one hand pervasiveness of the underlying technology,
e.g. UMTS and WLAN networks of the radio sig-
nal approach, and on the other hand the obtainable
accuracy for the derived user context. Todays mo-
bile environments are characterized by highly avail-
able, pervasive mobile communication networks, mo-
bile calendar based job itineraries, and mobile devices
with high computational power. Under these precon-
ditions it is recommendable to combine it with radio
based approaches in UMTS/GSM networks for the
detection of the user’s current geographical region.
A rough context of the mobile user can be deduced
therefrom in combination with the event and activ-
ity list from his calendar. This rough context can be
refined with the help of the radio based approach in
WLAN infrastructures that the user will enter, cross,
or leave. To determine the context of a mobile user
in an automated way it is necessery to process knowl-
edge from several sources and services. Thus, there
is need for common ontologies for the description of
the context concept, knowledge description tags char-
acterizing a defined context, and even the events pro-
vided by the signal layer. The next implementation
steps for the proposed context detection architecture
are the definition of a suitable context ontology and
the interaction design of the discussed components of
a Context Detections Service.
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WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems