From the Fibonacci Model to a Wildfire Model
Pau Fonseca i Casas, Màxim Colls and Josep Casanovas
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona 1, 3, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Keywords: SDL, Simulation, Formalisms, Cellular automata.
Abstract: In this paper we explore how we can use Specification and Description Language (SDL) to represent
environmental models. Since the main concern in this kind of models is the representation of the
geographical information data, we analyze how we can represent this information in the SDL diagrams. We
base our approach using two examples, a representation of the Fibonacci function using a cellular
automaton, and the representation of a wildfire model. To achieve this we propose the use of a language
extension to Specification and Description Language. This allows the simplification of the representation of
cellular automatons. Thanks this we can define the behavior of environmental models in a graphical way
allowing its complete and unambiguous description. SDL is a modern object oriented formalism that allows
the definition of distributed systems. It has focused on the modeling of reactive, state/event driven systems,
and has been standardized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in the Z.100.
From the different phases of a simulation model
construction, the formalization phase, sometimes is
missed. This phase is needed in order to understand
the model before any implementation. The
specification helps in the implementation process
and in the communication between the different
personnel involved in the model construction. Also
can be considered a product itself (Brade, 2000).
Different formalisms exist in order to represent a
simulation model, like Petri Nets or DEVS among
others. Some tools have been built in order to allows
help the model implementation from the
specification (De Lara, et al., 2002), (Praehofer, et
al., 1993) and some allows the distribute execution
of the models like CD++ (Wainer, et al., 2003).
We select Specification and Description Language
in order to represent our simulation, an ISO
language than allow representing the models
graphically. SDL (Doldi, 2003),
(Telecommunication standardization sector of ITU,
1999) is the acronym of Specification and
Description Language. SDL is an object-oriented,
formal language defined by the International
Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU–T) (formerly Comité
Consultatif International Télégraphique et
Téléphonique [CCITT]) as Recommendation Z.100
(Telecommunication standardization sector of ITU,
1999). The language is designed to specify complex,
event-driven, real-time, interactive applications
involving many concurrent activities using discrete
signals to enable communication.
SDL is a powerful and modern language widely
used in different areas, not only in simulation area. It
has been standardized by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) in the Z.100, and
can be used easily in combination with UML.
The definition of the model is based on different
Structure: system, blocks, processes and
processes hierarchy.
Behavior: defined through the different
Data: based on Abstract Data Types (ADT).
Communication: signals, with the parameters
and channels that the signals use to travel.
Fonseca i Casas P., Colls M. and Casanovas J..
Model to a Wildfire Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0003066203430346
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 343-346
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Inheritances: to describe the relationships
between, and specialization of, the model
The language has 4 levels (i) System, (ii) Blocks,
(iii) Processes and (iv) Procedures (Figure 1).
Figure 1: SDL levels (IEC)
To know more about SDL the recommendation
Z.100 (Telecommunication standardization sector of
ITU, 1999) can be consulted, also a lot of
information can be reviewed in the www.sdl- website.
In our domain the signals are equivalent to the
events that rule the modification of the states of the
different elements, for that in this paper the use of
event or signal is equivalent.
1.1 Cellular Automata
Cellular automatons must be defined in SDL
because simplify the interaction of simulation
models and GIS data (Benenson, et al., 2004). The
cellular automaton we are using is an extension of
the common cellular automaton named m:n-CA
. Its
definition can be found on (Fonseca i Casas, et al.,
2005). Cellular automata are discrete dynamical
systems whose behavior is completely specified in
terms of a local relation (Emmeche, 1998).
One-dimensional cellular automata are based in a
row of "cells" and a set of "rules". A two-
dimensional cellular automata uses rectangular grids
of cells. Each one of the different cells can be in one
of different "states" (the number of possible states
depends on the automata). Thinking states as
numbers, in a two-state automata, each cell can be
only in 1 or 2 state. Cells represent automata space;
time advances in discrete steps following “the
rules”, the laws of “automata universe”, usually
expressed in a small look-up table. At each step
every cell computes its new state in function of its
closer neighbors. Thus, system's laws are local and
To implement our models we can use different
existing tools that understand SDL language, like
Cinderella (CINDERELLA SOFTWARE, 2007) or
Telelogic (IBM, 2009) of IBM. We develop our tool
in order to improve the existing solutions adding
some new capabilities:
Allow to work with the delaying signals (as we
can see below).
Allow to work with cellular automata.
Allow to work with intelligent agents.
Allow a distributed simulation of the models.
For these reasons we decide to implement our tool
named SDLPS (Fonseca i Casas, 2008).
2.1 Proposed SDL Extensions
In SDLPS all the signals can carry the parameter
defined in the structure represented in the Figure 2.
Figure 2: Structure related to the SDLPS signals.
ExecutionTime, of event structure, allows defining
the time when the signal (carrying the event) must
reach its destination. Other elements are: (ii)
Priority, the priority of the event, used to break a
possible simultaneity of events. (iii) CreationTime,
representing the time when the event is created. (iv)
Id, an identifier of the event. (v) Time, the clock of
the process. (vi) Destination, the final destination
(process PId) of the signal. Not all the parameters of
event structure must be defined, only those needed
to fully define the behavior of the model.
Figure 3: Defining the executionTime, and other
parameters, of the signal using the SDL time extensions.
Regarding the implementation for the cellular
automaton remark that all the cells have the same
behavior. This implies that is not needed to represent
all the cells, but only one cell. Also is needed to
represent the relation that have with the
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
neighborhood (that of course is specific of the
cellular automata), and the relation with the other
layers. That means define the combination, vicinity
and nucleus functions (Fonseca i Casas, et al.,
In SDL language we can use types to define blocs
that have the same behavior (as is usual in any OO
language).In order to represent the communication
between the different cells, are needed to represent
all the communication channels between the cells.
This implies the need of represent at least a set of
cells that belongs to the vicinity (and the nucleus) of
a cell. Also if we want a complete description of the
cellular automaton (if we want an automatic
generation of code), we need to represent all the
cells of the cellular automaton.
To simplify the representation (avoiding the
representation of all the cellular automaton cells) we
decide to add a new kind of agent to SDL language,
the mnca. This agent have the same behavior as the
agent block, with a particularity, mnca agent is
defining the entire cellular automaton, but only is
needed to represent one cell. This implies that is
needed to use a declarations section that defines the
structure of the cellular automata (mainly the
dimension of the cellular automata, and the size of
each one of these dimensions). Also the OUTPUT
SDL elements can carry a parameter to define what
is the cell that receives the signal (Fonseca i Casas,
et al., 2010). We can define an array of cells (the
cells that can receive the signal). Also we can use
ALL_CELLS, to send the signal to all the cells of
the mnca agent.
As a first example we represent cellular automata
that calculate the well known Fibonacci function.
First is needed to define the different elements that
compose our simulation model.
This first level of the SDL diagrams, in this case,
only contains a single block, representing the
cellular automata that implements the Fibonacci
function. Always this first level of the model helps
to understand the different elements that must be
combined inside the model and the interaction of the
model with the environment (users, computers, etc).
Next, we must define the structure of this m:n-CA
cellular automata. First the number of cells (the
dimensions), using the DCL (declaration block). On
this block, the mnca_DIM variable defines the
number of dimensions of the cellular automata, and
mnca_D1 to mnca_Dn defines the size of each one
Figure 4: m:n-CAk cell representation. Here we can see
the relation between the different layers.
of these dimensions. In that case we have a matrix
(10x10) as is represented in Figure 4.
Evolution function is defined in the ProcessLayer, to
see its representation (Fonseca i Casas, et al., 2010)
can be consulted.
As a second example we show the first diagrams of
a wildfire model. In that case we are following
behave model to represent the fire spread (Andrews,
et al., 1989). Is interesting to remark that since in
this model we need different layers we must define
them on the DCL block on the block mnca (Figure
Figure 5: m:n-CAk cell representation for wildfire model.
Inside this we can find the definition of the behavior
of the model. For space reasons we only show the
states diagram that define the transition on each one
of the cellular automaton cells (Figure 6). Also, on
Figure 7 we show the aspect of the SEND signal that
represents the propagation of the fire to other cells of
the cellular automaton.
Figure 6: states diagram for a cell.
Figure 7: propagation of the wildfire.
This paper shows how we can model environmental
systems using Specification and Description
Language. To do this the main concern is how
model the behavior of cellular automata graphically
using SDL, and how to manage time.
Two examples are quoted, a representation of a
Fibonacci function over a cellular automaton, and
the fire spread following the Behave model.
Two proposed extensions to SDL are shown, one to
manage time on the SDL signals and other to
simplify the representation of the cellular automaton
The future work is focused in the verification of the
implemented structures on SDLPS and the use of
this system on some ongoing real projects involving
industrial models or environmental models.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development