Enterprise Architecture: What Discipline is that?
orge Cordeiro Duarte and Mamede Lima-Marques
Centre for Research on Architecture of Information, University of Brasilia
Campus, Brazilia, Brazil
Abstract. This paper analyzes Enterprise Architecture (EA) as a discipline of
study. Current EA foundations, theories and practices are discussed using an epis-
temological framework. Strengths and weaknesses of current approaches are dis-
cussed. Immaturity of EA as a discipline and practice Is identified. The main
causes of immaturity are analyzed. A research agenda is proposed to provide ma-
turity in EA foundations, theories and practice.
1 Introduction
noindentCurrent enterprise environmentis characterizedby complexity.There are many
elements to control and change is constant. Enterprise Architecture (EA) is considered
an instrument to help organizations to act effectively in this scenario by providing a
blueprint of organizational elements and their relationships. The big picture provided
by EA helps decision-making and change management.
Enterprise architecture is a promise for organizations efficiency, but it is still a con-
fusing concept [28]. Since its beginning, many heterogeneous EA proposals have been
developed. The approaches often overlap theories and practices with other enterprise
disciplines. Proposals are often complex and their benefits cannot be perceivedby users,
creating obstacles for its correct understanding, affecting its acceptance and use. The
lack of a generally agreed terminology in this domain is also a bottleneck for its effi-
cient application. This is the Reason why kappelman [14] considers EA at its beginning
despite the concept be known for at least 25 years.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the state of the art of EA as a discipline, iden-
tifying and evaluating its foundations, theories and practice. It also proposes a theoret-
ical framework and a research agenda to clarify EA foundations, concepts, scope and
practice. Section 2 presents the main definitions, concepts and approaches found in the
literature. Section 3 proposes a epistemological framework to assess EA as a discipline
of study. Section 4 details the main theoretical approaches. Section 5 analyzes the in-
tersection of EA with other disciplines. Issues of clarity in the boundaries of the EA as
a discipline are discussed in session 6. A research Conclusions and agenda to EA are
presented in Section 7.
Cordeiro Duarte J. and Lima-Marques M. (2010).
CEnterprise Architecture: What Discipline is that?.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Technologies for Context-Aware Business Process Management, Advanced Enterprise
Architecture and Repositories and Recent Trends in SOA Based Information Systems, pages 7-15
DOI: 10.5220/0003025400070015
2 A Framework to Assess EA as a Discipline
In order to assess EA as a discipline we use a framework, proposed by [8], shown in
figure 1. This framework comprises three levels of inquiry in a discipline: epistemology,
science and practice.
Fig.1. Hierarchy of Inquiry Systems with their Respective Inputs and Outputs [8].
Epistemology, according to [8] is that portion of the philosophy of science that
enquires into the sources of knowledge of a scientific discipline. The outputs of epis-
temological level are science paradigms. According to Thomas Kuhn [16], a paradigm
represents the way problems are conceptualized. It is made up of commitments shared
by a scientific community, to accept certain theories, methods and models. A paradigm
reflects the values by which the scientists judge how to configure or to define a problem
as well as their attitude towards any likely answer(s) or solution(s).
The second part of the model is science. Science is a body of knowledge about a
particular object, obtained with certain criteria in a methodical and systematic body
logically constructed. It is also considered as a set of methods and procedures used to
elucidate issues of reality [29]. Science outputs are theories and models.
The last part of the model, practice, applies theories and models to solve specific
real word problems.
This section presents an review of main epistemological approaches and makes an as-
sessment of EA foundations.
3.1 Epistemological Apprroaches
According to Hirschheim [11], there are several philosophical approaches that help es-
tablish the paradigms of knowledge of a discipline. The main difference between them
is how knowledge is obtained: By reasoning, by experience and by mutual influence
between reasoning and experience.
The Rationalist Paradigm. The rationalism is a epistemological approach which ar-
gues that knowledge is formed by reasoning, so it is mental. Based on Descartes, [4],
this epistemological theory see elements of the world functioning as a clock. Once man
interact with the world, he can module the reality in a scientific method and everything
will work as drawn in the module.
The Empirical Paradigm. A second approach, empirical, claims that knowledge only
happens in experience. The mind can construct models but only the interaction with the
world will give the true knowledge. This is the materialist approach of Locke [18] and
Hume [12].
The Phenomenological Paradigm. A third approach says that knowledge is a phe-
nomenon that occurs in the interaction between mind and experience. The Phenomenol-
ogy approach, created by Husserl [13] and contributions of Heidegger [10], Gadamer
[7] and others analyzes the essence of the phenomenon in a humanist perspective. The
word influences the world and man also designs the world, and perceptions and designes
are made in collaboration with others.
3.2 Assessing EA Paradigms
We did not find a research specifically about EA epistemology, but is it possible ti
identify some paradigms analyzing EA approaches. EA approaches, detailed in next
sections, have focus in organizational domain modeling, providing mainly technical
aspects os models. Current EA approaches see the world, its elements and relations
and assume that everything will work as a clock. Approaches also consider that we
have many visions of the same subject, depending on the perspective of the user. But
these models and visions are not updated dynamically. Once developed and approved
they are considered as a truth for everyone. No approach considers that in a dynamic
situation changes may occur everyday in the interaction of man with te reality. So we
can consider that current approaches use a rationalist perspective. Once modeled and
approved models predominate over reality.
We conclude, analyzing EA features, that the rationalist perspective is insufficient
as paradigm to the discipline. The humanist approach of phenomenology, in our opin-
ion is more suitable as a foundation for EA and so approaches must consider human
interaction with the architecture. In other words, models must be accessible to everyone
and approaches must give conditions for update information in dynamic and custom
4 Enterprise Architecture Science
This section presents a review of the literature and makes an assessment of EA theories.
4.1 Enterprise Architecture Definitions
There are many definitions for EA. The name of discipline, itself, may vary, being re-
ferred to as Enterprise Architecture (EA) [31] or Enterprise Information Architecture
(EIA) [3]. Examples of EA definitions found in literature: An abstraction of the main
elements of the organization and their relationships [26]; Define the various elements
that make up an organization and how they relate and establish the principles and guide-
lines governing their design and evolution over time [20]; A coherent set of principles,
methods and models used in the design and construction of the structure, processes,
systems and infrastructure of an organization [17]; Blueprints which define a complete
and systematic position of the current and desired organizational environment [24]; A
description of a complex system (the enterprise) at a point in time [2]; The structure
of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their
design and evolution over time [5]
4.2 Enterprise Architecture Objectives
Some examples of EA objectives found in the literature: EA intends to model, analyze
and communicate the organization. The benefits of EA are the knowledge infrastruc-
ture for reporting and analysis by all stakeholders and the possibility of designing new
conditions in an organized manner [17]. EA is not only an instrument for strategic plan-
ning of IS/IT planning but also other business functions, such as compliance control,
continuity planning and risk management [30]. The objectives of the EA are risk and
compliance control, project and organizational programs management, portfolios of IT
management and integration between business and IT [24]. According to [21] an EA,
as a whole, is used in a number of different ways to guide, direct, and manage an enter-
prise: Is a basis for decision making and planning; Governs the identification, selection
and development of standards; is the mechanism for managing change within the enter-
prise; Enables effective communication about the enterprise.
4.3 Enterprise Architecture Users
According to John Wu
, Enterprise Architecture is for every one. The senior manage-
ment need EA to support decision making on capital investment, The project manager
need EA to reuse common resources. The security engineers need EA to know what to
secure about. Service Oriented Architecture depends on EA to select the proper service.
A important factor for EA utilization is the capability to access the EA artifact in time
for need.
4.4 Enterprise Architecture Approaches
Since middle of the 1980s several proposals for EA appear. The diverse proposals have
different approaches aiming different objectives. Table 1 shows a classification of pro-
posals in five approaches: Strategic EA, enterprise modeling, enterprise modeling meth-
ods and standards, enterprise architecture language and Information Architecture.
Table 1. Evolution of Technology and System Applications.
Approach Objective Proposal
Strategic EA Blueprints showing enterprise and
technical infrastructure
Enterprise Modeling Framework of organizational models [31]
Enterprise modeling methods
and standards
Framework, methods and standards
for organizational models
[20, 5]
Enterprise architecture language Framework and language to model
architectural models
Enterprise Information Architec-
ture Approach
Infrastructure for modeling the enter-
prise information
4.5 Assessing EA Theories
EA definitions are comprehensive and clear, considering the architecture as covering
all organizational domains. Its goals are also clear because they consider architecture as
capable of enabling organizational knowledge and manage change. The problem in the
theories of EA is in the methods proposed to achieve its objetives. Available approaches
vary in detailing architecture levels. There is no consensus on the best strategy. EA
must model only strategies? must models all elements? who makes the models? Current
approaches do not make clear the boundaries of architecture modeling in relation to
other areas of enterprise modeling, such as processes and applications. So is not clear
yet what subjects are exclusive to EA discipline.
5 Enterprise Architecture Practice
This section presents a review of the literature about EA practice, and makes an assess-
ment of tools, organizational structures and strategies.
5.1 Enterprise Architecture Tools
Schekkerman (2009) publishes an extensive annual survey of the various EA tools in
the market. It is important to note that following Zachman proposal, the architecture
can consist of models from various domains which can lead to the conclusion that any
modeling tool can be considered as a tool for EA. This is the focus of Schekkerman
analyzes. The study shows most of the tools meet only part of architecture domains
and no tool is specialized in EA, They provide resources to make many other things
such systems or processes modeling. There also other reviews of EA market analyzing
Strengths and Weakness of theirs resources [6]. Research institutes, such as Gartner
and Forrester, also publish annual reports assessing the tools to EA. Both consider that
only six or seven companies meet the requirements for an EA tool. These requirements
are: resources to model the various domains, specific resources to model architecture
and identify relations between models, support for the main frameworks, resources for
managing projects, resources for publishing on the Web, collaboration resources and a
repository for storing and retrieving models. The main companies that offer tools with
these requirements are: IBM (System Architect and Rational)
, IDS Scheer (ARIS
, Metastorm
, Troux Technologies
and Alphabet
5.2 Enterprise Architeture Strategies
Many EA programs do not succeed because they are not well implemented. It is recom-
mended to implement an EA program in ve steps: Initiate the effort; Describe where
we are; Identify where we would like to be ;Plan how to get there; Implement the archi-
tecture [1].
Initiate the Effort. Develop an architecture framework;Create readiness for architec-
ture Build the architecture team; Identify and influence stakeholders; Encourage open
participation and involvement; Reveal discrepancies between current and desired state.
Describe where we are. Characterize the baseline architecture; Make it clear to every-
one why change is needed.
Identify where we would Like to Be. Develop the target architecture; Communicate
valued features; Energize commitment; Create a plan for transition activities
Plan how to Get there. Develop the transition plan; Execute the target architecture
Communicate the transition plan; Establish sound management structure; Build support
for the architect.
Implement the Architecture. Maintain/enhance the target architecture; Develop new
competencies and skills; Reinforce architectural practices
5.3 Organizational Structures for Enterprise Architeture
To reach its goals EA must have an organizational structure with a group responsible
for it [9]. [22] proposes a structure with an EA board and an EA operational manage-
ment team. This team must have a central staff and also specialists distributed in local
departments that contributes to EA contents. The central staff does not generate content.
The central staff must implement and manage an infrastructure to EA and identify and
publish EA policies and guidelines. As Rosenfeld states, EA is a mix of users, context
and context [22]. EA community is composed by users and content generators that are
also users. Each user needs a specific vision of architectural elements. Each content
contributor deals with a specific content level. It is a function of EA staff to know who
does content and who needs information. The enterprise Architect is the main profes-
sional for EA. Given the interdisciplinary nature of EA, the enterprise Architect must
have a general knowledge of various discipline [25]. These discipline, among others,
are business strategy, financial management, organizational dynamics, business process
design, and information technology.
5.4 Assessing EA Practice
Current Research on EA practice does not present a positive situation. A survey pub-
lished by Gartner [2] identifies that only 25% of EA initiatives can be considered active
and mature. 50% of them take 2 steps forward and 1 step back and 25% have failed
repeatedly. An investigation of perception and practice of EA found that IT profes-
sionals still do not perceive EA as an organizational effort, but an IT initiative which
indicates that EA is not properly implemented [15]. The same survey shows that the
identification of requirements is still a great challenge in information systems develop-
ment which shows the necessity of change in systems development processes. Another
study identified that only 6% of organizations have an appropriate degree of maturity in
the modularization of its information systems [23]. The literature is plentiful in percep-
tions that EA, though admittedly to be an important tool, it is not a standard practice in
organizations, mainly considering medium and small ones [27].
6 Assessing EA as a Discipline
The enterprise architecture discipline touches the same subjects as business process
management, information systems and other enterprise disciplines, but from a differ-
ent perspective and in a distinctly different context. The EA context is holistic and its
perspective is organizational, while the other disciplines are implementation-specific.
The enterprise architecture discipline is more than a superset of engineering do-
mains. While the subjects of enterprise domains are meant to be applied to the solution
implementation, the EA subjects are largely used for enterprise analysis, planning, and
architecture governance.
EA is among enterprise disciplines already consolidated. What specific knowledge
we need to enterprise analysis, planning, and architecture governance? When does en-
gineering end and architecture begins? Who models the specific vision of architecture?
How to integrate Models? How to find a specific model for a specific need? How to get
collaboration of other domains to construct a dynamic architecture? How to reach EA
audience? How can be the enterprise architect profession defined? How can he be edu-
cated? how to collaborate with who needs to know the architecture in a timely fashion?
Approaches such as Zachman lists a number models that are related to other or-
ganizational domains and suggests no method to elaborate the models. So it does not
indicate specific theories for a EA discipline. TOGAF suggests specific methods but
it has a rationalist view, not considering human aspects. The same happens with the
proposal of Archimate. Without considering the human aspects of architectural models
and collaboration aspects in developing then the approaches are incomplete with less
chance of succeed.
Current EA tools are not specific to EA. They are IT or BPM approaches with some
resources to EA. EA needs models from IT and from processes and it sounds logical
to evolve them to EA. But these tools do not help to identify the frontiers between
domains, so it is not clear to managers and professional who does what. Tools are also
rationalist oriented without resources for collaboration. Organization changes everyday
and resources to update elements and relation in a collaborative environment is needed.
Education is another big problem to EA. It is hard to find specific formal education
to EA. No even a mere discipline in IS, IT or Processes courses can be found. This is,
perhaps, the most striking sign of immaturity of EA as a discipline. We do not have a
defined body of knowledge in formal education. IT is not easy to find in the literature
proposals of a curriculum for the discipline of EA.
Concepts found in literature are clear to define the specific object of EA: Organi-
zational elements and their relations. The objectives also sound clear: To provide orga-
nization knowledge and help in planing and change management. The problem here is
with current approaches. They have three kind of problems: they do not help to estab-
lish a frontier with other disciplines, they do not provide a body of specific methods for
the discipline and they do not consider human collaboration aspects. That is the reason
why many organizations fail in the implementation of the EA and others not even try.
7 Conclusions and Research Agenda
This paper presented a review of current literature on concepts and approaches to EA,
contributing to a better understanding of the state of the art and the challenges of this
field of research and practice. It assessed EA as a discipline using a framework with
epistemological, theoretical and practical levels. Looking at EA foundations, theories
and practice it is easy to see that, even though EA is seen with optimism on a medium
and long run, the current reality is not good. Most of the professionals who could be
using the existing proposals consider approaches still confusing and complex and tools
much expensive. It is not clear for systems analysts the boundary between modeling a
system and modeling an application architecture. It is not clear for business analyst the
difference between a process model and an a business architecture model. It is not clear
to both professionals who should make engineering models and architecture ones.
If EA boundaries are not clear to professionals, they are not clear to executives ei-
ther. So, EA initiatives are not properly structured. A poorly structured EA initiative is
a sure failure. EA is certainly a complex initiative considering the existing approaches.
The expectation is that over time it becomes mature to be implemented in a less com-
plex manner. For this to happen it is necessary, above all, better approaches and more
specialized and affordable tools.
A new agenda of EA research as a discipline is needed. Research must clarify EA
boundaries, and provide unique foundations and theories. EA methods and tools must
change of paradigm. The rational paradigm is not sufficient to orient theory and practice
of EA. Research is needed to bring human perspective to EA. Research is needed to
provide specific tools for EA considering the collaborative paradigm. Research is also
needed to set formal education to enterprise architects.
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