structure significance as a tool of a negative influence interference rejection on neural
network adaptation. As the hidden units in the not split network are perceived as
some input information processing for output units, where a multiple pattern classifi-
cation is realized on the basis of diametrically distinct criteria (e.g. neural network
has to classify patterns according to their form, location, colors, ...), so in the begin-
ning of an adaptation process the interference can be the reason that output units also
get further information about general object classifications than the one which is
desired from them. This negative interference influence on running the adaptive
process is removed just at the modular neural network architecture, which is proved
also by results of the performed experiment. The winning modular network architec-
ture was the product of emergence using evolutional algorithms. The neural network
serves here as a special way of solving the evolutional algorithm, because of its struc-
ture and properties it can be slightly transformed into an individual in evolutionary
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