linear programming. However, this process is based on deterministic values, which
insufficiently reflect the uncertainty associated with a QoS attribute in actual execution.
E.g., response times may heavily fluctuate due to network and computational load, thus
leading to QoS violations in the actual execution of a workflow.
As a solution, we have adapted an existing methodology for the simulation of
generalized activity networks to the specific field of workflows in SOA. This simulation
process allows to assess the expected characteristics of a workflow, most importantly
the likelihood that a QoS constraint will be violated, in more detail. Depending on
a requester’s preferences, the outcome of the simulation process can be utilized to
repeatedly conduct the service selection procedure, thus minimizing the probability of
QoS violations more effectively. The practical applicability and benefit of our approach
has been proven using a prototypical implementation of a workflow simulation tool.
In our future work, we aim at combining the currently separated steps of service
selection and workflow simulation into an integrated tool. We will further investigate
the issue of mining probability distributions from historic service execution data as a
prerequisite of more realistic simulation. In this context, QoS attributes besides response
time will also be explicitly addressed.
This work has partly been sponsored by the E-Finance Lab e. V., Frankfurt am Main,
Germany (http://www.efinancelab.de).
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