Using Point of Sale Data to Measure Consumer Spending: The Case of Moneris
Lorant Szabo
Moneris Solutions, 3300 Bloor Street West, 10
Fl, West Tower, Toronto, M8X2X, Canada
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Credit Card Data, Debit Card Data, Point of Sale Data, POS Data, Consumer
Behaviour Statistics, Consumer Spending, Retail Sales Statistics.
Abstract: This paper presents how Moneris Solutions stores the credit and debit card purchase transactions that it is
processing for its merchants, and the methodology that was invented to process this data to produce
consumer spending statistics. The transactions are extracted from the production systems at the end of each
day and loaded into a warehouse. Aggregations are executed with pre-established frequency, or on an ad-
hoc basis, for various merchant samples to calculate sales growth rates in multiple segments. The results are
then matched against known events (e.g. Olympic Games) that may have impacted consumer spending
during the analysed timeframe. Alternatively, the results may be presented to measure spending growth
between any given two time periods in a specific geographical location or industry.
Moneris Solutions is one of the largest credit and
debit card processing companies in North America,
processing in excess of 2.5bn transactions a year for
more then 350,000 merchant locations in Canada
and the USA.
The transactions are processed by robust
software systems and applications hosted on
mainframe systems and non-stop servers. Every day
the processed transactions are extracted from the
production environment and loaded into a data
warehouse. A number of reporting applications and
analytical data marts are fed with data from this
warehouse on a daily basis.
As Moneris Solutions has the highest market
share in Canada, both overall in the country, as well
as in most of the geographical and industry
segments, we concluded that this data is a good
representative sample within most segments – a
segment for the purpose of this exercise being the
cross-section of a geographical area with an industry
(for e.g. restaurants in a given city). Therefore, it
became obvious that this data lends itself perfectly
to measuring consumer spending on overall
aggregate level, or within the desired segments.
A major benefit of using the POS data for this
purpose vs. the traditional methods is that the data
becomes available shortly after the purchases are
completed, typically within a day or two, and it is at
the lowest level of granularity, i.e. on transaction
level, compared the weeks or months required to
collect the research data need for similar statistics.
The drawback is that we have to scan, filter and
aggregate millions of transactions, which requires
more processing power and strong technical skills
compared to the traditional methods.
Due to the proprietary nature of the topic
discussed, the paper provides only a high-level,
generic presentation of the solution that Moneris
Solutions created and implemented to store and
process this data and to deliver statistically and
economically relevant numbers, reports and
information. Nevertheless, most of the ideas
presented can be implemented in similar situations,
assuming appropriate analysis is performed to adopt
these ideas to the peculiarities of the specific
transaction processing systems and POS data
Szabo L. (2010).
Consumer Spending: The Case of Moneris Solutions.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0003030104470452
The Moneris Solutions data warehouse where the
daily transactions are stored holds in excess of
rolling 13 months worth of transaction level data,
including all the relevant attributes of the
transactions, such as date/time, $ amount,
transaction type (purchase, refund), store id, store
name, store location, store industry, card type
(credit, debit), card origin country, etc.
With all the different types of transactions the
warehouse holds more than 3bn transactions.
Millions of transactions are loaded into the
warehouse every day, while old transactions are
deleted to make space for the new data.
Various stored procedures are scheduled to run
during the day to filter, aggregate and transfer the
data in the data repositories of various applications
(reporting applications, analytical data marts, etc.).
Data can be aggregated based on pre-established
rules for consumer spending statistics and reports on
a regular basis, and ad-hoc queries and analyses are
completed upon request to measure the impact of
specific events (e.g. Vancouver 2010 Olympics).
3.1 Sampling Methodology
For any given two comparable time periods a subset,
or sample, of merchants is selected whose sales
volumes will be included in the comparison to
calculate growth rates.
The merchants are first classified into three
categories: “Must-include”, “Include-some” and
“Ignore”. This is consistent with the sampling
methodology commonly used for consumer
spending research.
“Must-include” are those merchants that due to their
size and/or importance can not be left out from the
sample (for e.g. largest department store chain or gas
station chain in a country). Typically, there are a
small number of merchants within a country that fall
within this category and they are well known.
“Include-some” is the large population of merchants
that are smaller in terms of sales volume and
comparable, or a homogenous group, from the point
of view of exposure to market conditions. Therefore
it is sufficient to include a subset of them in the
sample, as long as their volume weight is not too
low compared to the “Must-includes”. In our
methodology we decided to include all those
merchants from the “Include-some” category that
show positive sales volumes exceeding a predefined
threshold in both periods. This will result in the
exclusion of low-volume merchants, as well as new
start-ups and merchants on their way to going out of
business (having no or low volume in one period).
The implicit assumption here was that the impact of
the two would off-set each other. As far as the low-
volume merchants are concerned, they would inflate
the merchant count in the sample without having a
significant volume contribution. In our
methodology, actually these excluded merchants are
considered to be the “Ignore” group of merchants.
Other approaches can be adopted to define the group
of “Ignore” merchants, as well as to select the
merchants to be included in the sample from the
“Include-some” category. The size and unique mix
(bias towards certain segments, types of merchants,
etc.) of the market share of the company providing
the POS data will determine the boundaries of the
viable choices of approaches.
As part of our methodology, a validation of the
resulting samples for the segments (cross-section of
a geographical area with an industry) is performed to
ensure we have a sufficient number of merchants
within each segment. Segments that do not meet pre-
established criteria are excluded.
The validation is performed automatically for our
regular reporting and it may include a one-time
analysis in the case of ad-hoc requests.
All of our sampling and validation was implemented
in SQL scripts, executed as part of stored procedures
on a regular basis, or as ad-hoc queries with slight
modifications to meet the requirements of the one-
time analysis at hand.
The business logic and criteria embedded in the SQL
scripts is periodically reviewed and adjusted as
required by the changes in the business environment.
3.2 Time Periods
The changes in consumer spending can be measured
for any given time period that captures the effect of
one-time events or matches a typical reporting
period (calendar month, fiscal period).
The time period measured can be as short as a
couple of minutes/hours, it can be specific days,
weeks or months, as long as the time periods are
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
comparable from the point of view of the analysis,
and the comparison has economic meaning.
The one-time impacts of unique events may impact
one, or both of the time periods (e.g. one time
sporting event or holyday weekend vs. the weekend
before or holiday this year vs. same holiday last
year). Whenever the purpose of our analysis is to
measure the impact of one-time events, we would
include the days of the event in the base period and
find an average-looking same-length period in the
past. For the purpose of trending we may do the
opposite by trying to ‘normalize’ for the effect of the
one-time impact. An example of this would be the
exclusion of the days affected by an event from the
base period, and the corresponding days from the
period we compare against.
The business requirements for the time periods to be
compared are defined in consultation with the users,
both for the regular reports and for the ad-hoc
reporting. These requirements are implemented
through date and time variables and ‘where’ clauses
in our SQL scripts. The date/time values are
automatically assigned in our regular reporting and
are manually changed in the ad-hoc queries.
3.3 Timing of the Data
One of the major challenges we faced was related to
the timing peculiarities of our POS data. While the
transactions all have a transaction date and time
attribute, the transactions sourced from the different
type of systems will become available in the
warehouse with a considerable time lag after the
transaction was completed. In our case this time lag
is anywhere between one day to a couple of days.
The length of the time lag varies depending of the
type of the systems they are sourced from and
depending on the different days of the week. A
thorough analysis was performed to establish the
optimal timing of the data extracts that offers the
best trade-off between delivering result quickly vs.
having a sufficient sample of transactions and
merchants included in the extract.
3.4 Growth Rate Calculation
As soon as the merchant sample is defined and the
timing of the data extracts has been established the
actual sales volume data (the purchase transactions
completed within the desired timeframe) can be
extracted for the merchants in question, and loaded
in temporary tables for validation and aggregation.
A validation is typically performed to isolate any
merchants for whom we observe excessively high or
low growth rates, and an analysis may be performed
to decide if any of these merchants should be
excluded. For automated reporting the SQL scripts
may include business logic that will perform the
exclusions based on pre-established thresholds.
The sales volume data from the temporary tables is
then aggregated grouping by the various segments
that are required for the analysis or report to be
delivered (by various levels of geography and
industry – e.g. fast food restaurants near the railway
station in the capital).
The aggregate sales volume can be defined as the
sum total of the purchase transactions that were
completed at the merchants included in the sample
during the established time period and available at
the point in time when the data extraction is
The aggregate sales volume numbers are then
divided to obtain the growth rate on each level of
To illustrate the calculation, let us consider the
SV0 – sales volume for the base period
SV1 – sales volume for current period for which
we measure the change in consumer spending
GR – growth rate
The growth rate can be calculated as:
GR = (SV1/SV0) -1
The growth rate is calculated for each aggregate
level, for all the subtotals adding up to the total (e.g.
Cities within the Provinces then Province, Shoe
Stores within Retail, then Retail) and loaded into a
final table for reporting purposes.
3.5 Inference
The underlying assumption in our methodology is
that the subset of merchants selected for each
segment is statistically representative for the
respective segments, and we can infer with a high
level of confidence and with an acceptable margin of
error that the consumer spending trends observed for
Point of Sale Data to Measure Consumer Spending: The Case of Moneris Solutions
the sample are similar to those of the entire
population within the segment.
This assumption was proven to be right by the fact
that the historical sales trends produced using our
data and methodology matched closely the trends
available from other publicly available sources.
3.6 Validation
We validate our results by various means. First of
all, we compared our long term trends against the
publicly available consumer spending statistics
(Statistics Canada, retail associations, professional
publications, etc.) to calibrate and re-calibrate our
methodology and the business logic implemented in
our SQL scripts. Secondly, after each analysis we
conduct thorough testing of the execution of our
scripts and we analyse and test in detail a few
merchants to ensure the growth rates are reasonable.
Furthermore, we assess the reasonability of the
overall findings based on our professional
experience and industry knowledge. Any trends or
numbers that seem to be significantly different from
our expectations are subject to further analysis to
determine if we have sufficient reasons to trust the
results to be reflecting the market forces, and are not
caused by anomalies in the data or programming
Parts of our validation process were automated,
however, most of it requires human intervention and
attention, and is performed by highly skilled and
experienced analyst.
3.7 Dissemination of Results
The results are delivered using various media and
formats to different audiences. Our numbers were
packaged as summaries in merchant facing web-
based reports, subscription based printed and web-
based detailed reports for merchants, Excel reports
for internal users, data summaries transferred into
data marts used for internal analysis, and last but not
least, are used for media briefings for printed press,
news agencies and interviews with commercial TV
In this paragraph we will to provide a high-level
comparison of the costs involved in producing retail
sales statistics via the traditional methods using
survey data vs. the Moneris model using POS data.
As Moneris Solutions Corp. is a privately held
company we do have strict confidentiality policies in
place that present limitations regarding the cost data
that we are allowed to disclose in this study. Also,
we do not have access to the cost structure and data
of the organisations and companies that produce
similar retail sales statistics using survey-data.
Nevertheless, as we will show in the coming
paragraphs, the difference in cost structure is so
obvious and order of magnitude so significant that it
leaves no doubt about the cost advantage of the
Moneris POS model. Estimates can be easily
performed based on country specific salary ranges to
quantify the cost advantage in monetary terms.
From Moneris’ point of view - or for a matter of fact
any other similar card processing organisation’s
point of view - the extraction and storage of
transaction level POS data is a must for a variety of
business reasons, such as fraud detection, business
performance reporting, cost monitoring, audit,
charge back processing, etc.
Actually Moneris started collecting this data long
before we started using it for retail sales statistics.
Therefore, the costs associated to the extraction and
storage of the POS data itself are not occurred as a
result of the existence of the retail sales statistics.
The costs directly associated with the production and
validation of the retail sales statistics in a POS
model similar to the one presented in this paper can
be estimated as follows: ~50% time of one database
administrator FTE (full time employee), ~50% time
of one data analyst FTE and ~50% time of one
business analyst FTE, with corresponding
management overhead. Based on our experience
these are conservative estimates.
An initial 3-4 month one-time development effort
for 2-3 FTEs is required to build out the analytical
infrastructure (aggregate dataset structure design,
databases, SQL scripts, Excel templates, etc.) in
addition to the hardware and software costs. This
can take more or less depending on the peculiarities
of the POS data structure and the technologies used.
In comparison, the survey-based methodology in a
market of the size of the Canadian retail market
involves collecting and validating data from
questionnaires sent out to approximately 10,000
retail establishments.
The success of the data collection is highly
dependent on the reduction of non-responses. Data
editing at collection is extremely important.
Replacement values must be calculated for missing
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
data using different methodologies. This overall
process of collection and validation of the data is
very labour and resource intensive and for a given
month may take in excess of 3-4 weeks to complete.
Covering large geographical areas, in the case of
larger countries, can significantly add to the cost.
The data collected is stored in a warehouse and
validated through statistical edits.
Let us assume that from this point on in the
production process of the statistics the survey-based
model will require the same resources as described
above for the Moneris POS model, i.e. one DBA,
one data analyst and one business analyst FTE, all at
the same 50% rate of utilization.
Moreover, let us assume that the one-time costs
associated with building out the analytical
infrastructure will be comparable.
According to our estimates these assumptions tend
to be on the conservative side to the extent that we
believe that the survey based model may require
more FTEs or higher utilization rate for the same
number of FTEs, as well as more sophisticated
statistical software, perhaps with less robust
Considering the above assumptions, all the costs
related to the collection, editing and validation of the
questionnaires and the survey data for the 10000
establishments is net incremental cost compared to
the costs occurred by using the Moneris POS model
and data. While we do not have access to the cost
and resource structure of these organisations, it
seems reasonable to assume that at least one FTE
may be required for each 1,000 establishments,
which would imply an additional 10 FTEs required
for processing the data for 10,000 merchants
compared to our model. The annual cost difference
can be estimated based on country specific salary
ranges for the additional FTEs.
The above comparison considers only the production
cost of the monthly retail sales statistics, i.e. one
single product. Using the Moneris model and data
we can produce with a marginal incremental costs
statistics that compare any arbitrarily defined two
time periods (e.g. first two weeks of April vs. first
two weeks of December) by changing the date
variable values in our scripts and perform parts of
the validation process. We could produce a
significant number of additional statistics without
having to scale up any of our costs and without
compromising quality.
Using the traditional survey-based methodology
producing the statistics for another timeframe (lets
say a two week period) would entail another set of
10,000 questionnaires to be processed, asking for
sales volumes for particular days or weeks only,
something that retailers may not have readily
available. If retailers are willing and able to collect
this data at all, this would significantly increase the
cost even compared to the collection of the monthly
survey data, let alone compared to using the Moneris
POS model.
While the above comparison focused on the cost
differences only, it is worth briefly mentioning the
benefits associated to the marketability of the two
products. Using the Moneris POS model we can
produce statistics shortly - within 1-2 weeks - after
any arbitrarily defined reference period, while with
the survey-based model it may take 1-2 months after
the end of reference period before the statistics can
be made available.
The early result of our research work on this topic
indicated that this area is worth being exploited and
pointed to the fact that POS data previously not used
for this purpose can in fact be successfully used to
produce consumer spending statistics.
The thorough analysis and development work that
followed the early findings and the successful
implementation of our methodology and model,
along with the very positive feedback on our results,
have proven that this data source and model is an
extremely powerful and relatively inexpensive
alternative to the previously known ways of
producing similar statistics.
At the time Moneris Solutions implemented this
model we could not find any research documentation
of other models using POS data and to best of our
knowledge at the time none of them existed. While
this made the early days of our work difficult and
challenging, by now other organizations may have
successfully implemented similar models.
This paper offers a high-level description of our
methodology and more detailed work may follow on
various sections of this initiative, each of which may
offer a topic on its own for a more detailed paper.
Point of Sale Data to Measure Consumer Spending: The Case of Moneris Solutions
The required data warehouse and database
programming implementation is comparable in size
and complexity to typical reporting and analytical
infrastructure implementations common in larger
I would like to extend my thanks to Igor Klepoch,
Kevin Tait and Peter Goldsztajn for their
contribution, insights and hard work related to this
initiative and the subsequent successful
implementation of our model.
As our goal was to produce nation wide retail
statistics the research work involved with this
initiative was exclusively limited to analysing the
publicly available information on the statistics
produced by national statistics organizations, with a
strong emphasis on similar statistics produced by
Statistics Canada. The rest of the work was
experimental development (in compliance with the
Canadian tax authority’s requirement for innovative
work). This consisted of iterations of in-house
design and development followed by assessment of
design alternatives in an attempt to meet the
objectives we set for ourselves. Generally known
concepts and methodologies were adapted to the
unique structure and timeliness of our POS data
through trial and error, letting our model evolve until
the results indicated that our model actually works.
For the above reasons our references are pointing to
documentation publicly available at the websites of
these statistical organizations, and not to other
research papers.
Statistics Canada, Retail Trade Survey (Monthly),
US Census Bureau, Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and
Food Services,
US Census Bureau, Monthly Retail Sales & Inventories,
US Census Bureau, Annual Retail Trade Survey,
Statistics New Zealand, Surveys and Methods,
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems