(www.glite.org) that only provides generic tools to
access the bare resources. The following sections
describe the efforts about hardware design, policy
tailoring and software support focusing on each
specific issue. Section 2 introduces the COMETA e-
Infrastructure. Section 3 describes the adoption of
the InfiniBand net layer. Section 4 is about the
scheduling policy, a critical aspect of the
management of such infrastructures. Section 5
describes the modifications to the standard official
middleware for a better support of MPI-based
parallel applications. Section 6 focuses on GridLM,
the newly-developed license server allowing only
entitled users to run licensed software on the Grid
under the license terms and the accounting system.
Section 7 describes the Secure Storage Service
implemented to solve the insider abuse problem.
Section 8 is about the so-called “watchdog” tool to
monitor long lasting jobs and recursive commands
for massive interaction with the data catalogue.
Section 9 illustrates the most common porting
procedures and related computing schemas. Finally,
some conclusions are drawn in Section 10.
The COMETA Consortium gathers the Universities
of Catania, Messina Palermo , the National Research
Institutes for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Astro-Physics
(INAF), Geo-Physics and Volcanogy (INGV), and
the SCIRE Consortium. These institutions have been
involved at different levels in the EGEE project and
other European projects deploying international e-
Infrastructures. Nevertheless, the idea behind the
development of a new regional e-Infrastructure is to
foster the adoption of Grid computing for massive
computation among Sicilian researchers both from
academia and business worlds. For this reason the
Sicilian e-Infrastructure has been built on grants
coming form the Italian Ministry of University and
Research (PI2S2 Project, www.pi2s2.it/) and the
Sicilian Regional Government (TriGrid Project,
www.trigrid.it). The infrastructure, which adopts the
gLite middleware, is fully compliant with the
international standards on interoperability. Figure 1
shows the location of the seven sites of the
infrastructure in the cities of Catania, Messina and
Palermo; they collect an overall amount of ~2000
cores and a storage capacity of >250 TB.
Figure 1: The sites of COMETA e-Infrastructure.
Usually, local network connection among the nodes
of a Grid site is provided by Ethernet links at 1 Gb/s,
since the communication among nodes is not a
bottleneck for many applications performing on the
Grid. Currently, the majority of the Grid applications
are trivially parallel so they can be split in different
not communicating chunks. As a result, the
bandwidth provided by the GigaEthernet link is
sufficient for most types of applications in order to
run these jobs efficiently. However, an efficient
execution of not trivial parallel jobs requires much
faster exchanges of short messages instead of
sustained communications. So, a low latency is
required. This is the reason why each processor in
the Sicilian e-Infrastructure is equipped with two
network cards, one for the usual Ethernet connection
devoted to Grid services and normal (non-parallel)
jobs, and the other one for the InfiniBand
connection, reserved to parallel computing only.
The impact of InfiniBand on the programs is
noticeable. The latency of communication drops
from the Ethernet value of about 50 μs down to 1-2
μs. Optimized parallel programs exploit this feature
resulting in a much shorter execution time. The
advantage of using the low-latency communication
protocol is more sensitive the more nodes are
allocated for the computation. For parallel
computations involving several tens of cores and
more, the adoption of the InfiniBand net layer is
highly recommendable. In many cases, the
optimization of net communication is a challenging
problem, particularly for those parallel codes that
have been adapted from different architectures, such
as shared memory, to a distributed computing
environment. In such cases, the InfiniBand net layer
THE COMETA E-INFRASTRUCTURE - A Platform for Business Applications in Sicily