If client wants to take back washed linen, he provides receipt to clerk. After receiv-
ing receipt clerk checks the order list whether or not the order has been fulfilled and
whether the client can get back linen. If the order is fulfilled clerk prepares invoice of
provided service and issues it to client. After client has paid the invoice, clerk gives
the linen to client and makes a mark in linen registration form that linen has been
given back to client.
3.2 Functional Features
Functional features of system functioning are defined in a form of tuple. Within this
research extended version of functional feature tuple is used. Extended version is
defined in [8]. For the laundry project example has been defined 44 functional fea-
tures (in the form of tuple containing the following parameters: identificator, object
action (A), precondition (PrCond), object (O), mark if functional feature is external or
internal), where C denotes Clerk, Cl – Client, In – Inner, and Ex - External:
<1, A person arriving at laundry, Ø, Person, Ex>, <2, Checking of personal data
with the laundry’s client register, Ø, C, In>, <3, Registering client in the laundry
clients’ register, if the person is not registered in the clients’ register yet, C, In>, <4,
Preparing of client card, if the person does not have the client card yet (or) if the
client has lost his client card, C, In>, <5, Client card issue to the client, Ø, C, In>, <6,
Authorizing client status, if the person is registered (and) if the client has the client
card, C, In>, <7; Requesting linen registration form; If client has client card; Cl; In>,
<8; Creating linen registration form; Ø; C; In>, <9; Giving linen to clerk; Ø; Cl; In>,
<10; Taking linen from client; Ø; C; In>, <11; Weighting received linen; Ø; C; In>,
<12; Registering linen weight in linen registration form; Ø; C; In>, <13; Giving out
linen registration form to client; Ø; C; In>, <14; Filling out linen registration form
(linen type, requirements for washing); Ø; Cl; In>, <15; Filling out order due date in
linen registration form; Ø; Cl; In>, <16; Giving back linen registration form to clerk;
If linen registration form is filled out; Cl; In>, <17; Checking due date; Ø; C; In>,
<18; Giving back linen registration form to client; If it is not possible to fulfill wash-
ing till requested due date; C; In>, <19; Announcing nearest possible due date to
client; Ø; C; In>, <20; Calculating price of the new order; Ø; C; In>, <21; Registering
linen registration form; If price is acceptable for client; C; In>, <22; Assigning unique
identification number to the order; Ø; C; In>, <23; Preparing receipt of the received
order by filling out order unique identification number, due date, price and weight of
the linen; Ø; C; In>, <24; Giving out receipt to client; Ø; C; In>, <25; Registering
order in laundry orders’ list; Ø; C; In>, <26; Sorting order list; Ø; C; In>, <27; Fulfil-
ling order by using laundry’s washing machines; If order can be fulfilled by using
laundry’s washing machines; C; In>, <28; Creating purchase order; If dry-cleaning is
needed; C; In>, <29; Assigning purchase order number to purchase order; Ø; C; In>,
<30; Filling out purchase order (linen type and weight, requirements for washing, due
date, order unique identification number); Ø; In>, <31; Registering purchase order
number in linen registration form; Ø; C; In>, <32; Transferring linen to collaboration
partner; Ø; C; In>, <33; Receiving linen from collaboration partner; Ø; C; In>, <34;
Marking in linen registration form that linen is received from collaboration partner;
Ø; C; In>, <35; Marking in linen registration form in which machine linen was