Rafael Alonso, Philip Bramsen and Hua Li
SET Corporation, a SAIC Company,1005 North Glebe Road, 4
Floor, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A.
Keywords: User Modeling, Machine Learning, Implicit Feedback, User.
Abstract: We describe an innovative approach for incrementally learning user interests from multiple types of user
behaviours or events. User interests are reflected in the concepts and their relations contained in these
events. The concepts and relations form the structural elements of a user interest model. The relevance of
each structural element is signified by a weight. Our user modeling algorithm builds dynamic user interest
model with two concurrent processes. One process grows the model by intelligently incorporating concepts
and relationships extracted from user events. Another process adapts the weights of these model elements
by applying a novel combination of two mechanisms: reinforcement and forgetting, both important in
modulating user interests. Our modeling algorithm supports incremental and real time modeling, and readily
extends to new types of user events. One interesting application of user interest models is to identify a
virtual interest group (VIG), which is an ordered set of other system users who exhibit interests similar to
those of the target user. As a result, we can evaluate our user modeling algorithm through a VIG
identification task. In a formative NIST evaluation using intelligence analysts, we achieved 95% VIG
identification precision and recall.
In recent years, implicit user modeling has becoming
popular for unobtrusively learning user interests and
information needs from observed user behaviors
(Kelly & Teevan, 2003; Hijikata, 2004;
Shen et al.
2005; Teevan et al. 2005). There are many types of
user behaviors when a user interacts with an
information system. For example, a typical Web user
may issue a query, view a page, cut and paste a
section of the page, bookmark the page and print it.
Clearly, all these actions indicate the user’s interests.
In addition, the evidence for an interest will be
stronger if it is reflected in multiple actions than in
only one. We also observe that different types of
user actions reflect user interests to different
degrees. We introduce the notion of relevance to
denote the correspondence between the information
in the event and the user’s true interests. For
example, a keyword appearing in a query reflects
more of the user’s thinking than if it happens to
occur in a document the user read. Similarly, book
marking a document highlights the user’s interests,
whereas deleting it is likely to imply the user’s lack
of interest.
Thus the primary motivation for our work is the
need to model user’s interests with heterogeneous
user behaviors. Most studies focus on one or two
types of user behaviors, namely user query and page
view (Mostafa et al. 1997; Pazzani & Billsus, 1997;
Kelly & Teevan, 2003; Teevan et al. 2005; Shen et
al. 2005).
We also recognize that there are advantages for
better user modeling by studying multiple behaviors
concurrently. If a user is very interested in a
particular topic, her interest will likely to be
implicitly expressed in multiple behaviors. Thus one
advantage of working with heterogeneous behaviors
is different types of user behaviors tend to reinforce
or corroborate each other to indicate a particular
interest. For example, if a web page is really
interesting, the user may read it, bookmark it, save
it, and print it. Another advantage lies in the fact that
a user’s interests can be complex and might be
expressed in multiple types of behaviors. In other
words, only if we look at different behaviors, do we
get a full picture of user’s interests. For example, a
user is interested in both politics and sports. He likes
to read about politics on the Web. When it comes to
sports, however, he likes to chat with his buddies. If
we only pay attention to either Web page visits or
Alonso R., Bramsen P. and Li H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003062801290135
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 129-135
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
chats, we end up with partial understanding of the
user’s interests.
Working with heterogeneous behaviors also
offers the advantage to fine tune user’s interests by
integrating both positive and negative feedback from
user behaviors. Positive feedback refers to
information conveyed by user events that indicate
user’s interests. Such events include query,
cut/paste, reading, saving, printing, positive rating,
and selection from a result list. Most studies in the
user modeling retrieval literature rely on positive
feedback (Mostafa et al. 1997; Pazzani & Billsus,
1997; Kelly & Teevan, 2003; Hijikata, 2004).
Negative feedback is information conveyed by user
events such as deletion and non-selection that
indicate user’s lack of interest. Until recently
research in user modeling and information retrieval
has largely ignored negative feedback (Wang et
al.2008; Li et al. 2009). Still, these research efforts
have been studying negative feedback in isolation,
i.e. not combined with positive feedback. We
recognize that both positive and negative feedback
are important in modeling user interests. In our
work, we have developed an approach that
incorporates both types of feedback in a uniform
Many types of user behaviors occur when a user
interacts with an information system. Clearly, there
are various ways to organize them and a couple of
researchers have attempted to classify them (Kelly &
Teevan 2003; Oard & Kim; 2001). For this work, we
adopted the Analysis Log Event (ALE) specification
developed by IARPA (Schroh et al. 2009). It is a
comprehensive and systematic taxonomy for
describing user events commonly occurring in
information systems. It is completely defined in
XML schema. The ALE specification describes four
high-level event classes. The classes relevant to this
paper include the following:
Search – Generated when a user submits a query
to a search engine.
Access – Generated when a user views a URL.
Retain – Generated when a user keeps
information by actions such as copy/paste,
bookmarking a web page, printing a document,
or inserting evidence into her workspace.
Focus – Generated when the user interacts with
or ‘focuses’ on an entity.
Assess – Generated when a user rates a
document or when the user links a piece of
evidence with a hypothesis.
Create – Generated when a user creates
information object such as a new report or a
Discard – Generated when a user deletes a
StartApplication – Generated when a user opens
an application.
The ALE taxonomy represents the state of the art
classification scheme for user behaviors. It
encompasses both implicit and explicit feedback
behaviors. In particular, the assess events allows the
user to provide explicit ratings while the other event
classes report various forms of implicit feedback
information. In addition, the taxonomy captures both
negative and positive feedback behaviors. For
example, discard events provide negative feedback
whereas search, access, and retain events convey
positive feedback.
2.1 Reinforcement and Aging based
Modeling Algorithm (RAMA)
Figure 1: A concept map example.
The input to RAMA is a stream of heterogeneous
user behaviors in the form of ALEs generated when
a user interacts with an information system. The
output are user models represented by a weighted
concept map (Alonso & Li, 2005). In this paper, we
define a concept map as consisting of concepts,
relations, and their associated weights. For
convenience, concepts and relations are also referred
to as features of the user model. A concept denotes
an idea, or a general notion regarding the task. A
relation denotes the relationship between two
concepts. Concepts and relations carry weights that
indicate levels of user interest. In the example shown
in Figure 1, the concept map consists of 4 concepts
(red nodes) and 4 relations (black arrows). The
associated weights for the features are also shown.
At runtime, RAMA algorithm incrementally
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
processes individual user behavioral events as they
arrive to the system. For each user event, we extract
the textual content from the event, and perform
preprocessing (e.g. removing HTML tags) if needed.
A specialized natural language processing (NLP)
tool is applied to the textual content to extract an
information object model”, a data structure that
represents the content in the form of a weighted
concept map. Consequently the NLP tool that
produces the data structure is referred to as
information object modeler.”
The RAMA algorithm then ages the current user
model by applying a forgetting function to all
features in current user model, effectively causing
their weights to decrease, i.e., user’s existing
interests will decrease over time. In RAMA, the
forgetting function is defined as follows:
The formula above states that every time it is
applied, the new weight of a feature in the model
will decrease as a linear function of current weight.
The amount of decrease is determined by A, which
is the aging factor with value in the range of [0, 1].
The next step of the algorithm is selective
reinforcement. A feature of the user model is
activated if it is also seen in the information object
model. Activated features will have their interest
weights positively or negatively reinforced,
depending on the nature of the feedback provided by
the user event. This step thus provides the
mechanism for incorporating both positive and
negative feedback in a consistent manner.
Positive reinforcement occurs when the ALE is a
positive feedback. An activated feature increases its
weight according to the following formula:
is the new weight, W is the current
weight, R
is the relevance for feedback f, and I is
the reinforcement factor, which determines the size
of the weight increase. The value of I falls in the
range of [0, 1]. The larger the value for I is, the
larger the increase. Note that the second term (R
) in the Max function is the default weight for the
current feedback. The Max function is to guarantee
the new weight be at least the size of default weight
for the given feedback.
Negative reinforcement occurs when the polarity
of the feedback is negative. The activated feature is
reinforced via a decrease in its weight as follows:
The symbols in the above formula have the same
meanings as before. Note the larger the value of the
reinforcement factor, the larger the decrease.
Note that in both types of reinforcement,
different types of user behaviors affect the weight
change via the relevance factor R
. The larger the
value, the bigger the impact on the weight change.
The last step of RAMA grows the user model
carefully. Only if the feedback from is positive, do
we insert the top-weighted N new concepts and
relations from the information object model into the
current user model. Then the top N concepts with
the highest values are selected. N is an algorithm
parameter which can be adjusted depending on the
application. The interest weights at insertion will be
modulated by the type of their source event.
2.2 Extracting Model Features using
Information Object Modelers
Several object modelers have been developed and
tested in the NIST evaluation. The two modelers we
will focus on in this paper are: 1) Term Frequency
(TF); and 2) Text to Specialized Concept Maps
2.2.1 TF Object Modeler
The document model built with the TF modeler is
simply the normalized term frequencies of those
terms in the document. To constrain the number of
potential terms, a file of common words was used
for the TF modeler. This file contains a single long
list of words which is intended to represent the most
common words in the corpus of training documents.
This list of words constitutes the marker set for the
TF modeler. This file contained a total of 6,503
words, which was selected from a set of 50,000
documents collected by Oculus using in-domain web
queries. Note that only terms are extracted. The
relations among them terms are not extracted.
2.2.2 T2SCM Object Modeler
The T2SCM (Text to Specialized Concept Map) tool
extracts typed concepts and relations from English
text and generates a specialized concept map
represented as an XML document. It is based on the
open source NLP software GATE
( The input text is first processed
by GATE to extract named entities or annotations.
The entities are then processed to derive typed
concepts and proximity-based relations (e.g. co-
WAW )1(' =
occurring in the same sentences). The weight for the
concepts and relations are determined by the number
of their occurrences normalized by the size of the
The evaluation of user modeling algorithm is based
on our Model-Guided Inquiry (MGI) framework,
which uses a user model to shape the behavior of an
information system (Alonso et al. 2003; Alonso &
Li, 2005a, 2005b). Such systems are termed model-
guided systems. In this framework, the value of user
modeling is not in the models themselves, but rather
in new capabilities they enable in an information
system. The benefits of model-guided inquiry have
been demonstrated in our prior work. In one study, it
was used to personalize a search for obsolete
replacement parts (Alonso et al. 2003). In another,
encouraging results were obtained by using models
to guide a text search mechanism based on swarm
intelligence (Alonso & Li, 2005b). Furthermore,
user models were also leveraged to avoid biases in
analytic work (Alonso & Li, 2005a). Last but not the
least, user models were used for automatic query
generation and for augmenting or contextualizing
user queries (Alonso & Li, 2005a).In this work, the
user model is used to guide the identification of a
virtual interest group (VIG), which refers to the
virtual community of users who exhibit interests
most similar to the target user. In the literature, there
are many approaches for discovering VIGs (Guy et
al. 2009; McDonald, 2003; Zhang et al. 2007). Here
we derive the VIG by comparing the similarity of
user models. It is reasonable to assume that the more
accurate the user models, the more accurate the
VIGs will be. Thus the problem of evaluating the
performance of the user modeling translates into one
of judging the accuracy of VIG.
3.1 VIG Identification
The insight for this algorithm comes from the
observation that even in the course of a single
analysis task, the user will explore different aspects
of the problem overtime. In other words, the user
will display slightly different interests at different
times. To capture the shifting of interests under a
task, it makes sense to build mini-models for
different phases or time segments rather than one
all-encompassing lifetime model. We refer the
model for a specific time segment as a segment
model. Along the same line of reasoning, it makes
sense to compare all the segment models of two
users in order to determine if they are similar to each
3.2 NIST Experiment Setup
This evaluation by NIST was referred to as the
Recommender2 study. Seven Navy Reserve analysts
were recruited by NIST for the study. Each analyst
spent two 8-hour days at NIST (some spent
additional time prior to the final experiment to help
with system tuning) and worked four tasks. Each
task was 3.5 hours, except the training task of the
first half-day, which had nearly the same schedule as
the other tasks. Tasks focused on collecting
hypotheses in response to the task directive, based
on evidence found with the information system. For
each task, each analyst used a different user handle.
In the analysis, a “user” is a user session with one
handle. Altogether, we have 7 * 4 = 28 user sessions.
We knew the number of tasks and the details of the
training task, but did not know specifics of the other
During the experiment, ALEs were captured and
stored in a web service-based repository called
analysis log service (ALS), which was developed
and hosted by Oculus. The ALE data was made
available to us for VIG analysis. Although our
algorithms run in real time, VIG analysis was run
after the experiment, as our VIG predictions were to
be tested against the tasking assignments and not
provided to the analysts.
3.2.1 Data for VIG Identification
In our first analysis, we performed user modeling
and VIG identification using the 4,463 ALEs
generated from the Recommender2 study alone. In a
second analysis, we incorporated 28,249 additional
archived ALEs from an earlier research program and
performed VIG analysis with the combined set of
ALEs. The results for the second analysis were
similar to the first, and were not shown for reasons
of space limitation. The Recommender2 study
generated the following ALEs (the number indicates
the number of ALEs for that type): 178 Search, 1180
Access, 599 Retain, 43 Focus, 1392 Assess, 928
Create, 103 Discard, and 40 StartApplication.
For the VIG analysis, we used two data
segmentation intervals: 30 and 10 minutes. As
mentioned in the VIG identification algorithm,
segmentation refers to the slice of time on which one
subject was compared to the other subjects. On
average, subjects generated 2 ALEs (analytic
logging events) every minute. Therefore, 10 minutes
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 2: VIG metrics -- 30 minute segments for 28 sessions.
corresponds roughly to 20 ALEs, while 30 minutes
represents 60 ALEs worth of activity. In the case of
30 minute segmentation, we built up to 8 half-hour
segment models per user. As a result, we had a total
of 168 segment models for task identification.
3.2.2 Gold Standards and Performance
The gold standards (i.e. the ground truth) were
created by NIST for the Recommender2 data. They
were unknown to us until after the evaluation was
complete. The gold standards contained the true
VIGs for each user. They were used by NIST to
compute performance metrics.
Precision and Recall and equal-weighted F-
values were used as the main outcome measures.
Precision is defined as hits/(hits + false alarms),
i.e. (#correct answers)/(# total answers). Recall is
defined as hits/(hits + misses), i.e. (# correct
answers)/(# correct answers).
3.3 Results
Figure 2 shows the results at segmentation sizes of
30-minute. The first thing to observe in this figure is
that different object modelers (TF and T2SCM) had
clearly different abilities to detect VIG’s. Secondly,
TF, the putatively simplest of the methods, was best
in terms of all three metrics. Third, a comparison
between segment sizes of 30-minute and 10-minute
(results not shown) leads to the conclusion that 10-
minute time slices are not as effective as 30-minute
slices under the conditions of this study. It is
intriguing, however, to speculate that 10-minute
segments appear to be nearly as good as 30-minute
segments in the early part of the time series. Thirty
minute segments are clearly better as the user model
grows over time. Finally, the absolute values for
precision and recall for TF, and therefore for F-
value, are quite extraordinary.
In summary, in this NIST evaluation, VIG
detection was tested against gold standards. VIG’s
were identified well in the set of 28 sessions
generated by our current 7 subjects. The best object
modeler (TF) achieved 95% precision and nearly
95% recall.
We describe an innovative approach for
incrementally learning user interests from multiple
types of user behaviors or events. User interests are
reflected in the concepts and their relations
contained in these events. The concepts and relations
form the structural elements of a user interest model.
The relevance of each structural element is signified
by a weight. Our user modeling algorithm builds
dynamic user interest model with two concurrent
processes. One process grows the model by
intelligently incorporating concepts and
relationships extracted from user events. Another
process adapts the weights of these model elements
by applying a novel combination of two
mechanisms: reinforcement and forgetting, both
important in modulating user interests. Our
modeling algorithm supports incremental and real
time modeling, and readily extends to new types of
user events. One interesting application of user
interest models is to identify a VIG, which is an
ordered set of other system users who exhibit
interests similar to those of the target user. As a
result, we can evaluate our user modeling algorithm
through a VIG identification task. In a formative
NIST evaluation using intelligence analysts, we
achieved 95% VIG identification precision and
In the evaluation, we have explored a couple of
other information object modelers especially those
based on topic distributions such as Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) (Wang et al. 2007). The results
were not conclusive due to insufficient time and
resource for tuning. In the future we would like to
study them further. It would also be interesting to
acquire the relevance assignments for different types
of ALEs automatically by restricting inputs to VIG
algorithm to single ALE types and compare the
impacts on VIG identification performance. Lastly,
we would like to apply clustering algorithms to the
task identification problem using the generated
segment models.
This study was supported and monitored by the
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
(IARPA) under the CASE MASTER project with
contract number FA8750-06-C-0193. The views,
opinions, and findings contained in this report are
those of the authors and should not be construed as
an official IARPA position, policy, or decision,
unless so designated by other official
We would like to thank the NIST team headed
by Emile Morse for conducting the formative
evaluation of our work. We are also indebted to New
Vectors and Oculus teams for their collaboration and
software support. We also owe our gratitude to
FairIsaac and BAE teams for providing the object
modeler support and software.
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