the complete set of features we obtained a satisfactory
result with a value of F
= 0.86. The precision value
of P = 0.88 determines the ability to embrace the pro-
posed solution in real-world scenarios. The addition
of anchortext features is able to improve both P and R
passing from an overall F
of 0.72 to 0.86. This latter
observation deserves particular attention since justi-
fies the definition of the proposed novel ML model.
Moreover experimental results show that the use
of the f
and f
visual features enable a further
improvement of the recognition performance, in par-
ticular the Recall value that goes from 0.81 to 0.84.
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be used in conjunction with LA to achieve automatic
recognition of the main entity from pages with a given
topic and well-known web-usability-driven structure.
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proposed dataset and highlight the advantage of com-
bining the two sources of information, text blocks
with their visual formatting styles and incoming an-
chor texts. Future works include the experimentation
on other website domains and the extension of the
current set general purpose features with additional
domain specific features.
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