José Mª Quinteiro-González, Ernestina Martel-Jordán, Pablo Hernández-Morera
Aaron López-Rodríguez, Leidia Martel-Monagas
IUMA Sistemas de Información y Comunicaciones-Tecnología de la Información
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Campus Universitario de Tafira, s/n, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Angelo Santana-del Pino
Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Campus Universitario de Tafira, s/n
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Keywords: Recommendation Systems, Ontology, Customization.
Abstract: One of the main tasks of the information services is to help users to find information that satisfies their
preferences reducing their search effort. Recommendation systems filter information and only show the
most preferred items. Ontologies are fundamental elements of the Semantic Web and have been exploited to
build more accurate and personalized recommendations by inferencing missing user preferences. With
catalogs changing continuously ontologies must be built autonomously without expert intervention. In this
paper we present an audiovisual recommendation engine which uses an enhanced ontology filtering
technique to recommend audiovisual content. Experimental results show that the improvements of the
ontology filtering technique generate accurate recommendations.
With the Internet people are becoming overwhelmed
by information. Recommender systems seem to be
the choice to help users in the situation of filtering
information based on user preferences.
One of the most widely used recommendation
technique is collaborative filtering (CF) (Herlocker
et al., 1999). This technique recommends items
based on the experience of the user as well as other
similar users. Unfortunately, CF suffers from
sparsity and cold-start (Sarwar et al., 2001) (Vozalis
and Margaritis, 2003). Sparsity refers to the lack of
user ratings. This reduces the probability of finding
users who have rated the same items. Clustering
techniques partially solve these problems at the
expense of losing accuracy in the recommendations
(O´Connor and Herlocker, 1999). The cold-start
problem is a consequence of the unconstrained
search space which requires many items to be rated
in order to find the right neighbours.
Another recommendation technique is the
content-based filtering (Pazzani and Billsus, 2007).
where the user will be recommended with items
similar to the ones the user preferred in the past.
This kind of recommendation technique does not
suffer from the cold-start problem. However, this
recommendation technique always ends up
recommending items which have already been rated
by the user (overspecialization).
An alternative to solve the above-mentioned
problems is to use the ontology filtering technique
(Schickel-Zuber, 2007). This technique infers user
ratings using a mechanism over an ontology of the
In this paper we use the ontology filtering
technique on an audiovisual delivery platform. This
recommendation technique has been exploited to
customize both audiovisual content and
advertisements according to the user profile and
their behavior in the platform.
Quinteiro-González J., Martel-Jordán E., Hernández-Morera P., López-Rodríguez A., Martel-Monagas L. and Santana-del Pino A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003063103790382
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 379-382
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this section we present the scenario where the
recommendation engine has been developed, and the
ontology filtering technique.
2.1 Audiovisual Platform
The audiovisual platform architecture is basically
formed by repositories, managers and a user
interface. This architecture follows the SOA
(Services Oriented Architecture) model where each
manager provides its functionality through web
The user manager module is in charge of user
authentication as well as the maintenance of user
session and identification through the platform.
The content manager module manages the
audiovisual content resources.
The virtual character manager manages the
appearance and behavior of virtual character that
interact with the user.
The statistic manager module is in charge of
maintaining the key performance indicators.
The customization manager provides the most
adequate audiovisual contents to users regarding
their taste and preferences.
The advertisement manager is in charge of
managing all the data regarding advertisements
within the audiovisual platform.
2.2 Ontology Filtering
Ontology filtering (Schickel-Zuber, 2007) solves the
problems of other recommendations techniques by
means of a ontology containing the item domain,
and an inference mechanism which allows inferring
user preferences using the proximity to other items
of the ontology which have been rated by the user.
A node in the ontology represents a concept. An
item is an instance of a concept, and the edges
represent features that differentiate the set of sub-
concepts of the same parent.
For each concept c, two properties are added: the
score (S(c)) and the a-priori score (APS(c)). The
former represents how much a specific user likes a
given concept, whereas the latter determines the
propagation parameters of user’s scores between the
sub-concepts and the concept c, considering only the
location of concept c in the ontology.
To predict user ratings of a concept y, the system
uses knowledge of the user ratings, S(x) associated
to the closest concept x, and the lowest common
ancestor to concepts x and y in the ontology.
Recommendations are computed by finding
unseen items that are instances of concepts with the
highest score.
Changes in the set of items are incorporated in
the catalog, through the use of clustering algorithms
to generate ontologies from the set of user ratings.
The clustering algorithms used are the
agglomerative and the partitional. The criteria
functions used to optimize the allocation of an item
to a given cluster are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Criteria functions used by clustering algorithms.
where k is the amount of cluster to consider, C
represents cluster r, n
denotes the amount of
elements in cluster r, C
is the centroid of cluster r,
and sim(i,j) is the similarity between items i and j.
Combining the criteria functions in Table 1 and
the clustering algorithms, the system generates 15
different ontologies (agglomerative with criteria
function 1 to 9, partitional with criteria function 1 to
6). Instead of using the same ontology for all users,
the best ontology is selected based on the user
preference profile in order to increase the
recommendation accuracy.
The recommendation engine has a layered
architecture, where the inner layer contains the
agents that implement different filtering techniques.
Above this layer, the recommendation agent drivers
let you configure what techniques to use and how to
combine them, and to determine the set of item
ratings, product catalogs and ontologies to be used.
The architecture allows us to add new
personalization techniques easily by implementing
the corresponding agent. This goal has been
achieved by means of software architecture
presented in Figure 1. The decision tree chooses the
recommendation technique which is carried out by
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Class hierarchy for recommender.
the recommender. The recommender sets up the
interaction between agents and data management.
This interaction allows agents to get the required
data for providing recommnedation results.
Figure 1: Software architecture for the application layer.
The class hierarchy which implements the
recommender is presented in Figure 2 where
filtering techniques have been separated from the
data required for recommendations. Each new agent
requires adding a new class for the recommender,
another for the filtering technique and the necessary
data classes for such a filtering technique.
The agent that implements the ontology filtering
technique has two components: the ontology
generator and the recommendation generator. The
ontology generator computes off-line the set of
ontologies specified in subsection 2.2. The
recommendation generator selects the most
appropriate ontology for each user.
Based on the selected ontology, the user ratings
and the product catalog, the recommendation
generator performs the necessary tasks to generate
the recommendations.
We have been working with an improved version of
the ontology filtering technique, by estimating the
missing values in the user-item matrix by means of
an imputation method. The algorithm of the k
nearest neighbours has been used as the imputation
method of missing values (Troyanskaya et al.,
To evaluate the recommendation engine with knn
imputation values, several experiments have been
performed using the data from the MovieLens data
set (Dataset MovieLens, 2010). 250 users from this
dataset have been randomly selected.
The set of ratings of each user is randomly split
into a training set and a test set, so that the former
contains 90% of the ratings.
The training set is used to generate the
ontologies. 15 ontologies have been generated by
combining agglomerative and partitional methods
with each criteria function listed in Table 1.
Similarly, another 15 ontologies have been
generated but from an array of user-item ratings with
data imputation. All of this leads to a total of 30
For each of the ontologies generated, the inferred
scores are compared with the real scores of those
concepts in the test set, computing the NMAE
(Normalized Mean Absolute Error) (Herlocker et al.,
Then, the ontology with the lowest average error
is selected. The results are shown in Table 2, which
shows the number of times a clustering method with
a specific criteria function has been selected.
Table 2 shows that more than half, namely 134
users are benefiting from the use of knn data
The mean error using the ontology filtering
method is 0.056, and in the case of using ontology
filtering with knn data imputation the error is 0.048.
Table 2: Distribution of selected ontology for each user.
Clustering method
agglom. agglom-knn part. part-knn
Criteria function
1 13 16 12 0
2 6 8 4 4
3 4 9 3 2
4 9 3 0 11
5 11 14 9 5
6 3 8 2 2
7 22 12 NA NA
8 8 25 NA NA
9 10 15 NA NA
86 110 30 24
In relative terms this means an improvement of
To determine if this difference between the
average errors of both methods is significant we
have used the Wilcoxon test for paired samples,
since there is no normal distribution of errors, as can
be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Wilcoxon test.
The p-value Wilcoxon test is less than 10
indicates that the difference between the magnitudes
of the errors is significant and cannot be attributed to
In this work we have presented the recommendation
engine developed for the customization and
advertisement managers within an audiovisual
content delivery platform. The main novelty of our
work is the reusable approach of the
recommendation engine for different contexts. In
this sense, we can add new different filtering
techniques and different content types easily. In this
work we have used the ontology filtering technique.
This work has enhanced the traditional ontology
filtering technique by means of an imputation of
ratings in the user-item matrix.
The extended use of social networks introduces an
important element to extend user profile as the user
interacts with other users in the network. Moreover,
some geolocalization aspects must be considered for
recommending advertisements.
At the moment we are updating the ontology
filtering technique in order to improve the quality of
the recommendations even more.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval