society of units that constitutes a wireless sensor
network. This can be modeled as shown in Figure 2,
with communication amongst units and (other)
interaction between units and things, whereby in for
communication we can further distinguish talking
and listening, whereas in interaction we can further
distinguish doing and feeling. In other words: any
device which can be described in terms of the
schema of Figure 2, regardless of the details of its
technical construction, is a general-purpose node for
deployment in a sensor network application.
We have now reached the point at which we can
no longer regard our model unit as black box any
longer. Feeling and doing, talking and listening are
usually implemented technically by sensor(s) and
actuator(s), sender(s) and receiver(s), the abstract
model of which is depicted in Figure 3. The control
relation, by which sender, receiver, sensor and
actuator are related, is obviously also not an atomic
concept: there should be some form of memory (‘M’
in Figure 3) to capture a unit’s possibly changeable
internal state, as well as the finer structures and
algorithms (not shown in Figure 3) by which the
control relation must be implemented.
Figure 3: Coarse components of the stanndardised general-
purpose sensor network node unit.
With such a purposefully abstract design
schema, many technical variations, for different
network applications, are possible:
• A unit could communicate with only one
other unit in a master-servant-relation;
• A unit could communicate with N other
peer units, whereby N is a-priori defined
and fixed;
• A unit could communicate with n other
peer units, whereby n is not a-priori defined
and could even vary in time as n(t);
• A unit could be ‘mute’ (no talking);
• A unit could be ‘deaf’ (no listening);
• A unit could sense only one type of feeling
(in various degrees of intensity);
• A unit could sense N different types of
feelings (in various degrees of intensity);
• A unit could perform only one type of
action to the environment;
• A unit could perform N different types of
action to the environment;
• A unit could be ‘blind’ (no sensing);
• A unit could be environmentally passive
(without acting).
Depending on the behavioural variations as outlined
above, the following technical variations seem to be
• Where N is fixed a-priori, the unit could
possess a multiplicity of N distinguished
senders, receivers, sensors, actuators as sub
components, each of which would then be
individually accessible by the controller.
• Where n is not a-priori determined, or even
variable as n(t) during the passage of time,
each of the unit’s sub components (sender,
receiver, sensor, actuator) could be
implemented internally (on the fine scale), for
example, as queue-buffered multiplexer with
an internal scheduler, as it is well known from
the standard operating systems literature
(Silberschatz, 2008).
Needless to emphasise that these implementational
variations will also depend on further physial
variations, for example: whether the signals to and
from the environment will come through a cable, or
wirelessly via radio waves, and so on.
In the following we still need to look at the finer
details of the control model (symbolized by the
orange `diamond’ shapes in Figure 3). Following
(Ellis, 2008) one can distinguish basically two types
(modulo finer variations) of cybernetic feedback
loops for such controlers, namely the simple, basic,
non-adaptive feedback control process, and the
considerably smarter adaptive selection process.
Both of them are suitable schemas also for the units
of sensor networks in our context, as shown and
discussed in the following paragraphs. Thereby it
should be clear from the start that those loops have
to be immediately supported by the hardware of the
unit, as they are always the same; but the particular
activities within such a cycle can vary from case to
case and from application to application and must
thus be implemented in software for the sake of
flexibility and hardware-independent programming
of such units.
The basic feedback loop according to (Ellis,
2008) is depicted in Figure 4. The meaning of this
picture is that a system tries to stabilize its internal
state by repeatedly comparing its internal state with
a set of pre-defined goals. In the case of discrepancy