Donald F. Ferguson
CA Technologies, NY, U.S.A.
Ethan Hadar
CA Technologies, Herzelia, Israel
Keywords: Supply-Chain Enterprise Systems, Cloud Computing, IT Services, Business-IT alignment, Enterprise
Service Architecture.
Abstract: An enterprise that exploits its IT-services from the cloud, and optionally provides some of the services to its
customers via the cloud, is defined by us as cloud-connected enterprise (CCE). Consumption from the cloud
and provisioning to the cloud of IT services defines an IT supply-chain environment. Considering the
conceptual similar offerings from different vendors is economical attractive, as specialization in services
increases the quality and cost-effectiveness of the service. The overall value of a service is composed of
characteristics that may be summarized as QARCC: Quality, Agility, Risk, Capability and Cost. Tradeoffs
between implementing services internally and consuming services externally may depend on these
characteristics and their sub-characteristics. Regardless of the origin of the services or sub-services, we
propose that the construction or consumption of the solution should follow dedicated cloud-oriented
lifecycle for managing such services. The proposed incremental and iterative process, fosters an agile
approach of refactoring and optimization. It is based on the assumptions that services change their QARCC
characteristics over time due to emerging opportunities for replacement of sub-components. It is designed to
operate in internal clouds as well as external and hybrid ones.
IT departments currently deliver their IT services
(Wikipedia, 2010 a) to employees, customers and
partners, and manage these deliverables in a
business like fashion. Examples include online
banking, web commerce, finance and accounting,
order tracking, etc. IT systems may be considered as
the backbone of the business, controlling
manufacturing, supply chains, logistics, customer
relationship management, and more. In some cases,
IT is the realization of an enterprise’s business
model in which the IT services are the principle
implementation of business services. For example,
financial services that include transaction billing of
phone calls in telecommunication companies.
IT implementations of business services, or any
services for that matter, are composites of hardware,
software, applications, data, network, etc. A
common definition for the end-to-end solutions
implementing business services is composite
application (Wikipedia, 2010 b), where the
functionally needed for the service is driven from
several different sources, regardless of ownership of
these sources. The definition refers mainly to
software elements as the main sub-modules;
however, in the domain of IT management,
composite application includes hardware and other
non-software (SW) resources. More specifically,
when examining the end-goal of an IT service to
cater for business services, the delivered application
is the one that is perceived as the service in question.
Thus, the resources comprising such a service (e.g.
network elements and servers) are a means to
delivering the solution. These decomposition levels
of IT concerns focus the decision-making on the
managed solutions rather on technical elements
constituting it.
Figure 1: Composite Application of an on-
premise IT systems, analogous to an in-house supply
F. Ferguson D. and Hadar E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 69-76
DOI: 10.5220/0003048000690076
chain. In such a case, the IT resources implementing
a business service are internal within the enterprise.
The model is logically constructed as a
manufacturing company that is vertically integrated,
has only an internal supply chain and performs all
manufacturing internally. In an on-premise
composite application, the enterprise’s IT
department purchases the raw material (e.g. servers,
routers, database SW, packaged applications,
namely, the composite application structure
elements), then installs, configures, integrates and
manages the base resources to form a completely
internal solution.
When off-premise or any cloud solution is
considered, modifications to the properties of the
elements structuring the “online ordering” system
described in Figure 2 can be ownership, location,
generic usage permits and elasticity.
Ownership of the full structure will define the
billing relationships between the IT department and
its supply chain such as leasing or renting the assets
comprising the structure (Danielson and Hadar
2009). The cost model of the offered composite
application between the IT department and the
internal consumers from the different enterprise
business units can be calculated per usage, periodic,
or fixed, paid and budgeted in advanced or charged
The location of the composite application sub-
elements, namely internally within the enterprise
sites or externally on a third party hosting service,
defines the integrability of the elements and the type
of networks that binds them: local network, secured
wide area networks, or open networks (such as the
Usage limitations of such the composite
application elements offered from a remote location
and over the internet can be offered to restricted
groups as a private offering, or without grouping and
limitations to the public consumers.
Consequently, the Composite Application,
offered as a service, can be constructed from only
public Cloud elements, external to the enterprise, or
from elements that are offered by private cloud
vendors, still external to the enterprise. The offered
service can even be constructed as a hybrid cloud
solution, where part of the service is constructed
from on-premise, internal assets, and the other parts
from external private or public ones.
Thus, composite application deployment
models define the external types categorized as
Public, Private, and Hybrid. These types are derived
from the ownership, location and restricted usage of
the underlying elements. Cost models and levels of
dynamic flexibility (elasticity) of the offerings are
affecting the business models between the
providers of the cloud services (external or
internal), and the consumers of these cloud services
(either the IT department or a Business Unit of the
enterprise). Intermediation and bridging services
may enhance the relationship between Providers and
Consumers, facilitated by a broker, which can be a
third business entity, or be part of the Provider or
Consumer organizations.
For the sake of clarity, in this document, any
discussion termed with “Cloud” refers to Public,
Private, or Hybrid Clouds, which are external to the
organization. Solutions that address smart datacenter
capabilities, where the assets are fully located within
the enterprise sites (whether owned or leased) will
be referred to as “Internal cloud”, or as Physical-
Virtualized (PV) solution.
As detailed ahead in prototypical scenarios, it is
anticipated by analysts (Fellows and Piraino 2009)
that most of the cloud related solutions in 2010 will
be on internal clouds for mission-critical or data
sensitive Composite Applications. Non-critical
services will be consumed from external Public and
Private clouds (such as receiving CRM services
from, or e-mail services from
Google), and only a small fraction will be
constructed in a hybrid manner. Thus, enterprises are
incrementally moving to a model in which cloud
service providers implement sub-elements of an
enterprise’s IT services, either having a transaction
crossing between the services, or as decoupled
standalone external solution. The transformation is
similar to enterprises that have optimized their
businesses through supply chain management
(Wikipedia, 2010 c) and enterprise resource
planning (Wikipedia, 2010 d), delegating services to
other businesses and gradually consuming such
An enterprise that exploits its IT-services from the
cloud, and optionally provides some of the services
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: Composite Application.
cloud-connected-enterprise (CCE). Consumption to
its customers via the cloud, is defined by us as from
the cloud and provisioning to the cloud of IT
services define an IT supply-chain environment, as
detailed in Figure 2: Cloud Connected Enterprise.
The growing offerings from different vendors to the
same conceptual offerings, whether Infrastructure or
Software as a Service (IaaS, SaaS), generates an
economical attraction. Specialization in these
services presumably increases the quality of the
service, and the need to supply a service as fast as
possible supports its agility. Risk is associated with
sizing or performing a task which is not the
enterprise’s main business, and accordingly, all the
associated costs are also drivers for selecting a cloud
provider instead of constructing commoditized
solutions on-premise.
Such benefits can be summarized as QARCC:
Quality, Agility, Risk, Capability and Cost. An
enterprise evolving to a value-chain of cloud IT
services could achieve tremendous business benefits
focusing on the QARCC metrics only.
As a simple example, we can observe the
Akamai – Logitech case in which Logitech planned
a web marketing campaign that would increase Web
traffic to their site by 100 times per day. Logitech
used Akamai’s content distribution network (CDN)
and their Edge Computing technology to implement
the solutin.
The QARCC benefits with regard to a solution
of implementing the business needs in Logitech
internal datacenter where:
Quality: Akamai’s technology is far less
likely to have transient errors than a quickly
deployed, in-house system. Customers would
perceive transient errors to be poor quality in
the Logitech website.
Agility: Logitech did not need to purchase,
install and configure hardware and software.
This shortened the time required to deliver
the solution.
Risk: A best-of-breed provider’s system
may be less likely to crash or become
overloaded. Logitech’s use of the Akamai
CDN for a Web promotional campaign
handled an unexpectedly large amount of
web access without degraded performance.
Capability: The Akamai CDN provides
geographic content caching and distribution,
and end-to-end performance monitoring over
the Internet.
These capabilities would be impossible for
Logitech’s centralized datacenters.
Figure 2: Cloud Connected Enterprise.
Cost: Purchasing, installing and configuring
the IT resources would have been
prohibitively expensive for a short duration
campaign. Logitech simply paid for capacity
according to the amount of time the solution
was deployed.
Nevertheless, one should be careful when
analyzing this example. Becoming a cloud—
connected enterprise that gains value by
transforming from an IT factory to an IT service
value network (SVN) may have negative
consequences. Some obvious examples include:
Information Security - An enterprise invoking
external business service no longer has direct
control over data, which hinders information
governance, risk, compliance, and access
Service Levels Assurance and Agreements -
Evaluating the quality of the business service is
more difficult. In an on-premise solution, it is
possible to debug the end-to-end solution.
Consider the example of invoking an external
source of demographic information or a
business intelligence system. The calling
consumer cannot see the input data, calculation
formulas, etc.
Control - An enterprise can modify internal
hardware and software, and test and analyze
configurations. This allows the enterprise to
compute confidence in an internal composite
application’s availability and performance. The
enterprise calling an external service has no
visibility into how the service provider
implements the functions, and cannot assess the
reliability of a service level agreement.
Understandably, the next generation enterprises will
need to address these concerns of a cloud-connected
enterprise. By using QARCC metrics for
management decision, on-going improvement of
service selection and utilization can increase. By
providing tools to control these IT concerns and
automating the change, overall assurance of service
level agreements is met.
Existing IT management processes usually address
IT management responsibilities, or recommended
steps and best practices for managing IT assets, such
as ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), or other common
workflows. Such workflows can be categorized into
Operation, Configuration, and Application
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: The Composite Application and Business Services Life Cycle (CABS-LC).
Operation perspective: When considering the
case of “keeping the lights on”, we first start with
monitoring the existing state, and accordingly,
analyze and plan for execution of a change, coupled
with knowledge. Namely, Monitor – Analyze – Plan
– Execute with Knowledge (MAPE-K).
Configuration perspective: When dealing with a
new service or solution, one needs first to define the
rational, and configure an existing solution (such as
servers and hardware) followed by maintaining its
life duration. Namely, Define – Configure – Deploy
– Operate – Monitor – Improve.
Application perspective: When considering
providing an application solution, one needs to
consider the integration points, and accordingly,
construct a solution to be optimized gradually.
Namely, Model – Assemble/Develop – Run –
Consolidating these aspects into a cloud
environment, as well as considering that the main
approach in services is the construction of a
Composite Application and the consumption of a
remote service forms a new perspective. This new
perspective is The Composite Application and
Business Services Lifecycle (CABS-LC), shown in
Figure 4.
The CABS-LC is an incremental and iterative
cycle, fostering an agile approach of constant
refactoring and optimization. CABS-LC has a
dynamic and agile approach based on the
assumptions that services change their quality over
time and due to opportunities and alternatives that
emerge for replacement of sub-components, and
business needs change and mutate. CABS-LC is
designed to operate in internal clouds as well as
external or hybrid ones, distinguished by levels of
Information Security, Service Levels Assurance and
Agreements, and Control.
The major steps in CABS-LC are Model -
Develop/Assemble – Provision –Secure – Change –
Monitor – Analyze /Optimize, all acting on a
common integration and toolset framework.
CABS-LC deals not just with infrastructure
settings, but addresses Composite Applications (and
business services) concerns as well. Thus, the
lifecycle steps take a new dimension of software
development as well as IT configuration of
infrastructure, raising the discussion to a holistic
business solution one, rather then IT integration
conversation. Accordingly, the steps are:
Model – the goal of the modelling phase is to
capture the structure of the sub-elements and sub-
entities that are part of a Composite Applications or
a Business Service, including what metrics are
available and needed in order to evaluate the overall
QARCC metrics. The models define two main
layers: (1) the structure of the Composite
Application (components and dependencies), and (2)
the QARCC characteristics structure and needed
metrics, superimposing on the Composite
Application structure. Several models of the same
Composite Application, (constructed differently) can
be then evaluated and tuned according to the same
QARCC metrics. These structures may be defined
differently, providing a foundation for evaluation,
and eventually, automation of the selected structure
assembly and provisioning.
Develop/Assemble – Assembling a solution and
configuring its inner components including hardware
elements (such as images, VMs, routers, etc) and
software services (such as remote web service API
calls, configuring Web-service gateways, setting up
cross-enterprises identities, etc). This phase may
include new designs or adjustments to existing
Provision (deploy) – Since in a public cloud the
notion of provisioning a service actually defines
connecting to one provided by a third part, the need
is for configuration of agreements. This
configuration means setting up a contract with the
service provider, and providing the data necessary
for the provider to perform the service. Regular
provisioning still applies when internal services and
applications, as well as infrastructure that the
enterprise owns or has access to, are distributed and
deployed on regular or virtualized environments.
Secure – Security concerns include identity
management that bridges domains as well as
applying security interception according to policies.
Example are limitations on the deployment locations
of servers (known as physical boundary limitations),
as well as network segmentations that enable
multiple different Composite Applications to co-
exist on the same environment. Such a configuration
of network firewall and relevant identities depends
not just on the theoretical assembly constructed on
the modelling environment, but rather self-adapts to
a selected location (internal, external, or hybrid),
protecting applications and data.
ChangeAutomation of the change process is
comprised of two categories: self-adaptive, and
workflow-driven. Workflow-driven implies that
change is defined and actuated firstly based on needs
and pre-configured triggers, to later on be reused by
automation tools. Self-adaptation is a change that
usually changes the system’s inner state in order to
optimize a goal, such as optimize a QARCC defined
thresholds. Self-Adaptation changes can be
comprised of automated workflow-driven changes,
if massive similar changes are applicable. An
example for self-adaptation is to structure a system
with five servers for load balancing, and a self-
adaptation rule that can increase the number of
servers up to ten according to load, and decrease the
number of provisioned servers to three in case the
system is not in use more than one day. The change
automated provisioning workflow that can be
defined once and reused many times according to
the self-adaptation rule.
Monitor – Metrics, thresholds and eventually
key performance indicators (KPIs), highlight the
status of the monitored Composite Applications by
aggregating and accumulating sources of
information into manageable knowledge. The
knowledge can be provided by automation tools and
humans, driven by machine or human perception,
and eventually can be transformed into actions.
Notice that monitoring includes measuring business
processes and real-world outcomes, not just
automated data provided by managed machines. An
example may be providing an event that informs on
the quality of the ground-mail service: “Did the
package arrive on time?”, in contrast to “What is the
average response rate of the package-delivery
company Web service API?” Thus, daily
operational information can be more than low-level
infrastructure driven one by becoming an element of
managing the application and business solution. For
example, “Do not create a new LDAP ID” or “Add a
user to SAP” indicate usage patterns that might
trigger a need for improvement that will affect the IT
service itself and not part of the underlying system.
Consequently, monitoring is set with composite
KPI at the business level, such as95% of my
purchase orders should be completed in 2 business
days with no human intervention”
Analyze /Optimize – The result of carefully
configured monitors, can serve for analysis and
reasoning on the root-cause of a problem, optionally
leading to a resolution. An example may be that the
system correlates “unresolved requests”, with
“server transactions load”, and analyzes it to “My
web application server is aborting requests under
load”. The triggered resolution of this analysis will
be to provision additional capacity in order to reduce
the load that will increase the system quality.
Analysis can serve for alternative design
between similar services (global optimization), or
finding where to improve in a given service (local
optimization). Optimization can be done on a single
attribute (such as capacity), achieved by automated
changes, or done on multiple attributes that will
trigger a massive refactoring and replacement of a
Changes are part of the dynamic nature of an
elastic cloud environment that can expand and
contract on need, regulation, or business
requirements. Accordingly, using analysis and
optimization for evolving and adjusting existing
solutions is an inherent part of this dynamic world.
As an example, consider the case of an enterprise
running a marketing campaign. In such a case the IT
department will need to rent more warehouse space,
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
purchase more pre-order parts for production,
change online pricing rules engines, modify the web
personalization rules and content database, acquire
and provision capacity on IaaS providers such as
EC2 and Microsoft Azure, set up end-to-end
monitoring with Gomez, etc.
This “marketing campaign” IT project, will be
defined as a set of Composite Applications that are
connected together, from storage and computing
space, to servers, database content changes,
recovery, success monitoring tools, business
transaction management and more. Accordingly, one
needs to:
1. Model the components dependency and define
components should be provisioned, including
architecture considerations such as availability,
scalability, recovery and backup plans.
2. Decide and select implementation components
either by buying, pay per use, or building, and
accordingly plan how to test the solution in the
appropriate testing environment.
3. After the test is successful, actual deployment
into an open-network segmentation will
commence, requiring additional configurations
of the composite application, specifically with
access and security permissions. The provisioned
solution needs to manage privileges for both
administrators as well as regular costumers.
4. Change will happen when the collected
marketing broadcast data is updated. Scalability
becomes an issue when non-planned users are
logging in, and of course, when problems and
malfunctions occur.
5. Monitoring the marketing campaign will mean
measuring transactions’ performance, user
experience, and availability as promised by the
service providers, and other metrics that could
indicate the quality of the Composite
Application. These metrics are coupled with
additional indications on the actual cost and
capacity planned, as well as the ability of the
composite application to handle load stress.
Namely, the QARCC (Quality, Agility, Risk,
Cost and Capacity) metrics. Examples are “how
many costumers leave the campaign without any
purchase?”, “what products are selling the
most?” and “is the load balancing system
working?”, “are there fulfilment problems and
bottlenecks in the financial transactions?”, “are
their hacking attacks to the marketing data?”.
6. Analysis of the QARCC metrics of the
campaign, as well as its individual sub-elements,
required smart threshold setting (KPI) as well as
considering alternative services. Analyzing
options may identify a need to optimize the
solution. Such an optimization may be a decision
to increase the service agreement with the
provider for more capacity or reduce the risk of
information lost by providing additional backup
cycle. If the amounts of transactions consumers
are activating change, performance might be
affected in one of the sub-elements. Triggering
and connecting to another sub-service provider to
enable the same service may be an option.
Consider the case of the sub-service credit-card
billing that was not designed to manage such
transactional load. This can be achieved by
analysis of the underlying elements that construct
the QARCC metrics, and finding the root-cause
for degradation in performance.
This paper described the supply-chain concerns of
the cloud-connected-enterprise (CCE), affecting the
selection of the structure of a composite application
that is based on its QARCC quality characteristics.
The Composite Application and Business Services
(CABS) lifecycle methodology and process supports
the selection of the best structure. Consequently, the
methodology is driven by a set of loosely-coupled
tools that can automate business and architecture
rules and assist in optimizing IT management of
cloud concerns.
The content and decision on which the
automation is acted upon is either driven by
community, vendor preferences, or customers’
specific needs. It is reasonable to assume that the
QARCC needs and CABS automation will differ
from one enterprise to another, however, similarities
in the QARCC evaluation structure and criteria will
Our approach for loosely-coupled solutions
supporting CABS and QARCC, is propelled by
smart integrations of tools that provide capabilities
and data needed to compute and assess the structures
of the QARCC metrics and values, thus, drive the
decision-making of the optimization element of the
suggested change, and the following provisioning.
This work-in-progress is materialized by the
manifestation of such tools, and evidence based
results that will be provided as the research
Wikipedia, May 2010 a, Business Service Management.
IBM web site, May 2010, A component-based approach
to strategic change, http://www-
Wikipedia, May 2010 b, Composite Application,
Wikipedia, May 2010 c, Supply Chain Management,
Wikipedia, May 2010 d, Enterprise Resource Planning,
Danielson D., Hadar E., “Analysis of IT concern
landscape as trigger for innovation in cloud
computing” , CA’s white paper, May 2009, NY, USA
William Fellows, Antonio Piraino, “2010 preview – Cloud
computing”, 14 Dec 2009, 451 group.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies