Toward a Strategy that Works 'Forever'
J. H. Appelman and S. S. Krishnan
Delft University of Technology,Faculty Technology, Policy & Management, Jaffalaan 5 Delft, The Netherlands
Center for the Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) Raj Bhavan Circle, Bangalore 560 001, India
Keywords: Eco-effectiveness, Eco-efficiency, ICT-industry, Transition, Sustainability.
Abstract: This paper takes the position that the ICT-sector would do well to embrace an efficiency strategy but argues
that a sole focus on efficiency is insufficient. Eco-effective strategies are introduced and it is argued that
they presuppose each other.
The past 40 years we have witnessed the coming
about of a totally new industry and services sector;
the Information and Communication Technology
sector, colloquially referred to as the ICT-sector.
During those decades we have become highly
dependent on ICT to coordinate stocks and flows of
people, goods, materials and services around the
world. This growth has been healthy from an
economic perspective, creating and replacing many
jobs that were lost in other parts of industry. The
coming decades we are in for a far more deep
restructuring in the way we produce and distribute
things. Increases in population and dwindling
resource bases force us to be innovative, but the pay-
offs economically, ecologically and socially are
potentially enormous.
It is to be expected that more people will want to
use more computers and computing power while
resources are dwindling on a global scale. The goal
of this paper is therefore to sketch an outline for a
transition-path for the ICT-industry toward a non-
harmful profitable industry that is able to generate a
wide enough range of services and products to
include all people.
In order to be able to do so it is important to
determine how much of the materials and energy is
used to produce a computer in order to come up with
suggestions how to improve design, production and
recycling phases. Energy-usage and E-waste are the
two topics we focus on because energy use and E-
waste taken together are a good indicator of the
relative Ecological Footprint of the production of
most goods. (See Huibregts, et.al. 2008, 2010)
We will sketch why it is urgent to try to become
a more ‗green‘ sector in the background section,
where we also elaborate on two approaches that are
emblematic for a eco-efficiency and eco-
effectiveness approach. We show that a focus on
energy-efficiency is promising but insufficient if we
look further than 2 decades or so. We will touch
upon the implications and come to the conclusions
that the current efforts of the industry leaders are
primarily aimed at becoming more efficient; a
laudable goal but insufficient in the long run and
suggest a route to go from eco-efficient to eco-
effective solutions.
In this section we sketch some global trends that
elucidate that it is timely to think about alternative
ways of producing and we introduce two approaches
to sustainability that exemplify two generic
strategies that promise to deliver a sustainable ICT-
sector. Then we follow with a more detailed account
of the current use of materials and energy in the
global ICT-sector. This will, just as in subsection 1,
be an exemplary account because there is a vast
world of research behind the multitude of topics. We
Appelman J. and Krishnan S. (2010).
EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE - Toward a Strategy that Works ’Forever’.
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 63-70
unite the sustainability subsection and the ICT-
subsection in the subsequent conclusions where we
outline a strategy, applicable at all levels and
therefore necessarily rather abstract, that can make
the ICT industry ‗last forever‘.
The first decade of this new millennium is
marked, even taking the economic crisis into
account, by an extraordinary economic productivity
and an alarming decline in the viability of eco-
systems that are the foundation of our prosperity and
The simple truth is that we as a species are able
to destroy our own conditions for prosperity. Since
1987, industry and end-consumers use more
resources than the earth can produce and if we do
not find alternatives and the current growth-rates of
our economies continues we will be out of Zinc,
Copper and a few other materials within 30 to 50
There are, essentially, two ways to contribute to
a more sustainable computing industry. The first is
labelled eco-efficiency and is a ‗do more with less
strategy. When we give an overview of the activities
of the global ICT sector we will see that industry
and governments currently put great emphasis on
this strategy. The other strategy aims to
design/develop products and production platforms
that are inherently good, That is to say beneficial to
the natural environment, inclusive at the social level,
through an emphasis on diversity, and financially
profitable in the economic realm. But we start now
with an introduction of an approach that is
emblematic for an eco-efficient approach.
The ecological footprint concept and calculation
method was developed by Wackernagel and Rees
(1992, 1996). Ecological footprint analysis compares
all human demand on nature with the capacity of the
biosphere to regenerate resources and provide
services. This resource accounting is similar to life
cycle analysis wherein the consumption of energy,
biomass (food, fiber), building material, water and
other resources are converted into a normalized
measure. The Ecological converst all inputs to so-
called 'global hectares'. The method does, however
have a ‗blind spot, it is myopic with respect to the
relative toxicity of substances released in nature,
while: ―Air, water, and soil do not safely absorb our
wastes unless the wastes themselves are completely
healthy and biodegradable‖ (McDonough &
Braungart, 2002). A barrel of dioxin can a have a
similar footprint as a barrel of a less toxic chemical
or maybe even harmless chemical substance that
required a similar amount of energy and resources to
produce. But apart from this remark it is a
comprehensive method that enables measurement
and comparison (bench-marking).
Per capita ecological footprint (EF) is a means of
comparing consumption and lifestyles, and checking
this against nature's ability to provide. Consumption
should be read here as input or demand. Just as
human consumers, industries and factories also
consume or demand large amounts of energy and
resources. It totally depends at what level you
analyze a system. The footprint can also be a useful
tool to educate people about carrying capacity and
over-consumption, with the aim of altering personal
behaviour. That is how the footprint was originally
used but EF can accommodate and measure
footprints at different levels. The smallest unit is the
individual but via aggregation higher levels can
easily be compounded and analyzed. Ecological
footprints show that many current lifestyles and
ways of producing goods and services to support
such life-styles are not sustainable. Comparison at
the nation-state or regional level clearly shows the
inequalities of resource use on this planet at the
beginning of the twenty-first century. As such,
although it is essentially an accounting method, the
truth it reveals about how we deal with our planet
and fellow human beings immediately gives rise to
ethical and political considerations. The approach
can inform policy by examining to what extent a
nation, region or municipality uses more (or less)
than is available within its territory, it clearly shows
limits. It does not provide much information on how
to transform production to a nourishing instead of
destroying activity, which stimulates diversity and is
profitable. The main prescription is to do more with
less to fight the twin-problem of dwindling resources
and growing populations. So, EF is ‗naturally‘
inclined to focus on efficiency strategies because of
the way in which the problem is framed. Essentially,
the strategy chosen is a watered down version of the
business as usual scenario. We will elaborate on the
use of the foot print and the strategy of eco-
efficiency when we sketch the current state of affairs
in the ICT-industry. Now we turn to the introduction
of approaches that try to come up with solutions to
the ecological problems, and therewith, economic
and social, that will redefine what business as usual
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
These approaches are labeled as eco-effective
because they try to support a transition to an
economy and society that is not harmful, excluding
and economically unfeasible in the long run.
Positively framed these approaches aim to deliver
designs that are nourishing, inclusive and profitable.
A number of ecologically intelligent design
approaches to architecture, industry and
architectures that involves materials, buildings and
patterns of settlement have been formulated and
developed over the past two decades. Elements of
C2C are also found in industrial ecology (Ehrenfeld,
1997, 2000) and bio mimicry (Benyus, 2002) both
approaches were formulated from an engineering
perspective. In the agricultural field deep ecology, as
a philosophy, spawned a new radical way of re-
designing agriculture, permaculture, in such a way
that it functions once again as a CO2 sink,
contributes to instead of destroys (bio-)diversity and
is more productive per acre. All these approaches
aim to come to designs that last forever‘, that is, as
long as the sun shines.
Cradle-to-cradle is an eloquent and outspoken
version of this approach. It frames (human) systems
as nutrient cycles. Materials designed as biological
nutrients provide nourishment for nature after use;
technical nutrients circulate through industrial
systems in closed-loop cycles of production,
recovery and remanufacture. Following a science-
based protocol for selecting safe, healthful
ingredients, cradle-to-cradle design maximizes the
utility of material assets. Responding to physical,
cultural and climate-related settings, it creates
buildings and community plans that generate a
diverse range of economic, social and ecological
value in industrialized and developing countries
(McDonough, W., Braungart, M., 2002b).
The keyword is the generation of value: eco-
effective systems tend to generate value in more
than one domain and once installed for a long period
of time. The aim is to maximize profit, people and
The design precepts that demarcate a solution
space are:
- Use only renewable energy sources such as
solar power, hydropower and wind power.
- Eliminate the concept of waste.
- Outputs of any component in the system should
provide nutrients for the biosphere or the
- No loss of quality should occur (upgrading of
materials instead of the current downgrading)
- Respect and cherish diversity. This includes
diversity of life, culture, place, needs and uniqueness
of people.
- Promote the rights of people and nature to
coexist in a healthy, mutually supporting diverse and
sustainable situation.
The last two points indicate, just as with the
Ecological Footprint, that the solutions that need to
be found will require more than becoming even
more efficient. Systemic change also requires
change at the institutional level, usually the domain
of politics in a co-production with regulators.
However, even if the political field would do
nothing industry will need to alter the ways in which
they design and produce in order to remain
flourishing as a sector, exactly because some raw
materials are increasingly getting scarce.
In this section we start with an impression of the
economic performance of the industry and continue
with energy-use and e-waste to sketch the ecological
performance of the sector. Then we report on the
initiatives undertaken by the ICT-sector itself to
decrease its impact on the environment while
remaining profitable.
Economic Growth
The Information Communications Technology (ICT)
Industry has experienced impressive growth figures
over the past 30 years. The sector contributed 16%
of global GDP growth from 2002 to 2007 and the
sector itself has increased its share of GDP
worldwide from 5.8 to 7.3% and it is expected to
jump further to 8.7% of GDP growth worldwide in
Economy-wise the ICT sector is performing
above average and the trend is, under similar
circumstances, that this growth pattern will be
maintained for the next decade. Initially the ICT-
sector has had a relatively green image, due to the
promises it potentially delivers in the area of tele-
working or distributed ways of working and critical
studies in the 70‘s already showed that vast
improvements could be made in the area of design
and production of hardware.
In low income countries, an average of 10 more
mobile phone users per 100 people was found to
stimulate a per capita GDP growth of 0.59%. (The
Climate Group, 2008). The report further suggests
EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE - Toward a Strategy that Works 'Forever'
that a third of the economic growth in the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) countries between 1970 and
1990 was due to access to fixed-line telecoms
networks alone, which lowered transaction costs and
helped firms to access new markets.
Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing
The energy consumed by a manufacturing process is
a major direct measure of its impact on the
environment. The energy consumed usually
translates to the amount of energy that has been
produced from fossil fuel-fired plants or captive
generators. The energy consumed thus has a strong
link with the amount of fossil fuels consumed and
contributes therefore to the depletion and
degradation of the environment (soil, air and water).
The sustainability benefits are further magnified
because a unit of energy consumption on the
demand side has a multiplier effect. It results in
savings of about five to ten units of raw energy input
on the supply side.
A typical desktop pc with a 17‖ flat panel LCD
monitor requires about 100 watts. Not much? Left
on 24/7 for one year, the system will consume a
whopping 874 kWh electricity. That‘s enough to
release 750 lbs. of carbon dioxide into the
atmospherethe equivalent of driving 820 miles in
an average car (NASSCOM, 2009).
The ICT sector‘s own emissions are expected to
increase, in a business as usual (BAU) scenario,
from 0.53 billion tonnes (Gt) carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2e) in 2002 to 1.43 GtCO2e in 2020
The ICT-enabled solutions would deliver savings of
1 tonne per capita in 2020, a significant step in the
right direction.
In 2007, the total Carbon footprint of the ICT
sector including personal computers (PCs) and
peripherals, telecom networks and devices and data
centres was 830 MtCO2e, about 2% of the
estimated total emissions from human activity
released that year. Even if the efficient technology
developments outlined in the rest of the chapter are
implemented, this figure looks set to grow at 6%
each year until 2020. The carbon generated from
materials and manufacture is about one quarter of
the overall ICT footprint, the rest coming from its
use (The Climate Group, 2008).
Section 2 has largely been based on a report composed by one of
the authors for the Government of India, Bureau of Energy
By 2020, when a large fraction of developing
countries‘ populations (up to 70% in China) will be
able to afford ICT devices and will have caught up
with developed countries‘ ownership levels, they
will account for more than 60% of ICT‘s carbon
emissions (compared to less than half today), driven
largely by growth in mobile networks and PCs. But
these are not the fastest growing elements of the
footprint. Despite first-generation virtualization and
other efficiency measures, data centers will grow
faster than any other ICT technology, driven by the
need for storage, computing and other information
technology (IT) services. Though the telecoms
footprint continues to grow, it represents a smaller
share of the total ICT carbon footprint in 2020 as
efficiency measures balance growth (The Climate
Group, 2008).
E-scrap is one of the fastest growing components of
the global waste stream and, arguably, one of the
most troublesome. The European Environmental
Agency calculates that the volume of e-scrap is now
rising roughly three times faster than other forms of
municipal waste. The total annual global volume of
e-scrap is soon expected to reach roughly 40 million
metric tons enough to fill a line of dump trucks
stretching half way around the world. Rapid product
innovations and replacement, especially in ICT and
office equipment the migration from analog to
digital technologies and to flat-screen TVs and
monitors, for example is fueling an increase of e-
waste. (UNUniversity, 2007). For manufacturers,
improving the e-scrap recycling process is essential
to continuity in business one or 2 decades from now.
Unqualified or unscrupulous treatment of e-scrap is
still usual in many emerging economies and a lot of
the problems are exported by more developed nation
states to developing countries.
The inappropriate handling of E-waste leads,
amongst others, to:
1. Emissions of highly toxic dioxins, furans and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
2. Soil and water contamination from chemicals
such as: brominated flame retardants (used in circuit
boards and plastic computer cases, connectors and
cables); PCBs (in transformers and capacitors); and
lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, chromium and other
heavy metals (in monitors and other devices).
Studies show rapidly increasing concentrations of
these heavy metals in humans; in sufficient dosages,
they can cause neuro-developmental disorders and
possibly cancer.
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
3. Waste of valuable resources that could be
efficiently recovered for a new product lifecycle. In
many industrializing and developing countries,
growing numbers of people earn a living from
recycling and salvaging electronic waste. In most
cases, though, this is done through so called
―backyard practices,‖ often taking place under the
most primitive circumstances, exposing workers to
extensive health dangers. (UNUniversity, 2007) But
what kind and what quantities of valuable resources
are we talking about are we talking about?
One metric ton (t) of electronic scrap from
personal computers (PC‘s) contains more gold than
that recovered from 17 t of gold ore. In 1998, the
amount of gold recovered from electronic scrap in
the United States was equivalent to that recovered
from more than 2 million metric tons (Mt) of gold
ore and waste. A ton of used mobile phones, for
example or approximately 6,000 handsets (a tiny
fraction of today's 1 billion annual production)
contains about 3.5 kilograms of silver, 340 grams of
gold, 140 grams of palladium, and 130 kg of copper,
according to StEP. The average mobile phone
battery contains another 3.5 grams of copper.
Combined value: over US $15,000 at today's prices.
Another example: recovering 10 kilograms of
aluminum via recycling, for example, uses no more
than 10% of the energy required for primary
production, preventing the creation of 13 kilograms
of bauxite residue, 20 kilograms of CO2, and 0.11
kilograms of sulphur dioxide emissions, and causes
many other emissions and impacts. Compared to
disposal, computer reuse creates 296 more jobs per
for every 10,000 tons of material disposed each year
(Electronics Takeback Coalition, 2010 ).
In addition to well-known precious metals such
as gold, palladium and silver, unique and
indispensable metals have become increasingly
important in electronics. Among them: Indium, a by-
product of zinc mining used in more than 1 billion
products per year, including flat-screen monitors and
mobile phones. In the last five years, indium‘s price
has increased six-fold, making it more expensive
than silver. Though known mine reserves are
limited, indium recycling is so far taking place in
only a few plants in Belgium, Japan and the U.S.
Japan recovers roughly half its indium needs through
The market value of other important minor
metals used in electronics such as bismuth (used in
lead-free solders) has doubled since 2005 while
ruthenium (used in resistors and hard disk drives)
has increased by a factor of seven since early 2006.
The large price spikes for all these special elements
that rely on production of metals like zinc, copper,
lead or platinum underline that supply security at
affordable prices cannot be guaranteed indefinitely
unless efficient recycling loops are established to
recover them from old products (UNUniversity,
2007). Now, what is already done by the industry at
this point in time?
The global ICT industry has chosen an eco-
efficient strategy. Standardizing recycling processes
globally to harvest valuable components in electrical
and electronic scrap (E-scrap), extending the life of
products and markets for their reuse, and
harmonizing world legislative and policy approaches
to e-scrap are prime goals of a new global public-
private initiative called: Solving the E-waste
Problem (StEP). Major high-tech manufacturers,
including Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Dell,
Ericsson, Philips and Cisco Systems, join UN,
governmental, NGO and academic institutions,
along with recycling / refurbishing companies as
charter members of the initiative. (UNuniversity,
2007) In which reduction in the form of
dematerialization, recycling and re-use to recoup
precious resources and regulation to induce
compliance with standards are the main foci of
attention. That will sometimes be quite a challenge,
because alloys cannot be separated anymore and,
sometimes, the different metals cannot be separated
which delivers an alloy when melted. The quality of
the materials used is downgraded in this way and
cannot be restored and recycled for the same
purpose. It will serve a lower function because the
properties of the materials have been lost, a classical
example of down-cycling.
Valuable resources in every scrapped product
with a battery or plug computers, TVs, radios,
wired and wireless phones, MP3 players, navigation-
systems, microwave ovens, coffee makers, toasters,
hair-dryers, to name but a few are being trashed
in rising volumes worldwide. Worse, items
charitably sent to developing countries for re-use
often ultimately remain unused for a host of reasons,
or are shipped by unscrupulous recyclers for illegal
disposal. And, e-scrap in developing countries is
incinerated, not only wasting needed resources but
adding toxic chemicals to the environment, both
local and global. (UNUniversity, 2007)
EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE - Toward a Strategy that Works 'Forever'
Re-use happens but not systematically and given
the short innovation cycles in the industry
hybridization of products is a trend that is emerging.
To cater to consumer-preferences exteriors can be
replaced while the technology driving the device is
long-lasting and will be taken back by the producer
to retain and re-use the resources embedded in it.
The trick is to make the different components easily
separable, saving costs and creating conditions to
upgrade the resources used. Currently most of what
is re-used is donated and in the end thrown away in
developing countries that do not tend to have good
e-waste recovery infrastructures.
To get things moving forward, the GeSi report
launches a new SMART framework, a guide for
developing ICT solutions. Through standards,
monitoring and accounting (SMA) tools and
rethinking (R) and optimizing how we live and
work, ICT could be one crucial piece of the overall
transformation (T) to a low carbon economy> The
sector is supported when moving in this direction by
some inherent positive traits of ICT when related to
According to an INTEL report on sustainability,
the forecasts for energy consumption and emissions
of carbon dioxide to 2010 for the North American
economy may have to be adjusted down by around 5
percent, due to the rapid impact of the Internet
economy. Another study, by the Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory and cited in the INTEL report,
found that the IT-economy could potentially reduce
the growth in carbon emissions by 67 percent over
what they would otherwise be between 2000 and
ICT also contributes to dematerialization.
Through dematerialization, the same or an increased
quality and quantity of goods and/or services are
created using fewer natural resources (material or
energy). Decreased consumption of paper is a good
example and applications like e-readers could
contribute to a reduction of energy consumption.
Compared to reading a newspaper, receiving the
news on a wirless device like a PDA, results in the
release of 32 to 140 times less carbon dioxide and
several orders of magnitude less nitrogen and
sulphur oxides.
For years, the potential for video conferencing
has been discussed. Coupled with other soft-ware
such as sketching tools, Group Support Systems and
design support tools, virtual meetings become
eminently possible. Today‘s bandwidth makes the
technology truly viable. Existing video conference
solutions indicate that if 5 to 30 percent of business
travels in Europe were substituted by video
conferencing or virtual meetings, more than 5.59 to
33.53 million tons of CO2 emissions would be
saved. Based on German experiences, a 20 percent
reduction of business travel in the EU through video
conferencing could save 22 million tons of CO2
(INTEL, 2007).
The Climate Group, 2008) analysis did identify
some of the biggest and most accessible
opportunities for ICT to achieve savings:
1. Smart motor systems: A review of
manufacturing in China has identified that without
optimization, 10% of China‘s emissions (2% of
global emissions) in 2020 will come from China‘s
motor systems alone and to improve industrial
efficiency even by 10% would deliver up to 200
million tonnes (Mt) CO2e savings. Applied globally,
optimized motors and industrial automation would
reduce 0.97 GtCO2e in 2020, worth Euro68 billion
($107.2 billion).
2. Smart logistics: Through a host of efficiencies
in transport and storage, smart logistics in Europe
could deliver fuel, electricity and heating savings of
225 MtCO2e. The global emissions savings from
smart logistics in 2020 would reach 1.52 GtCO2e,
with energy savings worth Euro280 billion ($441.7
3. Smart buildings: A closer look at buildings in
North America indicates that better building design,
management and automation could save 15% of
North America‘s buildings emissions. Globally,
smart buildings technologies would enable 1.68
GtCO2e of emissions savings, worth Euro216 billion
($340.8 billion).
4. Smart grids: Reducing T&D losses in India‘s
power sector by 30% is possible through better
monitoring and management of electricity grids, first
with smart meters and then by integrating more
advanced ICTs into the so-called energy internet.
Smart grid technologies were the largest opportunity
found in the study and could globally reduce 2.03
GtCO2e, worth Euro79 billion ($124.6 billion) (the
Climate Group, 2008).
An industry led efficiency approach promises to
have quite some impact and could help us move
globally to a low-carbon economy. The Climate
Group report mentions that specific ICT
opportunities can lead to emission reductions five
times the size of the ICT sector‘s own footprint, up
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
to 7.8 GtCO2e, or 15% of total BAU (business as
usual) emissions by 2020. But is it enough? This is
what we provide an answer to in the last section.
Although one may expect to find that ICT could
make our lives ‗greener by making them more
virtual, the first and most significant role for ICT is
enabling efficiency. Consumers and businesses can‘t
manage what they can‘t measure. Efficiency may
not sound as inspirational as a CtoC solution but, in
the short term, achieving efficiency savings equal to
15% of global emissions. The breadth of solutions
will span motor systems, logistics and transport,
buildings and electricity grids across all key
economies in the world. Mature economies will be
able to upgrade and optimize entrenched systems
and infrastructures. Developing countries could
‗leapfrog‘ inefficient mechanisms and integrate
state-of-the-art solutions into their evolving
societies. Companies that implement the solutions
will capture part of the potential global savings of
Euro600 billion ($946.5 billion).
In the introduction we already hinted at the fact
that there are a lot of signals that ―Business as
Usual‖ is over. Business as usual ultimately destroys
the natural base on which we built all our wealth.
We showed that awareness has translated in action
and, globally, the ICT industry follows other sectors
that put their sustainability bets on an eco-efficiency
strategy, exemplified by the Ecological Footprint.
Governments and regulators tend to like the
Ecological Footprint because they can fulfil their
designated role as regulator. Business and
government like it because you can measure things;
a precondition for regulation, control and prediction.
The fact remains however that the Ecological
Footprint is unable to factor in toxicity as a measure
and the framing of the problem leads to solutions
that follow the credo: do more with less resources
and energy.
We strongly support the move the industry world
wide is making in the area of (energy)-efficiency,
because it gives relief to a host of problems we will
face the coming years. But efficiency strategy
provides just that, relief. And if we stick to such a
strategy as a sector we: ―… will in fact achieve the
opposite; it will let industry finish off everything,
quietly, persistently and completely.‖
(McDonough& Braungart, 2002a, p.81)
Given this common-sense notion, also echoed by
other scholars/researchers, we conclude that eco-
efficiency in and by itself is, as a strategy, necessary
but insufficient. Eco effective strategies should also
be formulated. And the strategies are mutually
supportive, almost pre-suppose each other, because
eco-efficiency strategies generate funds in the form
of cost-savings that should be reinvested in eco-
effective design of infrastructures and appliances to
ensure a sustainable future for the sector. Efficiency
further supports the move to an effectiveness
strategy because the more energy-efficient a product
is the easier it becomes to design and produce eco-
effective computers and auxiliary products. Simply
because alternative sources of energy-generation and
supply become feasible and the soft-ware and
technical support, that help ensure a stable supply of
energy are increasingly available. We also put
forward that following an eco-efficient strategy with
an eco-effective strategy is good business sense
because it creates new markets as can currently be
witnessed in the energy-sector. Where
diversification of supply, based on current
technologies, combined with smart-grid technology
creates possibilities to reduce carbon emissions
drastically. A precondition to come to solutions that
are effective and efficient and, therefore will
potentially last as long as the sun shines.
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