IS desi
IT manger, system
Portal manager, web
= 16
2. Documentation
Type of document
Portals policies and strategies. 4
Reports. 7
Official Presentations. 8
Articles and memos 5
Total 24
This section reports the findings of the study which
are interpreted and discussed in the light of the
literature and related work. The results of our study
revealed that there are many challenges and barriers
that have been reported by the respondents, and they
are grouped into five main categories:
organisational-, technical-, user-, innovation-, and
finance- related challenges and barriers. Table 2
presents and compares the main challenges and
barriers associated with portal adoption. As can be
seen from the table, those seeking portal adoption in
both countries face barriers, and there are notable
similarities and differences between the two
countries. Overall, however, it could be said that
Saudi universities experience more challenges than
Comparative Case Study of Saudi and UK Universities
their counterparts in the UK, especially with the
technical issues.
Table 2: Challenges and barriers associated with portal
Challenges and Barriers
Inadequate top management support ×
Lack of in-house expertise ×
Cooperation /coordination
Change management
Deficient IT infrastructure ×
Systems integration
Low speed of network ×
Incompatibility ×
Lack of identity management systems
Resistance to change
Technology acceptance
Training ×
Users’ requirements
Users’ expectations
Uncertainty of portal
Conflict with other systems
Content management
Content ownership
Funding ×
Lack of resources
Running cost
4.1 Organisational Barriers
According to the findings, many organisational
factors have been identified. These include
inadequate top management support, lack of in-
house expertise, cooperation and coordination and
change management.
4.1.1 Inadequate Top Management Support
Inadequate top management support was reported in
both of the UK cases. The participants reported that
top management have not seen the portal as priority
to the university, so that it is not on the agenda. A
project manager mentioned that “we did not get top
management support because the portal is not seen
yet as a priority to the university”. In contrast,
respondents from Saudi universities reported that
they had significant top management support,
represented by the chancellors chairing the portal
committees. One of the participants said that “the
most important one was the unlimited support from
the top management and especially from the
Chancellor. His direct involvement into the project
facilitated many things and barriers. The top
management played a key role through financial
support, incentives, encouragement and help”. From
this perspective it can be argued that inadequate
management commitment and support towards the
portal could have a negative effect on the portal
adoption. This agrees with the findings from other
studies on campus portals including Rahim,
Sugianto and Shameem (2005) and Rahim (2007).
4.1.2 Lack of In-house Expertise
Another issue reported was the lack of IT qualified
staff that are well trained and specialised in the
development of portal technologies. This applies
specifically to the Saudi cases. This issue was
explicitly mentioned by the respondents. For
example, one of the interviewees stated that “we do
not have enough manpower and qualified personnel
such as programmers, technical staff and other
knowledgeable people to develop the portal in-
house”. Another interviewee stated that “We suffered
from finding qualified people to work on the
project... As a result this has led us to buy ready
made solutions”. In a recent study, Altayar,
Fairweather and Mcbride (2010) reported that Saudi
universities tend to buy ready made solution portals.
This is because there is a shortage of skilful and
qualified people (internal expertise). In contrast, the
respondents in the UK did not mention such reasons
and they were confident about their IT skills and
internal expertise. A project manager stated that "we
are fortunate that the university has a lot of
technical expertise to develop the portal. We have
technical staff who involve with portal development
and they are very experience in portal applications".
In sum, one explanation of this difference between
Saudi and UK universities might be due to the fact
that the developing countries lag behind their
counterparts in the developed world in terms of
technology advancement, experience and skills, and
they do not have much in-house technical expertise.
Therefore, this could affect the decision on how the
technology is adopted.
4.1.3 Cooperation and Coordination
Another issue acknowledged by most of
interviewees in both countries was the lack of
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
cooperation and coordination between the portal
team and different campus constituents. Although
there was some kind of cooperation, it was of
limited scope. To many participants, co-operation
and coordination are considered to be a necessary
task for the success of the project, especially when it
comes to bringing content into the portal. This is
because of the nature of the portal technology, as it
is a cross-functional project and it touches all parties
in the campus, therefore, this requires the co-
operation of different campus constituents. In
addition, some participants mentioned that the lack
of co-operation and coordination was caused by the
absence of policies and strategies that address this
issue. One of the respondents from a Saudi
university mentioned that "we had some situations
where some departments and people in the
University were not fully willing to cooperate".
Another participant from a UK university reported
that "one of the most challenges that we faced was
the lack of co-operation and coordination within the
university. This due to the fact that some
departments and units in the university are not
aware of the benefits that the portal might bring
them and the absence of policies that address this
issue". It is interesting to observe such claims and
the findings suggest that co-operation and
coordination are crucial for portal adoption. In this
regard, Jafari and Sheehan (2003) stress the role and
importance of coordination between campus units
and departments, because campus portals bring
together campus constituents who seldom interact
with each other and whose interests are often
4.1.4 Change Management
Another challenge identified that is related to the
organisations was change management. This issue
was mentioned as a crucial requirement for campus
portal adoption. To some participants, change
management is difficult to deal with in a university
environment, but it is not impossible. It requires the
investment in many resources such as establishing
strategies and policies, dedicated staff, money, time
and effort. A project manager at a Saudi University
described change in universities in the following
way: “change management is not an easy task,
especially when you talk about universities. In
general, universities do not like change and that
there are not much changes in universities, and this
is due to universities culture. Change comes very
slow in universities. Universities are frozen
organisations, that what I call them… and to change
something, it takes long time. Your model of
business does not change frequently”. These
findings suggest that the introduction of a campus
portal requires a comprehensive change management
strategy that addresses both the individual and the
organisational perspectives. According to Remus
(2007) change management is one of the most
important critical success factors for portal
implementation. He argues that the introduction of
enterprise portals can cause resistance, confusion,
redundancies, and errors. This is due to the fact that
portals provide a completely new work environment
based on new user interfaces, structuring content,
services and application in a very different manner.
4.2 Technical Barriers
The findings show that Saudi universities experience
more technical challenges and barriers than do their
counterparts in the UK.
4.2.1 Deficient IT Infrastructure
Deficient IT infrastructure was reported by many
participants as a main issue. One of the interviewees
mentioned that "I can say that the IT infrastructure
in the university wasn’t good when we developed the
portal. The network was weak and not very fast and
there was frequent downtime especially at peak
times". With respect to UK universities, IT
infrastructure was an important issue to them and
contributed positively to the portal development. A
portal manager pointed out that “I think the IT
infrastructure plays a key role in any organisation
when a new system is introduced. We were very
fortunate that we have a very good and very fast
internet connection and the network in the campus is
first class”. One reason that can explain the variation
around this issue might be the generally poorer
information infrastructure in the developing world
compared with the developed world. This finding
suggests that technical readiness is one of the most
important factors that needs to be considered when a
university contemplates a campus portal. In this
Eisler (2003) and Franklin (2004) emphasise
the importance of developing supporting
institutional information technology infrastructure
and architecture.
4.2.2 Systems Integration
Systems integration was one of the common
problems, recognised by most of the interviewees in
both countries. This agrees with the findings from
other studies, for example the study by Thomas
(2003) and Li and Wood (2005). A project manager
Comparative Case Study of Saudi and UK Universities
at a UK university stated that “the systems that work
in the university have evolved over time separately,
so they have different standards and different data
models and exchange. It took us long time and a lot
of work to unify the data between various systems”.
A similar answer has been reported by a web
designer at a Saudi university when he said “we
were having different products and systems and at
the same time we were dealing with different
vendors. When we were planning to implement the
portal this was a critical issue: I mean the
integration”. This is not surprising given the fact
that systems and applications integration is a
common problem and could be found in many
organisations around the world. In addition, Li and
Wood (2005) point to the fact that portals are in their
infancy in terms of evolution and development and
there are still immature portal software products.
Thus, it is not surprising that organisations would
find integration to be problematic. Therefore,
particular attention should be devoted to this issue.
4.2.3 Lack of Identity and Access
Management Systems
Another issue reported by the participants was the
lack of identity and access management systems.
Users in the universities studied have different roles:
students, academics and staff. The nature of each
group is different from the other, therefore; it
requires different resources and services. The portal
services and resources are offered according to
users’ roles: whether as an academic, a student or a
member of staff. The aim of identity and access
management systems is to connect the right people
with the resources to which they are entitled in a
secure, controlled way. It involves the processes of
authentication, i.e. determining that a user is who he
or she claims to be, and authorisation, i.e.
determining what resources that user is allowed to
access (
Joint Information Systems Committee 2009).
According to the participants the absence of such
systems affects the portal management, especially in
terms of personalisation. As it is known, portals are
based on personalisation. In a University context
there are two issues to identity management. First,
knowing if the person has the right to see something,
and second, knowing if the person has the authority
to have administrative rights over something. A
project manager described this issue in the following
way. “we can currently develop content to be seen
by a student by year of study and department. It then
gets complicated to deliver content based on to joint
honours student role or if we want to relate their
involvement with a Union society or membership of
the sports centre. So as soon as we want to deliver
content or messages that are a little more complex /
subtle than simply 'first year politics students' for
example it isn't possible. So a message to all 'first
year politics students, in halls of residence and
members of the sports centre' is currently impossible
(or at least very hard to find)". It can be said that
having an effective University identity management
structure would allow universities to add extra
'granularity' in terms of developing content, showing
content and allowing other to edit that content.
4.3 Users Related Barriers
This addresses the challenges that are related to the
users. This includes: resistance to change,
technology acceptance, training, users’ requirements
and users’ expectations.
4.3.1 Resistance to Change
Resistance to change and accepting the new system
were human issues that the universities encountered
in both countries. It was described as the following
"resistant to change was a key human issue. We
have different people with different backgrounds,
ages, perceptions, attitudes and experience. We saw
some kind of resistance when we introduced the
system. This is because the system was new to users
who were not familiar with it, especially for those
with little knowledge in computer and ICTs
experience, so that you have to change hearts and
minds". Another participant from a UK university
described this issue as the following: "there is an
apathy, people would say I find information
somewhere else, so I don’t have really to use this,
why should I do this. I am a busy academic or a busy
member of staff and you got to tell why should I be
bothered". This issue should be taken into
consideration and responded to properly. According
to Sullivan (2004) resistance to change is probably
the single most difficult problem to overcome with
respect to portal adoption. In this regard and as we
claim early, the introduction of a campus portal
requires a comprehensive change management
strategy that addresses both the individual and the
organisational perspectives.
4.3.2 Training
Users' training and education was another challenge.
It was identified in the Saudi cases. In contrast,
participants from UK universities did not mention
this issue. According to the results, training has two
facets: training the people who are involved with
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
portal development and management such as service
owners or providers, and the second is the training
of end users. A webmaster stated that "we have a
large population of students, academics and staff
and to provide training for these people is a very
tough task. It took us a lot of time, cost us money
and effort and required many resources". Another
participant mentioned that "at the beginning of the
portal launch we had a problem that users were not
able to understand a little bit of how to log on and
how to use other services in the portal, so we had to
provide training.” One explanation of this difference
between the two countries might be due to the fact
that the relatively low level of information literacy
among users in the developing countries comparing
with their counterparts in the developed world.
However, this does not mean training is not
important. Many researchers have acknowledged the
importance of providing training on how to use
campus portals, for example (Zazelenchuk and
Boling 2003; Pearce 2003; Pearce, Carpenter and
Martin, 2003; Frazee, Frazee and Sharpe, 2003).
According to Remus (2007) since portals provide a
completely new user interface together with changed
or new processes, it is crucial to train potential users
or users who are less computer literate on how the
portal works and how the new functionality relates
to the ‘business processes’ of the university.
4.3.3 Users' Requirements
Collecting users' requirements and needs and
transferring these requirements and needs into
products and services was reported as a main
challenge. Users in the universities studied have
different roles: students, academics and staff. The
nature of each group is different from the other,
therefore; it requires different resources and
services. According to the findings, conducting
information to identify users' requirements and
needs requires many resources to be allocated such
as money, qualified people, time and effort. A
manager of systems development mentioned that
"the process of collecting data and information is a
tiring and exhausted processes as we had to collect
users requirements from more than 60 units and
departments around the campus". Another
participant mentioned that "collecting users
requirements was a difficult task for us especially
those that are related to analysing requirements,
prototyping designs and conducting usability test
and evaluations".
4.3.4 Users' Expectations
Another challenge identified was meeting users'
expectations. The use of the Internet and web-based
applications has become very popular among
students and academics. Consequently, they would
expect a similar environment and web-based tools
and applications being available for their use to
support learning and communication in their
universities. In addition, some participants reported
that campus portals are being compared with
commercial portals and some students and
academics have good experience, knowledge and
awareness about web portals such as Yahoo, Excite,
MSN, Amazon, and so forth. This has an impact on
their perceptions towards campus portals. They
compare their experience using these portals with
their campus portals. They like the features that web
portals provide such as excellent services and
interactive interfaces, usability, using rich media
such as videos, dynamic and interactive features,
high level of personalisation and customisation that
are based on their needs and preferences. According
to some participants, meeting such expectations with
limited resources of money and staff is very
challenging and there is an expectations gap. One of
the participants mentioned that "students and some
academics and staff are familiar with some Internet
applications like IGoogle and other advance
services on the web which I can describe as the
cutting edge technology in terms of interactivity,
capabilities, functionality and design. The question
that we expect: can you compete with that in a
university environment? We can’t do it with limited
resources with only two staff. We are not Google".
4.4 Innovation Related Barriers
This issue addresses the barriers that are related to
the innovation that is being adopted, which is portal
technology. It includes: uncertainty of portal
technology, conflict with other systems, content
management and content ownership.
4.4.1 Uncertainty of Portal Technology
The findings show that there is some degree of
uncertainty about the portal technology and its
benefits to the university and its members.
Consequently, this has led to another issue, that is
how will the portal interface with other systems such
as the university website, faculty web pages and, in
particular, departmental intranets. These issues were
common among most of the interviewees in both
countries. A project manager at a Saudi university
Comparative Case Study of Saudi and UK Universities
mentioned that "the portal technology is a new
technology in universities, so that you have to learn
more about it… we had some situations where
people did not know what a portal is, what does it
mean? So we had to tell them, convince them about
its benefits and advantages". Another participant
commented on this issue when he said "we found
some departments and people who did not
understand the range of our work and didn’t realise
what we want to achieve or what the project is
about." From the UK side, a similar view was
reported. A portal manager mentioned that "when I
go to meetings, people ask me what to put on the
portal, we have a website, departmental intranets
and other web pages and most information and
services can be found in other systems… so what
new on the portal". This is an interesting finding and
it raises two crucial issues. First, it seems that some
campus constituents are not aware of the added
value that the portal can bring them such as the
personlisation, customisation, functionality,
interactivity and other unique features and
characteristics of portal technology. Second, it
suggests that there wasn’t strong internal
communication between the portal team and other
campus constituents. Ensuring strong
communication inwards and outwards is of
particular importance in the portal development and
it is considered to be one of the most important
critical success factors for portal implementations
(Remus 2007). Internal communication is a crucial
aspect to convey the message of the portal, its
objectives, scope and most importantly the added
value that it can bring to the university.
4.4.2 Content Management
With respect to managing the content, there are
several issues that have been reported such as
managing, supporting and updating content. For
example, providing a campus portal with two
languages (a bilingual portal) represents a key
challenge to universities, and this issue is found in
all Saudi cases studied. Saudi universities provide
campus portals in Arabic and English. This is
because The English language is the second most
widely used language in the country and some
universities teach some courses and modules in
English, therefore they provide students, academics
and support staff with services and information in
English. This requires many resources to be
allocated. For instance, qualified staff speaking two
languages, translation policies, standards and
strategies, tools and applications, money to pay for
personnel doing the job and updating the content on
a regular basis. These issues and others have been
explicitly mentioned by many participants in the
Saudi context at all universities. For example a
webmaster has described this issue as follows “we
provide our portal in two languages: Arabic and
English... Having English as a second language
requires resources, qualified people for translation,
mechanism and policies for the translation process.
…and this in its own is very challenging. All of these
cost us money, effort, time, resources ... etc. It will
remain problematic for us". In contrast, the issue of
providing a portal with two languages does not
apply to most UK universities because they provide
the portal in English only. To some extent, it can be
said that universities in general who provide a
campus portal with more than one language will find
it difficult to manage, support and handle the
content. This is a significant finding and it raises two
important issues. First, universities that provide a
portal with more than one language especially in
developing countries should address this issue and
pay particular attention to it from the outset of the
project. Secondly, effective mechanisms should be
put in place to address this issue. As the content
within the portal will grow over time, this issue
becomes more and more significant. This requires
the establishment of translation policies, standards
and strategies, tools and applications, qualified staff
speaking two languages, money, and resources.
4.4.3 Content Ownership
Another interesting issue raised by some of the
interviewees in both countries is the issue of who
owns and is responsible for data and information
when an institution adopts a portal? A participant at
a UK university expressed his view as the following:
the portal brings stuff together, so it brings stuff
across organisational boundaries in the university
and that sometimes is complicated. Sometimes
people in your organisation think that you will take
some work and responsibility from them. Also, there
is the issue of who is responsible for the data when
you bring the data in one place? Who in charge of
it? Who manages it? Who owns it? It is a
controversial issue”. Another participant at a Saudi
university has mentioned a similar view and said
the fact that the historical approach used in
developing IT in our university was a critical barrier
for us especially when it comes to put the content in
the portal. For example, the library system
developed their IT and content, the registry
department would look for their IT and content etc...
Then we had to deal with various issues like who has
the right over the content on the portal, who
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
manages it, who is responsible for it. It is a critical
issue”. It is interesting to observe such claims and in
order to ensure a successful portal project, and to
minimise tensions that may arise regarding data and
information ownership between organisational units
and members, all parties and constituents in the
university should be involved in portal adoption,
implementation, development and management. The
role of cooperation and coordination between all
parties and constituents in the university could be
very significant here. In this regard, Jafari and
Sheehan (2003) stress the role and importance of
coordination between campus units and departments,
because campus portals bring together campus
constituents who seldom interact with each other and
whose interests are often different. This is because
the nature of the portal is different from other
information technologies and systems. It is a cross-
functional project and it touches all parties in the
campus. This agrees with the view of Bunt and
Pennock (2006) who claim that “the fact that a portal
cuts across many sectors of the campus delivering
services and information that transcend
organisational boundaries, means that implementing
a portal raises important questions about jurisdiction,
responsibility and authority”. Therefore, a sensible
data and information strategy and policy should be
developed to address several issues such as data and
information ownership and content management. It
is a vital element in portal adoption and
4.5 Financial Barriers
This is related to the financial aspects of portal
adoption. Many participants raised concerns about
the financial support given to portal development. In
the Saudi cases, the participants appreciated the
financial support that was provided from the outset
of the project. This is because top management
support in Saudi universities was a key enabler and
the direct involvement of chancellors had facilitated
many aspects of the project including funding and
resources. However, some participants expressed
concerns about the on-going cost, maintenance and
support in the long term. This because the portal
project is not a short term investment and it never
ends. This requires long investment of resources
such as money, staff and time. A systems developer
mentioned that "since we bought a ready made
solution, we had to sign a contract with the vendor
to do the maintenance and support and we have to
pay for this. If the funding stops, I do not know what
the situation will be”. Another participant pointed
out that "at the beginning of the project we got good
support including financial support, and it is going
so far. However, I believe that a project like the
portal is never ends, and if it succeeds and is
adopted by users, it will be something that needs
continuous financial support for the long run, for
example to cover the cost of maintenance,
upgrades". With respect to UK universities, getting
funding from the outset of the project was a major
concern. As reported earlier, top management have
not seen the portal as a priority to the university, so
that it is not on the agenda. This has an impact on
the resources allocated to the project. Lack of
resources was reported as a challenge for portal
development. It includes the lack of resources in
people, money and time. One of the participants
mentioned that "I have small grant budget for
promotion and I have the equivalent of 0.8 of a full
time member of staff working on the project".
Another interviewee reported that "there is really a
very small amount of resources being allocated to
the project…we have only three staff and they are
busy doing other things, we have a small amount of
money and time to spend". With the consequences of
the credit crunch, universities are facing cuts in their
budgets, and this could affect many projects. The
UK Government has announced that universities
will face about £400 million cuts from 2010.
(Stenvens, 2009).
Figure 1 presents and synthesises the challenges and
barriers associated with campus portals adoption.
Based on the findings of this investigation and after
reviewing the literature, the researchers were able to
identify many barriers and challenges that may arise
as a result of campus portals adoption including:
organisational, technical, users, innovation, an
financial related challenges. The researchers believe
that most of these issues should be taken into
consideration and responded to properly when
universities contemplate a campus portal. Based on
our findings and in order to overcome such
challenges and barriers, we provide the following
recommendations. First, a strong business case must
be established from the outset of the project to drive
the portal agendas and to address all aspects related
to the project. Second, it is important that
universities have a clear and defined policy and
strategy for portal adoption and development. Third,
it is a good idea to start the project with the early
adopters, those people and other campus constituents
Comparative Case Study of Saudi and UK Universities
Figure 1: A synthesis of the challenges and barriers associated with campus portal adoption.
who are keen on the project. In addition, internal
communication is a crucial aspect to convey the
message of the project and to convince service
owners to co-operate and coordinate in providing
and supporting the content. Furthermore, there
should be a lot of emphasis on the added value of the
portal to all campus constituents such as the
personlisation, customisation, functionality,
interactivity and other unique features and
characteristics of portal technology. What is more,
content ownership is a major issue in portal
adoption. Therefore, a sensible data and information
strategy and policy should be developed to address
several issues related to this matter. Finally, a
comprehensive change management strategy must
be established to overcome various issues such as
user acceptance, and resistance to change.
As with any research, this study is subject to a
number of limitations. First, the current study is
bounded and situated in a specific context: the
academic context. Therefore, it would be interesting
to study other contexts and sectors. Second, this
research is restricted to two countries and cultures:
the UK and Saudi Arabia. It can be said that the
nature of case study research is not intended to
provide results that can be generalised, rather it aims
to explore a particular issue in a given situation.
Thus, it would be interesting to study other
countries. This paper has provided an insight into the
barriers and challenges associated with campus
portal adoption. Many conclusions can be drawn
from the analysed data. First, the main challenges
and barriers that have been identified are:
organisational- technical-, user-, innovation-, and
finance- related challenges and barriers. In addition,
Saudi universities experience more challenges than
their counterparts in the UK, especially with the
technical issues. Furthermore, there are some
similarities and differences between the two
Altayar, M., Fairweather, N and McBride, N.,2010. An
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Inadequate top management
Lack of in-house expertise
Cooperation and coordination
Change management
Deficient IT infrastructure
Systems integration
Low speed of network
Lack of identity management
Uncertainty of Portal technology
Conflict with other systems
Content management
Content ownership
Lack of resources
Running and maintenance cost
Resistance to change
Technology acceptance
Users’ requirements
Users’ expectations
Challenges and Barriers
Associated with Campus
portals Adoption
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Comparative Case Study of Saudi and UK Universities