Mounir Kehal
Esc Rennes School of Business, 2 rue Robert d'Arbrissel, CS 76522, 35065 Rennes Cedex, France
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Diffusion, Text Analysis, Small-Medium Enterprise.
Abstract: Knowledge diffusion may be considered as “the adaptation of knowledge in a broad range of scientific and
engineering research and development … . The growth of scientific knowledge is largely due to a diffusion
process in which new ideas are transmitted from person to person ”. Chen et al (2004). We have conducted
studies on scientific and commercial documents, in other words traces of knowledge within a research and
development institution and its commercial / spin-off counterpart. Observational and systematic (corpus-
based) studies – through analysis of specialist text, can support research in knowledge management. Since
text could be assumed to portray a trace of knowledge. In this paper we are to show how knowledge diffuses
in a specific environment, and thus could be modeled by specialist text. That is dealing with the satellite
manufacturing domain, and having embedded within the knowledge about the business sector and
knowledge domain.
In order to investigate the gap in knowledge
diffusion within an organization we did carry an
observational study, within an SME (Small to
Medium Enterprise) in satellite manufacturing, a
specialist domain. Inline with a study of the
language used in satellite engineering in general, and
that stemming from SSTL (Surrey Satellite
Technology Limited) and Surrey Space Centre in
particular. Both studies have an empirical basis. The
observational study (mainly questionnaire-based)
was designed to ask questions related to knowledge
diffusion within the company during 2002-2006
period, as part of my doctoral research coverage.
The questionnaire-based studies were not based on
intuitions on how knowledge is managed, rather
based on a set of empirical questions, partitioned
under five sections namely:
1- Awareness and Commitment
2- External Environment
3- Information Technology
4- Knowledge Maintenance and Protection
5- Organizational Issues
We have investigated the diffusion of knowledge
within SSTL, based on the practice within SSTL, as
articulated through the questionnaire. There were
two sets of questionnaire-based observations. The
pilot study was conducted with managers and
whereas the second run of the questionnaire was
intranet-based, and more widespread. SSTL, is a
small knowledge-based organization. In a rapidly
developing, high-technology field like satellite
engineering, it is important to communicate, share
and validate knowledge. We have examined how
knowledge flows and is adapted between
commercial and research types of corpora through
such research. One of the major results deduced
from the observational study was that knowledge
diffusion is paramount within the lifetime of an
organization, and could be supported by information
systems. Leading us to investigate on how
knowledge diffusion takes place, in an empirical
way. Our analysis shows that research papers
(created within educational institution) and
commercial documents (created within spin-offs of
such higher education institution) can be
distinguished rather on the basis of single word and
compound terms. These two specialist lexis show
the potential for identifying points of mutual interest
in the diffusion of knowledge from the research
institution to the commercialization process, thus to
application(s) within a domain.
Kehal M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003045902830286
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 283-286
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Nonaka et al’s (1995) knowledge conversion model
is intuitive. It is based on long experience and
judgement. Such model emphasizes the importance
of practice, knowledge amongst knowledge workers.
The case studies produced were between
researchers, practitioners, and managers. There was
transfer of knowledge from researchers to
knowledge workers. Such has yielded a contingency
table for the transfer of knowledge, so-called
knowledge conversion model that generates four
knowledge conversion modes. Such model is
plausible but remains largely intuitive. Our interest
is tacit to explicit knowledge conversion
(externalization) and explicit to explicit knowledge
conversion (combination). The reason we have
studied an SME (Small to Medium Enterprise)
because it would appear that knowledge would be
shared because smaller groups would get together
easily, i.e. no logistics involved. As well as it
appears that in a SME knowledge bottlenecks which
are characteristic of large organizations would not
exist. Consider an organization like SSTL, we
focused on the interaction between knowledge
engineers and knowledge practitioners, and were
aiming to see how knowledge is shared. In order to
investigate the gap in knowledge diffusion within
SSTL, we did an observational study, and a study of
language used in satellite engineering in general.
Both studies have an empirical basis. A bimodal
research method was followed within the specialist
domain of satellite manufacturing applied within
SMEs [Small to Medium Enterprise]. Inclusive of:
Observational study: questionnaire and interview
based and Corpus-based studies: analysis of text
Knowledge Adaptation
Knowledge Flow
Figure 1: Knowledge diffusion through flow and
adaptation processes.
Figure 1 represents a relational view of the
methodology, integrated within the possible set of
agents for knowledge diffusion, being composed of
a 2-tier process. Whereby knowledge is assumed to
flow among or across from knowledge workers, to
the organization, then to worldwide (horizontally),
but the adaptation phase comes into place once
knowledge is personalised and applied (vertically).
However, such methodology was implemented in
the specialist nature of the domain of investigation.
Yin (1994) identified five components of research
design that are important for case studies: the study's
questions, its propositions, its unit (s) of analysis, the
logic linking the data to the propositions, the criteria
for interpreting the findings. The above components
were integrated within the observational study, as
guidelines to the formulation of the different stages
involved within the conduct of this research, from
the pilot run of the survey study, to the intranet-
based survey and historical studies. In which the
intranet-based survey seemed to generate interest,
impact and a set of internal actions. Supported as
well by over 30% participation rate for the intranet-
survey, and being composed mostly by middle to
senior managers. Evidence of knowledge diffusion
and support for it was manifested as outlined in the
table below. Table 1 shows how knowledge
bottlenecks have been looked upon during the flow
and adaptation of knowledge amid agents involved
in its diffusion. Through the observational study and
the historical study, behaviour between agents was
modelled using the techniques prescribed below.
Table 1: Knowledge diffusion in the environment of a
small organization.
gent B
rtefact Technique
Person Person Opinion, practice,
based study
Person Organization PhD Dissertation,
technical reports
Text Analysis
Organization Organization Specialist documents
(i.e. technical
documents, missions
Text Analysis
Organization Worldwide Specialist documents
(i.e. technical
documents, missions
Text Analysis
The intranet-based survey study had 5 sections,
stretching to cover possible areas of applications and
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
implications for knowledge diffusion within an
organization, namely - Knowledge Management
Awareness and Commitment, External Environment,
Information Technology, Knowledge Maintenance
and Protection, and Organizational Issues. On the
other hand, for our historical and special corpus, we
followed where applicable and pertinent, Atkins et
al’s (1992:2), five principal stages for corpus
building. Outlined in table 2:
Table 2: Stages for building a corpus (Atkins et al,
Stage Description
Specification and
Corpus type is identified taking into
account sample size, language varieties
and the time period to be sampled.
Computer Hardware
and software
Hardware and software needs for the
corpus project are estimated.
Data capture and
The data/texts are captured and
transformed/transferred to electronic
form, keyboarding, or audio
transcription. The captured files are then
marked-up with embedded codes
containing text features.
Corpus processing Includes basic tools, i.e. word frequency
lists, concordance, and interactive
standard query tools and tools for
lemmatization, tagging, collocation etc.
Corpus growth and
New materials may be added to the
corpus or some of the old materials may
be deleted according to feedback from
previous analysis to reach a balanced
and enhanced corpus.
Specification and design of a corpus and its
processing are the most important steps in building
the corpus and for any kind of subsequent study.
Studying the state of the specialist terminology is
considered important for the study of the language
discourse. Corpus-based studies are empirical and
depend on both quantitative and qualitative
analytical techniques (Biber et al, 2002).
The observational and historical studies carried out,
have provided better understanding into the field of
investigation. Such studies provided the basis and
validation for inferences made. Based on Nonaka et
al’s (1995) terminology used within the knowledge
conversion model, portraying creation of knowledge
and corresponding conversion processes. It is
believed that knowledge undergoes a combination
and socialization conversion process (for knowledge
flow) within an organization or across a (sub)
domain (s), and undergoes an internalization and
externalization conversion process (for knowledge
adaptation) within an organization or across a (sub)
domain (s).
Documents (1…n)
systematic diffusion
Documents (1…n)
chaotic diffusion
Flow of knowledge
(Combination &
Socialization of knowledge)
Adaptation of
(Internalization &
Externalization of
Figure 2: Knowledge diffusion through the knowledge
conversion model (Nonaka et al, 1995).
Figure above expands Nonaka et al’s (1995)
knowledge conversion model, to include
consideration for how knowledge flows and is
adapted within research and commercial documents.
Within the case of an SME, Small to Medium
Enterprise, such knowledge flow and adaptation
through a knowledge conversion model may be a
framework that could stimulate innovation through
conversion of knowledge amongst the Knowledge
Creating Crew (Nonaka et al, 1995) and stemming
from an organization.
The case study is a method of learning about a
complex instance through extensive description and
contextual analysis. The product is an articulation of
why the instance occurred as it did, and what may be
important to explore in similar situations, in our case
the specialist knowledge and its diffusion is the
product. As the observational study laid the
framework for the conduct of our research, it was
focused on examining knowledge flow, and
corresponding practices and information technology
support in place. Results from the observational
study have indicated that knowledge bottlenecks
may exist, in particular were technological support
could be needed. The transmutation of science into
technology is a complex process when one sees
unique ideas highlighting the past scientific
landscape and beneficial technological artefacts in
the present. The notion of satellite technology or
space technology, with variable scope and scale, was
an ostentatious idea that has led to a range of remote
sensing and earth observation instruments for
instance. The unique idea is a key reference point
for forecasting how the idea will metamorphose into
an artefact. Knowledge is communicated through so-
called semiotic systems: written text, images,
mathematical and chemical symbols, and so on. The
knowledge of emergent domains is yet to
standardize its symbol systems which simply add to
the (creative) chaos inherent in such emergent
systems. The analysis of change in written text,
amongst the most changeable semiotic system at the
lexical level at least, may reveal a consensus or
dissension in the use of terms. Terms denote
concepts and textually help us to understand how
knowledge evolves in an emergent domain. The
emergent domain of small satellite technology was
studied as an exemplar. Our analysis shows that
research papers and commercial documents can be
distinguished somewhat on the basis of single word
and compound terms that were generated
automatically. These two lexical signatures show the
potential for identifying cross-over points in the
diffusion of knowledge from the research arena to
applications domain. The metamorphosis of science
into technology is a complex process when one sees
innovative ideas highlighting the past scientific
landscape (i.e. in the form of PhD theses and state-
of-the-art research papers) and beneficial
technological artefacts in the present. The analysis
of change in written text, amongst the most
changeable semiotic system at the lexical level at
least, may reveal a consensus or dissension in the
use of terms. Terms denote concepts and textually
help us to understand how knowledge diffuses in a
domain. The specialist domain of satellite
technology or space technology, specifically an
organization in such a domain was studied as an
exemplar. This is our attempt to establish a method,
which covers a broad range of texts, PhD theses,
journal articles, technical reports, and state-of-the-art
review papers, to observe the emergence of a
domain and hence specialist diffusion of knowledge
– and thus possible creation of an enterprise
knowledge cloud (Delic et al, 2009).
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing