A Psycholinguistc Commonsense Ontology
Haytham Mohtasseb and Amr Ahmed
School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln, U.K.
Commonsense knowledgebase, Semantic network, Ontology development, Psycholinguistic, Text classifica-
Ontologies have been widely accepted as the most advanced knowledge representation model. This paper
introduces PsychoNet, a new knowledgebase that forms the link between psycholinguistic taxonomy, existing
in LIWC, and its semantic textual representation in the form of commonsense semantic ontology, represented
by ConceptNet. The integration of LIWC and ConceptNet and the added functionalities facilitate employing
ConceptNet in psycholinguistic studies. Furthermore, it simplifies utilization of the huge network of Concept-
Net for a specific multimedia application based on key category(ies) from LIWC, such as visual or biological
applications. PsychoNet adds a new layer of complementary psycholinguistic functions to the original se-
mantic network. Moreover, learning, either clustering or classification, is more applicable in the developed
ontology. The paper shows a sample application of text classification for mood prediction task. The result
confirms the validity of the proposed network as PsychoNet outperforms LIWC in mood prediction.
The considerable development of multimedia com-
munication goes along with an exponentially increas-
ing volume of textual information. Ontologies have
been widely accepted as the most advanced knowl-
edge representation model. They are a very crucial
part of information extraction, semantic web, knowl-
edge discovery, and computational linguistic. Huge
effort is needed from the domain expert in order to
construct ontologies manually. There is a need for
automatic approaches in ontology building which will
help the domain experts in constructing extensive do-
main ontologies efficiently.
The ontology engineering community convene to
develop more works toward integrating ontologies so
that they can share and reuse each others knowledge
(Noy and Hafner, 1997). If one ontology, for exam-
ple, has a well-developed theory of psychology, an-
other ontology (say, the one representing common-
sense experiments) could then use this theory with-
out having to reinvent it. We propose the use of psy-
cholinguistic lexicon in order to find groups of con-
cepts which are related to each other. Such groups of
related concepts will enable the domain expert to ei-
ther, evaluate and update the existing ontology in case
those concepts are already defined in the ontology, or
to enrich the existing ontology in case those concepts
are not defined.
This paper introduces a novel commonsense
knowledgebase that forms the link between the psy-
cholinguistic and its semantic textual representation.
We refer to it as ”PsychoNet”. This knowledgebase is
built by a fully automated engine that performs lexical
analysis on concepts and extracts the corresponding
psycholinguistic categories. It allows the researcher
to use one coherent knowledgebase that has the power
of semantic commonsense and psycholinguistic tax-
There are many types of tagging/integration, but
this study presents the benefits of integrating LIWC
and ConceptNet for many applications. This paper
develops ConceptNet, a commonsense ontology (Liu
and Singh, 2004), by adding a psycholinguistic layer,
utilizing LIWC (Pennebaker et al., 2001), on the top
of ontology.
The rest of the paper is organized as following. In
section 2, we review the recent work related to our
domain. Section 3 shows our work that starts by pre-
senting the structure of PsychoNet, introducing the
new functions, and finally illustrating an application
of text classification using PsychoNet. Finally, we
show the conclusions and our future work.
Mohtasseb H. and Ahmed A..
PSYCHONET - A Psycholinguistc Commonsense Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0003055601590164
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 159-164
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: PsychoNet.
2.1 LIWC
Linguistic Inquiry Words Count (LIWC) (Pennebaker
et al., 2001) was constructed by having groups of
judges evaluate the degree to which about 2000 words
or word stems were related to each of several dozen
categories. The categories include negative emotion
words (sad, angry), positive emotion words (happy,
laugh), standard function word categories (first, sec-
ond, and third person pronouns, articles, preposi-
tions), and various content categories (e.g., religion,
death, occupation). LIWC computes the percentage
of total words that these and other linguistic cate-
gories represent (Chung and Pennebaker, 2007).
LIWC has been extensively validated and has
provided substantial evidence about the social and
psychological implications of word use (Pennebaker
et al., 2003). The selected 63 LIWC features are
grouped into four types:
1. Standard linguistic features (e.g., total word
count, word per sentence, pronouns, punctuations,
articles, time);
2. Psychological features (e.g., affect, cognition, bi-
ological processes);
3. Personal concerns features (e.g., work, sports, re-
ligion, sexuality);
4. Paralinguistic features assents (e.g., agrees, ok),
fillers (e.g., err, umm), non fluencies (e.g., I mean,
you know).
LIWC can handle the different stems of the word,
which is one of the common issues in natural lan-
guage processing NLP. So the stem hungr captures
the words hungry, hungrier, hungriest and so on dic-
2.2 ConceptNet
ConceptNet is currently considered to be the largest
commonsense knowledgebase (Liu and Singh, 2004).
The Open Mind commonsense knowledgebase has
been analyzed to create ConceptNet, a large seman-
tic network currently containing over 250,000 nodes.
Nodes are semi-structured English fragments, inter-
related by an ontology of twenty semantic relations
(predicates). The predicates are machine-readable
of the form: (IsA ”tennis” ”sport”) and (EventFor-
GoalEvent ”play tennis” ”have racket”).
Each node is a concept, which is a part of a sen-
tence that expresses a meaning. ConceptNet is a very
rich knowledgebase for several aspects: First, the
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
huge number of assertions and nodes contained. Sec-
ond, the wide range of information included. Finally,
the various types of relationships that hold description
parameters existed. ConceptNet is very useful in de-
scribing real life scenes that make it a good candidate
to be integrated with LIWC.
2.3 More Nets
Many developments over ConceptNet had been im-
plemented to create adapted semantic networks.
LifeNet is created utilizing the temporal relations
from ConceptNet citation (Singh et al., 2004). This
network adds a variety of temporal operations like
predicting what else might be true now, in the near
future or in the near past, explaining why some events
have happened, or filtering nodes that are not likely
to be true. Moreover, EventNet used the temporal
nodes in LifeNet to create an association network (Es-
pinosa and Lieberman, 2005). It can make predic-
tions of the more likely previous or following events
associated with a certain set of events. In additions,
(Altadmri and Ahmed, 2009) proposed VisualNet as
a novel commonsense knowledgebase that forms the
link between the visual world and its semantic tex-
tual representation. VisualNet is obtained by con-
structing a unified structure concluding the knowl-
edge from WordNet and ConceptNet. To the best of
our knowledge, this paper introduces the first devel-
opment of ConceptNet towards psycholinguistic di-
rection. PsychoNet develops both ConceptNet and
LIWC. It enriches LIWC by adding the semantic di-
mension to its content and representing the psycholin-
guistic categories using commonsense concepts rather
than words. In other words, LIWC users can query the
taxonomy using contextual concepts instead of terms.
On the other hand, PsychoNet simplifies text classi-
fication in ConceptNet and allows filtering the huge
concept graphs based on a key category for a specific
application. The next section will explain in details
the characteristics of PsychoNet.
The node in PsychoNet is a concept associated with a
psychometric field that contains the psycholinguistic
categories and their relevance degree. Figure 1 shows
a snapshot of PsychoNet describing various activities
of everyday morning. We can see that ”Biology” is
the main theme of the graph as the majority of nodes
outline eating, drinking, and ingesting activities. The
graph also highlights other indications about the place
which is at ”Home”. PsychoNet makes the graph eas-
ily understood by human (very fast to read what the
main theme is). From now, we would refer PNet to
PsychoNet and CNet to ConceptNet. PNet can be
built through the following 3 stages:
Concept Psycho-annotation: Add matching
LIWC categories and frequencies to each node in
Predicate Psycho-annotation: Use the dominant
psycho-category within PNet nodes.
Cleaning: Deprecate the concepts and predicates
that do not have matching psycho-category.
Both LIWC and CNet have been improved in PNet
representation. The content of LIWC dictionary is
fixed as there are specific words for each category.
PNet creates a new representation of LIWC based on
concepts rather than words. Although the two repre-
sentations seem similar, as concepts compound from
words, but in fact they are different. The concept is
consisted from words mentioned in context to form
a meaningful thing. However, individual terms not
always give full meaning and have some ambiguity.
Furthermore, the semantic network allows expanding
the categories by including new words using the re-
lational predicates resulting in a new semantic level
of knowledge added over LIWC. The functions of
the ontology like Get-Topic and Get-Context summa-
rized by LIWC categories would help the researchers
in psycholinguistic field.
Ingestion Health Sexual Body
No. Concepts
Figure 2: Concepts spread for Biocomputing applications.
On the other hand, the main benefit brought to
CNet is to deal smoothly with more than 250,000 con-
cepts. Although there are many functions like Get-
topic, Get-Context, and Get-analogy; having the high-
level LIWC categories provide a new mechanism to
navigate through the network. About 70% of the con-
cepts have their corresponding LIWC categories. The
psycholinguistic categories provide the ability to sub-
scan the network using a key category focusing on a
specific task. For example, Figure 2 shows the spread
PSYCHONET - A Psycholinguistc Commonsense Ontology
of biology-related concepts that could be utilized in
biocomputing applications. Moreover, Video retrieval
applications (Altadmri and Ahmed, 2009) would im-
prove their performance by reducing the size of net-
work and concentrating on video concepts as depicted
in Figure 3.
Space Motion Seeing Hearing
No. Concepts
Figure 3: Concepts spread for video mining applications.
3.1 New Functions
CNet provides several functions over its semantic
network such as GuessTopic, TopicGisting, and
GuessMood. But, PNet adds novel functions that
improve the usability of CNet in many applications.
The rest of this section presents the description of
each function.
Emotional Degree. The emotional-degree function
is calculated as the difference between the LIWC
scores for the concepts belonging to positive emotion
concepts (e.g., happy, good, nice) and negative
emotion category (e.g., kill, ugly, guilty). Higher
scores indicate greater overall positive emotion.
Emotional-degree function gives the overall emo-
tional sense, while GuessMood return the emotional
sense based on different six moods. The new function
is useful to get an overall single value or binary
emotion. However, for more detailed emotion, it can
be accompanied with GuessMood result.
Social Orientation. The social-orientation function
indicates how often users used words such as talk,
share, or friends and personal pronouns other than
first-person singular (Cohn et al., 2004). Psycho-
logically, it reflects the personality of users as being
extroverts or introverts.
Psycholinguistic Index. The psycholinguistic-index
function gives the overall psycholinguistic summary
of the intended semantic graph. It converts the graphs
to a numerical vector in which the cells represent the
weighting balance of each LIWC category like social,
biology, or cognition.
Psychometric Similarity. The psychometric-
similarity function measures the similarity degree be-
tween semantic graphs based on the psycholinguistic
distance between concepts. Cosine distance is utilized
across the psycholinguistic vectorized representation
of the two graphs. Mainly, this function is useful for
clustering applications.
3.2 Mood Classification
In this section, we present a sample application of us-
ing PNet in text classification. The main contribu-
tion is in the improvement in accuracy achieved us-
ing PNet compared to LIWC. Figure 4 and 5 show
the required stages for building a classification model
distinguishing between moods using LIWC and PNet
respectively. The difference between the two exper-
iments is how the learning vectors have been cre-
ated either from words (figure 4) or by applying
psycholinguistic-index function over concepts (figure
Figure 4: Mood classification using LIWC.
Figure 5: Mood classification using PNet.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3.2.1 Corpus
We selected as a corpus one of the famous personal
blog sites, namely ”LiveJournal”
. LiveJournal is a
free personal blog website forming a community on
the Internet that contains millions of users publish-
ing their own ongoing personal diaries. We down-
loaded from LiveJournal 21,000 blog posts for var-
ious moods. Bloggers in Livejournal are given the
facility to tag their blog post with an optional field in-
dicating the ”current mood” which we use it as the
3.2.2 Experiment
The blog posts are converted to numerical vectors in
which the entries contain the corresponding features
values. The next step after moving to feature space
is using machine learning. We choose Support Vec-
tor Machines (SVM) as the classification algorithm
which is one of the best algorithms in this domain.
For each mood, random training and testing sets have
been constructed from the set of posts labeled with
that mood as positive examples, and an equal amount
of negative examples, form all other moods. Since
many moods did not have large amounts of associated
blog posts, the experiment is limited to report the re-
sults for most frequent ten moods. For each mood, we
have the following classification contingency table:
Table 1: Classification contingency table.
Real Value
Yes No
Classifier Yes T P FP
Value No FN T N
T P (True Positive) is the correctly classified in-
stances, T N (True Negative) is the correctly rejected
instances, FP (False Positive) is the incorrectly classi-
fied instances, FN (False Negative) is the incorrectly
rejected instances. Based on the contingency table,
the following standard classification measures are de-
1. Precision
T P + FP
2. Recall
T P + FN
3. F-Measure
Precision + Recall
Table 2 shows the results using the three above de-
fined measures: Precision, Recall, and F-Measure.
Generally, PNet outperforms LIWC for most of the
moods (significant results are in bold). The next sec-
tion shows a more detailed discussion of the results.
3.2.3 Discussion
When LIWC alone has been tried in mood classifi-
cation task, the results were poor and not promising.
LIWC had been used successfully in numerous text
analyses tasks for analyzing the emotions of users in
blog text (Gill et al., 2008; Hancock et al., 2008; Han-
cock et al., 2007), identifying the gender of bloggers
(Nowson and Oberlander, 2006), recognizing the per-
sonality (Gill, 2003; Mairesse et al., 2007), and for
author identification (Mohtasseb and Ahmed, 2009a;
Mohtasseb and Ahmed, 2009b).
The target classes (Gender, Age, User ID) in the
previous mentioned text classification tasks, where
LIWC produced good results, are actually facts.
However, in mood classification, the target class
(mood) is provided by user. So it is subjective rather
than objective data. It is usual that a user tag some
posts with different moods even where the contents
are, to some extent, similar.
Hence, this task is challenging and LIWC fea-
tures alone can not fulfill the task. Previous studies
in mood prediction confirm this difficulty as they uti-
lized various types of features in order to achieve rea-
sonable results (Mishne, 2005; Leshed, 2006). Using
PNet improves the result of mood classification over
LIWC. This is performed by only picking the con-
cepts and producing the summarized LIWC vector of
the extracted concepts. PNet enhanced the result for
some moods and improved accuracy to above 50% for
others. Althought the resulting accuracy may not be
higher than what is reported in literature ( 60%) we
should emphasize that this results is based on PNet
only, in comparison with LIWC only. Hence, it is
highly expected that adding all other features (as in
literature) will result in better overall accuracy. This
puts PNet up as a candidate features set to be included
with other well proved features to contribute in mood
attribution task.
In this paper, we introduced a novel commonsense
knowledgebase, PsychoNet, for high-level psycholin-
guistic semantic domain applications. The proposed
knowledgebase manages to merge advantages and
functionalities of both LIWC and ConceptNet. The
PSYCHONET - A Psycholinguistc Commonsense Ontology
Table 2: Classification result.
Recall Precision F-Measure
amused 0.58 0.46 0.54 0.35 0.56 0.40
cheerful 0.48 0.37 0.48 0.40 0.48 0.39
busy 0.50 0.34 0.64 0.49 0.56 0.40
happy 0.52 0.42 0.59 0.41 0.56 0.42
calm 0.50 0.34 0.39 0.32 0.44 0.33
content 0.41 0.29 0.42 0.27 0.42 0.28
creative 0.30 0.43 0.20 0.31 0.24 0.36
bored 0.53 0.41 0.47 0.38 0.50 0.39
contemplative 0.46 0.42 0.44 0.24 0.45 0.30
exhausted 0.31 0.43 0.28 0.45 0.30 0.44
new annotation of nodes in PsychoNet makes its us-
age easier in many text analysis areas such as infor-
mation extraction, semantic web, and text mining. An
experiment on a sample application, which is mood
classification based on the proposed knowledgebase
has been demonstrated showing the improvement of
PsychoNet over LIWC for several moods.
Traditional text mining techniques tend to sum-
marize too much irrelevant information as a term can
have different meanings in distinct contexts. How-
ever, the proposed method that is based on ontolog-
ical concepts is more effective as they avoid such
ambiguity. PsychoNet adds novel functions that im-
prove the usability of ConceptNet in many applica-
tions such as biocomputing and video mining. This
paper opens new research directions by introducing a
psycho-ontology to psycholinguistic studies.
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