Xabier Larrucea and Eider Iturbe
European Software Institute Tecnalia, Parque tecnologico de Zamudio 204, 48170, Zamudio, Spain
Keywords: Processes and metrics definition and execution, Model driven engineering.
Abstract: Nowadays organizations need to improve their efficiency mainly due to the current economic situation.
Several organizations are involved in process improvement initiatives in order to become more competitive
in the market. These initiatives require processes definition and performance measurement activities. This
paper describes briefly a metamodel integration between metrics metamodel and software and business
execution metamodels in order to support this kind of improvement initiatives. In fact this integration
implies to control coherently Software Metrics Metamodel for metrics, Software Process Engineering
Metamodel 2.0 for defining processes and JBPM Process Definition Language for executing processes. This
approach is supported by a prototype.
Nowadays organizations need to improve their
efficiency due to an increase of global competency
in their markets. In fact they are starting up some
improvement activities related to quality models.
Specifically in the area of software quality and
software development projects there is a great
interest on process management. In fact this is
related to one of the eight elements of software
quality management (Humphrey, 2008): establish
and maintain statistical control of the software
engineering process. In this sense and particularly in
the software quality area we need not only define
and execute software processes but also to provide a
statistical control over them. Software and business
processes are intertwined in many organizations but
all of them are considered the organizations’
engines. In this context metrics are the basis for a
statistical process control and they are used to
measure organization’s behavior and performance
(Florac et al., 1999). Several seminal papers have
been published in the context of statistical process
control (Oakland 2007), (Card, 1994) applied to
software engineering.
Most of business process metrics are used to
calculate the complexity, coupling, cohesion, size
and modularity of business processes based on the
elements used such as in (Mendling, 2009),
(Vanderfeesten, 2007) and (Cardoso, 2007).
Therefore business process metrics have been
studied in for years and several metrics models has
been applied to analyze their complexity. This is a
similar situation with respect to software process
metrics models where (Genero et al., 2005), (Garcia,
2004) and (Rolón Aguilar, 2006) are studies
highlighting some metrics for software process
In the context of metamodelling a huge effort has
been invested to develop metamodels for a wide
range of domains. In terms of metamodelling our
approach is compliant to the four architectural
metalayers promoted by the Object Management
Group (OMG). In our context some recent efforts
have produced the Software Process Engineering
Metamodel2.0 (SPEM, 2008) at OMG for describing
software processes. In addition in the metrics
knowledge area Software Metrics Metamodel
(SMM, 2009) is developed for defining metrics.
Moreover in the area of execution languages
there are several languages such as JBPM Process
Definition Language (JPDL) and Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL). Our approach is to
combine all these metamodels in order to provide a
coherent way to define and to model processes and
metrics and afterwards to provide control over the
execution of processes and their related metrics.
This paper is structured as follows. Firstly an
overview of current approaches is highlighted.
Secondly an integration amongst metamodels is
described. Thirdly an example of this approach is
Larrucea X. and Iturbe E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 63-68
DOI: 10.5220/0003039300630068
Figure 1: Model Driven Architecture Metamodels approach.
shown. And finally a conclusion section is provided
in order to summarise the approach.
On the one hand metrics in software engineering has
been widely studied such as in (Fenton et al, 1998)
and (Kan 2004) where some metrics approaches are
underpinned. (Ng Keng Yap et al. 2008) provide a
robust data model for representing metrics.
On the other hand and as I mentioned before there
are some approaches such as (Mendling, 2009)
where author explores process models metrics such
as complexity, coupling, cohesion, size and
modularity. This approach is mainly focused on
process models and their properties. Our approach is
more similar to (Piattini et al. 2002), (Genero, 2005)
and (Chatters et al. 1998) where the focus of the
software quality is on measurements and metrics of
processes performance. (Chatters et al. 1998)
provide an example over a Cellular Manufacturing
Process Model using predicting models for costs.
(Piattini et al. 2002) outlines some steps for metrics
definition and validation. In fact with respect to
validation, authors identify theoretical validation and
empirical validation. Our approach aims to
overcome both approaches taken into account
measurement theory-based approaches and its
performance in empirical and real situations.
But there are more metrics applied to different
aspect such as in (Genero, 2005) where the authors
provide an overview of the existing proposals of
metrics for conceptual metrics. These related works
contribute to the set of metrics used in our approach.
In fact our architecture is based on “the process
virtual machine” provided by (Baeyens et al. 2010).
Our approach is basically based on the four-layer
metamodelling architecture promoted by the OMG
and its Model Driven Architecture.
Figure 1 summarises this approach where the highest
metamodel is MOF (Meta Object Facility) (layer
M3) and it is the basis for describing the subsequent
metamodels through an instantiation process. Our
proposal is to integrate SPEM2.0, SMM and JPDL
metamodels coherently from a metamodelling
perspective (layer M2).
Some parts of the used metamodels are not
implemented because they are out of our scope.
Figure 2 describes SMM metamodel elements
implemented in our approach. We have extended
this metamodel with the “variable” concept used for
implementing and using different types for metrics
measurements. Therefore we are able to define
different types of measurements to processes and we
have connected them to SPEM2.0 metamodel and
JPDL metamodel (Figure 4). In addition
“measurement” concept is related to “Element” that
is the connection point with SPEM2.0 metamodel.
Figure 3 represents a snapshot of the SPEM2.0
metamodel where the main elements are “Process”
and “TaskUse” representing processes and tasks
elements used for the relationship with SMM. These
elements are the cornerstone for this
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: SMM metamodel elements.
Figure 3: SPEM2.0 metamodel elements used in our approach.
integration because during definition and execution
of metrics and processes we maintain a correlation
between them.
As SPEM2.0 reuses UML activity diagram
concepts for flow definitions, we have selected
“fork”, “join” and “decision” concepts as part of the
behavior diagrams. All these elements are
represented in JPDL concepts (Figure 4). This JPDL
metamodel is only used for the final instantiation
process (see Figure 1). This final step corresponds to
Figure 4: JPDL metamodel extracted from current XSD.
Figure 5: A scrum process modeled using EPF.
the process runtime and to its execution. In fact it is
during process runtime when the correlation
between metrics and processes definition and their
execution should be maintained.
This integration provides us the ability to
instantiate processes for an organization and to
define a metrics catalogue that can be applied to
these processes. Moreover the resulting approach
allows us to instantiate during application runtime
user’s defined metrics depending on user’s
requirements. These users’ metrics can be linked to
processes and tasks.
Once processes and metrics are defined there is a
transformation between SPEM metamodel and JPDL
metamodel in order to deploy organizations’
processes into the resulting application.
We have applied our approach to a software
development process based on a Scrum
methodology/framework (Schwaber, 2002) for an
own development.
Scrum is an agile process or framework for
managing agile projects as described in
nce/v2/FAQ/FAQ.aspx#whatIsScrum]. In this
context there are three main roles involved in a
scrum project: Product owner, Sprint Master and
Sprint team. The work to be done on a Scrum project
is listed in the Product Backlog, which is a list of
functional and non-functional requirements
including estimation of efforts in order to turn each
into deliverable product increments. In Scrum,
projects progress via a series of month-long
iterations called sprints. At the beginning of each
sprint, the scrum team selects a subset of
functionalities from the product backlog and they
work on it during the sprint, synchronizing their
tasks in daily scrum meetings.
In a scrum project there is a preparation phase called
sprint 0 and it is performed before a sprint iterations
cycle, where an initial prioritized product backlog is
defined and an initial release plan is created.
Based on this context we have used SPEM2.0
and the Eclipse Process Framework to define this
Scrum process (see Figure 5). In fact there are
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 6: Process Factory interface during import.
Figure 7: Adding a custom metric to a process.
several processes described using SPEM2.0 but it is
not the scope of the paper to describe all these
processes. Once we have defined this scrum process,
we import the process and we transform a SPEM2.0
instance to a JPDL instance. The relationship
between these elements is maintained through a
database. At the same time we can assign metrics to
this process from a metrics’ catalogue or from a user
definition. Some snapshots are provided in Annex
(see Figure 6 and Figure 7). Thus we maintain
integration not only at conceptual level but also at
implementation level.
This position paper provides an approach to
integrate processes and metrics from definition and
execution points of view. This integration is not only
at conceptual level that means we have extended all
these metamodels and we have related them
coherently. But also we provide a platform for
definition and execution for metrics and processes
where the connector elements maintain the
correlation amongst them.
As future work we are planning to substitute
EPF tool by SAP gravity
(http://www.sapweb20.com/) a web based tool for
process modelling and some extension to open
source tools such as ERPs.
We are working on a cloud based architecture
supporting the full life cycle of this approach. In this
sense we are testing our prototype in Google App
Engine (GAE) (http://code.google.com/intl/
This work has been supported by Vulcano project
TSI-020301-2009-1 funded by the Spanish
government (Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y
Comercio) and FACIT-SME (FP7-2008-2-contract
number: 243 695)
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies