Generally speaking, the main goal of all survivable
IA-RWA algorithms is to provide LP resilience.
Despite that fact, they can be designed in very
different ways, depending on the constraints
considered for the WRN itself but also for the LPs.
Survivable IA-algorithms can be classified in
function of the network impairment model used, the
type of the combined IA-RWA process, the type of
resilience and the quality levels offered (evaluated
using ad-hoc performance metrics). In the following
subsections the most recent IA-RWA solutions
(Zhai, et al., 2007; Askarian, et al., 2008; Kim, et al.,
2008; Markidis & Tzanakaki, 2008; Jirattigalachote,
et al., 2009) are reviewed under the perspective of
each of these characteristics.
2.1 Network Impairment Models
Transmission in optical fibers is affected by a
number of physical impairments. The most relevant
are intersymbol interference (ISI), amplified
spontaneous emission (ASE), polarization mode
dispersion (PMD) and node and interchannel
crosstalking (Zhai, et al., 2007). The predominant
impairment depends on many factors, like the
quality of fibers and node components, the LP
optical signal power and bandwidth, and the
wavelength spacing between channels.
All of the cited works consider ISI, ASE and
both crosstalking forms as noise-like terms, and the
sum of their variances is accounted for the Q factor
calculation, which is a signal-to-noise ratio. The LP
BER is estimated in function of the Q factor with a
simple equation.
PMD was ignored in all works, because it is
relevant only at data rates of 40 Gb/s and beyond.
2.2 RWA Combined Process
As stated by Azodolmolky, et al. (2008), the routing,
wavelength assignment and QoT evaluation
processes can be combined in many ways, with
different levels of complexity and performance. The
best (and most complex) IA-RWA algorithms
consider the physical impairments during the RWA
phase, and also estimate the BER of the candidate
Three of the reference works divide the IA-RWA
problem in two sub-problems. To calculate the work
and backup paths, it was used fixed-alternate routing
with Yen's algorithm (offline) and Dijkstra
algorithm (online). Non IA-routing used link length
as link cost metric, and IA-routing used the Q-
penalty metric (Markidis & Tzanakaki, 2008), that is
also calculated as noise-like terms. The wavelength
Assignment was realized using the following
algorithms: First Fit (FF), Last Fit (LF), Best Fit
(BF), Random Pick (RP) and Most Used (MU). It is
important to note that these heuristics present
different behavior in ideal networks and physical
impaired networks (He, et al., 2009). Zhai, et al.
(2007) and Markidis & Tzanakaki (2008) presented
single-phase RWA process, where the shortest path
for each wavelength plane is calculated.
All proposals evaluate the BER of candidate
LPs. If the BER is under a predefined value (usually
Q factor equal to 6 or 7), the request is blocked.
2.3 Protection and Restoration
LP resilience can be pre-configured or just pre-
planned. In both cases the backup LP is already
computed, but only in the former case the resources
are already allocated to the backup LP. If the backup
LP carries the same traffic as the working LP even
before failure, this kind of resilience is called 1+1
dedicated protection. If the backup LP is used for
Best Effort traffic or not used at all, it is called 1:1
dedicated protection. Protection is very efficient
(service disruption is inferior to 50 ms), but is also
the most expensive kind of resilience.
Pre-planned resilience is also called restoration,
and can be dedicated or shared. In both cases the
wavelength remains unused in the fiber links until
the restoration mechanisms are activated. Therefore,
the fiber remains “dark”, at least for that particular
channel. In the case of shared restoration, a
wavelength reserved for shared backup remains free
to be used in other shared backup path computations,
i.e., it can (and possibly will) be used to protect
more than one LP. Restoration is better for the
overall network QoT, because the backup LPs
remain dark and do not interfere with the QoT of the
working LPs. Also, shared restoration improves the
network resources utilization. On the other hand,
when a LP must be restored through a pre-planned
computation, there is no guarantee that a) it will
satisfy the required BER and b) it will not
compromise the QoT of other established LPs. That
situation is even worse in the case of shared
restoration. That happens because when a new LP
must be setup, the IA-RWA engine does not take
into account the physical impairments of dark
wavelengths used to restore LPs.
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking