Niladri Chatterjee
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Saroj Kaushik
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Smit Rastogi, Varun Dua
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Email classification, Ontology, Automatic email categorization, Inference engine, Feature weighing.
In this work we have extended and implemented an ontology based approach for email classification based
on user characteristics proposed by Kim et al.(2007). The approach focuses on finding relationships between
user interests and their responses to emails. Rules and Ontology are created using the data and metadata of
user characteristics, their preferences and responses to emails. Rules and ontology are then used to predict the
response of a user to a new email. In Kim et al. (2007) approach, labels to emails were provided manually by
a human expert. We have endeavored to remove the human intervention by developing an Automated Email
Categorizer to provide label to an email based on its contents. We have also proposed a new term weighing
method for emails to incorporate prominence of subject terms. Finally, we have integrated and tested the
Ontology Based Classifier in conjunction with Email Categorizer where the former effectively uses the label
provided by latter to classify an email based on user preferences.
Email has emerged as an efficient and popular com-
munication mechanism in recent times. But one of
the major problems is the huge number of unso-
licited/spam mails that fill in user’s inbox regularly.
Consequently, email management has gained atten-
tion and has become an important problem for indi-
viduals and organizations.
One major aspect of email management is clas-
sification of emails. In this context the terms email
classification and email filtering are often used inter-
changeably. Filtering may be considered as a sub-
class of classification with just two classes (Itskevitch,
2001); while one of its applications being spam filter-
Several Email-filtering techniques have been de-
veloped so far. The successful ones are either rule
based or statistics based (Zhang and Yao, 2003). Re-
cently some attempts have been made towards ontolo-
gy based email-filtering that allows machine-
understandable semantics of data (Youn and Mcleod,
(Brewer et al., 2006) have suggested a system
that uses ontology to discover relationships between
tokens in an email thus utilizing semantics of an
email as an additional parameter for classification. A
framework for email filtering using ontology, based
on frequency count of words in an email, is proposed
in (Youn and Mcleod, 2007). The counts of various
words occurring in spam/non-spam training emails
were used to create a decision tree for classification.
The decision tree formed was represented in the form
of ontology using RDF. A new email is then classified
using this ontology.
Several supervised learning methods based on
statistical analysis have been applied to the email
filtering task (Zhang et al., 2004). However, the
major drawback with all the statistical approaches is
that they do not incorporate the interests of a specific
Chatterjee N., Kaushik S., Rastogi S. and Dua V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003061501650170
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 165-170
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
user towards particular types of mails. Content
based classifiers cannot incorporate preferences and
contexts to take a particular feature in an email as
a parameter for classification. Users behaviours
to emails vary according to the different personal
preferences. Therefore it is meaningful to provide
user-oriented classifier based on the preferences.
An email filtering scheme based on the per-
sonalized ontology to classify an email as spam or
non-spam, has been proposed in (Youn and Mcloed,
2009)). They created a personalized ontology by
combining a user profile ontology and a structured
taxonomy. The user profile ontology creates a black-
list of contacts and topic words while the structured
taxonomy is used as a global ontology filter.
An ontology based email-filter incorporating the
preferences of a user has been proposed by (Kim
et al., 2007). A user preference ontology is built
to formally represent the important concepts and
rules derived from a data mining process. Then an
inference engine is used that utilizes the knowledge
to predict the user’s action on new incoming emails.
This approach utilizes a label given manually to each
email, based on its content. The labels are from a
predefined set of categories, and represent the content
of the email in the ontology and the data mining
process. The major drawback of this approach is that
the label has to be provided manually by a human
expert. However, to read and provide a label to an
email is a very tedious task.
In this paper we have extended the approach
suggested by (Kim et al., 2007) by proposing an
improvement in terms of automatically providing a
label to each email through a text categorizer. We
have built an email-categorizer which when given an
email as input, outputs a label for that email. The
ontology based classifier uses this label along with
the user preferences and characteristics to predict
the response of the user for the email. For the text
categorizer, we have also proposed a new term
weighing method specifically applicable to emails
which enhances the weights of terms depending
on their position in the email. However, our major
contribution has been in terms of the categorizer
and usage of its result in classification process,
along with some improvements in the classification
process (Table 2 and section 4.3) as compared to that
originally suggested by (Kim et al., 2007).
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we
describe the overall system design. Section 3 explains
the implementation of the scheme including essential
sub-components, such as processing of emails, data
collection, rule generation, ontology construction
and final classification procedure. Section 4 provides
analysis of the results and comparison with the
original system. Finally, Section 5 concludes this
We have assumed that broadly users might have two
responses to an email: Interested or Not-interested.
The proposed architecture for the system is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed system.
The system has two main components: Automatic
Email Categorizer and Ontology Based Classifier. To
predict the response of a user for any email, first the
label for that email is generated by the Categorizer
based on email’s contents. The Classifier takes that
label along with the preferences of the user as input
to predict the response of that user to that email. The
Categorizer has been trained and tested independently
for various parameters, the details of which are pre-
sented in section 3.1. The architecture of these two
subsystems is explained in the following sub-sections.
2.1 Automatics Email Categorizer
Architecture of the Automatic Email Categorization
(AEC) is shown in Fig. 2. AEC assigns label to a new
email based on its contents. Each component of the
classifier is briefly explained below.
Figure 2: Architecture of Automatic Email Categorization
Database consists of Ken Langs 20newsgroups
dataset (Rennie, 2010) which contains approximately
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: Architecture of the Ontology based Classification System.
20000 messages taken from 20 different netnews
newsgroups partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 cat-
Initially, the AEC system is trained using Nave
Bayesian Classifier with labeled emails which are
represented by feature vectors containing important
terms. Once the system is trained, a label to a new
unlabeled email is predicted.
2.2 Ontology based Email Classifier
The ontology based classifier uses the label of new
email provided by AEC system along with user pref-
erences and finally classify whether the user is inter-
ested in this mail or not. The architecture of the ontol-
ogy based classifier is shown in Fig. 3. The ontology
is constructed (using OWL-DL) to represent the meta-
data involving user characteristics, email category and
response of a user towards an email.
A database of user characteristics (gender, age
etc), their preferences and their responses to sample
emails (interested or not-interested) is created through
a survey from different users. In Fig. 3, User At-
tributes represent the characteristics and preferences
of various users. Email corresponds to the email for
which a Response from the user has been sought for
training the system. The details are given in Section
3. After building the database, we mine it using the
WEKA tool to find correlations between the prefer-
ences of users and their responses to emails and if-
then Rules are generate. The steps involved in rule
generation are explained in detail in section 3.2.
The rules and the ontology are loaded in JENA
inference engine (a Java framework for building Se-
mantic Web applications) and the system predicts re-
sponse to a new email for the user. An accuracy of
the system is calculated by comparing the predicted
results of test emails with the actual responses. Sec-
tion 4 has the details.
In this section we describe briefly the implementa-
tion of both the components namely, Automatic Email
Categorizer and Ontology Based Classifier with Rule
3.1 Automatics Email Categorizer
We have used supervised learning approach for build-
ing proposed categorizer where we have utilized the
structure of emails to propose a new method for term
weighing which works visibly better for emails as
compared to other traditional term weighing methods.
As a result our proposed method outperforms the tra-
ditional term weighing methods (TF, TF-IDF).
3.1.1 Feature Selection
In our system we used only the contents of subject
and body of the documents from 20newsgroup. These
contain all the necessary informative terms. Non-
contextual/optional words are removed using a stop-
list. Stemming has been performed using Porter’s al-
To further reduce the size of feature space, we
used several feature selection methods and analyzed
their performances. We used the term frequency (TF)
and the document frequency (DF) feature selection
methods both for retaining the most important fea-
tures. We have also used Mutual Information (MI)
and Chi-square feature selection methods. MI and
Chi-square methods, although computationally ex-
pensive, yield significantly better performances. As
observed from Table 1, the top five terms selected by
Chi-square and MI methods are more relevant to win-
dows category than the terms selected by DF and TF.
Figure 4: Structure of the ontology.
3.1.2 Weights of Features
Weight of a term t in document d is calculated by the
following formula (Eq. (1)).
= (n
+ An
)log(D/d f
× (t f
)/(t f
/T ))
Here, n
is the number of occurrences of the term
in body, n
is the number of occurrences of the term
in the subject, D denotes the number of emails in the
training set, d f
is the document frequency of the term
t. t f
is the number of occurrences of term t in doc-
ument d and T
is the total count of all the terms in
document d. Similarly t f
is the number of occur-
rences of term t in the entire training set and T is the
total count of all the terms in training set. A denotes
the adjustment value according to the importance of
the subject terms in the email.
We estimate the adjustment value by experiments.
Experiments show that the proposed term weighing
method significantly enhances the performance of the
Table 1: Top 5 features of different categories using dif-
ferent feature selection methods in category
Chi-sq MI DF TF
nt directori m window
app load microsoft File
setup product support Do
mous print univers Re
desktop font read Write
3.2 Ontology based Email Classification
We merged some of the categories, in the 20news-
group dataset, that were similar to each other and re-
duced 20 categories to 8 categories namely, Sports,
Automobiles, Religion, Advertisements, Computers,
Politics, Science, Medicine. We selected 50 emails
belonging to these categories. User attributes and
preferences, along with their responses to these 50 se-
lected emails from 30 users were also collected. We
created a user profile format to represent the user in-
terests and their responses to emails in binary. Fig.
4 shows the structure of ontology that captures the
metadata of user preferences and their responses.
Email Label is the label consists of Interested or
Not-Interested. The rest of the attributes describe
the interests of a user towards a particular category.
Nodes in the ontology are self explanatory.
A decision tree was trained to discover the as-
sociation rules between various groups of users and
their responses by the sample email data. We used
WEKA API for the implementation of C4.5 decision
tree. The Rules generated were of following form: If
Email Label = ‘sports & sports = ‘False’ & gender
= ‘Male & computers = ‘True then ‘Interested.
The developed ontology and the rules are used to
predict the response of a user for a new email.
Experiments were performed to test the accuracy of
both: 1) Email Categorizer which provides a label to
emails 2) Ontology Based Classifier which predicts
the response of a user towards an email based on user
characteristics, preferences and the label of test email.
In this section, first we present the results and analysis
of the Categorizer along with the performance of the
proposed term weighing method. Finally we present
the results of the Ontology Based Classifier and its
comparison with original scheme.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: Comparison of the proposed system with Kim’s scheme.
S. No. Aspect of the Classifier
Original Scheme by Kim et al.
Proposed Scheme
1 Emails used Korean emails collected
English emails from 20news-
2 Email Label Manually provided Automatically generated
Data collection for Ontology
based Classifier
40 emails-90 students 50 emails-30 students
4 Responses sought from users Inbox/Reply/Delete/Spam Interested/Not-Interested
5 Decision tree used ID3 C4.5
6 Ontology language Web-PDDL OWL-DL
Reasoner used for response pre-
Jenas Rule based Inference En-
8 No. of rules generated 89 42
9 Overall Accuracy 60.1% 67.6%
4.1 Analysis of Categorization System
Fig. 5 shows the performance of several methods used
for feature space reduction using subject-based term
weighing method. The number of features for each
method has been set to 20000. As observed from the
graph, the Chi-square method outperforms all other
methods in dataset used. We have compared the
Figure 5: Performance of various feature selection methods.
performance of proposed Subject-based term weigh-
ing method with traditional term weighing methods
(TF and TF-IDF) over MI and Chi-square feature
selection methods. The proposed weighing method
considerably outperforms TF and TF-IDF weighing
methods over all the feature selection methods ex-
perimented with. Fig.6 and Fig.7 display the results
of the experiments conducted with MI feature selec-
tion and Chi-square feature selection methods respec-
tively. The adjustment value A in our proposed term
weighing method (Eq 1) was taken as 5 while com-
paring the term weighing methods. The effect of vari-
ation in value of A over the categorizer performance
was also analyzed.
Figure 6: Comparison of term weighing methods (using
Mutual Information feature selection method).
Figure 7: Comparison of term weighing methods (using
Chi-square feature selection method).
4.2 Analysis of Ontology based
Table 2 presents a comparison of our system with the
classification system developed by (Kim et al., 2007).
We outlined the differences in the methods, imple-
mentations and results, an outright comparison in
terms of accuracy being not possible since the datasets
used are different. Kims system used Korean emails
for experimentation while our system works for En-
glish emails. The overall ontology based scheme we
have proposed is on similar lines as (Kim et al., 2007)
but with a few modifications and a few marked dif-
Table 3: Axioms derived by C 4.5 Decision Tree mining and their performance.
S. No. Rules Accuracy(%)
Email Label = ‘sports’ & sports = ‘False’ & gender = ‘Male’ & computers =
‘True’ then Interested
Email Label = ‘religion’ & religion = ‘False’ & medicine = ‘True’ & age =
‘Junior’ then NotInterested
Email Label = ‘politics’ & age = ‘Junior’ & religion = ‘False’ & computers =
‘True’ & gender = ‘Male’ then Interested
Email Label = ‘sports’ & sports = ‘False’ & gender = ‘Female’ then NotInter-
Email Label = ‘religion’ & religion = ‘False’ & medicine = ‘True’ & age =
‘Senior’ & gender = ‘Female’ then NotInterested
ferences in implementation (as outlined in Table 2),
the major improvement being the automatic labeling
of emails by a categorizer.
As proposed by (Kim et al., 2007), Rule Accuracy
or Rule Confidence can be used to calculate correct-
ness of each rule in the ontology. For our classifica-
tion scheme, this score can be a metric based on con-
fidence of the Rule because more is the confidence of
Rule, more is the probability that the Response pre-
dicted is correct. Some of the rules along with their
accuracy are listed in Table 3. The overall accuracy
of our system was found to be 67.6%.
We have extended, and implemented a method for
email classification originally proposed by (Kim et
al., 2007). The salient feature of the approach is that it
incorporates user preferences towards the final classi-
fication decision. Another important feature is utiliza-
tion of a user preference ontology to classify emails.
We have removed human intervention from the task of
providing label to each email manually, by integrat-
ing the ontology based classification system with an
automated email categorization system. The limited
amount of data collected might have been a constraint
towards getting clear correlation between user pref-
erences and their responses since the collected data
might have not captured all correlations.
This work also establishes the better performance
of the proposed term weighing method over the con-
ventional TF and TF-IDF methods when tested on
emails. Various feature selection methods were also
compared using the naive Bayesian classifier among
which Chi-square method gave best results. However,
since emails behave little differently than normal doc-
uments during categorization, incorporation of more
heuristics and parameters might improve the accuracy
of the categorizer and how the effect of any heuristic
varies with change in categorization algorithms would
be an interesting thing to observe.
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Itskevitch, J. 2001. Automatic hierarchical e-mail classi-
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tems. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the
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Youn S., McLeod D., 2006. Ontology Development Tools
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Youn, S., Mcleod, D., 2007. Spam Email Classification us-
ing an Adaptive Ontology. In Proceedings of 4th In-
ternational Conference on Information Technology:
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Youn S., Mcleod D., 2009. Spam Decisions on Gray E-
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development