Elarbi Badidi
and Larbi Esmahi
College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University, PO.Box. 17551, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
School for Computing & Information Systems, Athabasca University
1 University Drive, Athabasca, Alberta, T9S 3A3, Canada
Keywords: Data Integration, Application Integration, Mashups, Service Oriented Architecture, and Web Services.
Abstract: Worldwide biological research activities are generating publicly available biological data at a phenomenal
pace. Data is usually stored in different formats (fasta, genbank, embl, xml, etc.). Therefore, retrieving,
analyzing, parsing, and integrating these heterogeneous data require substantial programming expertise and
effort that scientists do not have overall. Bioinformaticians have often considered several approaches to
integrate heterogeneous data and software applications. Most of these integration approaches require
significant computer skills. Recently, a new technology, called mashups, has emerged to simplify this
integration. In this paper, we discuss widely used approaches for integrating data and applications in
bioinformatics and our ongoing effort to use mashups in conjunction with Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) for integrating data and applications in Life Sciences.
Data and application integration is one of the
toughest problems facing bioinformatics today.
Indeed, to enable the discovery of new biological
insights, scientists have to interpret many types of
information from a variety of sources including
nucleotide and amino acid sequences, protein
structures, and various other sources. Unfortunately,
it is not easy for scientists to access all these
information in an integrated way due to: a) the
heterogeneity of data formats, b) the heterogeneity
of interfaces, and c) the variety of bioinformatics
software tools used by the underlying data sources.
The need for data and tools integration is widely
acknowledged in the bioinformatics community.
Successful data integration is one of the keys to
enhanced productivity in biology and
biopharmaceutical R&D. Worldwide biological
research activities are increasingly generating data
spread across public databases and throughout
organizations in various formats (Fasta, Staden,
Embl, Genbank, etc.). Furthermore, most of the
software applications in bioinformatics are
incompatible with one another as they use different
input and output formats. Bioinformaticians have
considered several approaches to address the
challenges of data integration. As a result of that,
numerous integration platforms and frameworks
flourished in both academia and bio-industry.
In the last few years, SOA embodied by Web
services has emerged as a key technology for
providing services over the Web. Web services are
interoperable across platforms and neutral to
languages, which makes them suitable for access
from heterogeneous environments. Web services
technology has all the potential to be a major
component in the integration endeavor because it
provides a higher layer of abstraction that hides
implementation details from applications. Using this
technology, applications invoke other applications’
functions through well-defined, easy-to-use
interfaces. Each organization is free to concentrate
on its own competence and still leverage the services
that other research groups provide.
Recently, a new technology, called mashups, has
emerged to simplify data integration. Mashups allow
end-users to extract and integrate data from disparate
sources using a visual approach. In this paper, we
describe our work in progress that investigates how
these emerging technologies may be applied to
integrate biological data and services.
Badidi E. and Esmahi L. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 95-98
DOI: 10.5220/0003041200950098
2.1 Bioinformatics Data integration
Bioinformatics data sources (e.g. GenBank, Entrez,
PDB, Swissprot, etc.) cover various domains, such
as genes, proteins, or sequence annotations. To get
the best out of such a massive amount of data, three
main approaches for data integration have been
commonly considered: database federation, adoption
of XML as a common format for the exchange and
storage of biological data, and adoption of
Database federation approach relies on a
middleware that acts a mediator amongst
heterogeneous, disparate, and autonomous databases
(Kemp et al., 2002). The middleware provides a
uniform query interface, which allows end-users to
store and retrieve data from multiple disparate
databases using a single query. The system
decomposes the query into sub-queries for
submission to the appropriate constituent databases,
after which the middleware integrates the result sets
of the sub-queries. The advantage of this approach is
that it does not require modification of the
constituent databases of the federation.
XML, The Extensible Markup Language, is
increasingly becoming a popular format for the
exchange and storage of biological data (Achard et
al., 2001). Most biological databases such as
GenBank, PIR, and SWISS-PROT are XML-
compliant. XML is used to describe biological data
in a standardized format that can be shared and
easily transported via standard Internet protocols.
To overcome the heterogeneous terminologies
used in databases, ontologies are often used to
standardize terms and concepts for which the
meaning and relationships are explicitly defined by a
standards organization. In bioinformatics, ontologies
represent a new style of data integration as they set
naming conventions for data elements stored in
biological databases. The Gene Ontology (GO) from
the Gene Ontology Consortium is an example of
ontology in bioinformatics (Masseroli et al., 2006).
2.2 Bioinformatics Tools Integration
Bioinformaticians have considered several
approaches and technologies to deal with the issue
of bioinformatics tools integration. One of the
approaches develops and employs locally interactive
environments to facilitate bioinformatics analyses.
Examples of such environments are Isys (Siepel et
al., 2001) and Applab
(Senger, 1999). The
disadvantage of this approach is that the integration
environment as well as the tools must be installed
and configured locally, which requires substantial IT
expertise. The second approach takes advantage of
the growing use of the Web to make the tools
available throughout Web interfaces using HTML
forms and different scripting languages (Perl, CGI,
etc.). The integration of tools is in most cases data-
driven, as, for example, in Bionavigator (Littlejohn,
2001) and NCSA biology workbench (Unwin et al.,
1998). The advantage of this approach is that the
user does not need to install bioinformatics tools
locally, but only requires a Web browser. A third
approach is also Web-oriented, but it uses relatively
new technologies at the server side to integrate
various bioinformatics software tools. These
technologies are Java RMI, EJB, and CORBA.
Examples of integration frameworks using the above
technologies are Anabench (Badidi et al., 2003),
Applab (Senger, 1999).
The recent advances in distributed computing
have lead to SOA and the Web and Grid services
technologies, which promise to ease the integration
and interoperability issues. In life sciences, the
service orientation is seen as a promising approach
for the integration of heterogeneous and
incompatible bioinformatics applications available
from different providers. It has quickly caught the
interest of several organizations and research
centers. Most of them have published their tools as
Web services. The National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI; has published its
Entrez Utilities as Web Services. The European
Bioinformatics Institute Web service (EBI; provides programmatic
access to data retrieval and analytical tools for
several molecular databases. Besides, new
environments and frameworks have emerged to
enable the orchestration and the execution of
biological Web services. The most notable systems
include Taverna (Oinn et al., 2004) and BioMoby
(Wilkinson et al., 2003).
2.3 Bioinformatics Mashups
Recently, the “Mashup” technology has emerged as
a new approach for creating Web applications that
fuse data from numerous sources to create a new
service and to provide the user with an integrated
experience. Data mashups typically provide visual
representations of data available in public databases.
Similarly, service mashups aim to support end-users
in creating and building new and advanced Web
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
applications by means of easy-to-accomplish service
compositions. Various mashup tools and
frameworks have flourished in the last few years.
They let end-users access and combine data from
various sources (databases, Web services, feeds,
etc.). Examples of well known mashup platforms are
Yahoo Pipes (, and Google
Mashup Editor (
Bioinformaticians have a wide range of tools and
services at their disposal, each providing some value
when used in isolation, but offering greater promise
when integrated with others in the investigation of
more complex scientific questions. Sophisticated
scientific workflow management systems such as
Taverna (Oinn et al., 2004) or Kepler (Ludäscher et
al., 2006) can support almost any level of
complexity. Mashups, however, may provide a
middle ground between manual cut-and-paste
interaction with the Web and these sophisticated
workflow engines. They allow developing
lightweight applications by combining data and
services in accordance with the user requirements.
Recently, there were few attempts to develop
some basic biomashups. Sumitomo et al. (Sumitomo
et al., 2008) describe basic mashups, such as a
mashup to translate Uniprot ID into Genbank Id, a
Genbank to Pubmed mashup, and a biomashup to
get the characteristics of a protein given its Uniprot
ID. Kei-Hoi et al. (Kei-Hoi et al., 2008) discuss the
potential of mashups and current Web 2.0
technologies to integrate data from disparate sources
in the health care and life sciences (HCLS) domains.
We strongly believe that the proliferation of
mashups platforms together with Web 2.0
techniques will contribute extensively to the wide
adoption of mashups in Life Sciences. Life scientists
empowered with Biomashups will be able to
integrate local data with data from other sources
(public biological databases, workbench portals,
etc.). They will also be able to customize and exploit
the results rather than consuming biological data in
the way the publisher (organizations and research
centers) presents that data.
3.1 Objectives
Given the limited number of biomashups that have
been developed so far by the bioinformatics research
community, and given the unprecedented advances
made in the area of mashups technology and the
Service Oriented Architecture, we set out to use an
architecture that will allows us to:
1. Investigate the feasibility of applying “Mashup”
technology in conjunction with SOA
technologies in bioinformatics to cope with the
issue of data and services integration.
2. Apply these technologies to some real-case
scenarios (e.g. in proteomics and/or genomics)
that typically require, from the scientist, to go
through several steps by using various software
tools or Web-based applications before getting
an answer to his/her question.
3. Investigate how biological protocols can be
implemented using mashups. Then, compare this
mashups-based approach with established
workflow systems and SOA service composition.
Comparison will evaluate the following aspects:
usability, composition effectiveness, support to
the user, and extent of necessary technical
4. Examine how mashup technology and SOA can
contribute to data and services integration in the
biomedical field in general. Healthcare and
bioinformatics share many common aspects
especially in terms of heterogeneity of data
formats and data exchange protocols.
3.2 Architecture Overview
Figure 1 illustrates our proposed Mashups-based
architecture for bioinformatics data and applications
integration. The architecture relies on a central
component, which is the Mashup Server. The
Mashup Server may acquire data from various data
sources including biological databases (Genbank,
EMBL, Uniprot, Swissprot, …), biological Web
services (BioMoby, MyGrid, Soaplab, NCBI,…),
publication databases (Pubmed, …), and feeds. It
then processes and combines acquired data to
present the result as small components, called
Mashlets, which can be integrated in portals, Web
pages, wikis and blogs. Legacy applications may be
integrated by being wrapped as Web services. In our
previous work (Removed for blind review), we have
implemented a system that allows wrapping
command-line bioinformatics tools as Web services.
The mashup application will produce, then, a
single interface replacing the manual process of
accessing multiple data sources. Using mashup
applications, scientists can collaborate more
effectively, be more productive, and reduce the risk
of error.
Enterprise Mashup servers have emerged
recently following the success of mashup platforms
in implementing interesting enterprise applications
Figure 1: Integration of bioinformatics data and services
using mashups technology.
We are considering to use open source mashup
server such as WSO2 mashup server
(, which support
different data formats commonly used by biological
databases. JackBe Presto Enterprise Mashup Server
( is also a potential
candidate as it provides many interesting features.
As a result of worldwide biological research
activities, data is spread across disparate databases
and organizations in various formats. Data Mining
and analysis require comprehensive integration of
these heterogeneous data. The need for data and
services integration is widely recognized in the
bioinformatics community. Successful data
integration is one of the keys to enhanced
productivity in biology and biopharmaceutical R&D.
In this paper, we have provided an overview of
existing approaches for data and applications
integration in bioinformatics. We have also
discussed the promise of emerging technologies,
service oriented architecture and mashups.
Furthermore, we have presented our work in
progress in implementing an architecture that relies
on a mashups server and Web services for
integrating data and applications in Life Sciences.
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies