In this study a model for skin blood flow during cold
exposure was developed based on neuro-
physiological concepts. Simulation of thermo-
reception through warm and cold sensitive neurons
was adapted from work by Mekjavic and Morrison
(Mekjavic and Morrison, 1985). Pathways of neural
integration were based on animal experiments by
Nakamura and Morrison (Nakamura and Morrison,
2008a, Nakamura and Morrison, 2008b). Neural
drives that were calculated by the model were fitted
to human experimental data on hand skin perfusion.
Given the high value of explained variance, the
model predicts vascular responses to a mild thermal
cold stimulus adequately. Furthermore, the averaged
MSR values are close to the variance of the
measurements. Therefore, this study shows that an
explicit declaration of a set point is not necessary for
modelling skin perfusion during short term cooling.
4.1 Limitations
The neuron response and neural afferent pathways
are established in small mammals and projected on
human response. Therefore, the modeled pathways
might deviate from the actual pathways in humans.
However, as long as no detailed human studies on
neural pathways and integration are available we
have to rely on these elaborate animal studies.
In general the thermoregulatory response is
subject to both thermal factors and non-thermal
factors like exercise or pathologies like motion-
sickness and fever (Mekjavic and Eiken, 2006). The
experimental set-up was developed to minimize the
influence of other factors than central sympathetic
regulation on vasomotor response. Also, other
factors such as humoral effects, or local regulation
-effect) are now neglected, but are known to
affect vasoconstriction. Therefore no conclusion can
be made on the relative influence of factors that
work either before or after the reciprocal cross-
The authors acknowledge that the current model
coefficients were not validated against data sets with
different experimental conditions. Therefore it is not
possible to conclude that the coefficients hold for
other types of thermal challenges.
In this study we did not incorporate the effect of
differences in spatial thermo-sensitivity. With a
greater dataset it might be possible to assign weights
to the individual branches of thermo-sensitive input
(face, hand, chest, etc.). It is however not possible to
use data of published studies, because usually mean
skin temperatures are presented. Our model instead
requires local skin temperature data.
In summary, this study presents a mathematical
model for skin blood flow during cold exposure
based on thermo-sensitive neurons and neuro-
physiological pathways. The model was fitted to
experimental data where young adult males were
exposed to a short mild cold exposure. The model
explained over 90% of the variance in the
measurements (r
=0.91). Hence, although further
research is warranted, the results of this model based
on first principles of neuro-physiological control of
skin blood flow are promising.
This study was sponsored by Senter Novem, The
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MODELING SKIN BLOOD FLOW - A Neuro-physiological Approach