Conceptual Framework of the Game INNOV8 to Train Students
in Business Process Modelling
Rebecca Bulander
Pforzheim University of Applied Science, Tiefenbronnerstr 66, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
Keywords: Serious Gaming, Computer-based Training, Digital Game Studies, Business Process Modelling,
Abstract: Educational computer games also known as serious games are a new method to teach students. Serious
games are considered to be motivation in themselves especially for younger people and seem to be a
suitable method to teach students in higher education. The authors of this paper present a conceptual
framework of the computer game Innov8 – a business process modelling game to learn the notation BPMN
and also how to model business processes. The purpose of the proposed framework is to measure the
effectiveness of some aspects of the learning subject business process modelling. Therefore the authors
describe the classification of serious games and give a summary about conducted studies in this area of
research. After that they describe the framework itself. The paper concludes with a description of further
steps of research in the context of a computer course at university.
Computer games have become a huge global, cul-
tural phenomenon and also in higher education and
training of students. The achievements by using
games are enormous, e. g. improved artwork and
graphics or immensely impressive physical simu-
lation engines. (Aarseth, 2005). Especially the
younger generation is used to this kind of enter-
tainment but also in the context of learning. To some
of them, computer games are more important than
movies. If computer games don’t belong to the vio-
lent genres, they can offer opportunities to involve
students in special situations and to emphasize
specific aspects and interrelations of a given situa-
tion while playing. Therefore serious games might
be a good opportunity to enrich higher education, to
simulate a scenario of the real world and to enhance
the didactics for students. Serious games are now
taken seriously by scholars and academics (Aarseth,
2005). Serious games can have different positive
outcomes. On the one side they are allowing learners
to experience situations that are impossible in the
real world for reasons of e. g. cost, time or safety
(Corti, 2006; Squire, 2003); on the other side serious
games can positively influence the learners’ de-
velopment of different skills for example team work
(van Eck, 2006). Thinking skills of motivated lear-
ners can be described by the following adjectives
enthusiastic, motivational, learner-driven, incremen-
tal, contextualised, concentrated, interesting or iden-
tificational. These attributes are sometimes difficult
to generate by a conventional learning session. Seri-
ous games themselves can advance these attributes
and therefore boost the learning effects (Schwan,
2006). Other advantages of serious games can be to
perform real tasks and scenarios in a virtual context,
discovery learning through risk taking/failure, im-
mediate feedback and lots of practice. (Clark, 2006)
The development of serious games largely de-
pends on the development of computers, display
possibilities, graphical design, interconnectivity and
mobility. Based on these advancements and tech-
nology development the market of serious games is
characterised by high growth rates (Susi, 2007).
In literature we can find several definitions for seri-
ous games. Susi et al (Susi, 2007) define them as
games that engage the user and contribute to the
Bulander R. (2010).
in Business Process Modelling.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 95-100
DOI: 10.5220/0003033300950100
achievement of predefined objectives. The adjective
serious refers to products used by industries like
education, scientific exploration, health care etc. The
differences between serious and entertainment
games can be summarised, that serious games focus
on problem solving of a special task, containing
important elements of learning and reflect natural
communication (Susi, 2007).
According to the definition above the field to
apply serious games is very wide. The focus of the
paper is on the programs of higher education where
students take specific courses at university in
business process management. Besides the general
understanding of processes this course aims to
educate and trains the students in the process model-
ling language Business Process Modelling Notation
(BPMN). Therefore we selected the software
INNOV8 of IBM. This software is specifically for
educational purposes and used to train employees
and students to the modelling language. Usually
BPMN and the phases of business process modelling
can be trained by a conventional lecture using slides
and also by reading the specific literature to this
subject. In this case it depends on the capabilities of
the lecturer to impart the knowledge about the
notation and also about the whole modelling pro-
cess. To point out the obstacles of the modelling
process in reality e. g. when gathering required in-
formation from several departments, especially
Innov8, offer a good opportunity to enrich didactics
and to demonstrate a specific scenario of reality.
Hence the students get the opportunity to have their
own experience.
In this paper we will present a conceptual frame-
work of the computer game Innov8. The purpose of
the proposed framework is to measure the effect-
tiveness of some aspects of the learning subject
business process modelling. In chapter 2 the authors
therefore give a summary about conducted studies in
this area of research and describe the classification
of serious games. In chapter 3 they describe the
framework itself. In chapter 4 the research metho-
dology and design for further steps of research are
described. The paper closes with a conclusion.
In this chapter we will bring up some related work in
the field of research of digital game studies. First we
provide a classification of digital games. Second we
mention some important studies in this field of
research. Third we refer to related frameworks.
2.1 Classification of Games
To classify serious games there are two aspects: the
commercial sector and the genre of the game. There
are diverse industries for which serious games are
utilised to educate people (Susi, 2007): Application
area, military, government, education, corporate,
healthcare and others.
In literature we can find several genres of games.
A game genre is the type or category of the game
played (Yussof, 2009). A game can be assigned to
one or more genres. The following enumeration con-
tains the main common genres (Schwan, 2006):
Action game: computer game that focuses on
physical challenges, including reaction-time and
hand-eye coordination e.g. shooting games.
Adventure game: computer game in which the
players assume the role of protagonists in an
interactive story that is driven by puzzle-solving
and exploration.
Role-playing game: computer game in which
players assume the roles of characters or take
control of an avatar in a fictional setting.
Strategy game: computer game in which players’
decisions have a high significance in determining
the outcome.
Puzzle: computer game that emphasizes puzzle
Simulations: imitation of real world scenarios,
state of affairs or process e. g. flight simulation.
For this paper we selected the commercial sector
education and in choosing the game Innov8 the
game genres role-playing game.
2.2 Learning Principles
Gee (Gee, 2003) summarised 36 learning principles
that mean the mechanisms by which players learn in
the context of computer games. Some of these lear-
ning principles are e. g.: active, critical learning
principle, self-knowledge principle or situated mean-
ing principle. Computer games always use several of
these learning principles. The learning principles
(Clark, 2006) which are mainly used in the serious
game INNOV8 are the following eight:
Active, critical learning principle: Learner-
driven, massively participative.
Semiotic principle: Understanding complex
environments and inter-relationships.
Committed learning principle: Massive moti-
vational commitment through virtual identities
and participation in a complete world.
Amplification of input principle: Massive
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
amounts of feedback, failure and rewards, often
in real time.
Achievement principle: Intrinsic goals with
satisfying achievements and rewards
Probing principle: The learner has to learn by
constantly probing – try things out, test them and
try again.
Situated meaning principle: Performance in
meaningful and contextualised – not abstract
Discovery principle: Narrative is kept to a mi-
nimum, forcing the learner to explore and
2.3 Related Digital Game Studies
In literature we find some studies about digital
games. However the focus of these studies varies
widely. Because of the extended and continuing
debate concerning negative effects of (violent) com-
puter games we find a lot of studies dealing with the
related matters. Susi et al (Susi, 2007) summarize
ten studies about these topics and come to the con-
clusion that several effects of computer games and
also serious games can be measured, but they can’t
find an evidence of effects related to aggressiveness.
The effects that had been measured are: Motor skills,
educational and informational, social as well as
physiological. As well Susi et al (Susi, 2007) men-
tion that a need for more investtigation in some spe-
cific areas concerning the increase but also the
decrease in aggressiveness.
Blunt (Blunt, 2008) describes the result of three
causal-comparative exploratory studies conducted
with the purpose to find out more about the relation-
ship between the use of video games and learning.
The result was that the classes using the game had
significantly higher means of learning than those
classes that did not use the game. Thus these results
point out positive effects of the use of serious
games.In addition to these results of computer
gaming studies further studies can be found. Most of
them address special computer games. From this it
concludes that the results are difficult to compare.
Especially because we know that serious games vary
to a great extent in terms of the industry themes they
cover, the game genre and the learning principles.
2.4 Related Frameworks of Digital
Garries et al (Garries, 2002) describe a generic mo-
del about the input-process-outcome framework of
games in their paper. The key component of this
framework is the game cycle that includes the steps:
user judgement, user behaviour and system feed-
back. The inputs of the framework are instructional
content and game characteristic. The outcome is the
learning outcome. The game cycle is an iterative
process while the learner is playing the game again
and again (see figure 1). One focus of the framework
lays on the iterative loop in the game cycle.
The model in figure 1 describes the learning
process for serious games in education very well and
also fits into modern didactic theories (Schwan,
2006). This model will be considered when we for-
mulate the framework in this paper. An important
aspect which is the mission in the model is the
motivation of the learner to play a game.
Another very common model was invented by
Keller in 1983 (Keller, 1983) and describes a model
of motivation design. The model contains four steps
for promoting and sustaining motivation in the lear-
ning process: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and
Satisfaction (ARCS). The model is very often used
in literature and will be characterised in more detail
in chapter 3. The ARCS model will also be applied
to measure the motivation in learning.
Figure 1: Input-process-outcome framework (Garris,
The following conceptual framework to measure the
effects of serious games combines the model of
Garries et al (2002) and the ARCS model of Keller
(Keller, 1983). The model of Garries contains the
steps of a learning process. The ARCS model
measures the motivation of the student for learning.
Therefore we will give a short overview of the
framework and explain single parts of it.
3.1 Overview of the Framework
The framework displayed in figure 2 is an advance-
ment and combination of the two models of Garries
et al (Garries 2002) and Keller (Keller, 1983). While
Garries et al describes the whole gaming process the
Game INNOV8 to Train Students in Business Process Modelling
ARCS model reflects on the motivation of the user
to play a game and keep on learning while playing.
Another point which was missing is the goals
and the objectives to play a serious game. There can
be different kinds of goals and objectives which in-
fluence the learning process. This aspect is added in
figure 2. To measure and interpret the learning
effects it is also important to consider what kind of
type the player is e. g. frequent player.
Figure 2: Learning framework for serious games to enrich
3.2 Type of the Player
In student education we find a very homogenous
group. They are nearly of the same age. But we can
still find different types of players. In literature four
patterns of types are differentiated (Schwan, 2006):
Impassioned player: ~ 15 % of all players. These
kinds of players are looking for challenges. They
have a high frustration tolerance and a high
intrinsic motivation.
Wanna-be-Player: ~ 15 % of all players. These
players identify themselves with the impassioned
players and want to be like them. They also show
a much lower frustration tolerance than the im-
passioned players do.
Fun player:
25 % of all players. These players
consider playing of games as one alternative as a
recreational activity.
Occasional player: ~ 45 % of all players. These
kinds of players only play a game sometimes,
most of the time only as amusement.
The affiliation to one of these different types of
players can have an influence on the effectiveness of
the outcome of a serious game. Therefore this is also
mentioned in the framework.
3.3 ARCS Model
The ARCS model consists of the four elements for
promoting and sustaining motivation in the learning
process. These four aspects will be explained in the
next sections.
3.3.1 Attention
There are many simple ways to win the attention of
a learner, but the difficulty lies in sustaining atten-
tion. The attention to play a game can be gained in
two ways (Keller, 1987):
Perceptual arousal: to surprise the user and gain
his interest.
Inquiry arousal: to stimulate curiosity by posing
challenging questions or problems to be solved.
Therefore different methods for grabbing the lear-
ners’ attention can be applied like active partici-
pation, variability, humor or inquiry. It is most im-
portant to find a balance between boredom and in-
difference versus hyperactivity and anxiety.
3.3.2 Relevance
To make the relevance of a game for a learner clear
e. g. for their future career and keep it present in
their awareness even if they may be intrinsically
motivated, there are several strategies by Keller. One
of them is, to point out the learner’s future use-
fulness of the subject; another strategy would be to
show the learner, how the new learning will use and
extend their existing skills. (Keller, 1987)
3.3.3 Confidence
According to Keller (Keller, 1987) it is very impor-
tant that one has the feeling of confidence in the
possibility of success regardless of external factors
or innate ability for a learner. Therefore it may be
necessary to provide performance requirements or
evaluation criteria and also to establish feedback
loops. Another fact is to develop the learner by
letting him achieve rising steps of success in the
learning process.
3.3.4 Satisfaction
The last element of the ARCS model contains satis-
faction of the learning game. The learner must get
some kind of satisfaction after a learning period; this
can be the achievement of any objective, any praise
or entertainment. The learner should get some moti-
vation that the newly acquired skills can help to
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
solve their problems in a real setting. Thereby care
has to be taken that the learner will not be patronized
by over-rewarding easy achievements.
3.4 Instructional Content
The instructional content can be described as the
subject matter learners should learn by playing the
serious game. The subject can vary to a great extent
and depend on the objectives and the use as well as
the target group of the serious game. Gilbert et al.
(Gilbert, 2008) differentiate four types of content:
facts, procedures, concepts and principles.
The instructional content of the software Innov8
about business process modelling uses the two con-
tent types procedures by addressing business pro-
cesses and concepts by focussing on the business
process modelling notation.
3.5 Game Characteristics
The title game characteristic summarises both topics
game mechanics and game rules, by which the de-
tails of a game are defined (Thompson et al, 2007).
Under the topic game mechanics all technical,
graphical and game steering information is sum-
marised; this also contains the user interface and the
help function. The importance of game mechanics
shouldn’t be underestimated because e. g. the attrac-
tion of a game with pore graphical design can lose
attraction for learners in comparison to other options
of games. Also the use e. g. of the help function
must be clear and understandable. Otherwise if he
gets stuck a learner will be frustrated about con-
tinuing the game.
Games take place away from the real world in a
fixed space and time period. While playing games
the rules and constraints of ordinary life are tempo-
rarily interchanged by a set of game rules (Garris,
2002). Rules must be described very clearly and
carefully as well as be easy to understand; otherwise
the motivation of learners will decrease. The game
mechanics of the software Innov8 can be categorised
in an average level; it has deficits in the steering of
the avatar and the graphical design. The help
function contains all the information needed. The
game rules are understandable and clearly formu-
3.6 Game Goals and Objectives
The game goals and objectives are established by the
game’s rules. The goals contain the criteria of win-
ning and the victory conditions (Blunt, 2008). Ac-
cording to a research of Locke et al (Locke, 1990)
clear, specific and difficult goals motivate learners
to enhance their performance and engagement; such
defined goals allow the learner to compare their
achievements during the game and these can be seen
as a crucial trigger for greater attention and moti-
The objectives in the game Innov8 are clearly
defined and specific but they can’t be seen as very
difficult. The learners can always compare their
current achievements with the end achievement and
3.7 Learning Outcome
The learning outcome is the new skills a learner
gained after playing a serious game. The learning
outcome can be coupled with the game achievement
in playing the game. The learning outcome can be
modified based on the game achievement’s feed-
back.In one scenario of the game Innov8 the learner
has to redesign the process of a call centre including
the staffing with people of different skill levels. The
learner can always check in a simulation, what the
result of the new process will be, if he left the
process in the modelled state like it currently was.
When reaching a specific score range, the result of
the remodelling of the process will be accepted. The
score of the game will be displayed and the game is
At the beginning of this chapter we want to point out
some important aspects of the proposed framework.
Then we will describe the next steps of research.
Therefore we will explain the research methodology
and design.
4.1 Important Aspects of the Framework
The framework described contains modern didactic
theories of the constructivism in which the learner
has a central controlling role in the learning process.
Learning happens in the willful actions of the learner
during a serious game.
Another advantage is that the framework con-
tains all important structures and aspects of modern
learning in one model. The ARCS model is also
integrated into this framework. Therefore the model
doesn’t only focus on single aspects like game cha-
racteristics or game features.
Game INNOV8 to Train Students in Business Process Modelling
The framework is adaptable to different kinds of
serious games. Previous to the actual adaption all
variables have to be checked.
4.2 Research Methodology and Design
The proposed research framework can be transferred
in a model which contains hypotheses between the
different variables. For example one variable would
be instructional content, another one game charac-
teristics. The relationships between the variables are
hypotheses which refer to the influence between the
variables. The variable “types of player” influences
the relationship between the ARCS model and the
learning outcome. The aspect if a learner is used to
computer games or not makes a difference for the
game results and the learning outcome. This model
and the hypotheses then represent a structural equa-
tion path model. This model can be tested by the
Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis. The PLS
procedure was invented by Hermann Wold. It is a
second-generation multivariate technique which has
the ability to model latent constructs under condi-
tions of non-normality (Chin 1999).
To collect the required data to prove the pro-
posed research model we have already prepared a
questionnaire which contains questions for all va-
riables mentioned above (see also figure 1). This
questionnaire will be distributed at a university in a
class of students who finished their IT laboratory
including the lesson of the serious game Innova8.
The students are assigned to the course “business
administration and engineering”. A pre-test has al-
ready been conducted and the latest result has been
inserted in the proposed model.
In this paper a conceptual framework of serious
games for higher education for the game Inno8 has
been proposed and explained. The game Innov8 con-
tains learning sessions about the process how to
retrieve information of business processes in a vir-
tual company and also how to model and optimize
these processes. The result of the game is an opti-
mized process of a call centre. At the end of the
game the students can see their result of optimi-
The proposed model is based on modern didactic
theories of learning and has a holistic view of the
whole learning process. Therefore it takes care of the
input and the outcome of the process but also of the
game cycle. Consequently the framework also ad-
dresses the aspects that learning from games can be
challenging for multiple reasons.
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