A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk
in Schema-based Ontology Alignment
Alexandra Mazak
, Bernhard Schandl
and Monika Lanzenberger
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
European Research Council, ERCEA, Covent Garden 21/23, Place Rogier, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Department of Distributed and Multimedia Systems, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Ontology alignment, Application context, Modeling focus, Heterogeneity coefficient, Mismatch-at-risk met-
Frequently, ontologies based on the same domain are similar but also have many differences, which are known
as heterogeneity. The alignment of entities which are not meant to be used in the same context, or which
follow different modeling conventions, may cause mismatch in ontology alignment. End-users would benefit
from knowing the risk level of mismatch between ontologies prior to starting a time- and cost-intensive pro-
cedure. With our heuristic-based method align++ we propose to consider the general application context of
a modeled domain (the modeling context) in order to enhance the user support in schema-based alignment.
In the method’s first part, ontology concepts are enriched with weighting meta-information, resulting from
two indicators: importance weighting indicator and importance outdegree indicator. These indicators contain
model- and graph-based information and can be observed and measured at the schema level of an ontology.
The output of the first part are ranking lists of importance indicators for each ontology concept in the role
of a domain class. In the second part, the candidate sample for our mismatch-risk model bases on external
user input by manually identifying concepts between the lists of each source ontology. The heterogeneity risk
among the concepts’ importance indicator values is measured as standard deviation over the candidate sam-
ple. Afterwards these measured values are aggregated, and a heterogeneity coefficient is calculated. On the
basis of this risk factor the mismatch-at-risk (MaR) between ontologies can be approximated as a threshold
for schema-based ontology alignment.
An ontology is an artefact representing a scope of a
real world domain for a specific purpose. In a col-
laborative modeling process multiple perspectives of
a matter are condensed into a shared conceptualiza-
tion. System analysts, in collaboration with domain
experts, represent their view of the real world by us-
ing an abstract model, an ontology. Naturally, such
models are marked by their authors’ intentions and
perspectives, and therefore cannot claim to represent
objective reality. When a group of engineers start to
conceptualize a certain domain they should agree on
some shared representation forms, e.g., an expressive
ontology language like OWL (Dean and Schreiber,
2004), and on a specific purpose for modeling this do-
main. This purpose (e.g., a certain business goal) re-
stricts the modelers’ views, and therefore the perspec-
tive on a domain. Ontology creators use entities to
represent the domain of interest in a specific context,
which results mainly from the purpose-specific usage
of the domain. We call this specific context the mod-
eling context. According to (Janiesch, 2010), when
regarding modeling methods as social and contextual-
ized complexes, it becomes necessary to include some
stance of context in the meta model. [...], models or
parts thereof can be equipped with context”.
Frequently, ontologies that describe the same do-
main of interest are similar but also expose many dif-
ferences. These are known as heterogeneity and are
rooted in diversity in ontology modeling. One reason
for conceptual heterogeneity—which is also called
semantic heterogeneity (Euzenat, 2001)—is the dif-
ference in perspective when modeling two ontolo-
gies (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007). Their example
of maps addresses the problem of difference in per-
Mazak A., Schandl B. and Lanzenberger M..
align++ - A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment.
DOI: 10.5220/0003063600170026
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 17-26
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
spective from a spatio-temporal point of view. In
(Benerecetti et al., 2001) the authors describe three
kinds of perspectives: spatio-temporal, logical, and
cognitive. Heterogeneity resulting from the first two
kinds can be solved by DL-based techniques like
SAT solver (Giunchiglia and Shvaiko, 2003). The
pragmatic heterogeneity (Bouquet et al., 2004)—
which is called semiotic heterogeneity by (Euzenat
and Shvaiko, 2007)—results from differences in inter-
preting entities with regard to a specific context: The
intended use of entities has a great impact on their
interpretation, therefore, matching entities which are
not meant to be used in the same context is often error-
prone” (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007).
In our approach we focus on semantics from a
cognitive perspective which leads to pragmatic het-
erogeneity problems in ontology alignment. There-
fore, we prefer the notion model-pragmatic instead of
model-theoretic semantics. The cognitive perspective
includes the specific purpose of a modeled domain,
and therefore it is related to the (intensional) context
layer (Ehrig, 2007) of an ontology. Additionally, a
possible mismatch risk can occur at the ontology layer
which is called explication mismatch (Klein, 2001).
This mismatch results from differences in modeling
conventions (Chalupsky, 2000), which means dissimi-
larities in describing concepts. More detailed descrip-
tions of heterogeneity and mismatch types have been
given by (Visser et al., 1997), (Chalupsky, 2000),
(Klein, 2001), and (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007).
Another problem in ontology alignment is to give
end-users a quick and efficient overview of the source
ontologies. Additionally, they should be supported to
gain insight into the modeling process of those on-
tologies. A method which makes such an outline
feasible can give users an idea about the application
(modeling) context in which the entities are used for
a specific purpose.
This paper is structured as follows: first, we de-
scribe the need of efficient aids for user support in
schema-based ontology alignment. Then we intro-
duce our heuristic-based method align++ and present
details about its two parts. We describe the idea of
encoding context- and structure-based heterogeneity
as possible risk factors in numerical values to approx-
imate a mismatch-at-risk between ontologies. We fi-
nally underpin our research assumptions of align++
Part A with an evaluation survey.
In previous works we have proposed that in addi-
tion to the two factors entity labels and relation-
ships among entities the modeling focus on enti-
ties should be additionally considered (Mazak et al.,
2010). Analogous to the demand described by (Jani-
esch, 2010), [...] we attempt to systematize the cur-
rent perceptions of context as relevant parameters for
the adaption of conceptual modeling methods”; and
relating to (Ehrig et al., 2004), [...] similar enti-
ties are used in similar context”. In our approach the
entities we focus on are the concepts of ontologies
(or their classes, which are concrete representations
of concepts, respectively). Our approach considers
domain knowledge as meta-information in the form
of two indicators, an importance weighting indica-
tor and an importance outdegree indicator for classes.
We denote with domain knowledge the modeling fo-
cus, which results from the context in which a certain
domain has to be modeled.
Let us assume, for instance, that there are two on-
tologies (O
and O
) that describe the same domain
of interest, a software tool for conference organiza-
tion support (OAEI, 2009). We assume two differ-
ent usage scenarios for these ontologies. In the first
scenario, the purpose of creating both ontologies is to
describe authors and their papers (Scenario 1). There-
fore, the modeling focus of the ontology engineers is
mainly on the concepts Author, Contribution, and Ar-
ticle, as well as these concepts’ relations to other con-
cepts. In the second scenario, the specific purpose of
ontology O
is to describe the events and organiza-
tions of the conference (Scenario 2), while the pur-
pose of ontology O
remains the same as in Scenario
1. Therefore, the modeling focus of ontology O
Scenario 2 is on the concepts Working Event, Admin-
istrative Event, and Organization. The context rep-
resents the environment in which the entities of an
ontology have a certain level (importance level) of
meaning. Thus, the introduced modeling context is
equatable to the notion of application context (Ehrig
et al., 2004). The differences due to the modeling fo-
cus cause semantic, pragmatic, and also terminologi-
cal heterogeneity problems. Therefore, mismatch be-
tween ontologies may occur in the alignment process.
We have designed a heuristic-based method called
align++, which follows the objective to support
the end-user in ontology alignment by making het-
erogeneity between source ontologies visible before
starting a schema-based alignment technique. The
method provides a metric that quantifies the possible
mismatch between ontologies. It helps users to gain
a better understanding of ontologies, and disburdens
them from complex, time-, and cost-intensive tasks.
The name align++ results from the two steps in which
this method is divided, an ex ante and an ex post step.
Firstly, using the techniques of the ex ante step of
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
0.05 (Lowest)
0.25 (Low)
0.50 (Middle)
0.75 (High)
0.95 (Highest)
Domain Concept Property Range Concept iweighting Level
Figure 1: Example recording the importance-weighted owl:Class Event at the schema level (TBox) of an ontology.
Part A, information that results from the context and
ontology layer of an ontology can be observed and
measured. Secondly, each domain concept is anno-
tated with these measurements in the form of meta-
information by weighted values. The concepts with
their labels and computed values are recorded as or-
dered ranking lists. Possible heterogeneity factors re-
sulting from the individual process of meta-modeling
ontologies at the schema level are mapped to their
concepts. Thus, we enrich the element level with
meta-information of the structure level.
The ex post step of Part B starts with a user se-
lection of similar concepts out of the ranking lists of
two or more ontologies as input for our mismatch-risk
model. This strategy of a manually conducted con-
cept selection minimizes a possible structural falsifi-
cation induced by other methods, e.g., lexical match-
ing techniques. After this user selection we evaluate
the heterogeneity risk measured as standard deviation
among the concepts’ importance indicator values, ag-
gregate the measured values, and calculate a hetero-
geneity coefficient. On the basis of this risk factor the
mismatch-at-risk (MaR) between the source ontolo-
gies can be approximated as a threshold value for the
schema-based alignment process.
2.1 Part A: Evaluating
Risk-determining Indicators
We use OWL DL (Dean and Schreiber, 2004) as vo-
cabulary to describe domains of interests. There, an
ontology is a set of logical axioms that are asserted
in the TBox at the schema level. With our method we
focus on the more general context of these logical ax-
ioms or statements, rather than on situational details
of the ABox at the instance level. We agree with (Ja-
niesch, 2010) in that the use of situational context is
too detailed to allow for a meaningful reuse in ontol-
ogy alignment. Therefore, our method considers only
schema level information but no instance data. We
further assume that the modeling context is mainly
hidden in the relational structure of an ontology (cf.
Section 3). According to (Euzenat and Shvaiko,
2007), “matching ontologies from their relational (or
external) structure is very powerful [...]”, and it is
worth considering what are the important relations
before using such techniques”—meaning techniques
which consider the relational structure of an ontology.
The modeling focus is not directly observable and
measurable, hence we need indicators that quantify
the level of meaning encoded in these schemas for fur-
ther computation. For this purpose we introduce two
indicators: the importance weighting indicator (IwI
and the importance outdegree indicator (IoI
) of on-
tology concepts (c). As introduced in our previous
works (Mazak et al., 2010), IwI
[0; 1] results from
the importance-weighted (model-pragmatic) seman-
tics of binary relations (owl:ObjectProperties) de-
pending on their particular domain/range combina-
tions. According to (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007),
“the semantics of ontologies can be constrained
by additional axioms”, which are in our case the
rdfs:domain and rdfs:range assertions that con-
strain an owl:ObjectProperty (Horridge, 2004).
This means that the local semantics (meaning) of a
statement is constrained based on its purpose-specific
usage. This information is mainly encoded in the re-
lations between concepts (owl:ObjectProperties)
and not only in their taxonomic relations.
The first step of the weighting procedure manu-
ally conducted by the ontology engineers during the
ontology design and development process, since “se-
mantics is usually specified explicitly at design time
(Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2004). As an aid for setting
importance weighting levels in this procedure the on-
tology engineers could be geared to the competency
questions in (Gr
uninger and Fox, 1995) and (Noy and
McGuinness, 2001). The importance weighting pro-
cedure is practicable for the ontology developers also
in large ontologies. Since an importance weight is
annotated, with a simple point-and-click interaction
(Mazak et al., 2010), when the object property with
its domain/range constraints is generated at design
time. IwI
values encode the usage of entities in a
certain application context. This context layer meta-
information is annotated on the relation signature σ
align++ - A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment
Table 1: Importance Weighted Indicator (IwI
) values for ontologies O
and O
(a) Scenario 1: equal modeling focus.
Level confOf (O
) crs dr (O
Highest Contribution article
Author author
High abstract
Middle reviewer
Lowest Administrative event conference
Working event program
Organization chair
Person participant
Member PC
(b) Scenario 2: different modeling focus.
Level confOf (O
) crs dr (O
Highest Administrative event article
Working event author
High abstract
Middle reviewer
Low Scholar
Lowest Contribution conference
Person program
Author chair
Member PC participant
R C × C (Ehrig et al., 2004) at the schema level.
Therefore, the level of context-based heterogeneity—
being a possible risk factor in the alignment process—
is encoded in the value of a concept’s IwI
In a second step we identify the importance outde-
gree indicator values (IoI
, IoI
[0;1]), which result
from a weighting based on the outdegree of a concept
c in proportion to the concept with the highest outde-
gree within the ontology. Therefore, this second indi-
cator considers a possible heterogeneity risk resulting
from differences in describing concepts. More pre-
cisely, in the values of IoI
the heterogeneity risk of a
concept based on differences in modeling conventions
(Chalupsky, 2000) is encoded. Additionally, IoI
indicates the importance of concepts for structure-
based alignment techniques (e.g., graph-based meth-
ods). Such information is important for users to de-
tect efficient initial points for starting alignment or
mapping methods like Anchor-PROMPT (Noy and
Musen, 2001).
Figure 1 shows an excerpt of an ontology that has
been enriched with IwI
indicators for instance, the
relation: “Event follows Event” has been weighted
with highest importance, while the relation: “Event
takes place in Location” is only of low importance.
As can be seen from this figure, the indicator-based
values of concept relations can be stored in multistage
hash maps. In the current version of align++—which
is implemented using the Eclipse environment (Gron-
back, 2009)—, concepts with their weighted values
and labels are recorded in form of ordered lists, which
can be additionally used as ranking lists (cf. Table 1
and Table 2).
2.2 Part B: Exploiting Risk Factors
during Ontology Alignment
The second part of align++, the ex post step, is ini-
tiated at the beginning of an alignment between two
ontologies. To describe this part in detail we start with
an example on the basis of the ontologies confOf (O
and crs dr (O
), and the two scenarios we have de-
scribed in Section 2. Further, we assume that all log-
ical statements of these two ontologies have already
been importance-weighted (cf. Section 2.1) based on
the respective scenario, and that for each domain con-
cept the IwI
and IoI
-based values have been com-
Before they start an alignment process, end-users
should be supported so that they can get a quick
and context-based overview of the source ontologies.
They should be able to easily detect the core concepts
of these ontologies, their importance in a certain ap-
plication context, and whether concepts are efficient
candidates to be selected as initial points for graph-
based alignment methods or propositional techniques
(e.g. SAT solver).
Table 1 shows the lists in which the concepts of
and O
are ranked by their indicator-based val-
ues. The ranking bases on an average of the values
resulting from the weighting procedures, which have
been manually conducted by the survey respondents
(cf. Section 3). On the one hand, end-users can easily
detect the core concepts Author and author, which are
also syntactically similar, and Contribution and arti-
cle (Table 1a). As we can see, these lists help users to
take care of terminological heterogeneity, which oc-
curs due to variations in names referring to the same
concepts, like in case of Contribution and article. On
the other hand the list depicted in Table 1b shows dif-
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: Importance Outdegree Indicator (IoI
Level confOf (O
) crs dr (O
High Person article
Middle Contribution author
Administrative event program
Working event chair
Member PC
Low Author abstract
Scholar reviewer
ferences in the ranking of concepts. These differences
are identifiable due to the differences of their IwI
based values. It is evident that both ontologies de-
scribe the same domain of interest, but with a differ-
ent modeling focus on it. Moreover, the user can de-
tect that the intended usage of the concepts may differ.
Thus, they can derive that the application context is
probably not the same (i.e., pragmatic heterogeneity).
We assume that this kind of heterogeneity mainly re-
sults from the interpretation of entities by humans due
to a certain application context: this kind of hetero-
geneity is difficult for the computer to detect and even
more difficult to solve, because it is out of its reach
(Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007).
Figure 2 presents the differences in the structures
of our two example ontologies, which are reflected
in their respective IoI
values. O
consists of a large
number of classes, which are arranged in three hier-
archy levels. O
has significantly fewer classes with
only two levels of hierarchy. This kind of structural
heterogeneity results from differences in describing
concepts: [...] a distinction between two classes
can be modeled using a qualifying attribute or by in-
troducing a separate class (Klein, 2001). (Chalup-
sky, 2000) denotes this kind of heterogeneity as dif-
ferences in modeling conventions. Table 2 presents
this possible heterogeneity factor in form of ranked
concepts based on their IoI
-based values. These val-
ues encode graph-based information; in particular, the
outdegree of a concept in proportion to the concept
with the highest outdegree in each of the source on-
tologies. In our example, the concepts Person of O
and article of O
have the most outgoing relations to
other concepts.
All these kinds of differences or heterogene-
ity cause mismatch between ontologies in their align-
ment. It would be a benefit for end-users to know
the risk level of mismatch (or mismatch-at-risk) MaR
before starting a time- and cost-intensive schema-
based alignment process: in real-world applications,
schemas/ontologies usually have both well defined
and obscure labels (terms), and contexts they oc-
cur, therefore, solutions from both problems would
be mutually beneficial” (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2004).
Therefore, we introduce a statistical method in this
second part of align++ which we call mismatch-risk
model. Using this method, a possible mismatch-at-
risk (MaR) between source ontologies, which results
from heterogeneity factors at the context and ontol-
ogy layer, can be approximated.
(Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2004) point out that se-
mantics is usually given in a structure and not at the
element level. The first input of our risk model ex-
ploits (local) model-based semantic and graph-based
syntactic meta-information from the structure level
of ontologies annotated on their concepts at the el-
ement level. This internal input results from the
semi-automated computations of the IwI
and IoI
Part A of our method (cf. Section 2.1). Accord-
ing to (Euzenat and Valtchev, 2004), to provide the
most complete basis for comparison, one may wish
to bring knowledge encoded in relation types to the
object level”. Therefore, align++ considers structure
level meta-information encoded at the element level
to approximate the MaR as an efficient benchmark.
Additionally, according to the process dimension de-
scribed by (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2004) the input is
interpreted by an external resource in the form of hu-
man input. Therefore, the input for the mismatch-risk
model is both internal and external.
The risk model needs external user input for
Figure 2: Two differently structured ontologies describing
the same domain of interest, visualized in Prot
manually identifying matching candidates from the
ranking lists of each source ontology. This strategy
of a manually conducted concept selection minimizes
the risk of information loss, resulting from possibly
poor quality produced by automated methods. For
instance, in Scenario 1 (Table 1a) a user can easily
detect the correspondence between the concepts Con-
tribution of O
and article of O
, whereas lexical
align++ - A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment
matching methods cannot accomplish this.
According to (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007) the
technique of manually determining the candidate
sample can be classified under repository of struc-
tures. One approach of this technique has been intro-
duced by (Rahm et al., 2004). This fragment-oriented
approach decomposes a large matching problem into
smaller sub-problems on schema fragments, based on
a divide-and-conquer strategy. Therefore, schema el-
ements become special schema fragments. Various
types of schema information will be exploited by this
approach, as well as background knowledge. The
purpose of this fragment-oriented approach for our
method is to determine an efficient candidate sample
for the mismatch-risk model as input.
It can be assumed that, while experienced ontol-
ogy engineers will expect a certain level of hetero-
geneity between ontologies, they have no means to
validate their expectations before they actually start
the alignment process, leading to uncertainty or the
risk of mismatch between source ontologies.
To address this, we adopt the value at risk (VaR)
metric, which is a widely used risk measure in finan-
cial mathematics (Franke et al., 2004), for Part B of
our align++ method. We analyze the variation of the
indicator-based values among the concepts of the can-
didate sample to approximate the mismatch-at-risk
(MaR) between the source ontologies. As the varia-
tion among these values increases, the probability for
MaR grows. Therefore, the risk factor in our method
is the margin of deviation among the indicator-based
values. This margin of deviation (the heterogeneity
risk) is similar to the volatility risk in financial mar-
kets. This heterogeneity risk can be denoted as a (con-
tinuous) random variable (X). A widely used risk
measure that provides a quantified estimate of uncer-
tainty is the standard deviation σ(X), defined as
σ(X) =
E[(X µ)
] (1)
More formally, let X be a random variable with
mean value E(X) = µ. The operator E denotes the ex-
pected value of X. The standard deviation (σ) is the
square root of the expected value of (X µ)
2000). In a further step we aggregate the measured
values to compute the median absolute deviation as
a robust estimator of variation. We call this median,
which is a reliable measure of uncertainty, the hetero-
geneity coefficient of the sample. On the basis of this
coefficient as a cumulated risk factor we can approxi-
mated the MaR.
In financial mathematics, the VaR risk metric sum-
marizes the distribution of possible losses by a quan-
tile, i.e., a point with a specified probability of higher
losses (Franke et al., 2004). To adopt this approach
we assume that our candidate sample underlies a nor-
mal distribution. Thus, we convert the random vari-
able X with its parameters µ and σ to a random vari-
able Z with expectation E(Z) = µ = 0 and σ = 1, us-
ing a transformation to standardize X (Meintrup and
affler, 2005):
Z =
X µ
The risk positions in the mismatch-risk model are
the IwI
-based values of the candidates (concepts) in
the sample determined by the user, or the IoI
concept values, respectively. The margin of deviation
or variation among these values are the realizations of
Z. The output of the mismatch-risk model is the ap-
proximated MaR between all (i.e., two or more) on-
tologies. This is a threshold value such that the prob-
ability that the variation gets “unfavorable” because it
exceeds this value, is the given value. The MaR be-
tween source ontologies can be calculated by quan-
tiles, similar to the value-at-risk metric in financial
statistics (Eller et al., 2002). The normalization (cf.
Equation 2) helps us to calculate these quantiles, since
it is easier to determine the scaling factor for a certain
confidence level (e.g, 95% or 99%) by the quantile of
the standard normal distributed random variable Z.
In our example, let us assume the user detects the
correspondences between the concepts Author/author
and Contribution/article and selects these concepts as
the candidate sample for the mismatch-risk model.
On the basis of this external user input we calculate a
heterogeneity coefficient as the median based on the
variation among the IwI
-based values of these candi-
dates. Table 3a presents this measure of uncertainty
for Scenario 1, where the modeling focus is equal for
both ontologies. The heterogeneity coefficient is 0.04,
which indicates a very low risk factor. In contrast,
the coefficient of Scenario 2 (cf. Table 3b), where the
modeling focus is different, indicates a high risk fac-
tor. On the basis of these heterogeneity coefficients
we calculate the MaR for both scenarios for a 95%-
confidence level. The 95%-quantile of a standard nor-
mal distributed random variable Z lies in a defined
range between 1.64 and 1.65. Therefore, the scaling
factor for the calculation of the MaR in both tables
is 1.64. The MaR for Scenario 1 (Table 3a) approxi-
mates a very low threshold value, while in Scenario 2
(Table 3b) the mismatch-at-risk is highest with 88%.
Thus, it would be a better choice for the user to align
the ontologies in Scenario 1 than in Scenario 2.
In analogy to the calculation of the mismatch-at-
risk based on the heterogeneity at the context layer
between these ontologies, the heterogeneity risk at the
ontology layer resulting from the variation of the IoI
based concept values can be computed.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 3: Calculation of Heterogeneity coefficients and Mismatch-at-risk levels for both scenarios.
(a) Calculations on the basis of the modeling context in Scenario 1.
IwI of concept Standard deviation of
-based values
Author 0.95 author 0.92 0.02
Contribution 0.92 article 0.83 0.06
Heterogeneity coefficient 0.04
MaR with 95% confidence level 7%
(b) Calculations on the basis of the modeling context in Scenario 2.
IwI of concept Standard deviation of
-based values
Author 0.13 author 0.92 0.56
Contribution 0.11 article 0.83 0.51
Heterogeneity coefficient 0.53
MaR with 95% confidence level 88%
We conducted an evaluation of align++ by a
questionnaire-survey which we mailed to 20 respon-
dents. 5 female and 13 male respondents completed
the questionnaires, which were anonymized for the
analysis process. 12 of these 18 participants were re-
searchers in Computer Science, while 4 respondents
were students in the fields of Computational Intelli-
gence, Software & Information Engineering, and In-
formation & Knowledge Management. Further, two
respondents were employees in leading positions at a
software house. 12 respondents declared themselves
to be well-versed in ontology engineering and align-
ment, while the others declared themselves as versed.
In the course of this survey the respon-
dents were asked to weight all logical statements
(owl:ObjectProperties with their domain and
range axioms) of the two example ontologies confOf
) and crsdr (O
). For this purpose a simple point-
and-click user interface was implemented. With the
aid of our assumed scenarios (cf. Section 2.2) we have
predefined the respective application (modeling) con-
text. In order for respondents to know how to weight
each axiom with an importance level a brief intro-
duction with examples was included with the survey
The very low variation among the IwI
-based val-
ues of concepts in Scenario 1 emphasizes our assump-
tions made in Section 2, whereas the very high varia-
tion of those values among the same concepts in Sce-
nario 2 reflects the heterogeneity and mismatch prob-
lems that were described in Section 1 of this paper.
A further result of the participants’ weighting pro-
cedures is that all of the 18 respondents have weighted
the axioms in a nearly equal manner due to the given
modeling focus, which can be seen from Table 4. In
Scenario 1 the concepts Author and Contribution of
as well as author and article of O
have nearly
equal IwI
-based mean values, represented in Ta-
ble 3a. If the predefined focus is on authors and their
papers (Scenario 1) the relations where these concepts
participate in the role of a domain class are weighted
Table 4: Importance Weighting Indicator (IwI
), calculated
from the 18 respondents’ property weightings.
Ontology O
Ontology O
Both Scenarios Scenario 1 Scenario 2
1 0.95 0.84 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.05
2 0.95 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.25 0.15
3 0.95 0.79 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.15
4 0.95 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.15
5 0.95 0.79 0.95 0.85 0.25 0.05
6 0.95 0.79 0.95 0.85 0.05 0.15
7 0.95 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.25 0.05
0.95 0.84 0.95 0.85 0.25 0.15
9 0.95 0.78 0.95 0.85 0.05 0.15
10 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.05 0.05
11 0.95 0.84 0.85 0.95 0.25 0.15
12 0.95 0.79 0.95 0.95 0.25 0.15
13 0.95 0.79 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.05
14 0.95 0.85 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.05
15 0.95 0.85 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.15
16 0.95 0.79 0.95 0.95 0.25 0.05
17 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.95 0.05 0.05
0.95 0.85 0.85 0.95 0.05 0.15
mean 0.92 0.83 0.95 0.92 0.13 0.11
highest, which results in calculated IwI
-based means
with values of 0.83 and 0.95. Otherwise, if the fo-
cus of O
was on events and organizations (Scenario
2) the binary relations in which the concepts Author,
Contribution participate are weighted lowest, which
results in IwI
-based mean values of 0.13 for Au-
thor and 0.11 for Contribution. From this it follows
that the standard deviation between the IwI
values of the concepts Author/author and Contribu-
tion/article is lowest with values of 0.02 and 0.05 in
Scenario 1 and highest in Scenario 2. Table 4 repre-
sents the equalities and differences of the weighting
annotations per respondent and points out that the ap-
plication context (modeling context) restricts a mod-
eler’s view (cf. Section 1 and Section 2).
After the weighting procedure the participants
were asked further questions. They were asked to an-
swer them on a 5-level Likert scale (strongly disagree,
disagree, undecided, agree, strongly agree). In the
align++ - A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment
following we present an overview on the ratings and
explanatory statements given by the 18 respondents.
89% strongly agree that the modeling focus of an
ontology and its entities depends on a certain per-
spective ontology engineers have in mind when con-
ceptualizing a domain of interest. They further state
that due to semantic relativism, as already known in
database engineering, models are always subjective,
which causes heterogeneity problems in the align-
ment of these models. 75% strongly agree, and 17%
agree that the meaning of ontology concepts and their
context-sensitive (purpose-specific) usage mainly de-
pends on this modeling focus. Additionally, they
agree that the common understanding of engineers
which bases on the application of the ontology is im-
portant. One of the participants mentions, “it is not
possible to model anything without the influence of
context-sensitive parameters”. Another respondent
states, “a concept can be very important in one re-
lation, and unimportant in another depending on the
modelers’ foci” (cf. Table 3). This feedback corre-
sponds with our assumptions as described before.
Answering the question whether there are other
components on which the meaning of concepts de-
pends the majority of the respondents reply with
“yes”. According to the participants these com-
ponents include “experiences, culture, stakeholders,
background of engineers, skills, environmental pa-
rameters, intended audience”. Therefore, we have
to state more precisely that with the expression “the
modeling focus mainly depends on a certain model-
ing context” we denote the application context (Ehrig
et al., 2004) of an ontology as mentioned in Section 2.
This is the context in which an ontology and its enti-
ties are modeled for a purpose-specific usage (e.g., a
certain business goal).
The participants were further asked whether they
agree that the logical statements among concepts are
an indicator for their context-sensitive usage. 91%
of the participants strongly agree with this assump-
tion. They explain that semantic relations or logi-
cal statements are a kind of formalized description
of the intended usage of the concepts. The rest
states that also the taxonomic structure, which is com-
monly used in ontology alignment should be consid-
ered, too. We assume in our approach that the local
context of concepts (i.e., their outgoing relations—
owl:ObjectProperties—to other concepts within
the ontology) is more important (cf. Section 2.1).
All respondents strongly agree that for instance,
the importance weighting degree for the relation
Author writes Contribution would be different
if the ontology engineers’ modeling focus was on the
authors rather than on the conference program. This
fact additionally points out that semantic as well as
semiotic heterogeneity can in fact be made visible by
our approach, as described in detail in Section 2.2.
In our approach, ontology modelers can choose
between five degrees of weighting labels: Highest,
High, Middle, Low, and Lowest Importance. We think
that users prefer to assign importance labels instead
of numerical values. 13 of the respondents state that
five degrees are enough, 4 consider three as sufficient,
and 1 respondent indicates that a finer-grained schema
would be better. We think that five degrees, including
a neutral level, are a reasonable compromise to con-
vey an importance weighting to the user. However,
since these five levels are mapped to the continuous
interval [0;1] the approach allows one to arbitrarily
increase or reduce the number of degrees.
All participants strongly agree that the concepts’
ranking lists, which base on the introduced indicators,
are efficient to give end-users a quick and context-
based overview about the core concepts of the source
ontologies. Further, they strongly agree that due to
the indicator-based concept values end-users are able
to easily detect possible differences in the applica-
tion context or modeling focus, respectively (cf. Sec-
tion 2.2). The majority of the respondents point out
that it may be useless to align ontologies with dif-
ferent perspectives on their entities. Finally, they
strongly agree that the IwI
- and IoI
-based concept
values are efficient indicators for possible heterogene-
ity risks between source ontologies in schema-based
ontology alignment.
Detailed surveys about techniques which also use
weights in their approach have been given by (Eu-
zenat and Shvaiko, 2007) and by (Ehrig, 2007). Some
of those techniques consider solely is-a relationships
among concepts, while others (e.g., statistical meth-
ods) exploit the instance data of ontologies. These
instances serve as representative samples to take
measurements on which comparisons between two
source ontologies can be established. In our approach
we advance a view, corresponding with (Janiesch,
2010), that the situational context at the instance level
is too detailed to allow a meaningful reuse; therefore,
we consider only schema level information.
The semantics of an is-a taxonomy is exploitable
by counting the paths within the hierarchy. The
weighting of such a taxonomy is mainly computed
by fixed values (e.g., 0.5, or 1) for each path length,
depending on the distance from the root. A consider-
ation of object properties themselves is not useful to
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
make meaningful statements.
In our approach we consider
owl:ObjectProperties with their domain and
range axioms to make use of their semantics. Au-
tomatic ranking methods (Wu et al., 2008) identify
the importance of concepts by counting the number
of relations of one concept to another in a first step,
while also taking into account the other concept’s
importance. However, a method that aims to consider
the concept importance in a certain application
context requires non-trivial knowledge about the
modeled domain. Thus, our method already starts
its weighting procedure (cf. Section 2.1) during the
ontology design and development process. In our
opinion nobody is better qualified to annotate ontolo-
gies with weighting factors than ontology engineers
themselves. Another benefit of the approach is that
the manually annotated weighting labels are specific
values for each logical statement, instead of fixed
values as in other methods.
Semantic-based techniques often build on in-
termediate formal ontologies to define a common
context or background knowledge in order to bridge
the gap caused by the lack of a common ground
for comparison. This common ground can often
be found in external resources and models (e.g.,
DOLCE, WordNet). These methods help in handling
the disambiguation of multiple possible meanings of
terms. In the align++ method such oracles are not
required. We involve the end-users as an external
resource to detect similar concepts on the basis of
the ranking lists output by Part A. These lists help
end-users to define efficient candidate samples for the
mismatch-risk model. The consideration of different
heterogeneity types between source ontologies as
possible risk factors, before starting an alignment,
is new also the approximation of a mismatch-at-risk
between ontologies in schema-based alignment.
The approach we provide is a heuristic-based method
to make heterogeneity visible for end-users before
starting time- and cost-intensive schema-based align-
ment methods. With our method the risk level of
a possible mismatch between ontologies can be ap-
proximated in the form of a mismatch-at-risk (MaR)
value. Therefore, if two or more ontologies are avail-
able for alignment the user can choose those two on-
tologies with a minimum MaR. Otherwise, if only
two ontologies of a certain domain are existing the
benefit for the user is to know about the mismatch
risk before aligning them. Additionally, our presented
method supports users in a better understanding of the
source ontologies by providing a quick and context-
based overview of these ontologies by ranking lists
of their concepts. Currently, we conduct a detailed
user evaluation of align++ Part B; for the future, we
aim to extend our approach by considering more el-
ements of the respective ontologies (e.g., taxonomy
relationships) in the calculation of the heterogeneity
Our special thanks go to Secure Business Austria Re-
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of the FAMOS-Project (Female Academy for Men-
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development