Antoine Doucet
Department of Computer Science, University of Caen Lower-Normandy, Caen, France
Helena Ahonen-Myka
Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Text mining, Natural language processing, Keyphrases, Collocations.
In this paper, we review statistical techniques for the direct evaluation of descriptive phrases and introduce a
new technique based on mutual information. In the experiments, we apply this technique to different types of
frequent sequences, hereby finding mathematical justification of former empirical practice.
The growing quantity of textual data has required
adapted methods for retrieving relevant information
from overwhelming document collections. A method
was developed to efficiently extract content descrip-
tors from large document collections. The technique
is based on datamining concepts and is extracting the
longest frequent sequences. The resulting descrip-
tors are known as the maximal frequent sequences
(MFS) (Ahonen-Myka and Doucet, 2005).
These compact descriptors take the form of word
sequences. A challenge is to estimate the relevance
of these descriptors. Relevance is indeed a subjective
notion, which naturally implies that many difficulties
arise when one seeks for a numerical evaluation. The
usual way is to ask to a domain expert to evaluate
a random sample of the results. But this is unfortu-
nately extremely time-consuming, and the subjectiv-
ity of the domain expert remains fully correlated with
the estimate.
Therefore, based on the example of the maximal
frequent sequences, we review in this paper different
ideas to numerically estimate the “a priori relevance”
of content descriptors. A strong motivation is that an
expert judgement is usually requested after a project
was finished, but there are few alternatives during the
development process. Because it is of course impos-
sible to ask for a daily expert evaluation, based on un-
achieved work. Being able to estimate the descriptors
at any time would be very helpful.
Many of the statistical techniques used to acquire
collocations have appeared very interesting for this
purpose. Thus, the concept of a collocation is ex-
plained in Section 2, to be able to relate it to maxi-
mal frequent sequences, described in Section 3, and a
study of the existing work on collocation acquisition
is given in Section 4. We will then present an exten-
sion of our descriptors, resulting of an initially empir-
ical postprocessing, of which use we want to evaluate
numerically (Section 5). The choice and definition of
our estimation technique is made in Section 6. That
technique was implemented and tested on a financial
news corpus in Section 7. Finally, a brief conclusion
is given in Section 8.
Extracting collocations has a variety of applications.
Using the likeliness that one word occurs after an-
other can be used for disambiguation. Lexicogra-
phy is another evident application: Many dictionaries
are aiming to integrate the variations of meaning, in-
duced by combining words. Thereafter, collocations
have been extensively used to improve the fluency of
language generation systems, by using a lexicon of
collocations or word phrases during the word selec-
tion phase. The other common application is machine
translation. Since collocations cannot be character-
ized by using syntactic and semantic regularities, and
Doucet A. and Ahonen-Myka H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003054801410149
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 141-149
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
thus they cannot be translated on a word-by-word ba-
sis, they need to be known from a bilingual collo-
cation lexicon. Such a lexicon can be built semi-
automatically by using text alignment techniques, ap-
plied to a bilingual corpora.
2.1 The Lexicographic and Linguistic
Many authors pointed out that collocations are not
easy to define. McKeown and Radev describe them as
“covering word pairs and phrases that are commonly
used in language, but for which no general syntac-
tic or semantic rules apply” (McKeown and Radev,
2000). In the linguistic and lexicographic literature,
collocations are usually said to lie somewhere be-
tween two opposite types of word phrases, free word
combinations and idioms. From these points of view,
these notions differ of that of a collocation:
A free word combination can be described using
general rules, respecting a certain syntactic rela-
tion. For example: run+[object] (i.e., manage),
where “object” is an open-ended class.
An idiom is a rigid word combination to which
no generalities apply. For example: foot the bill,
where no word can be interchanged.
Collocation fall between these two extremes. An
example of a collocation is to explode a myth, which
falls neither in the free word combination’s nor in
the idiom’s categories. Indeed, myth and some other
words (e.g. “idea” or “theory”...) can be substituted,
but this exchange is not opened to any class (and in
this specific case, it is not opened to the class [ob-
ject] of the verb “to explode”). One can easily guess
that, in practice, this categorization can be really dif-
ficult. Similar simple combinations can easily trigger
two categories. For example, the combination [adjec-
tive]+table should be categorized as a free word com-
bination in some cases (“red/blue/wooden table”) and
as a collocation in some others (“multiplication/tennis
However, many of these subtleties are barely
dealt with via automated statistical techniques. And
our work does not focus on extracting collocations
as such, but rather on exploiting a study of known
collocation acquisition techniques so as to find means
to evaluate the relevance of descriptors. Thus, for
our purpose, it is much more appropriate to adopt
a slightly different definition of a collocation, that
of (Benson, 1990):
A collocation is an arbitrary and recurrent word
This shift is easily justified by Smadja’s observa-
tion that, depending on their interests and points of
view, researchers have focused on different character-
istics of collocation, resulting in no consensus about
a global definition (Smadja, 1993). However, some
general properties of collocations have been pointed
2.2 Some General Properties of
Collocations are said to be “Arbitrary”. This no-
tion enlightens a more intuitive feature of colloca-
tions. If one word of a collocation is substituted by
a synonym, the resulting phrase may become “pecu-
liar”, or even incorrect. Indeed, one can definitely
wish “warm greetings”, but “hot greetings” would
make the audience more skeptical.
Collocations may Rely on a Domain. There are
numerous domain-specific collocations, that either do
only occur in one specific domain, or have a particular
meaning in this domain.
The main consequence is that any natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) application (translation, dis-
ambiguation, language generation. ..) based on a
domain-specific corpora requires a specific lexicon
for that domain. Building this lexicon consists in the
process called terminology extraction.
Collocations Occur! The best known practice to
recognize collocations has been to observe them. This
observation is primordial in statistical extraction tech-
niques. It is simply a consequence of the fact, that
even if they do not obey any general syntactic or se-
mantic rule, collocations appear in text. Observing
regular occurrences of neighboring words is an excel-
lent way to suspect them to form a collocation.
The technique of extracting Maximal Frequent Se-
quences (MFS) from a document collection is exten-
sively described, for instance (Doucet and Ahonen-
Myka, 2006). We will hereby summarize the main
steps of that method and later remind of its specific
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.1 MFS: Definition and Extraction
The general idea fits the main phases of KDD
(Knowledge Discovery in Databases), that is, selec-
tion and cleansing of the data, followed by the use of
core mining techniques, and a final post-processing
step, intending to transform and select the results into
an understandable knowledge.
3.1.1 Definition of MFS
Assuming S is a set of documents, and each document
consists of a sequence of words...
Definition 1. A sequence p = a
is a subse-
quence of a sequence q if all the items a
, 1 i k,
occur in q and they occur in the same order as in p.
If a sequence p is a subsequence of a sequence q, we
also say that p occurs in q.
Definition 2. A sequence p is frequent in S if p is a
subsequence of at least σ documents of S, where σ is
a given frequency threshold.
Note that only one occurrence of a sequence
within a document is counted: whether a sequence
occurs once or several times within the same docu-
ment does not change its frequency.
Definition 3. A sequence p is a maximal frequent
(sub)sequencein S if there does not exist any sequence
p’ in S such that p is a subsequence of p’, and p is fre-
quent in S.
3.1.2 Preprocessing
We first rely on a stop list to remove the most
common words. Typically, the two following text
...President of the United States Bush...
...President George W. Bush...
would be resulting in:
...President United States Bush...
...President George Bush...
3.1.3 The Extraction Technique: an Overview
Initial Phase: Collecting all Frequent Pairs. In
this initial phase, all pairs of words, such that their
frequency is greater than a given threshold, σ (10 in
the experiment), are being collected. Two words form
a pair if they occur in the same document, and if their
distance is less than a given maximal gap. A gap of 2
was used in the experiment, which means, that at most
2 other words can appear between the words forming
a pair. Also, note that the pairs are ordered, i.e. the
pairs (A,B) and (B,A) are different.
Expanding the Frequent Pairs to MFSs. For each
step k, Grams
is the number of frequent sets of
length k. Hence, the frequent pairs found in the ini-
tial phase form Grams
. A straightforward bottom-up
approach was not possible because of the size of the
data. Therefore, the method combines bottom-up and
greedy techniques. Each step k is then compounded
of expansion, pruning, and junction stages. Although
this is done in a greedy manner, the efficiency profit is
still substantial. The interleaving processes of expan-
sion, junction and pruning are detailed in (Ahonen-
Myka and Doucet, 2005).
Finally, as a result, an (eventually empty) list of
content descriptors is attached to each document of
the collection.
3.2 Global Strengths
The method efficiently extracts all the maximal fre-
quent word sequences from the collection. From the
definitions above, a sequence is said to be maximal, if
and only if no other frequent sequence contains that
Furthermore, a gap between words is allowed:
the words do not need to appear continuously. A
parameter g tells how many other words two words
in a sequence can have between them. The parameter
g usually gets values between 1 and 3.
For instance, if g = 2, a phrase “president Bush” will
be found in both of the following text fragments:
...President of the United States Bush...
...President George W. Bush...
Note: The words “of and “the” were notably
removed during the preprocessing step.
This allowance of gaps between words of a se-
quence is probably the strongest specificity of this
method, compared to the other existing methods for
extracting text descriptors. This greatly increases the
quality of the phrase, since the variety of natural lan-
guage can be processed. The method is style tolerant.
Even deficient syntax can be handled (which is fairly
common in news wires, for example).
Another specificity is the ability to extract maxi-
mal frequent sequences of any length. This allows a
very compact description. By example, by restricting
the length of phrases to 8, the presence, in the docu-
ment collection, of a frequent 25 words long phrase,
would result in thousands of phrases representing the
same knowledge as the one maximal sequence.
The initial work on collocation extraction is that
of (Choueka et al., 1983). Their definition of a col-
location was “a sequence of adjacent words that fre-
quently appear together”. The sequences were the-
oretically of any length, but were limited to size 6
in practice, due to repeated frequency counting. It
was experimented on an 11 million words corpus
from the New York Times archiveand found thousands
of common expressions such as “home run”, “fried
chicken”, “Magic Johnson”, etc. After pointing the
limited size of the sequences, one can also regret the
impossibility to extract any discontinuous sequence
such as “knock .. .door”, due to the adjacency princi-
ple of the definition. Finally, the selection/rejection is
simply based on a frequency threshold, which makes
the result depend on the size of the corpus.
(Church and Hanks, 1990) described a colloca-
tion as a pair of correlated words. That is, as a pair
of words that occur together more often than chance.
The technique is based on the notion of mutual infor-
mation, as defined in Information Theory (Shannon,
1948; Fano, 1961). This new set of techniques per-
mits to retrieveinterruptedsequences of words as well
as continuous ones. Unfortunately, the set of the can-
didate sequences is now restricted to pairs of words.
In other words, we can only acquire collocations of
size 2, where Choueka’s technique was up to 6.
Smadja proposed a more advanced technique,
built on Chouekas. It resulted in Xtract (Smadja,
1993), a tool combining a frequency-basedmetric and
several filters based on linguistic properties. The met-
ric used by Smadja was the z-score. The z-score of a
pair is calculated by computing the average-frequency
of the words occurring within a 5-words radius of a
given word (either forward or backward), and then
determining the number of standard deviations above
the average frequency for each word pair. Pairs with
a z-score under a certain threshold were pruned away.
Then, linguistic filters were applied to get rid of those
pairs, which are not true lexical collocates. For exam-
ple, for a same pair “noun-verb”, the technique differ-
entiates the case were the noun is the subject or the
object of the verb. Semantically related pairs (such as
doctors-hospitals) were also removed. After the iden-
tification of these word pairs, the collocation set was
recursively extended to longer phrases, by searching
for the words that co-occurred significantly together
with an already identified collocation. A lexicogra-
pher was asked to estimate Xtract’s result. After the
full processing, including the statistical stages and lin-
guistic filtering, 80% of the phrases were evaluated as
good collocations. The score was only 40% before the
syntactic filtering, illustrating the primary importance
of combining both linguistic and syntactic informa-
tion, in order to find accurate lexical collocates.
Of course, our technique is not as strict as
Smadja’s, regarding the definition of a collocation,
and most of its linguistic filtering can be regarded
as unnecessary for our purpose. Indeed, we are not
fundamentally aiming at the discovery of colloca-
tions from a document collection, but considering
collocation-based techniques to estimate the value of
document descriptors. As a matter of fact, and as
mentioned earlier, we will rather stick to Benson’s
definition of a collocation, that is probably the most
appropriate to statistical techniques: an arbitrary and
recurrent word combination. Based on this approach,
we will now compare maximal frequent sequences to
other types of descriptors.
4.1 Specificities of MFSs as Collocations
Among the most satisfactory aspects of MFS ex-
traction is the possibility to discover phrases of any
size. From this point of view, it adds up from both
Choueka and Church. Another clear strength, op-
posed to Choueka et al., is the ability to compose
phrases from non-adjacent words. This is due to two
reasons. First, the use of a gap, the maximal number
of words allowed between two other words, so as to
consider them as a pair. Second, the use of a list of
stop words, which prunes away most of the less infor-
mative words. The negative aspect of this stop word
filtering is that most os the collection following the
verb+adverb (e.g., “take”, “turn .. .on”) pat-
tern will be missed. A solution would be parts-of-
speech based preprocessing, so as to make sure we
keep the adverbs corresponding to these possibly rel-
evant phrases (and only those). Our technique has
also the advantage over that of Smadja, that it does
not require the computationally heavy combination of
frequency and distance. Indeed, using windows of ra-
dius 5 implies, for each word of the corpus, to form
10 pairs of words and to calculate their frequency.
Another difference with Smadja’s Xtract, is that
our technique does not unite a pair and its inverted
form, as a one and same phrase. We consider se-
quences rather than phrases. For example, noun-verb
and verb-noun are different in our view, whereas in
Smadja, they are first gathered together and then even-
tually pruned by the z-score threshold. Given a pair,
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
the z-score can be seen as a filter based on the sta-
tistical distribution of the position of one of these
words, relatively to the other one. If they pass the
z-score, they may still be pruned by Smadja’s sec-
ond filtering: the differentiation between subject-verb
and object-verb. We suspect a good estimate can be
obtained by using the fact that in a subject-verb pat-
tern, the noun will very likely appear first, whereas
in an object-verb pattern, the noun will rather appear
after the verb. Thus, an approximation of these fil-
terings is done at first sight in our work, and in one
pass, since we considered relevant collocations to oc-
cur mostly in the same order. However, it is important
to note that if these observations make much sense
for English, they may be totally misleading for some
other language (Doucet, 2005). But an essential dif-
ference between the suggested method and the ones
presented above, is that it is a knowledge discovery
method, built on data mining concepts. A summary
of the different techniques is shown in Table 1. As
such, it implies numerous simplifications and must be
considered in conjunction with the previous observa-
Context. In a practical application of MFSs,
a supplementary post-processing has been exe-
cuted (Ahonen-Myka et al., 1999). This experiment
was meant to find co-occurrences of text phrases (the
descriptors, i.e., both MFSs and submaxes) by com-
puting association rules. An example association rule
jersey guernesey =
channel islands
...meaning, that when the word sequence (jersey guer-
nesey) occurs in a document, then the sequence (chan-
nel islands) occurs in the same document with a prob-
ability 0.78 (or 78%), this value being called the con-
fidence. Both of the phrases occur together in 5% of
the documents of the collection(support).
Submaxes. For this purpose the authors have found
it useful to add more descriptors to the maximal fre-
quent sequences. They added some of the frequent
subsequences of the MFSs. The rule was the follow-
ing: For each maximal frequent sequence, any of its
subsequences responding to both of the following cri-
teria was selected:
its frequency is bigger than the corresponding
maximal frequent sequence’s.
it is not the subsequence of some descriptive se-
quence having an equal frequency.
Goal. The motivation was then, that by computing
maximal frequent sequences, the length of the se-
lected sequences was increased, and the correspond-
ing frequencies naturally tended to decrease towards
the minimum frequency threshold. Thus sequences
that were both shorter and more frequent were not
selected, even if they might carry more information.
This can be especially true when the frequency gets
much higher, by taking a few words out of a sequence.
That is how the submaxes post processing was initi-
Nevertheless, the usefulness of these additional
descriptors has never been formally proven. Being
able to estimate the relevance of the submaxes and
compare it to that of the maximal frequent sequences
would be of great interest, and this is one of the goals
of the following experiments.
6.1 Many Alternatives
The fact that this technique does not compute any dis-
tance between words, using the concept of windows
is an advantage, regarding computational complexity.
This also implies that most of the numerous evalua-
tion techniques based on the mean and variance of the
distance between the words of a pair cannot be con-
sidered. Smadja’s z-test is then out of reach.
Another specificity of our descriptors needs to be
reminded here, to support the choice of an estimation
technique. First, the notion of frequency is slightly
different of what one would expect: the frequency
of a word (or an n-gram) is not its number of occur-
rences, but the number of documents in which it ap-
pears. Second, the candidate bigrams with their fre-
quency below a certain threshold are ignored. This
cut-off ameliorates the efficiency of an estimation
based on mutual information, as pointed by (Manning
and Sch¨utze, 1999). Indeed, pointwise mutual infor-
mation has been criticized, because it gives a better
score to the lowest-frequency pair, when other things
are identical. The frequency threshold mostly solves
this, although the underlying problem subsists.
The main other alternatives are hypothesis testing
techniques, namely t-test, Pearson’s chi-square test,
and likelihood ratios. However, it is known, that most
of these tests globally give similar results. Our aim is
Table 1: Summary of the collocation acquisition techniques.
Size limit Adjacency Corpus size-dependency Stoplist
(Choueka et al., 1983) 6 words required yes no
(Church and Hanks, 1990) 2 words not required yes no
(Smadja, 1993) none not required no no
MFS none not required unclear yes
not to compare the different tests, but to get a rough
estimate of the interestingness of our document de-
scriptors. Thus, we made the choice of a variation of
pointwise mutual information.
6.2 An Information Theoretic Measure
The main inspiration for this measure was the work
on collocation acquisition (Church and Hanks, 1990).
They ranked all pairs of words, viewing the corpus
as a random distribution. Then, they compared the
probability that the pair occurs, with the probability
that both words occur together independently (i.e., by
chance). The pointwise mutual information is the fol-
, w
) = log
If I(w
, w
) is positive, and thus P(w
and w
) is
greater than P(w
), it means than the words w
and w
occur together more frequently than chance.
In practice, Church et al. have found, that the mu-
tual information of almost each pair was greater than
zero, due to the fact that natural language is not made
of random sequences of words. Thus, the threshold
needed to be raised. As a rule of thumb, they observed
that the pairs with a pointwise of mutual information
above 3 tended to be interesting, and pruned the oth-
ers away.
In our case, pointwise mutual information, as is,
cannot be used, due to our biased definition of fre-
quency. Thus, we need to adapt all concepts and use
as the probability of occurrence of a phrase P, the
number of documents in which that phrase occurs, di-
vided by the number of different words occurring in
the document collection. For Church, this probability
was the number of occurrences of the phrase divided
by the total number of word units in the collection.
Furthermore, we will extend the formula to n-grams:
In fo(w
, w
, . . . , w
) = log
, w
, . . . , w
). . . P(w
This is opposed to the intrinsic definition of mu-
tual information, as enounced in (Fano, 1961). And
it results in high scores for longer phrases, due to the
iterative multiplication by the total number of items
in the collection. However, in our case, the only in-
cidence is that the longest phrases will get the best
rankings, but if one compares phrases of same size,
this concern is irrelevant. Also, it is important to re-
alize that we do not want to use this estimate as an
intermediate filter for pairs, priorily to an expansion
to longer phrases, as was the case in Church. We use
it as a post-processing technique, where we want to
estimate the quality of a set of descriptors, which we
are given as input.
7.1 General Results
Experiments have been implemented in Perl, using
the publicly available Reuters-21578 financial news
. It contains about 19,000 documents,
totalizing 2.56 millions of words. The pruning of
the most common words (articles, abbreviations,...)
reduced this number to 1.29 millions. This stoplist
contained only 386 words out of 48,419 word
types in the collection. This means that less than
one percent of the word types represent one half
of the total number of word tokens. The MFSs
have been extracted from this document collection
using a frequency threshold of 10. This resulted in
22,663 maximal sequences. The size distribution
is shown in Table 2. The longest phrase is com-
posed of 25 words, it occurred in 11 documents of
the collection:
‘‘federal reserve entered
u.s. government securities market
arrange customer repurchase agreements
fed spokesman dealers federal funds
trading fed began temporary indirect
supply reserves banking system"
7.2 Ranking
The “informativeness” of the phrases has been com-
puted. As suspected, the longest sequences tend to get
the best ranking, as shown in Table 3. This correlation
between size and score is a serious concern, because
it prevents us to compare phrases of different length.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Number of maximal phrases of various length.
Length 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
σ = 10 19,421 2,165 618 260 87 41 15 13 11 7
Length 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ... 25
σ = 10 5 5 171 59 32 7 10 7 7 1 ... 1
Table 3: Average score per sequence length.
Length 2 3 4
Average Score 0.29 6.28 13.79
Number of phrases 19,421 2,165 618
Length 5 6-10 11-25
Average Score 19.57 31.33 80.05
Number of phrases 260 166 32
Table 4: Frequent pairs distribution and average score per frequency.
Frequency 10 11 12 13 14-15 16-20 21-25 26-50 51-171
Average Score 0.33 0.32 0.20 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.30 0.39 0.84
Number 3,593 2,672 2,064 1,654 2,496 3,367 1,438 2,141 296
Table 5: Best and worst ranked maximal frequent pairs.
Phrase Frequency Score
kuala(11) lumpur(10) 10 12.1
piper(12) jaffray(10) 10 11.98
hoare(13) govett(12) 12 11.86
zhao(13) ziyang(11) 11 11.86
paz(13) estenssoro(10) 10 11.86
boone(10) pickens(13) 10 11.86
bettino(12) craxi(11) 10 11.84
makoto(15) kuroda(15) 15 11.66
paine(13) webber(15) 13 11.66
peat(15) marwick(10) 10 11.66
told(2393) year(5194) 10 -4.68
share(2666) inc(4608) 10 -4.67
inc(4608) after(2567) 10 -4.61
inc(4608) year(5194) 21 -4.56
share(2666) corp(4211) 10 -4.54
corp(4211) market(2839) 12 -4.36
bank(2727) inc(4608) 13 -4.32
net(3220) company(5031) 17 -4.3
u.s.(3530) inc(4608) 17 -4.3
trade(1841) company(5031) 10 -4.26
Another interesting fact to be observed, is that,
given a fixed sequence length, as the frequency rises,
so does the average score, contradicting the weakness
mentioned earlier, that when other features are identi-
cal, mutual information tends to advantage the lowest
frequency. This is due to the fact, that the link be-
tween our estimate and mutual information is not that
tight, because of our notion of frequency, and the use
of a threshold. Table 4 shows the frequency distribu-
tion and corresponding average score for the maximal
frequent pairs.
But the main point is that, givena sequence length,
the score appears to be an excellent indicator of the
interestingness of a descriptor. Among the 19,421
maximal frequent pairs, 8,981 occur more often than
chance (46%). The best ranked are clear good de-
scriptors: city names (as “kuala lumpur”), com-
pany names (as “rolls royce”), person names (as
“zhao ziyang”), pairs adjective-noun (as “chinese-
made missiles”)...Among the top-ranked are also
latin locutions (“pro rata”, “pro forma”, and “ad
At size 3, many names are found again (“javier
perez cuellar”, “rio de janeiro”), but in some cases,
supplementary information is also given (“communist
hu yaobang”, “chancellor helmut kohl”), as well as
full entities (“labour centrist alliance”, “frozen con-
centrated orange”).
At size 4, we still get names and titles (“minis-
ter arturo hernandez grisanti”), but some phrases are
even more meaningful (“refined bleached deodorised
palm”, “tax vegetable oil fat”, “paid form commodi-
ties inventory”). With longer phrases, the value of
the best ranked extracted phrases is even clearer:
(“supply indirectly customer repurchase”, “curren-
cies ranges broadly consistent economic fundamen-
tals”, “commodity credit corporation ccc accepted
bid export bonus cover sale”).
At the bottom of this ranking, the accidental as-
pect of the co-occurrenceof the words involvedis eas-
ily noticeable. They are actually enlightening the fact
that some words should better have been included in
the stoplist, at preprocessing time. This may actually
become an application of this evaluation process: re-
fining the stopword list by adding the words involved
in too many “thrash-scored” phrases. The 10 best and
worst ranked 2-grams are shown on Table 5, while the
5 best and worst ranked 3-grams and 4-grams are on
Table 6. The number in parentheses after each word
is its frequency.
Table 6: Best and worst ranked MFSs of size 3 and 4.
Phrase Frequency Size Score
javier(21) perez(12) cuellar(11) 10 3 23.01
denis(24) bra(12) kanon(12) 12 3 22.96
ibc(22) jorio(17) dauster(18) 11 3 21.87
philips(35) gloeilampenfabrieken(15) 13 3 21.62
communist(58) hu(14) yaobang(10) 10 3 21.46
inc(4608) inc(4608) company(5031) 10 3 -2.19
inc(4608) new(3731) company(5031) 10 3 -1.88
year(5194) after(2567) year(5194) 10 3 -1.56
co(2824) inc(4608) inc(4608) 10 3 -1.35
co(2824) inc(4608) corp(4211) 10 3 -1.22
refined(78) bleached(13) deodorised(11) palm(70) 11 4 30.57
energy(516) arturo(14) hernandez(18) grisanti(16) 13 4 29.4
energy(516) fernando(15) santos(35) alvite(12) 10 4 28.38
minister(1175) arturo(14) hernandez(18) grisanti(16) 14 4 28.32
barclays(38) de(361) zoete(20) wedd(21) 15 4 28.14
stock(2809) new(3731) stock(2809) exchange(2158) 12 4 4.42
shares(2348) new(3731) stock(2809) exchange(2158) 10 4 4.42
inc(4608) shares(2348) common(1557) stock(2809) 11 4 4.72
sales(1986) note(1668) year(5194) net(3220) 13 4 4.74
corp(4211) shares(2348) common(1557) stock(2809) 11 4 4.85
Table 7: Number of extracted subsequences (submaxes) of
various length.
Length 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Submaxes 3,813 235 30 8 3 4
7.3 SubMaxes Estimation
The justification for the submaxes is that even though
MFSs carry much value, the longer sequences can
be hardly understandable (remember our sequence of
size 25). In this section, we will try to estimate the
interestingness of the submaxes, compared to that of
the MFSs. Out of the 22,663 maximal frequent se-
quences, 4,093 submaxes were extracted. Our set of
descriptors therefore contains 26,756 elements. The
size distribution is shown in Table 7. One can easily
observe that many of these new descriptors are good
complements of the previous ones: “mcdonnell dou-
glas”, “alan greenspan”, “goldman sachs”, “saudi
arabia”, “dow jones industrial average”, “issuing
australian eurobond”, “sinking fond debentures”,...
These phrases were not maximal sequences by their
selves, because they were clearly above the frequency
threshold, and thus, more words were added to them.
Taking them apart, by extracting the submaxes creates
very cohesive units. On average, their scores per size
are indeed always better than the scores per size of the
MFSs, as shown by Table 8. Also, among the submax
pairs, 2,895 have a positive score (76% against 46%
for the MFSs).
After overviewing collocation acquisition techniques,
a way to estimate the interestingness of sequences
describing documents has been presented and imple-
mented. It has proven to be a good indicator of
whether a sequence should be kept or pruned away.
This estimate can then be used as a post-processing
technique to cleanse a set of descriptors. It is, how-
ever, regrettable that we have not been able to find
a technique to compare descriptors of different sizes.
This is a well-known problem that we are to address
in the future.
The possible applications of these descriptors are
numerous. They can be used to create terminology
lexicons. Many sequences found in the experiments
are clear collocations of the nancial domain. Text
alignment of bilingual documents can be another field
of application. In fact, every application of colloca-
tions is concerned. However, we are likely to focus
on information retrieval. Each document of the col-
lection will be linked to a set of descriptors. These
descriptors can then be used as clusters for dynamic
browsing or for indexing.
The MFS extraction technique was intended for
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 8: Average score of phrases: MFS vs. Submaxes.
Length 2 3 4 5 6-10 11-25
MFS: Average Score 0.29 6.28 13.79 19.57 31.33 80.05
MFS: Number of phrases 19,421 2,165 618 260 166 32
Submaxes: Average Score 1.72 9.85 16.00 22.58 37.25 X
Submaxes: Number of phrases 3,813 235 30 8 7 none
very large document collections and, thanks to the gap
feature, is especially adapted to incomplete sentences,
or sentences with an incorrect syntax. These are fairly
common, for example in financial news wires. To fil-
ter the descriptors, it would now be interesting to tag
them with their part of speech, so as to find grammat-
ical patterns, or just as a means to filter the patterns,
as done by (Justeson and Katz, 1995), who kept only
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