CASIA: A Context-aware Approach for Service
Identification aligned to Business
Michel Antunes da Silva
, Flávia Maria Santoro
and Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo
Depto de Informática Aplicada – Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Núcleo de Pesquisa e Prática em Tecnologia (NP2Tec) – UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract. Organizations use services to support the implementation of their
business process. Service requirements are identified at design time and devel-
oped for the application that implements the business process. This makes the
process highly dependent on the service that supports it. In addition, due to
changes in the business process, the supporting service might no longer adhere
to business process at any time. Thus, it is needed to adapt the application that
implements the business process to consume another service that best fits its
needs. This paper describes an approach for flexible identification (discovery)
of services available in service repositories according to the business context.
This approach aims at discovering the most appropriate service to meet busi-
ness requirements.
1 Introduction
The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is considered by [10] as the computing
paradigm that uses services as fundamental elements for developing applications.
Services are pieces of self-contained features that have exposed interfaces, invoked
via messages [8]. The development of services is directly linked to business process
in order to give agility to the development lifecycle [15]. So, services should expose
the features relevant to the business.
Companies are likely to suffer continuous changes in their environments, where
systems are available through computers and network, as well as the availability of
services from any service supplier. Therefore, companies need to be flexible to adapt
to changing aspects of the environment without losing its compliance with immutable
aspects considered stable [12]. However, we have not identified consolidated propos-
als for dynamic discovery of services to be consumed by applications that support a
particular business implementation at the time this adaption is required. Besides, [10]
presents that the main challenge of service discovery is using automated means to
accurately discover services with minimal user involvement. This requires to make
explicit the semantics of both the service provider and requester.
[14] indicate that context information may help in service adaptation to changes.
According to [1], context is defined as constraints that limits something without in-
Antunes da Silva M., Santoro F. and Guerreiro Azevedo L. (2010).
CASIA: A Context-Aware Approach for Service Identification Aligned to Business.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Technologies for Context-Aware Business Process Management, Advanced Enterprise
Architecture and Repositories and Recent Trends in SOA Based Information Systems, pages 73-81
DOI: 10.5220/0003024900730081
tervening in it explicitly, i.e., any information that can be used to characterize the
situation of an actor, which may be a person, place or object. Thus, we argue that it is
necessary improving the contextual characteristics shared between business process
and services. Increasing the capacity to understand service context will make possible
to automate service discovery in equivalent contexts.
The goal of this paper is to describe an approach which structures the discovery of
services aware of business context. It includes a framework that considers context
information for alignment between business process and service. Besides, we propose
the use of the aspect-oriented programming paradigm [5] to capture business context
in order to support the discovery of the service in service repositories. Therefore, the
proposed framework allows the application to use a new service (the better choice)
without code maintenance.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses related work; Section 3
presents the proposal; Section 4 described an application scenario; and Section 5 con-
cludes it, pointing out future work.
2 Related Work
Companies need to increase the agility to respond to changes according to new mar-
ket needs and challenges. Consequently, recent works aim at developing mechanisms
to combine business perspectives with available software and hardware assets.
[4] present a framework for adaptable and context sensible web services. This
framework uses the header of web service SOAP
message to transmit context infor-
mation to a service repository. The focus of this work is in the automatic and transpa-
rent processing of context and in the extension of context types without considering
how context is stored by service consumers. However, [4] concerns are for mobile
computing requirements, and the main context attribute is the position of service con-
sumer. Therefore, this work does not consider the business process that is supported
by the service.
[11] propose to separate the logic implemented in a service from context features
using a model-driven approach. Their proposal is based on an extension of the Con-
textUML metamodel [13] and generates code in an aspectual programming language.
Therefore, the logic and context separation is defined in models and, then, passed to
generated code. The use of an aspectual language allows handling the contextual
layer in design and execution time. However, this work presents only a solution for
the implementation for automation of code generation, not considering questions
about which attributes are required for service identification aligned to business
[9] proposes to separate the elements concerning web services by categories, such
as: organizational arrangements, service types, user characteristics, user state, transac-
tion history, resource state and transaction state. The organizational arrangements
include the organizational structure of the company, the relationship between people
1 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol used for message exchange in a distri-
buted platform based on XML.
and people and organizations, current policies, contractual agreements and current
partnership. Service characteristics include all static elements of service environments
(all available services, service registry, brokers). User characteristics are related to the
long term attributes in a possible service consumer, such as preferences and limita-
tions, level of expertise etc. The state of the user includes his geographic position in a
specific time, physical characteristics and the area around him. The transaction histo-
ry is the log of executed transactions. The state of resources is related to information
about technical resources (computers, network etc) in the web service environment.
The transaction state corresponds to information about the user’s current transaction,
such as, identity provider, position of services in a composed services, the current
step in a composed service, the passed time after an operation initialization etc.
[9] considers that service discovery and selection may depend on all proposed cat-
egories, except the transaction state. However, [9] proposes general guidelines and
challenges about architectural issues concerning web services contextualization, for
example, context representation, security and privacy issues, scalability, service
grouping and context information handling etc. He presents important categories for
context definition, but his proposal do not address service discovery using these cate-
[3] propose the use of technical process semantic and business process semantic of
a registered service for service discovery. The semantic of technical process is the
service scope, while semantic of business process is related to company business do-
main. They suggest automatic creation of process context by business process as soon
as a function requires a web service execution. They present guidelines to structure
process context related to business scope and characteristics to discover best fit ser-
vices. Besides, they consider that a business model is composed by a domain that
includes business rules and roles. Process context is composed by a set of criteria and
a weight vector. Criteria are defined as properties used to improve service discovery
precision and the vector of weights (in a range of 0 to 1) is used to sort the services.
The weight vector is defined by web service input and output parameters related to a
set of priorities and a set of Quality of Services (QoS) attributes, such as, latency,
cost, confidence etc. An example of criterion used to discover a service, according to
service consumer needs, is find a service that provides alkaline battery delivery, be-
cause for the consumer alkaline batteries has longer lifetime and are important for his
business. High priorities could be related to a common domain for all providers (de-
fined as static
priority) and to domains of all services already found by other roles
(defined as dynamic
Besides, [3] proposes to extend the Universal Description, Discovery and Integra-
tion (UDDI) in order to support aware comparison of business context. However, [3]
conclude that his proposal uses a simple process context model in order to simplify
the research and improvements are required using OWL-S to increase the semantic of
the solution. Their proposal is similar to our proposal; however, they do not present a
contextual representation that guarantees the alignment of business process and sup-
2 Static priority is defined as the same way to discover service for different roles in a business
3 Dynamic priority is defined as the way that must be different to discover the service for dif-
ferent roles in a business process.
porting services. For instance, their proposal does not consider the context of the user
that started business process execution.
There are several researches searching for an ideal solution to achieve alignment
between business processes and services, and the use of this alignment information
for service discovery. However, there are not yet conclusive definitions around that
alignment. In the next section, we present a proposal to address those problems.
3 CASIA: Context-aware Service Identification aligned to
Conventional UDDI server provides a service discovery through the pair: key and
value [3]. However, UDDI does not provide enough mechanisms to handle complex
discovery requests for service, e.g., Is the service S' supports the activity A' that is
running on the business process scope?; What are the services to support the activity
A' that is performing by the official F'? Therefore, in our approach, the UDDI is
adapted to ensure that the service will be available together with its proper context,
making it possible to find out the best service to fulfill the request of a process.
The goal of our proposal is to ensure the discovery of appropriate service to sup-
port the process during execution. We aim at improving the quality of the comparison
between process context and service context for service identification. Therefore, one
requirement is to specify the relevant contextual elements for process context and
service context definition and the relationship between them. Besides, it is required an
efficient and not intrusive mechanism to intercept an issue for a service, during
process execution, in order to start service discovery.
The contextual elements are designed and grouped based on categories proposed in
[9]. The semantics proposed in [3] were analyzed according to the categories of [9],
in order to identify deficiencies and improve it.
[3] stated that the OWL-S (Ontology Web Language for Services) is able to ex-
press service context in the most effective way. OWL-S is a language for describing
services that provides a standard vocabulary to be used in conjunction with other as-
pects of the OWL language description (Web Ontology Language) in order to create
service descriptions [9]. As a result, Ontology is adopted as a model to represent con-
text and moreover, it was needed to enhance existing models to meet the inherent
requirements in the contextual alignment between processes and services.
A framework was established aiming to appropriate service discovery, semantical-
ly contextualized, to meet the demand of the process. It was necessary to guarantee
flexibility in the capture of the contextual elements inherent to business process and,
after that, make the comparison with the service context. Therefore, an AOP language
was chosen as a non-intrusive form of implementation. The language adopted was the
AspectJ, because this implementation has the static and dynamic aspectual weaving
feature, i.e., the combination at compile time and execution time [7].
The dynamic weaving enables the aspectual module to deal with the service dis-
covery in a modular way, independent from the implementation that supports process
execution. This ensures low coupling and transparency between the business process
and the layer that handles its context. So it allows changes to incorporate the process
context in the process execution instance without suspending it.
The logical architectural model is presented in Figure 1, in order to clarify the cha-
racteristics inherent in this research proposal, and is described as follows.
Fig 1. The logical model of the architecture.
1. Business Application Server: It is the execution environment of an application that
implements business processes of the company. It is where the services, which best
meet the business functionality, run.
2. The Aspectual Module: This component is responsible to centralize the logic of
business context's handling and logic of service discovery. This component uses a
context model to make a semantic discovery of services.
3. Business Functionality: It represents a functionality (implementation of a require-
ment) that is supported by a service in the instance of a given business process.
4. Aspectual Weaving: In this module, the concern implemented in the Aspectual
Module is unified to a specific point in the instance of business process; thus, pro-
viding additional behavior to this instance.
5. Context Model: The information stored according to this model describes business
context and service context (as an Ontology), and is used to help the discovering of
the most appropriate service to meet the needs of the process instance.
6. Business Context: Repository of data describing business context according to the
context model.
7. Service Context: Repository of data describing service context according to the
context model.
8. Service Repositories: They comprehend the environments available on the Internet
where services are offered for consumption. Services can be consumed through a
contract between provider and consumer or they can be consumed for free. The re-
positories can be divided into:
8a. Public Service Repositories: These include repositories that offer public ser-
vices to be consumed.
8b. Corporate Service Repositories: These include service repositories within the
company where the services are offered.
The operation of this architecture, when available in the corporate environment,
will have its beginning when the implementation of business functionality starts in a
specific need (the target). When a specific part of the business issue a service, then
the aspectual module intercept this need to find out the most suitable service to sup-
port that business process.
In order to obtain this service, a context model which represents the semantic ele-
ments of the business and service is used. It increases the possibilities to meet the real
alignment between process and service.
To select one service to support the process, it is necessary to group and rank the
services identified, and then, the most suitable service is found out according to the
contextual model and is returned to the original instance of the process.
4 Application Scenario
This section discusses a scenario that exemplifies the use of our approach within the
proposed architecture.
4.1 Description
The scenario is related to the Sales Process that works online in a bookstore. In this
case, the Company has no physical stock. Thus, there is a need to control and optim-
ize the on-demand logistic process, which requires lots of information. However this
information is not available in the execution environment, i.e., the customer data are
not easily recoverable.
In order to obtain the correct business context, user's information and company's
information have to be registered into business data repositories. This information
helps finding the adequate service to business process. Thus, the supporting system
has to identify users, i.e, customers that participate in this business process, which is a
The process starts when customers want to buy a book. They search for a new
book in the website and select it to pay. After that, the system will generate the in-
voice. Subsequently, customers make the payment, and the order will be delivered to
them, according to the informed delivery address.
Nevertheless, logistic process will be performed by services, i.e., services will
support the purchase process and the delivery process. These services are normally
provided by bookstores and carrier companies.
Therefore, when customers start the payment activity, the system will be aware of
the business context to identify adequate services to get the requested book and to
deliver it to customer address. These services will be selected according to customers’
necessities and contextual conditions of the company.
At the end of the process, the customer will be informed about an estimated deli-
very date and the invoice. After that, the customer will pay the order. Then, the order
will be delivered to customer address and the process will be finished.
4.2 Application of the Proposed Architecture
The proposed architecture works identifying and finding the service to rightly support
business process. Business process is executed within Business Application Server
(Fig1-1). The process is composed by functionalities (business functionalities).
When business functionality (Fig1-3) tries to invoke a service, the aspectual mod-
ule (Fig1-2) intercepts this event at runtime (Fig1-4) and evaluates if the invoked
service is the most adequate to support this business process specific execution.
Therefore when, e.g., customers finish the order at the payment page, the aspectual
module intercepts invocation and evaluates if the service, which was specified at de-
sign time, is still adequate, according to business context involved on this execution.
The aspectual module obtains business context (Fig1-6) from business environ-
ment and uses it to identify a group of service repositories (Fig1-8) that are suitable to
support business process. The aspectual module uses business context to find servic-
es. It searches service repositories with business context to find candidate services,
i.e., services that might carry out that business process.
Services are selected based in their contextual descriptions identified as service
context (Fig1-7). These descriptions are organized using a context model (Fig1-5)
which is a semantic model for both the service and the business process.
The aspectual module uses both context models to rank and select the more ade-
quate service to be consumed by business process. This ranking is performed accord-
ing to common rules for both contexts. After that, when the best service is selected,
the aspectual module invokes it, and it returns a response message to business
process execution. The semantic of the response message must be known, because the
business process will use it in its execution. In this scenario, the first service invoca-
tion occurs after the aspectual module intercepts the purchase method for book re-
quest using a supplier service. In order to identify the supplier, the context of pur-
chase method of all suppliers services are analyzed, consistent with customers prefe-
rences and situations, and Company arrangements, e.g., cost, time to delivery, prod-
uct's availability, service's availability, contractual fidelity. Afterwards, it is time to
organize candidate services.
For this reason, the ranking is tidy based on QoS (Quality of Service) values, e.g.,
time to response, ensure compliance with service level agreement, confidence rate of
the response message semantic and so on. Finally, one of those services is elected to
support business process. Even when there is only one candidate service to be ranked,
this service context must be analyzed to evaluate if it can support the business process
in a minimum level of QoS.
As an example of service ranking, the purchase service identified by the aspectual
module could be from Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Booksite bookstores. Neverthe-
less the Booksite´s purchase service has not a good “time to response” (time required
by the service to process the request and return an answer) and Amazon bookstore
has not an adequate ´time to delivery´ (time to ship the book to the customer).
Then it invokes Barnes&Noble's purchase service (the elected candidate). Howev-
er, the response could not match the response expected by business process. In order
to succeed in pursuing execution of business process, the aspectual module handles
this object returned to adapt it semantically to the expected format.
The second service invocation is performed by the delivery activity, and a flow
similar to the purchase one is executed.
4.3 Discussion
Our proposal has many benefits. The first one is related to the flexibility to deal with
different business domain; since it work at runtime level and no changes is needed in
business process flow, as well in application code to invoke different services. The
aspectual module features can be customized without impact the business execution.
Besides, due to the adoption of an ontological domain definition, rules are modeled in
a high semantic level that produces a good match between service and business
process needs.
However, it has some challenges. First it requires service repositories be semanti-
cally structured, which is not easy to accomplish. Second, service composition is not
addressed in this proposal, but it could be an incremental evolution.
Despite most discussions around context-aware applications are focused to mobile
enviroments, our proposal use best parts of those to employ them in a business scena-
rios. Mobiles can be considered one element of business process, but to attend busi-
ness needs we argue the necessity of a broader view. At that time, the study contri-
butes to automate decisions when business process requires services to support busi-
ness logic.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
The development of services is directly associated with business process. Service
features (such as self-contained, low coupling, high cohesion, interoperability etc)
provides flexibility and agility to business to attend market requirements. Besides, the
use of service speed development, and decreases maintenance costs [2; 6]. As seen
throughout this paper, business processes need the services to be aware of their con-
So, it was described an approach to perform the discovery of context-aware servic-
es, using AOP to ensure flexibility in capturing context of business. We showed an
application scenario from which it is possible to conclude that the framework is flexi-
ble enough to identify (new) services aligned to business without code maintenance
providing agility to time to market. In addition, the context improvements in services
repository make suitable for semantic manipulation of its components.
As future work, we will perform a case study using benchmarking tools for web
services available. We also intend to compare the contextual universe proposed by [3]
with the results obtained in ongoing research.
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