Towards an Enterprise Interoperability Framework
Paula Kotzé
and Irina Neaga
Meraka Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Pretoria, South Africa
Institute for ICT Advancement, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Systems Engineering Division
Loughborough University, Leicestershire, U.K.
Abstract. This paper presents relevant interoperability approaches and solu-
tions applied to global/international networked (collaborative) enterprises or or-
ganisations and conceptualise an enhanced enterprise interoperability frame-
work. The paper covers several key aspects including how holistic approaches
of architecting principles, standards and semantics contribute to the develop-
ment of an interoperability framework that can be flexibly used for interoper-
able complex systems, particularly ICT, that support global enterprises includ-
ing organisations from multiple countries, e.g. European and African organisa-
tions. This proposed comprehensive approach of interoperability covers not
only technical aspects, but also semantics alongside organisational and cultural
aspects. The use of systems engineering thinking and architecting for achieving
interoperability of complex systems is suggested.
1 Introduction
The term enterprise in the context of enterprise architecture can be used to denote
both an entire and a specific domain within the enterprise. In both instances, the archi-
tecture traverses multiple systems, and multiple functional groups within the enter-
prise. Furthermore, an extended enterprise these days frequently includes partners,
suppliers, and customers [27]. If the goal is to integrate an extended enterprise, then
the enterprise architecture should comprise a reference to the partners, suppliers, and
customers, as well as internal business units. In this case interoperability becomes a
key issue to be considered in enterprise architecture.
Interoperability is a key concern for network enabled complex systems, which in
turn have facilitated the collaborative enterprise and implicitly globalisation. Interop-
erability has, for example, been the focus of European and African IST programmes
and initiatives such as INTEROP-VLAB (The International Virtual Laboratory for
Enterprise Interoperability) ( and ATHENA [1], and the Inter-
operability in African Parliamentary Information Systems initiative [30]. Despite a
huge amount of literature on interoperability research and applications [5, 16, 17],
from a practical perspective interoperability research is still in an early stage. There
Kotzé P. and Neaga I. (2010).
Towards an Enterprise Interoperability Framework.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Technologies for Context-Aware Business Process Management, Advanced Enterprise
Architecture and Repositories and Recent Trends in SOA Based Information Systems, pages 26-29
DOI: 10.5220/0003027100260029
are still several issues that require novel solutions based on innovative approaches.
Some of these issues are:
Using standards do not always guarantee achieving interoperability.
Applying architecting principles do not always guarantee achieving interoperabil-
Not comprehensively addressing enterprise-wide information protection, trust and
security issues, which are crucial for assuring trusted electronic business relation-
ships and virtual/online collaboration, as well as different networking enablement
such as electronic supply chains or network centric operations /enabled capability
in most enterprises [19, 26].
Non-technical issues, such as cultural and human communication and interaction
alongside computer and human domain specific knowledge, are proven to become
barriers in achieving interoperability.
There is a need for analysis and evaluation of interoperability itself.
Improvements of existing system interoperability should be beneficial.
Rapid development of technology may decrease the degree of systems interopera-
bility if the interoperability requirements are not considered at design level.
There are several approaches, from different perspectives, to achieving interopera-
bility. Examples include those based on semantic technologies and service orientation
[5, 29], as well as support for different types of applications such as electronic busi-
ness and electronic government [16, 17, 30].
However, the existing approaches are only part of potential solutions of interoper-
able complex systems (e.g. an enterprise or organisation) or ‘systems of systems’ (e.g.
an enterprise operating in different cultural and political environments), and enabled
through networking or collaboration. A holistic approach of enterprise interoperability
on all levels of the enterprise is also required. A call therefore arises to define an inte-
grated enterprise interoperability framework that could be applied to an extended
enterprise, including its possible global divisions and supply chains. We use to term
global to refer to the global (international) economy in which traditional barriers is no
longer prohibitive.
The principles of systems engineering, including aspects such as holism, emergent
behaviour, boundary, etc., can be applied to any system, complex or otherwise, pro-
vided systems thinking is employed at all levels of the system. Systems thinking is an
approach to problem solving, by viewing ‘problems’ as parts of an overall system,
rather than reacting to a specific part, outcomes or events and potentially contributing
to further development of unintended consequences. Systems thinking involves a set
of methods or practices within a framework that is based on the belief that the com-
ponent parts of a system can best be understood in the context of relationships with
each other and with other systems, rather than in isolation [4]. There is no doubt that
interoperable systems are complex systems that should be holistically analysed and
The motivation behind this paper is to advance the research on enterprise interop-
erability using a systems engineering holistic approach in order to propose compo-
nents to be considered in developing a global enterprise interoperability framework.
The paper was motivated by the authors’ experience in collaborative enterprise pro-
jects spanning Europe and Africa, and the paper addresses enterprise interoperability
in this context.
The specific aim of this paper is to present a first step towards proposing a harmo-
nised set of concepts regarding interoperability that can support a wide range of appli-
cations and will also enable global organisations/enterprises, including European and
African specific needs, requirements and cultural aspects.
In order to achieve this aim, the paper has two objectives:
To provide an overview of existing interoperability approaches, standards and
architectural practice in order to define a common approach or mapping possibility.
To propose the way forward in conceptualising the requirements for a global enter-
prise interoperability framework based on sound enterprise architecture and sys-
tems engineering principles.
Section 2 of the paper provides some background to the concept of an enterprise. It
also presents definitions and description of the levels of interoperability. Section 3
includes an overview of enterprise interoperability frameworks, models and solutions
and positions them relatively to each other. Section 4 introduces first steps and sug-
gestions for the requirements of a global enterprise interoperability framework. Sec-
tion 5 concludes.
2 Background
2.1 What is an Enterprise?
The concept of the ‘enterprise’ is increasingly used by both practitioners and re-
searchers from a wide variety of settings. Despite the wide usage, there are consider-
able differences in the scope of definition and the purpose in adopting the enterprise
perspective. The term enterprise has been applied in the context of corporations, small
businesses, non-profit institutions, government bodies, educational institutions, space
stations, and other kinds of organisations such as living environments (e.g. house-
However, many authors have considered an expanded definition of enterprise
clearly different from an organisation that is a single entity from an ownership per-
spective [12]. TOGAF defines an enterprise as a collection of organisations with a
common set of goals, for example, a government agency, an entire corporation or a
division of a corporation, a single department in a corporation, or a chain of geo-
graphically distant organisations linked together by common ownership [27]. The
European Commission [11] defines an enterprise as ‘an entity, regardless of its legal
form including partnerships or associations regularly engaged in economic activities’.
Some authors have retained the term enterprise for a single organisation and used
‘extended enterprise’ to represent a set of firms within a value chain or production
network that collaborate to produce a finished product [9] in a global con-
text/economy. Another definition for the extended enterprise that has several similari-
ties with the global enterprise is that it is a loose partnership that is neither character-
ized as an arm’s length relationship nor a vertical integration [10]. Despite the evident
need for greater intra- and inter-organisational collaboration leading to more prolific
use of ‘enterprise’, the term remains ambiguous [20].
An enterprise can thus be viewed as a complex system consisting of processes that
can be engineered both individually and holistically. The majority of these processes
require the involvement of or interaction with a human at some time. The nature of
enterprises is therefore in essence socio-technical systems, where ‘the operating prin-
ciple consists of the ability of human beings to enter into and comply with commit-
ments’ [8: 12].
2.2 What is Interoperability?
There is yet no single definition for the term interoperability. Moreover, a unique
definition of interoperability of complex systems is not provided here.
The term interoperability is often used in a technical systems engineering sense, or
alternatively in a broad sense, taking into account social, political, and organisational
factors that impact system to system performance.
On a technical level, the IEEE, for example, defines interoperability as ‘the ability
of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the infor-
mation that has been exchanged’ [15]. The Open Group [27: 32], likewise, defines
interoperability, in the context of TOGAF Version 9, as the ability ‘to share informa-
tion and services’, ‘of two or more systems to exchange and use information’, and ‘of
systems to provide and receive services from other systems’ enabling them to operate
together effectively. The European Interoperability Framework defines interoperabili-
ty more holistically as ‘the ability of information and communication technology
(ICT) systems and of the business processes they support to exchange data and to
enable the sharing of information and knowledge’ [14: 5].
In contrast, NATO’s definition of interoperability is, for example, more organisa-
tional focused: ‘Interoperability is the ability of systems, units, or forces to provide
the services to, and accept services from other systems, units or forces and to use the
services so exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together’ [18].
Interoperability is thus the ability of two or more different entities (be they pieces
of software, processes, systems, business units, etc.) to ‘inter-operate’ [29].
2.3 What is Enterprise Interoperability?
To face current business challenges, modern enterprises have to be interoperable in
terms of not only their IT systems, but also their business processes, their applications
and even their human resources, whether from an intra or inter-organisational point of
view. Enterprise interoperability is concerned with interoperability between organisa-
tional units or business processes either within a large (distributed) enterprise or
within an enterprise network [29]. The challenge lies in facilitating communication,
cooperation, and coordination among these units and processes. From an enterprise
architecture and a systems engineering perspective operating into a networked envi-
ronment place the requirements for interoperability alongside the maintainability,
reliability, safety and supportability requirements of a system [2].
Enterprise interoperability is linked to enterprise integration. Enterprise integration
can be vertical or horizontal, and full, loose or tight. Vertical integration refers to
integration of a line of business from its tactical planning to operation levels. Hori-
zontal integration refers to integration of the various domains (i.e. business areas) of
the enterprise, or with its partners and environment. In full integration components
systems are no longer distinguishable in the system. With tight integration compo-
nents are still distinguishable but any modification on any of them may have direct
impact on others. With loose integration component systems continue to exist on their
own, but can operate as components of the integrated system [29].
Enterprise interoperability ties in with loose integration. It provides two or more
business entities with the ability to exchange or share information and of using func-
tionality of one another in a distributed and heterogeneous environment. Component
systems are preserved as they are and the reuse process is facilitated.
2.4 Levels of Interoperability
The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) identifies three levels of interopera-
bility [14]:
Organisational interoperability is focused on the definition of business goals, mod-
elling business processes and organisational collaboration issues.
Semantic interoperability is concerned with ensuring that the exact same meaning
of exchanged information is obtainable in the same way by any other computer
system and/or human agent that were not initially trained for this purpose.
Technical interoperability covers the technical matters of connecting systems and
services through interfaces, protocols etc. applying appropriate software engineer-
ing techniques and methodologies.
Fig. 1 depicts these main levels of interoperability. The arrows show that in order
to achieve the interoperability between system A and system B that are using different
architectural frameworks, different levels of interoperability are considered.
Organisational and Business
System B
System A
Human and Cultural Barriers
Management of External Relationships
Fig. 1. European Interoperability Frame-
work levels of interoperability.
Fig. 2. Levels of interoperability and
However, in order to achieve enterprise interoperability the levels of interoperabil-
ity must also take into consideration the socio-technical nature of an enterprise.
Achieving enterprise interoperability therefore requires efforts from a technical as
well as non-technical perspective. The technical issues are covered by EIF. The non-
technical issues involve human and cultural barriers to interoperability. These aspects
are shown in Fig. 2.
In defining business interoperability, Legner and Wende [17] considered some of
the non-technical issues by identifying four levels of interoperability in the business
interoperability framework (BIF): information systems (type of interaction, connec-
Organisational and Business
System B
System A
tivity, and security and trust); collaborative business process interoperability (public
process, process visibility and business semantics); employees and culture interopera-
bility (trust and partner management), and management of external relationships (co-
operation process and cooperation targets). Tsagkani [28] identifies a further level of
enterprise interoperability, namely pragmatic interoperability, which captures the
willingness of partners for the actions necessary for the collaboration and involves
both capability of performing a requested action, and policies dictating whether the
potential action is preferable for the enterprise to be involved.
Whitman and Panetto [31] refer to both knowledge and cultural differences. They
have identified explicit and tacit knowledge communication gaps during the enter-
prise design activities involving multi-national teams, as well as in globally manufac-
turing processes of products. An experienced engineer would use some tacit rules
involved in the design process that include assumptions that is not explicitly stated.
What is tacit knowledge in one culture may be explicit in another, and vice versa.
They have also indicated that language is not the only cultural issue in semantic inter-
operation, and that the concern of different cultures having different design philoso-
phies is also important. Various cultures have different constraints and different ob-
jectives, and culture impacts business.
To be interoperable the exchange of knowledge across dissimilar cultures in differ-
ent native languages is imperative. Successfully interchanging enterprise information
therefore requires what is known as intercultural communication power [7].
2.5 Uncovering Systems Interoperability Issues by Applying Systems Thinking
From a systemic perspective interoperability problems and approaches should con-
sider conceptual relations and interdependencies between interoperability and other
system/sub-system/component characteristics such as agility and collaboration, which
are supported through knowledge and ontology modelling, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The
figure also outlines the key aspects which define the systems characteristics and con-
ceptual or soft relations between them. Enterprise interoperability is therefore intrinsi-
cally an enterprise architecture issue in that it covers all the concerns that should be
holistically addressed during an enterprise architecture exercise.
Systems thinking embedded in the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) developed by
Checkland [4] identifies problem situations, formulates from these a set of root defini-
tions of relevant purposeful human activity systems, builds up conceptual models of
the systems, compares the models with reality, and makes changes that should be
systematically desirable and culturally feasible. Using SSM the systems or enterprise
interoperability problems can be uncovered through the definition of a ‘big picture’ of
the whole system or enterprise and its components, problem framing and stakeholder
involvement in the different stages of systems definition, and modelling through in-
terviews and workshops.
o Equipment
and Platforms
o Data
o Processes
Network Organisations /
Virtual Professional
Social Networking
Fig. 3. Interoperability and other system characteristics (adapted from [22]).
3 Research into Enterprise Interoperability
A global interoperability framework and related models should consider the existing
approaches and aim to their harmonisation at conceptual level, and mapping from a
practical perspective. Therefore a brief comparative overview of existing approaches
is presented, analysing their gaps and potential bridging solutions.
3.1 Current Solutions to Interoperability Frameworks
The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) [14] defines a set of recommenda-
tions and guidelines for services, especially for electronic government applications, in
order for public administrations, enterprises and citizens to interact across borders in a
pan-European context. For it to be extended and applied for applications in, for exam-
ple, African countries the EIF framework should consider particular issues of African
enterprises or organisations. A Euro-African (global) interoperability framework
would therefore be required.
Progress has been made by the framework AKOMA NTOSO (Architecture for
Knowledge-Oriented Management of African Normative Texts using Open Standards
and Ontologies). It is enabling effective access to, and exchange of, machine-readable
African parliamentary documents, such as legislation and debate record [30]. It aims
to the standardisation of technology-neutral representations of African parliamentary
documents in order to improve inter-parliamentary cooperation, and reduce the costs
of parliamentary IT support systems.
C4IF (C4 Interoperability Framework), C4 from the first letters of the core con-
cepts of the framework (connection, communication, consolidation, and collabora-
tion), has been developed using some well-defined concepts from linguistics. Based
on the language/action perspective this framework is focused on the techniques ap-
plied to information systems in order to communicate, and modelling this communi-
cation as a discourse [25].
DARPA and C4ISR have initiated the LISI (Levels of Information System Interop-
erability) capabilities model where a common frame/structure defined as a matrix was
introduced with five interoperability maturity levels addressing four interoperability
attributes organized as dimensions: procedures, applications, infrastructure, and data
(PAID) [3]. The dimensions (attributes) are assessed in terms of five hierarchical
levels of interoperability readiness, the stages through which systems should logically
progress or ‘mature’ in order to improve their ability to interoperate: isolated systems
(manual), connected systems (peer-to-peer), distributed systems (functional), domain
systems (integrated), and enterprise systems (universal).
While the LISI model is technical in nature, and does not include the role of people
and knowledge, it does expand the definition of interoperability beyond the ability to
exchange data from one system to another: it considers the ability to exchange and
share services between systems.
NCOIC (Network Centric Operations Industrial Consortium) has produced a
framework and SCOPE Model (systems, capabilities, operations, programs, and en-
terprises) [21]. The model is designed to characterize interoperability-relevant aspects
or capabilities of a system or set of systems over a network in terms of a set of dimen-
sions and values along those dimensions. The SCOPE model can be applied to char-
acterize networking capabilities and its impact on human and machine interaction.
3.2 Technical Solutions to Interoperability
Achieving interoperability usually means implementing specifications and standards
that may support interoperability in the environment in which the systems have to
operate. However, it is possible to implement a specification or standard and not
achieve interoperability when the systems with which one seeks to interoperate
(communicate, exchange information, etc.) do not make use the same specification or
standard. This is why so much of implementing interoperability goes down to the
planning and communicating stage. Therefore it is required to do extensive research, a
thorough consultation, consider shared requirements and come up with a working
consensus on what needs to be achieved. Projects which rush into implementation
without proper enterprise architecture, consultation and development of requirements
and specifications, may have difficulties further along the way. A systems engineering
approach for enterprise interoperability solutions are therefore recommended.
3.3 Achieving Interoperability through Standardisation
Several standard-based application protocols (APs) and business objects (BOs) are
available. They cover many of the major technological, economic and human activi-
ties, and have been produced by international organisations such as ISO (International
Organisation for Standardization), UN (United Nations), CEN (European Committee
for Standardization), OMG (Object Management Group), NIST (National Institute of
Standards and Technology), etc. However, according to Grilo et al. [13], amongst
practitioners most of these standards are not widely adopted, either by lack of aware-
ness or due to especially private commercial interests within the software develop-
ment process. Moreover, when they are selected, they are sometimes used inade-
quately, mainly due to an imprecise interpretation of the scope. This results in diffi-
culties in achieving interoperability with other systems and introduces limitations in
potential future reuse and model extensibility when creating new components.
3.4 Achieving Interoperability through Architecting
Architecting to support interoperable systems in terms of their definition, develop-
ment, and through life cycle maintenance imply the realisation of the following main
aspects [6]:
Ensuring interoperability and connectivity of architectures, consistency, compli-
ance with applicable directives, and architectural information shar-
Facilitating implementation of policies and procedures, acquisition strategies, sys-
tems engineering, configuration management, and technical standards.
Standardisation in terms of reference, modelling tools, architecture data elements,
architecture data structures, hardware and software interfaces, architectural repre-
sentations, and level of detail/abstraction.
Enterprise architecture refers to a comprehensive description of all the key ele-
ments and relationships that fully describe an enterprise. The elements to be described
may be data, network equipments, software components, business locations, human
resources, etc. Enterprise architecting aims at aligning the business processes and
main objectives of an enterprise, with the applications and systems that build up its
technical infrastructure. Enterprise architecture is therefore an important support for
interoperability in network enabled environments, since they contribute to align the
models of the enterprises/organisations that are required to interoperate.
There are many different approaches to describing the elements of enterprise archi-
tecture. For example, the Zachman Framework, an ontology for describing the enter-
prise [32], uses a two dimensional classification schema for descriptive representa-
tions of an enterprise. It intersects the primitive communication interrogatives (what
(inventory sets), who (process transformations), where (network nodes), who (organ-
isational groups), when (timing periods), and why (motivation reasons)) with reifica-
tion transformations (identification, definition, representation, specification, configu-
ration, and instantiation). Another example is the domain specific frameworks.
MODAF (Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework) in the United Kingdom, for
example, supports interoperability as a standard architectural framework, which en-
ables the coherent sharing of architecting information that facilitates the identification
of gaps and overlaps between operating processes and the systems that support them.
MODAF has been developed based on the Department of Defence Architectural
Framework (DoDAF), which provides operational, system and technical views.
Within the domain of security, SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Archi-
tecture) is an example of a framework and methodology for enterprise security archi-
tecture and service management used by numerous enterprises [26]. There have been
identified mapping capabilities between the architectural frameworks, for example,
DoDAF/MODAF mapped to Zachman [24]; and C4ISR mapped to GERAM (Gener-
alised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology) developed by the IFIP-
IFAC Task Force, and adopted as an Appendix of ISO15704:2000 [23]. ~
3.5 Mapping Interoperability Frameworks and Exchange Languages
As a summary, Fig. 4 classifies approaches to interoperability into two classes, com-
monality-based and interaction-based, making a notional attempt to position specific
concepts, initiatives, technologies, and products within that space.
Fig. 4. Mapping Interoperability Frameworks and Exchange Languages [21].
One way to characterize and harmonise these approaches is top-down versus bot-
tom-up. Top-down approaches typically address the problem from an enterprise archi-
tecture, or broad scope of a generic socio-technical system, and through different
layers of abstractions using modelling tools. Bottom-up approaches seek to achieve
interoperability by adoption of specific technologies or information representation
standards. While contrasting top-down with bottom-up approaches is a useful distinc-
tion, commonality-based approaches focus on the execution environments of systems
and are directed to achieve interoperability across an enterprise by defining how every
system within that scope adopt a particular set of standard elements for their execu-
tion environment.
4 Towards a Global Enterprise Interoperability Framework
This paper has two objectives: the previous sections provided an analysis of existing
interoperability approaches, standards and architectural practice, addressing the first
objective. The second objective was to conceptualise the way forward in deriving the
requirements for a global enterprise interoperability framework based on sound enter-
prise architecture and systems engineering principles, integrating a common approach
or mapping of the various interoperability approaches. This section addresses the
second objective.
4.1 Starting Research Questions
Fig. 5 attempts to illustrate the various components that should be considered in
deriving a global enterprise interoperability framework. These requirements are based
on the following research questions:
How to effectively combine the various components depicted in Fig. 5 to create an
effective and efficient enterprise architecture methodology, leading to an effective
and efficient systems engineering approach to interoperable secure systems?
How to make (newly) designed enterprises and systems interoperable when de-
ployed in any place, at any time?
How to enhance systems security aspects, since many interoperability approaches
do not consider security requirements and security engineering does not include
systems interoperability?
How to include the human aspects, e.g. social and cultural issues, in order to de-
velop interoperable socio-technical systems/complex systems?
How to consider and address external and unexpected events affecting an enter-
prise operation?
System A
System B
Strategies for
Generic Systems
System and
and Standards
Fig. 5. Towards a global enterprise interoperability framework.
4.2 Proposed Research Methods
We propose the use of roadmapping as a research technique in order to define the
vision of enterprise interoperability, the current state of the art, as well as the existing
gaps and methods including an implementation plan to achieve the vision. Roadmap-
ping has the advantages of a consistent and unified presentation of the concepts and
can harmonise the views of researchers and practitioners through a consensus building
To determine the state of the art, we propose the use of an analytical research
method, involving an in-depth study and evaluation of existing approaches and solu-
tions to enterprise interoperability in an attempt to unify or harmonise them. This
should be combined with sound systems engineering and enterprise architecture prin-
ciples in guiding the way forward.
The work of Chen and Doumeingts [5] provides some guidelines that can serve as
a starting point for investigating the interoperability of enterprises. Their work pre-
sents basic concepts, framework and roadmaps to develop interoperability of enter-
prise applications and software, tackling the interoperability problem from multiple
but integrated views. Some of the issues addressed include: why enterprises need to
interoperate, how enterprises interoperate, as well as what constitutes interoperability
as a capability.
The proposed systems engineering research methods include holistic problem
space definition, multiple perspective/view approaches, as well as multi-disciplinary
studies and systems thinking. Applying SSM [4] as a research methodology in addi-
tion to systems engineering approaches, for example, could provide an integrated
enhanced method to analyse complex systems and situations involving human activi-
ties. SSM is a research methodology initially designed for management studies, SSM
distinguishes itself from ‘hard’ systems approaches in the way it deals with the notion
of ‘system’. Hard systems approaches see systems as ontological entities, i.e., as enti-
ties existing in the real world, as bounded entities with a physical existence that can
be formally described or designed to fulfill a given purpose. SSM treats the notion of
system as an epistemological rather than ontological entity, as a mental construct used
for human understanding. A combined hard and soft systems approach applied to
interoperable complex systems could therefore be useful due to the following reasons:
1. Exploring of systems thinking about real-world situations in which interoperable
systems in collaborative and competitive networked environments are operating.
2. Exploring the diverse perspectives relevant to the identified situations through
‘root definitions’.
3. Analyzing, presenting and discussing interoperable systems operating in different
situations/contexts stressing diverse perspectives.
4. Building diverse conceptual models corresponding to different perspectives.
5. Debating the situations and debating models.
6. Defining feasible and desirable changes through new implementation solutions.
7. Repeating the process for a new perception of the situation, seeking to accommo-
date the conflicting systems characteristics and their relationships.
5 Conclusions
This paper discussed various interoperability issues related to enterprises and the
approaches aimed at addressing interoperability at various conceptual levels. We
conceptualised the basic requirements for a global enterprise interoperability frame-
work to address the interoperability of complex systems enabled by a networked envi-
ronment. One of the main issues identified in the paper is explicitly addressing the
non-technical factors (human and cultural issues, and the management of external
relationships) that could be barriers or obstacles in achieving enterprise interoperabil-
ity, identifying the gaps and potential solutions based on using existing approaches
and frameworks.
Addressing interoperability in a clear unambiguous manner at several levels (or-
ganisational (business and human interaction), semantic (service and information
sharing) and technical, is a useful architecture planning tool. The notions of interop-
erability will become ever more important in the service oriented architecture (SOA)
environment where services will be shared internally and externally in ever more
inter-dependent extended enterprises [27].
Future research directions include the provision of a complete definition of the
framework and applying it to different situations and case studies using systems engi-
neering and enterprise architecture methods, combined with a dynamic roadmap.
There is also an important need to develop an agreed architectural framework and
representation language, as well as an evaluation method/metrics to support complex
interoperable systems including the analysis of their degree of interoperability.
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