Fouad and Phalp [10] discussed a pre-CIM level, where business managers can create
informal models of department processes. The pre-CIM may include organizational
hierarchies, informal documentation, private process views, details of responsibilities,
any requirements relevant information, very informal concept models, etc. In other
words, the pre-CIM should hold business domain knowledge, while CIMs holds
business process models, and only after that requirements are defined. Garrido,
Noguera, González, Hurtado and Rodríguez [4] presented ontology-based CIMs.
The idea of CIM–Business Model proposed by Grangel et al.[5] and Hendryx, [6]
is a “pure” business model that is focused on the business scope and goals as well as
terminology, resources, facts, roles, policies, rules, organizations, locations and events
of concern to the business. However, it does not reflect system considerations. The
scope of the Business Model in the CIM must, at a minimum, include business
functions served by the system.
Authors in Grangel et al., Kanyaru, Coles, Jeary and Phalp [5, 11], and Garrido et
al., [4] defined three possible types of models within the CIM–Business Model. The
Organizational Model can be described in terms of goals, organizational structure,
analysis diagrams and business rule diagrams. The Structural Model includes product
and resource diagrams, and the Behavior Model includes process and service
diagrams. Authors in [8] refined them to Organization Model, Process Model, Data
Model, System Model, and Service Model. In essence, these models also can be
reduced to those three models described previously.
The CIM–Business Requirements for the System proposed in [6] contains the
contract between the business and IT about what the business people expect the IS
will automate. This model is built on and refers to the CIM–Business Model. Authors
in [7] and [18] stated that in case of ISs each requirement is a system’s obligation to
execute a business rule or rules. Hence, requirements for the system must be in
consistency with the environment where they will be implemented and as complete as
possible. Cao, Miao and Chen [2] proposed a use of feature models for developing
CIMs. In turn, Trujillo, Soler, Fernández-Medina and Piattini [20] proposed the CIM
for requirements analysis for data warehouse modeling based on an extension of the i
framework that deals only with functional requirements at the business level.
2.1 Overcoming the “Gap” between the Problem and Solution
There are two possible kinds of representing systems. The first and wide-used is
fragmental representation. This means that in order to overcome complexity of the
system under consideration, developers divide specification of the system from a
certain viewpoint into several fragments as in case of use cases, where multiple use
cases (fragments) and intuitively and weakly defined dependencies among them
constitute this entire view on the system.
The second kind is holistic representation. Holistic representation may be
described either as a single indivisible (or formally refined) model or as a view on the
system on the whole from different aspects. The latter means that there are formally
defined dependencies among elements in aspects.
We believe that only holistic models are able to overcome the gap between the
problem domain and solution domains completely. Moreover, such models must be
able to represent both domains in order to formally define relationships among them.