A Generic Tool for Creating and using
Multilingual Phrasebooks
Michael Zock
and Guy Lapalme
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale (LIF), CNRS, UMR 6166
Case 901 - 163 Avenue de Luminy, F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9, Marseille, France
RALI-DIRO, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Abstract. To speak fluently is a complex skill. If reaching this goal in one’s
mother tongue is already quite a feat, to do so in a foreign language can be
overwhelming. One way to overcome the expression problem when going
abroad is to use a dictionary or a phrasebook. While neither of them ensures
fluency, both of them are useful translation tools. Yet, neither can teach you to
speak. We will show here how this can be done in the case of a phrasebook.
Being interested in the learning of foreign languages, we have started to build a
multilingual phrasebook (English, French, Japanese, Chinese) whose sentence
elements, typically words or expressions, are clickable items. This fairly simple
feature allows extending considerably the potential of the resource. Rather than
learning merely a list of concrete instances (sentences), the user may learn in
addition the underlying principles (patterns), that is, the generative mechanism
capable to produce quickly analogous, but more or less different sentences. A
similar feature may be used to extend the resource, by mining a corpus for sen-
tences built according to the same principle, i.e. based on the same pattern, but
this is work for the future. Two of the main goals of this paper are to present a
method helping learners to acquire the skill of speaking (patterns augmented
with rules), and to allow experts (teachers) to add information either to extend
the database or to add a new language. We’ve started from English and Japa-
nese, adding very quickly French and Chinese.
1 Introduction
No doubt, speaking a language is a difficult task and doing so in another one is even
more of a challenge as one has not only to juggle many constraints —(determine what
to say, find the corresponding words, perform the required morphological adjust-
ments, and continue to plan the next segment while articulating, i.e. externalizing, the
result produced so far)— but also learn how to do this in a new language. This latter
task requires not only the learning of a lot of new knowledge (words, rules), but also
the acquisition of skills, i.e. ‘know-how’ or ‘procedural knowledge’ (Levelt, 1975;
deKeyser, 2007a). The focus of this paper will be on learning, or, more precisely,
achieving fluency in speaking a foreign language. The tool is generic and will be
Zock M. and Lapalme G.
A Generic Tool for Creating and Using Multilingual Phrasebooks.
DOI: 10.5220/0003027800790089
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-13-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
illustrated via a phrasebook built for 4 languages (English, French, Japanese and
Chinese) augmented with an exercise generator, called DrillTutor.
Our multilingual phrase book, an open, customizable, web-based exercise genera-
tor and study tool has been conceived for novices studying foreign languages. Our
goal is to help the learner reach the level of fluency needed to express their basic
needs via language (survival level): ask for information; answer a question; solve a
concrete problem by using language, etc. In sum, we’d like to help someone to learn
the basic stock of phrases and expressions that are generally taught in the classroom,
or that are acquired via a phrase book, the latter being structured by tasks a tourist is
likely to perform: ask for information in public places, do shopping, etc. Yet, we
would like to go beyond this and help the learner not only to learn literally a stock of
phrases and words (instance-based generation), but also (or, more importantly) the
underlying principles (structures) to build similar sentences. To reach this kind of
open ended generativeness we propose an electronic version of a method called “pat-
tern drill” (Chastaing, 1969). There are two good reasons for this:
in order to be able to perform automatically, that is, without having to think
about them, a whole set of tasks, we must exercise them, as otherwise we
will forget or be unable to integrate them into a well staged whole, a prere-
quisite for fluency (deKeyser, 2007);
different people have different needs. This being so, we propose to build an
open system, allowing the user to tailor the tool to make it fit his or her
needs. The tool is meant to be accessible via the web, but it could also be
used on a PDA or a mobile phone.
2 Theoretical Background and Motivation of our Approach
Since we deal with language production, or more precisely, the acquisition of the skill
to become fluent in speaking, let’s briefly review the major approaches and contrast
them with our own. While several authors have proposed an architecture to account
for language production (Garret, 1980; Fromkin, 1993, Bock, 1995), the two best
known models come from researchers with different backgrounds and goals: lan-
guage processed by the human brain vs. language processed by machines. The model
elaborated by Levelt (1989), a psychologist, is an attempt to account for the process
people go through when producing sentences in real-time. Hence, production is in-
cremental and possibly error prone. The model developped by the NLP community
& Dale, 2000) is motivated by engineering considerations. The scope is text
rather than sentences. Output is expected to be (immediately) perfect and the process
is fully automatic. As one can see, while both models address apparently the same
problem (language production), their goals, methods and scope are not the same at all.
Let’s take a quick look at each one of them.
2.1 Levelt’s « Speaker » Model
This model, based on empirical data like speech errors and disfluencies (Fromkin
1980; Garrett, 1991), is accepted by most psychologists. It has undergone various
changes since its initial proposal (Levelt, 1993). From a bird eye’s view the process
can be described as follows. The speaker starts to work out roughly the idea to con-
vey (conceptualization). This preverbal message is mapped at the next stage on a
corresponding linguistic form (formulation). The final step (articulation) consists in
translating this metalinguistic form (noun, subject, verb, tense, etc.) into sounds, pro-
duced in the right order and with the proper intonation. To be a bit more precise, the
components’ tasks are the following:
The conceptualizer decides what to say (message), at what level and in what tone.
These choices take into account the speaker’s goals, the preceding discourse, the one
still to come and inferable information.
The formulator takes care of the syntactic structure (ordering), lexical choices and
morphological adjustments. Formulation involves two subprocesses: grammatical
encoding and phonological encoding. The grammatical encoder accesses lemmas and
syntactic information (part of speech). The task of the phonological encoder is to
build a phonetic or articulatory plan for each lemma and for the utterance as a whole.
To this end it inspects the lexical form which tells it about the morphology and the
phonology of the unit under scrutiny, after which it will add information concerning
syllables, hierarchical information like root and suffix, but also stress, etc. The result
of this processing is a phonetic or articulatory plan, a sort of internal representation of
how the planned utterance is meant to be articulated.
The articulator translates the received plan into movements, relying for this on his
respiratory and muscular system to activate in a well-orchestrated way the appropriate
organs (larynx, tongue…). Output is overt speech.
2.2 The Reiter and Dale Model
Reiter and Dale (2000) also decompose the process into three main stages:
Macroplanning comprises content choice and document structuring. The former
decides what information to communicate explicitly in the text, given the interlocu-
tors’ goals, knowledge, beliefs and interests, the latter deals with message clustering
and message order to produce a thematically coherent whole without causing un-
wanted inferences (‘She got pregnant and they married.’ vs. ‘They married and she
got pregnant.’). Cue words are possibly added to reveal or clarify the rhetorical role
of the various conceptual fragments, i.e. clauses: ‘He arrived just in time (despite /
because of) the heavy traffic’ (concession vs. cause).
Microplanning involves generation of referring expressions, lexicalization and ag-
gregation. Reference generation consists in the description of the object referred to in
such a way as to allow its distinction form a set of potential alternatives (the yellow
car, the car, it). Lexicalization implies the replacement of concepts by words (
canine, puppy), and finally aggregation consists in carving out the semantic space
(graph representing the messages to convey) in such a way as to allow the integration
of the conceptual fragments into a paragraph or sentence frame without making the
structure too unbalanced. This step may imply elimination of redundant elements.
Realisation consists in converting abstract representations of sentences into concrete
text, both at the language level (Linguistic realization) and the layout level (Structure
realization): abstract text chunks (sections, paragraphs) being signaled via mark-up
2.3 Our Learning Model, a Hybrid Approach: Patterns, Rules or Both?
As mentioned already, and as it certainly has become obvious in the last two sections,
producing language in real time is a complex process. We will present here below an
approach, showing how the acquisition of this skill can nevertheless be made feasible.
To see how it relates to the above work, we’ve tried to recast it in the Reiter & Dale
framework presented above. Hence we will rely on terms like macro-level, micro-
level, conceptual input, lexicalization, morphology, etc. However, before presenting
our approach, we would like to stress the following point. Going through the steps
just described and applying all the rules implied by the current generators and formal
grammars is highly unrealistic for people trying to learn a foreign language. There are
at least three reasons for making us doubt.
- memory: people don't have in their mind all the knowledge described, neither can
they hold all the required information in their working memory (Baddeley, 1970);
- attention: people can focus only on a small set of items at a time;
- time: speech, i.e. the conception of a message and its translation into language, is
extremely fast. Speakers don’t have the time to do all the computations, i.e. search
and apply the needed rules.
Linguists describe languages in terms of rules, but people hardly ever learn such
descriptions, leave alone apply all of them, at least not at the initial stages of acquir-
ing a new language. What people do learn though are patterns complying with these
rules. Of course, people do use rules, but in conjunction with patterns. The latter can
be seen as frozen instances of a given step in the derivational process.
Patterns can be abstracted at any level. They can be of any sort, hybrid, mixing
semantic and syntactic information. Patterns are global structures, which can be built
dynamically by applying a set of rules, but, they can also be stored as ready made
sentence plans or templates in which case they behave somehow like words: they can
be retrieved in one go, sparing us the trouble to have to go through the cumbersome
process of structure creation. Obviously, access, i.e. pattern retrieval is much faster
than its computation, i.e. the creation of given structure. There are simply too many
steps involved. This is probably the reason why so many people use them for lan-
guage (learners, interpreters, journalists, etc.) or other tasks (music, programming,
chess playing, etc.) without even being aware of it (Nagao, 1984). Of course, there is
a price to be paid : patterns need to be accessed (see below.) and they may need to be
accommodated. In other words, patterns have qualities, but also some shortcomings:
they are rigid and tax memory. Imagine that you’d abstract a pattern for every mor-
phological variation. Take for example the following two sentences and their respec-
tive patterns (I go to NY this summer [
I go <place> <time>] vs. I went to London last
week [
I went <place> <time> ]). It clearly doesn’t make sense here to abstract two
patterns, since the two sentences are so much alike. It would be much more reasona-
ble to have one general pattern for the global structure (person go <place><time>)
and a set parameters, i.e. rules for local adjustments, like agreement, tense, etc.
Just like patterns, rules have certain shortcomings. While they may account for the
expressive power and all the regularities of a given language, they may prevent us
from getting the job done in time, in particular if there are too many of them. This
being so, we suggest to use a mixed approach, resorting to each strategy when they
are at their best, patterns for global structures, the syntactic layout, i.e. sentence
frame, and rules for local adjustments. This combination gives us the best of both
worlds, minimizing the use of computational resources (attention, memory), while
maximizing the power (speed) and flexibility of output (possibly needed accommoda-
When people learn a new language, they build some kind of database composed of
words, patterns and phrases. This memory can consist of translation pairs, or, pairs of
conceptual patterns and corresponding linguistic forms (sentences). One can also
think of conceptual patterns as a pivot, mediating between translations of languages.
One problem with databases is access. As the number of patterns grows, grows the
problem of accessing them. This is where indexing plays a role. Patterns can be in-
dexed from various points of view: semantically (thematically, i.e. by domain), via
the words they contain, syntactically, etc. While we index our patterns pragmatically,
i.e. in terms of communicative goals (function the pattern is to fulfill), we allow
access also via other means.
To see how our model relates to the generation models presented here above,
we’ve tried as far as possible to recast it in those terms. The resource can be used
both as a translation aid, as an exercise generator (our concern in this paper), or as a
tool to extend the current database (this is work for the future).
In the first case it would function in the following way: given some user input
(sentence), the system tries to find the corresponding translation, which is trivial if the
translation is stored in the DB.
In the second case, the assumption is that the user
knows the goal s/he’d like to achieve. Hence, the dialogue goes as follows. Given
some goal (step-1), the system presents a list of patterns, from which the user must
choose (step-2), pattern whose variables he will instantiate with lexical items (step-3)
and morphological values (step-4).
It should be noted, that in this case conceptual input is distributed over three layers: at
a global level (macrolevel) the speaker chooses the pattern via a goal, by providing
If the goal is the extension of the database by finding similar sentences in a corpus, i.e. sentences built on
the same pattern, the problem is harder. The program must infer or abstract the input’s underlying pattern,
and find a corresponding sentence in the target language. This sentence can be either the translation of the
input or a somehow similar sentence extracted automatically from the corpus. This is clearly work for the
future. The main part of this paper deals with the exercise generator.
Table 1. Conceptual input as a four-step process.
task input output
MACROLEVEL 1) choice of goal
set of sentence frames
1 <
> is more <ATTRIBUT> than
2 <
> is less <ATTRIBUT> than
2) choice of sentence frame
> is more <ATTRIBUT> than
MICROLEVEL 3) choice of lexical value
lexically specified structure
Perfume is more expensive than cigar.
4) morphological parameter
morphologically specified structure
>: plural
Fully specified
concepual, syntactic and mor-
phological structure
incrementally lexical values (for the pattern’s variables) and morphological parame-
ters (number, tense) to refine little by little the initially underspecified message. This
kind of distribution has several advantages. Information is requested only when rele-
vant and needed. There is better control in terms of access, storage and processing
load. Obviously, this approach is better, than storing a pattern for every morphologi-
cal variant. Last, but not least, this method is faster for conveying a message than
navigating through a huge lexical or conceptual ontology, as suggested in
(Zock,1991; Power et al., 1998; or Zock et al. 2009).
3 Building and using the Resource
Given the model described above, we want to clearly separate the description of the
goals and the means, i.e. sentence patterns, to achieve them. Furthermore sentence
patterns will be generalized in terms of variables standing for different words chosen
according to a particular situation. For example, to achieve the goal of presenting
oneself, one can use one of the following sentence patterns "They call me X" or "My
name is X" in which the lexical variable X can be instantiated by the real name of the
speaker. The allowed values of these variables can be defined in a dictionary. For a
given goal, corresponding patterns and lexical variables can be defined for many
Given the hierarchical nature of the goals and the flexibility needed for
representing them, we decided to use an XML structure to keep the information. With
an appropriate editor, it allows a linguist to define new goals, patterns and dictionary
entries without dealing with the intricacies of the computer program that interprets
this structure to display it to the user.
Figure 1 shows the tree and the corresponding XML structure for a simple pattern
in two languages (English and Japanese).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<goal name="Presentation">
<goal name="P-name">
<expression ref="name-C"/>
<sentence-pattern id="name-C">
<p lang="en">My name is <variable ref="name"/>.</p>
<p lang="jp">Namae wa <variable ref="name"/> desu.</p>
<lexical-variable id="name">
<i lang="en">John Smith</i><i lang="jp">jon sumisu</i>
<i lang="en">Robert</i><i lang="jp">robaato</i>
Fig. 1. Definitions of goals, sentence patterns and dictionary entries in tree form and in the
corresponding XML.
4 Example of Use
The user chooses the goal of communication. The goals being tree-structured, the
user can either drill down to a given goal by clicking on a goal name to expand the
sub-goals until a pattern is displayed with variables shown in bold. Goals being in-
dexed it is also possible to search for them via a term. In Figure 2, the user asked for
all goals and patterns dealing with the term "name". Having selected to exercise a
given language, the user is shown the two steps displayed in Figure 3.
5 Technical Aspects and Current State
To implement the DrillTutor, we decided to use a web browser because it is readily
available on all platforms and offers a powerful display mechanism capable to handle
all commonly used languages and character sets provided one uses Unicode coded as
UTF-8, which is the case for our XML files. To create these pages, we use PHP be-
cause it provides a convenient means for producing dynamic web pages and for ac-
cessing XML files. For dealing with Japanese, we used romaji, which are Latin cha-
racters that approximate the English pronunciation from which we developed a PHP
function to compute the corresponding hiragana transcription for display in the
Once a goal is selected, the PHP program generates a sentence from a pattern by
finding values of each lexical variable and concatenating strings from the patterns
with strings found for each variable. Variables being named can be used several
times. As soon as a variable has been set, its value will be repeated across the respec-
tive patterns. Different variables for the same lexical value will get distinct values;
this feature is used in patterns such as: Are you Chinese? No I am not Chinese but
Japanese where Chinese and Japanese are considered as variables in the pattern. The
first two occurrences would have the same name, but the last would be named
Fig. 2. Search and display all goals involving the name of a person. After each pattern are
displayed links to exercise it in a given language.
Fig. 3. The top shows the initial screen with an instantiated sentence pattern. The user is in-
vited to translate the prompted sentence in the chosen language and, after typing a carriage
return; she is shown the proposed answer and asked if her answer was right. The number of
correct or wrong answers to each goal is saved by the system and the user is shown another
instance of the same pattern. It is also possible to choose another pattern (see Figure 2).
Statistics of the performance of each user are kept in a file on the server and its
contents could be used to influence the selection of variables within a pattern and
even the display of goals, depending on the perceived state of the learner. Currently
though, variables within sentence patterns are selected randomly and all goals are
Javascript is used to allow a local interaction within a page. For example, in Figure
2, the web page initially contains all goals and patterns, but the display is controlled
locally by Javascript code that handles mouse clicks and the content of the text field
to display a menu of suggested keywords for finding goals.
The user interface of the system (i.e. the titles and the prompts) is localized using
another XML file that stores the message strings in different languages (currently
French and English).
The main motivation for separating the description of goals and patterns from the
program was to enable a user to add new goals and patterns. This feature has not yet
been implemented; hence the goals and patterns must be entered using an XML aware
text editor. As we have defined a schema to validate the XML file, the editor can help
in making sure that the information is entered in the right format and that all refer-
ences to variables and patterns are existing elements in the XML file. Initially we had
developed the patterns for English, French and Japanese. By editing the XML file, a
collaborator managed to add Chinese patterns for all goals and the corresponding
lexical variable entries within a few hours.
The current system has about 15 goals and patterns and 150 lexical items, in four
languages with two interface languages. This looks quite small, but the reader should
not get misled and bear in mind the following. The focus of our work was to check
how difficult it would be to add a new language, possibly typologically very different,
and as the result showed, even adding a language like Chinese, turned out to be quite
simple. In sum, the number of patterns and the size of the vocabulary is not really
what counts at this stage, the focus being on the implementation of an editor designed
for building, modifying and using a database. The database can easily be extended.
The architecture we have defined can handle as many goals, patterns and lexical items
as wanted. All we need to do is to edit XML files by following a well-organized pat-
tern (frame) whose well-formedness can be checked via a Schema-aware XML editor.
6 Discussion, Future Work and Conclusions
We have presented a method (multilingual phrasebook augmented with an exercise
generator) whose main purpose is to help people acquire fluency in a new language.
While the current coverage is still very small, we believe that the approach is sound,
both for extending the resource and for assisting language learning (memorization of
structures, i.e. words in context; acquisition of fluency). Concerning extensions we
have tested the tool and could show that it was fairly easy to add new information, or
even a typologically completely different language. We’ve argued that producing
sentences by applying only rules was too cumbersome, and that patterns alone were
too rigid and too greedy concerning storage (memorization) and access, hence we’ve
settled for a compromise, using patterns for the global structure and rules for the local
refinements. This improves speed considerably, while minimizing storage of patterns
and rules.
Obviously, the ultimate judge will be the user, but since we are still in the initial
phase of this project, this will have to wait for a while. Nevertheless, the first results
look very promising, so does the feedback of our colleagues. The following features
are characteristic of our enterprise: the system is open (new information can be added
anytime), generic (other languages can be implemented very quickly), and the project
scales up. Indeed, we plan to make the system self-extending, by mining a corpus for
pattern instances, but this is still music for the future.
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