Using the BMM as the first model to be specified within the CIM provides a simple
mean to manage high-level business requirements. It is sufficiently generic to capture
requirements from any business domain. A software tool will provide a better under-
standing of the relationships between the BMM, the BPM and the RM.
In order to improve our inter-model transformation strategy and strengthen the spec-
ification of source and generated models, it is essential to define a UML profile to define
each of the three models that constitute the CIM. The definition of a UML profile con-
forming to the MOF will greatly facilitate the inter-model transformations.
Traceability plays an important role in our proposal. Transformation rules that will
be proposed must allow traceability between elements of each model as partially pro-
posed in [4]. As such, relationships between these elements must be made explicit.
Finally, the transformation process will be supported by a tool that is yet to be
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