Towards a Structure
for the Computation Independent Model
Samir Kherraf
, Alexandre Moïse
, Éric Lefebvre
and Witold Suryn
École de Technologie Supérieure
Information Technologies and Software Engineering Department
100 Notre-Dame West street, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 1K3, Canada
Almonix inc., 5524 Saint-Patrick street, office 565, Montreal, Quebec, H2C 1X7, Canada
Abstract. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is composed of a hierarchy of
three levels of models: computation independent model (CIM), platform inde-
pendent model (PIM) and platform specific model (PSM). Currently, there exists
no formal CIM definition describing its structure of elements to which transfor-
mation rules can be applied. It is therefore the goal of this paper to attempt such
a structure. In our view, the CIM can be divided into a hierarchy of three inter-
connected models: the business motivation model (BMM), the business process
model (BPM), and the requirements model (RM). This paper presents how these
three models can account for the CIM and how they are related to each other.
1 Introduction
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is an architecture proposed by the Object Manage-
ment Group (OMG) which defines it as “an approach to using models in software de-
velopment" [1]. MDA is composed of a hierarchy of three levels of models where each
level represents a viewpoint, i.e. an abstraction, of a system or its requirements: com-
putation independent model (CIM), platform independent model (PIM) and platform
specific model (PSM). A model from one level is obtained through manual or, ideally,
automatic transformations from a model of the above level. Thus, the CIM transforms
into a PIM, the PIM transforms into a PSM, and the PSM transforms into source code.
In defining MDA, the OMG limited itself to the “what?" rather than the “how?"
leaving the task of defining the former to tool vendors or academics. While many efforts
were invested in the transformation from a PIM to lower levels, there is still plenty to
be done at the CIM level. However, before attempting to formalize a set of rules to
transform a CIM into a PIM, it is mandatory to define precisely what the CIM is all
Currently, there exists no formal CIM definition, on the one hand, describing its
structure of elements to which transformation rules can be applied and, on the other
Source code is considered a model of the execution of the system, but is not part of the MDA
Samir K., Moïse A., Lefebvre É. and Suryn W. (2010).
Towards a Structure for the Computation Independent Model.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Architecture and Modeling Theory-Driven Development, pages 53-59
DOI: 10.5220/0003044200530059
hand, linking these elements to business intent. For instance, a set of CIM and PIM
interpretation attempts are summarized in [2]. The authors, adopting an information
systems perspective, have also proposed their own definition by dividing the CIM into
a Human Intelligence Model and an Artificial Information Model. Nonetheless, the
structure of these models and the relations of its elements to business intent are not
It is therefore the goal of this paper to attempt the development of such a structure.
In our view, the CIM can be divided into a hierarchy of three interconnected models:
the business motivation model (BMM), the business process model (BPM), and the
requirements model (RM). Starting with the OMG definition of the CIM, the remainder
of this paper defines the CIM structure from the perspective of these three models.
2 The CIM According to the OMG
The following statements summarize the CIM definition from the OMG [1]:
1 It is independent of any computation;
2 It does not show details of the structure of a system;
3 It is often called a domain model or a business model and uses a vocabulary that is
familiar to the practitioners;
4 It bridges the gap between domain experts and technical experts;
5 It shows the system in the environment in which it will operate;
6 Its elements should be traceable to PIM elements.
This set of statements constitutes an overview of what a CIM is. However, it does
not define precisely the structure of elements of this level of the MDA which, according
to point 6, is needed to be transformed into a PIM. Some work has been done in that
direction (e.g. [3]), but the lack of precision impedes on a consensual definition. The
analyst is thus left to his/her experience and creativity when in charge of creating a
CIM. In order to standardize this task, we propose a structure of elements divided into
three models as presented in figure 1.
Moving upward from the PIM, the third model of the CIM stack is the RM. This
model presents what the system must do conceptually. Use cases are generally em-
ployed to this end [4][5][6][7]. Requirements should treat the system as a “black box"
in order to comply with points 1 and 2. Point 3 suggests that requirements are restricted
to the application domain vocabulary, thus, avoiding technical details such as database
concepts or mentioning user interface widgets. It is demonstrated in [4] how to trans-
form the RM into a PIM. This transformation shows that the RM conforms to points 4
and 6.
The second model is the BPM. It describes the operations that need to be supported
by the system described in the RM. More precisely, it describes the sequence of activ-
ities needed to achieve an organizational goal [8]. These activities generally transform
information, either manually or by automated mechanisms, and are realized by different
organizational units. Thus, the BPM is compliant to points 3 and 5. The BPM describe
the environment in which the system will operate in a way that is relevant to practition-
The uppermost model of the CIM stack is the BMM. This model describes the
organization for which the processes are created and the goals they aim to support. It
represents a knowledge model of CIM. The BMM is a specification of the OMG [9].
Simply put, it consists of a meta-model of the main elements necessary to describe
business plans: end, means, influencer and assessment. It complements the BPM in
covering points 3 and 5.
Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed CIM structure.
When creating a CIM, the stating point then should be the BMM. It describes what
the business is all about. From this description, a BPM can be created to support the
means to the ends defined in the BMM. Based on the BPM, the RM can finally be
created to support automation.
3 The Proposed CIM Definition
The previous section presented an overview of the proposed CIM structure. This section
describes in more details the relationships between the three models composing the
CIM in the order of highest to lowest level: BMM, BPM and RM.
3.1 Business Motivation Model
Figure 2 presents the BMM according to [9]. There are four main elements: end, means,
influencer and assessment.
End. An end describes what an organization wishes to achieve. For example, it can
wish to be the leader in market shares or reduce financial risks. An end can be either
a vision or a desired result, which in turn can be a goal or an objective. A vision is
optional. It gives an overview of the end. On the other hand, a desired result, whether a
goal or an objective, is more specific. An objective is a step in the attainment of a goal.
It can be used to measure progress towards a goal. While a goal is normally long-term
and can be defined qualitatively, objectives have an end date and must be defined in
such a way that it is possible to determine if it has been reached or not.
Fig. 2. Structure of the BMM [9].
Means. Means describe how an organization decides to achieve an end. Means can
be a mission, a course of action or a directive. Although optional, the mission broadly
defines the activity of an organization. Course of actions defines what needs to be done,
but not how to do it. It can be either a strategy or a tactic although [9] does not precisely
distinguish the two. Course of actions are related to desired results. It is suggested that
strategies are related to the attainment of goals and tactic are related to the attainment of
objectives. A directive, which can be either a business policy or a business rule, governs
courses of action. Business policies set limits on what can and cannot be done. Business
rules are said to be actionable and are derived from business policies.
Influencer. An influencer is supposed to affect means or ends. It can be external or
internal. External influencers can be of different types such as competitors, customers,
environments, partners, regulations or technology. Internal influencers can also be of
different types such as corporate value, habits or infrastructure.
Assessment. An assessment is a judgment of the impact of an influencer on means and
ends. Influencers are said to be neutral until an assessment is made about them.
3.2 Business Process Model
In its BMM specification [9], the OMG relates elements of the BMM to the following
external elements: business process, organization unit and business rule. These three
elements compose the BPM which is defined in more details in [10]. Figure 3 presents
the BPM and how it relates to the BMM.
Fig. 3. Structure of the BPM.
Business Process. A business process realizes a course of action, mainly in terms of
sequences of steps. In other words, the justification for a business process is its related
BMM course of action. Business processes are governed by business policies.
A business process can be decomposed into smaller business processes. It can be
decomposed all the way to an elementary business process (EBP) which is defined
by [11] as “a task performed by one person in one place at one time, in response to a
business event, which adds measurable business value and leaves the data in a consistent
state (. . . )".
Organization Unit. In the BPM, business processes are under the responsibility of an
organization unit. An organization unit can be any structural element of an organization,
either internal or external, such as a business partner, a department, a team or a role.
Business Rule. BPM business rules come directly from the BMM business rules. They
serve to guide business processes in that they represent an obligation or a necessity.
According to [9], “they provide the basis for decisions that need to be made within
business processes".
3.3 Requirements Model
Systems development is based on defined requirements. Figure 4 presents the RM and
how it relates to the BPM. In our view, the RM is composed of three elements: use case,
actor and business rule.
Use Case. Simply put, a use case describes the interactions between an actor and the
system through a sequence of steps called a scenario. A use case must have a main
Fig. 4. Structure of the RM.
scenario that describes what should happen most of the time. It can also have alternate
scenarios that describe what should happen in case of an exception.
A use case describes the details of an EBP. Thus, the RM defines only structural
relationships between use cases, i.e. through «include» and «extend» associations. The
RM does not define flow between use cases. It is defined in the BPM.
The transformation of an EBP into a use case has been demonstrated by [4]. Fur-
thermore, it is demonstrated in [4] how to transform a use case into a PIM by using
patterns and archetypes.
Actor. An actor is an entity, either physical or logical, which benefits from the use
case. A physical actor is a person such as manager or a clerk, while a logical actor is a
group of persons such as a department or a system such as a banking system. A use case
has one primary actor, but can have a secondary actor. The latter does not benefit from
the use case, but is indispensible in its completion. For instance, in a use case about
credit card payment, the customer is the primary actor, but the system must rely on a
secondary actor - a banking system to validate the payment - in order to achieve the
goal. An actor is directly related to an organization unit in the BPM.
Business Rule. A RM business rule is related to a BPM business rule. In a use case,
business rules trigger alternate scenarios.
4 Conclusions
To facilitate the creation of a CIM, it is important to define a process for transforming,
respectively, a BMM into a BPM and a BPM into a RM. A set of rules and a process to
transform a BPM into a RM is proposed in [4]. Improvements and implementation of
these are in progress.
Using the BMM as the first model to be specified within the CIM provides a simple
mean to manage high-level business requirements. It is sufficiently generic to capture
requirements from any business domain. A software tool will provide a better under-
standing of the relationships between the BMM, the BPM and the RM.
In order to improve our inter-model transformation strategy and strengthen the spec-
ification of source and generated models, it is essential to define a UML profile to define
each of the three models that constitute the CIM. The definition of a UML profile con-
forming to the MOF will greatly facilitate the inter-model transformations.
Traceability plays an important role in our proposal. Transformation rules that will
be proposed must allow traceability between elements of each model as partially pro-
posed in [4]. As such, relationships between these elements must be made explicit.
Finally, the transformation process will be supported by a tool that is yet to be
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