allowing the acceptance of a service from an
existing provider or a new SLA for a new service
provider terminating the existing SLA. Hence, all
these approaches either affect the quality of the
delivered service or fail to guarantee uninterrupted
service. Unlike them, our approach weaves proactive
SLA negotiation into dynamic service discovery to
enable the runtime operation of service based
applications with minimised interruptions.
This position paper proposes a framework that
integrates service discovery, monitoring and
proactive SLA negotiation. The service discovery
process is used by service consumers (i.e., service
based applications) in order to identify potential
alternative services for the services that they
currently use. The framework supports the proactive
negotiation of SLAs with each alternative service
prior to its deployment. The negotiation process is
carried out according to a two-phase protocol that
may result in a provisionally agreed SLA but not
activated SLA or negotiation failure. A provisional
SLA is a service level agreement that has been
agreed by a service provider and a service consumer
but has not been activated yet. Such an SLA has an
expiry date by which it will either be activated or
cease to exist.
The presented framework has also opened broad
scope of future investigations. For example the
framework can be extended to support proactive
negotiation for hierarchical SLA i.e. a complex SLA
can be decomposed into several SLAs and
negotiated separately to come to a final agreement.
Also the framework can be extended to support
dynamic adaptation of the negotiation rules, i.e. the
participants will be able to dynamically change the
negotiation rules during the negotiation process.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under
Grant Agreement 215483 (S-Cube).
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