Exploring Document Structures, Metadata, and Context for the Generation
of User-specific Documents
Christine M¨uller
Computer Science Dept., Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
BSgroup Technology Innovation AG, Z¨urich, Switzerland
User-specific adaptation, Mathematics, Contexts, Narrative documents, Content planning.
The paper proposes a framework that explores document structures, metadata, and context to adapt mathe-
matical documents on three layers - the content, structure, and presentation layer. On the presentation layer
mathematical expressions are rendered according to a user context (defining, e.g., the users’ preferred conven-
tion, language or discipline). On the content layer, appropriate paragraphs of texts are selected that best suit
the users’ individual information need as well as narrative and semantic context. On the structure layer, these
content parts are arranged appropriately, while taking semantic and narrative interdependencies between parts
into account. Technically, the framework models documents as dependency graphs, where nodes correspond
to any addressable part of a document and edges denote narrative and semantic dependencies. To allow for the
adaptation on all three document layers, these dependency graphs are enriched with presentational, content,
and structure variants. Finally, the enriched graphs are processed to generate a user-specific document. Users
can guide this adaptation process by prioritising their individual constraints, narrative or semantic context.
Information technologies have transformed our
present era into an information age, in which individ-
uals can freely transfer information and have instant
access to data that was formerly difficult or impos-
sible to access. Today, users are surrounded by an
ever increasing number ofdocuments, such as product
descriptions or advertisements. Using modern web
technologies users can create and exchange such doc-
uments but seem to lack time to enhance these doc-
uments if they are missing details, to filter redundan-
cies and irrelevant content from these documents or
to rewrite documents in new contexts.
Why can computers not relieve us from these bur-
dens? For example, consider user manuals. Be-
sides that hardly any user is willing to read a 1000-
page long document, users also have different tech-
nical skills. Some need more illustrations and oth-
ers less explanations and details. Alternatively, think
of a product description. Wouldn’t it be convenient
if we could automatically generate advertisements by
simply defining a context, e.g., in terms of price and
quality constraints? This work aims at providing such
kind of services by adapting documents to a user con-
text. User context is a commonly known term that
defines a set of context parameters like specific pref-
erences, needs, skills, environmental constraints, etc.
The author claims that adaptation can take place
on any document layer. On the content layer we can
substitute document parts, e.g., to adapt a document
to different backgrounds. On the structure layer we
can rearrange document parts, e.g., to adapt docu-
ments to different learning styles. One user might pre-
fer to see illustrations first, while another might like
to study abstract concepts and generalizations before
that. On the presentation layer we can change the ap-
pearance of documents without changing content and
structure. The presentation of documents is relatively
solved. For example, standards like CSS help us to
specify the layout of web documents in separation to
content and structure. This work thus focuses on con-
tent planning services, which are adaptation services
on the content and structure layer of documents.
The most important prerequisite for adaptation
services is a representation of documents, which
makes the three document layers comprehensible to
a computer system. Such machine-processable repre-
sentations are developed in the scope of the seman-
tic web, which postulates annotations (or metadata)
Müller C..
ADAPTATION OF MATHEMATICAL DOCUMENTS - Exploring Document Structures, Metadata, and Context for the Generation of User-specific
DOI: 10.5220/0003065601430148
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 143-148
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to classify and describe resources. Document for-
mats that embed annotations are called markup lan-
guages. This work can be applied to any document
that is representable in an XML-based markup lan-
. The richer the markup language, the better
the adaptation results. However, one also needs effec-
tive adaptation algorithms, which are one major con-
tribution of this work.
We can distinguish two paradigms to author docu-
ments. The document-centered approach (or nar-
rative approach) creates documents that are well
suited to be read by humans but which are also very
hard to adapt. They include multiple cross-references
and narrative transitions that improve the coherence
of the text: all parts are neatly connected and the
narrative flow of the text guides the reader through
the writing. However, though transitions and cross-
references improve the coherence of documents they
also hamper us to reuse parts. This is particularly crit-
ical for the content planning during which documents
have to be modularised in order to substitute parts and
to arrange them according to user preferences.
The topic-oriented paradigm is based on princi-
ples of reuse and modularization and was originally
developed to manage technical writings like manu-
als, product descriptions or software documentations.
Topic-oriented documents consists of self-contained
units and can be easily modularised. Their adaptation
has been well-researched in, e.g., the eLearning do-
. However, topic-oriented documents omit nar-
rative transitions and thus lack coherence.
Neither topic-oriented nor document-centered
paradigm lead to an adaptation infrastructure, which
supports modularization and coherence. To address
this challenge, this work proposes to bridge the two
paradigms: It starts with one way and applies the
topic-oriented principles of reuse and modularization
to the narrative world.
To illustrate and evaluate the proposed adaptation
services, mathematical documents are used. The un-
derstanding of mathematical documents helps us to
better model documents from other domains. The au-
thor thus expects that her findings can be applied to
other domains and a wide range of documents.
Nevertheless, having selected mathematical docu-
ments requires us to take another aspect into account:
the adaptation of mathematical notations, a service on
the presentation layer of documents.
(M¨uller, 2010) analyzes a list of document markup lan-
guages, such as DITA and DOCBOOK. Here we use the
mathematical document format OMDOC (Kohlhase, 2006).
(M¨uller, 2010) analyzes respective adaptation systems.
Mathematics is a mixture of natural language text,
symbols, and formulae. Symbols and formulae can
be presented with different notations, which underlie
cultural conventions and individual preferences. For
example, the notations for the binomial coefficient
vary in different language: C
is used in French/Rus-
sian and
in German/English. Alternatively, i is
used in mathematics to denote the imaginary unit,
while j is used in physics to avoid confusion with
the notation I for electronic current. When planning
content and structure of documents, notations have to
be adapted as well. In particular when applying con-
tent planning to multi-authored document collections,
adaptation of notations becomes a central issues and
helps to avoid notational inconsistencies.
To adapt notations we need a machine-processable
representation of mathematical expressions and their
notations. Fortunately, we can build on two widely-
used standards OPENMATH (Buswell et al., 2004)
and MATHML (Ausbrooks et al., 2008). They pro-
vide a markup of the functional structure of mathe-
matical expressions (called content markup) and a
markup of the two-dimensional layout of notations
(called presentation markup).
<OMS cd="combinat"
<OMV name="n"/>
<OMV name="k"/>
<mo fence="true">(</mo>
<mfrac linethickness="0">
<mo fence="true">)</mo>
Figure 1: Content/Presentation Markup for Binomial Coeff.
Figure 1 illustrates the respective markups for the
binomial coefficient. The content markup to the left
specifies the meaning of the expression. The pre-
sentation markup to the right the layout of the Ger-
man notation, which can be interpreted by most web
browsers to display
But how do we get from content markup to pre-
sentation markup? There has been a long tradition in
mathematical knowledge management to support this
transformation. For example, we can hard-code the
transformation process, which has widely been done
Alternatively, we can encode the notation practice of
mathematiciansand use it to guide the transformation.
This work builds on the specification of notation def-
initions as proposed by (Kohlhase et al., 2008). No-
tation definitions can be seen as a declarative specifi-
(M¨uller, 2010) analyzes such transformation workflows
in proof assistants.
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
cation of rules that bridge the translation from con-
tent markup to presentation markup. The author’s
contribution is an extension of the initial rendering
workflow that allows us to deal with different con-
texts to, e.g., select appropriate notations for specific
languages or disciplines. Dealing with such contexts
is the focus of this section, details on how notation
definitions work are omitted (Kohlhase et al., 2008).
<om:OMA><om:OMS cd="combinat1" name="binomial" />
<expr name="arg1"/><expr name="arg2"/></om:OMA>
<rendering ic="language:German">
<m:mrow><m:mo>(</m:mo><m:mfrac linethickness="0">
<render name="arg1"/><render name="arg2"/>
<rendering ic="language:French">
<render name="arg1"/>
<render name="arg2"/></m:msubsup>
Figure 2: XML-Encoding of Transformation rules.
Notation definitions consist of prototypes (pat-
terns that are matched against the content markup
of expressions) and renderings (that are used to
construct corresponding presentation markup). Fig-
ure 2 presents a notation definition, which prototype
matches with the content markup for the binomial co-
efficient. It includes two renderings. The first one
generates the German notation
and the second the
the French notation C
To support a context-aware selection between
these two renderings, the author proposes a context
model with two components: an extensional context
and an intensional context specification. The exten-
sional context consists of references to documents,
notation definitions, and rendering elements, which
are resolved to collect notation definitions from var-
ious documents. The intensional context is used to
guide the adaptation intensionally by providing a set
of context parameters. These are matched against the
metadata of renderings to prioritize these renderings.
In our example, an intensional context is encoded as
attribute. It defines that the content markup should
be transformed into a German notation, thus, the first
rendering element is selected.
The rendering workflow for the adaptation of
mathematical documents has ve core components.
The renderer receives a document (doc), a document
database (db), an extensional context (ec
), and an
intensional context (ic
). The contexts encode how
the user wants to guide the rendering workflow, the
database includes all documents referenced by the
user, the document includes content markup for all
expressions. For each content expression (expr) in the
document, the renderer first calls the notation collec-
tor to resolve the extensional context references (ec
The notation collector returns the list of notation def-
initions (ntn
) that the users wants to consider dur-
ing the adaptation. The renderer then calls the context
collector to resolve the intensional context parame-
ters (ic
) that describe how the expression should be
rendered. The context collector returns the effective
intensional context (ic) for the expression. Finally,
the pattern matcher is called to select an appropriate
rendering (rnd). It first matches the content markup
with the collected notation definitions (ntn
) and then
passes the rendering elements (rnd
) from these nota-
tion definitions to the rendering grabber. The render-
ing grabber uses the intensional context options (ic)
to rank the renderings. The first one (rnd) is used
to generate the presentation markup for the content
expression (expr). The renderer returns a document
), in which each content markup expression is
replaced with a user-preferred presentation markup.
The context-sensitive extension of the initial ren-
dering algorithm has been implemented as central
part of the JOMDOC library, the reference imple-
mentation of the OMDOC format (JOMDoc, 2010).
Having specified and implemented the initial frame-
work, several services can now be provided. Par-
tially these have been implemented by other research
projects. For example, the explanation of a formula’s
structure is supported by the JOBAD project that of-
fers flexible elision and folding of sub-terms (Giceva
et al., 2009). The change of notations on-the-fly while
reading a document is demonstrated by the document
panta rhei
(M¨uller, 2010).
Several issues remain for the future. One of them
is a thorough evaluation whether (and when) adap-
tation of notations is beneficial. After all authors
spend much time and consideration to select appro-
priate notations. Moreover,when adapting documents
with notations we also need to plan its content, which
brings us back to the initial intention of this work.
The following section extends the notation framework
for the content planning of documents. We will see
that we can reuse the specification of extensional and
intensional contexts as well as the core adaptation
ADAPTATION OF MATHEMATICAL DOCUMENTS - Exploring Document Structures, Metadata, and Context for the
Generation of User-specific Documents
The previous section introduced the notation service,
a service on the presentation layer of mathematical
documents. This section focuses on two content plan-
ning services: The substitution replaces content with
alternative, user-specific content (a service on the
content layer) and the reordering rearranges content
(a service on the structure layer). Both services re-
quire the adaptability of structure and content layer.
This is supported by enriching content with alterna-
tive/variant content, by separating reusable from non-
reusable content, and by enriching structure with nar-
rative variations.
3.1 Variation on the Content Layer
This work defines two document parts as variants if
they are interchangeable though different in specific
properties. Some relations between document parts
like translates’ or ‘formalizes’ indicate variant re-
lations: They express an equivalence and a difference
between two parts. Other relations like ‘more difficult
than’ solely express a difference. Document parts re-
lated in such a relations can become variants if they
are essentially equal in certain properties, e.g., if they
share the same goal. For example, two proofs are goal
equivalent if they prove the same theorem.
Again to process variants, we need to make them
understandable to a computer system. For a machine-
processable representation of variants we can draw on
approaches such as conditional markup in DITA or
the markup of formal variants in OPENMATH. Un-
fortunately, neither approach is general and extensi-
ble enough for our purposes. Thus, two new markups
are proposed: A grouping of document parts into a
environment and the annotation of variant
<proof xml:id="p1" for="#lemma1"
<proof xml:id="p2" for="#lemma1"
Figure 3: XML-Encoding for Variant Groupings.
Figure 3 illustrates the grouping of three
elements as variants. The
element supports the
transclusion of the third proof from another part of
the document. The
attribute is used to encode the
difference of the three text paragraphs: They have dif-
ferent levels of difficulty.
Figure 4 presents the annotation of variant rela-
tions between the three proofs. We use the new meta-
data syntax for OMDOC (Lange and Kohlhase, 2009),
<proof xml:id="p1" for="#lemma1"
xmlns:cc="" >
<link rel="
cc:more difficult than
" href="#p2"/>
</metadata> ...
<proof xml:id="p2" for="#lemma1">...</proof>
Figure 4: XML-Encoding of Variant Relation Markup.
which uses RDFA to mark properties and relations.
The namespace declaration introduces the prefix
which points to a content dictionary. In OPEN-
MATH, such content dictionaries are used to define
the meaning of mathematical symbols. Here they are
used as background ontology for context metadata
and variant relations.
3.2 Variation on the Structure Layer
In addition to variants on the content layer, the pro-
posed content planning of mathematical documents
requires an adaptability on the structure layer. Hav-
ing selected mathematical documents turned out to
be very beneficial: (1) Mathematical documents are
very explicit about relations. (2) Markup formats
like OMDOC already thoroughly mark the seman-
tic context of documents. Based on this, mathemati-
cal documents can be easily modularized into depen-
dency graphs, where nodes correspond to address-
able document parts and edges denote their dependen-
cies (which are inferred from relations like proves’ or
If we solely consider semantic aspects, the topic-
oriented approach is very natural for mathematical
documents. Respective adaptation routines have been
well elaborated. Nevertheless, mathematical formats
solely focus on semantic aspects and do not yet con-
sider the narrative flow of texts. For example, para-
graph C in Figure 5 has to be placed before E as indi-
cated by the transitional text ‘see Pascal’s triangle be-
low’. Such transitions improve the coherence of doc-
uments but also reduce the reusability of their parts
in the adaptation. But we need a variation on content
and structure layer to support content planning!
E Pascal’s triangle is a geometric arrangement
of the binomial coefficient in a triangle.
Row number n contains the numbers
for k = 0, ..., n.
C The notation
was introduced by An-
dreas von Ettingshausen in 1826, although
the numbers were already known centuries
before that (see Pascal’s triangle below).
Figure 5: Content of Paragraph E and C.
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
To address this problem, this work proposes an
extension of markup languages with a markup for
narrative variations. In a first step, authors have
to mark all transitional words and phrases to allow
machines to separate them from the reusable parts of
documents. In a second step, authors have to mark
narrative dependencies between their document parts
and associate these with the transition texts. Finally,
authors can enrich their documents with alternative
narrative dependencies and transition texts.
With this extension, we can now distinguish se-
mantic dependencies (which are inferred from se-
mantic relations as defined by formats like OM-
DOC) and narrative dependencies (which are added
to support narrative variations). In the terminology
of the content planning, these dependencies are re-
ferred to as transitions. They are traversed in or-
der to arrange document parts. Again to process
transitions they have to be represented in a machine-
processable form (M¨uller, 2010). With the machine-
processable representations of transition texts, such
texts no longer reduce the reusability of document
parts but can be flexibly hidden or displayed. The
narrative context of documents, which is formed
by coherent transitions between document parts, has
been dynamized while preserving the coherence of
the adaptation results.
3.3 Modularising Narrative Documents
Most adaptation approaches focus on topic-oriented
documents. If we want to apply these approaches
to narrative documents, we first need to modularize
them into self-contained, independent units. The new
markup for transition texts allows machine to distin-
guish narrative from reusable content and to extract
self-contained units. However, even if we could sim-
ply decompose narrative documents into topics, a co-
herent assembly into narrative documents is no longer
possible as topics omit transitional words and phrases.
Consequently, we need a new adaptation model.
This work proposes to modularize narrative doc-
uments into information units (called infoms) for
which all transition texts are preserved and narrative
and semantic dependencies are marked. These are
modelled as dependency graphs and processed dur-
ing the content planning. To increase the variation on
the content layer, variant infoms and variant relations
are identified. To increase the variation on the struc-
ture layer, alternative transitional texts and narrative
dependencies are marked.
This work is novel in that it distinguishes the se-
mantic context of document parts, the narrative con-
text of the document, and the user context. Users can
prioritize semantic, narrative or their individual con-
straints to guide the substitution and reordering – the
two content planning services addressed by this work.
In the following, both workflows are introduced.
3.4 The Substitution Service
The substitution is implemented as two-stage process.
In the first stage, the document is abstracted, i.e., cer-
tain parts are made adaptable. In particular, these
parts are replaced with holes. The term ‘hole’ is used
to denote a representation of document parts without
substance, which has to be substituted with a con-
crete, user-specific document part. Thus, holes are the
content planning correspondent for content markup in
the rendering algorithm.
In the second stage, the abstract document (d2c)
is converted into a user-specific, concrete document
) by substituting each hole with an appropriate
document part according to the user’s extensional and
intensional context specification (ec
and ic
One contribution of this work is the finding that
there is a strong correlation between the render-
ing workflow for notations and the content planning
methods. Consequently, the substitution algorithm is
specified as generalization of the rendering algorithm:
The notation collector is replaced by the general in-
fom collector and the rendering grabber is substituted
with a variant sorter. Instead of iterating the subrou-
tines for each mathematical expression, the substitu-
tion is performed on each hole (2). The infom col-
lector returns a set of infoms (var
) rather than no-
tation definitions. These infoms and the effective in-
tensional context (ic) are passed to the variant sorter.
The variant sorter ranks these infoms according to
how well their metadata matches with the user’s con-
text parameters (ic) and eventually returns the most
appropriate infom (var), which replaces (or lls) the
hole. The substitution returns a concrete document
) in which each hole has been substituted with
user-specific content.
The substitution workflow has been implemented
as abstract document module of the JOMDOC library.
panta rhei
system has integrated JOMDOC to
demonstrate the generation of exams: Teaching assis-
tants can simply point to collections of exercises and
specify the context of the new exam (e.g., in terms of
language and difficulty level) and initiate the system
to generate an exam. An application to a big exer-
cise corpus is currently addressed in the TNTBASE
project (Zholudev and Kohlhase, 2010).
ADAPTATION OF MATHEMATICAL DOCUMENTS - Exploring Document Structures, Metadata, and Context for the
Generation of User-specific Documents
3.5 The Reordering Service
The reordering service preserves the grouping of in-
foms in coarse-grained document parts like chapters,
section, subsections, etc. It solely permutes the con-
stituents of these parts.
The reordering service allows users to choose be-
tween three ordering strategies. The context order-
ing orders the infoms according to how well their
metadata matches with the user context. It reuse the
functionality of the variant sorter of the substitution
algorithm and only provides a primitive solution that
should be used as fallback. Semantic and narrative
ordering process the dependency graph, where nodes
correspond to the collected constituents of sortable
document parts and edges denote their dependencies.
The semantic ordering arranges infoms according to
semantic transitions. The narrative ordering consid-
ers narrative transitions between infoms.
The reordering algorithm has been implemented
in the adaptor library (Adaptor, 2010), which was in-
tegrated in the
panta rhei
system to demonstrate the
ordering of the lecture notes of a theoretical computer
science course. So far the workflow has only been
applied to a small corpus, an application to a bigger
document collection remains for future research.
The proposed workflows have been implemented and
tested in several libraries (JOMDoc, 2010; Adaptor,
2010) and systems (Zholudev and Kohlhase, 2010;
Giceva et al., 2009). One of these systems is
, a collaborative document reader and discussion
platform that has been used as supplement to a the-
oretical computer science lecture at Jacobs Univer-
sity. The system integrates the Java library JOMDOC
to support the adaptation of mathematical notations
as well as the substitution of document parts and the
adaptor library for the reordering.
This work has addressed the adaptation of narra-
tive documents, by applying the topic-oriented prin-
ciples of modularization and reuse to the narrative
world. Narrative documents are modelled as depen-
dency graphs, which are enriched by narrative varia-
tions and content variants. The novelty of this work is
the distinction of narrative context, semantic context,
and user context.
Mathematics is used as test tube, which required
us to specify the rendering of notations. A general-
ized/extended form of the notation framework now
supports the adaptation on all document layers. It em-
powers users to guide any step of the adaptation:(1)
Which document parts should be adapted/remain un-
changed, (2) the collection of adaptation objects (no-
tation definitions, infoms, context parameters), and
(3) the user-specific selection of the most appropriate
object to be applied.
Future research will focus on the thorough evalua-
tion of whether (and when) adaptation is beneficial as
well as on the improvements of the adaptation meth-
ods, libraries, and systems.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing